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Andre LaMothe

Crash Course Arduino and Microcontroller Development is designed to transform the complex world of embedded engineering into an accessible and enjoyable experience for students and hobbyists alike. This unique course covers a wide range of topics from the ground up, requiring no impossible prerequisites. With over 128 lectures and 111+ hours of video content, my aim was to create a comprehensive guide that takes you from a novice to a confident master in embedded engineering, microcontrollers, and Arduino.

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Crash Course Arduino and Microcontroller Development is designed to transform the complex world of embedded engineering into an accessible and enjoyable experience for students and hobbyists alike. This unique course covers a wide range of topics from the ground up, requiring no impossible prerequisites. With over 128 lectures and 111+ hours of video content, my aim was to create a comprehensive guide that takes you from a novice to a confident master in embedded engineering, microcontrollers, and Arduino.

We will explore everything from basic electronics and microprocessor architecture to the intricacies of the Arduino platform, ARM, and programming. You'll learn essential C/C++ programming skills to write your own code, optimize it, and understand advanced concepts like interrupts, data structures, multitasking, and object-oriented programming. Using simulators, compilers, IDEs, CAD, schematic entry programs, and various electrical test equipment, we will uncover the mysteries of communication protocols and signals, allowing you to see and understand the underlying processes.

Our journey will be hands-on and practical, with each lecture combining theory, calculations, and real-world examples. We'll build simulations, construct physical hardware, test, and run our creations. This is not a scripted course but a genuine, one-on-one learning experience where I share my 40+ years of expertise in electronics and coding. Expect to have fun, learn deeply, and maybe even blow a few things up along the way.

Additionally, this course includes my college textbook, "Design Your Own Video Game Console" (aka "The Black Art of Video Game Console Design"), free of charge in PDF format. This 800+ page book will serve as a valuable reference throughout the course.

Join me in this exciting adventure into the world of embedded engineering and unlock your potential to create anything you can imagine.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Learn about microcontrollers, microprocessors and their internal architecture including how instructions are executed, alus, buses, mmus, dma and more.
  • Master embedded engineering theory and pratice from blinking an led to building complex systems with sensors, actuators and displays.
  • Learn the arduino platform's hardware, software and apis as a working platform to bridge the gap to more complex systems like arm later in the course.
  • Understand c/c++ from the ground up and how to write effective firmware for embedded systems and memory/compute constrained systems.
  • Learn how processors run at the bare metal level including inline and external assembly language programming and interfacing with c/c++.
  • Conquer advanced computer science subjects such as optimization theory, data structures, recursion, interrupts, and big o analysis.
  • Explore multitasking on microcontrollers by developing an interrupt based-round-robin kernal as well as using freertos.
  • Become expert in numerous tools such as compilers, arduino ide, tinkercad, easyeda, replit, vscode, codelite, wokwi, fritzing, mplabx, stm32cubeide, and more.
  • Learn electronics fundamentals like ohm's and kirchhoff's laws, circuit analysis, how passive components work, transistors, and fets.
  • Understand the basics of analog and digital systems and building both combinational and sequential logic circuits with ttl/cmos ics.
  • Overcome programmable logic and the fundamentals of cplds, pals, gals, and fpgas along with a primer on hardware description languages and cupl.
  • Understand various memories types such as flash, ram, sram, eeprom and their different applications.
  • Conquer power management and sleep modes and how to shut peripherals down in your embedded designs, wake from interrupts, and manage power effectively.
  • Understand how to read datasheets, do research, dig into apis and documentation like the pros.
  • Discover simulation software to test your ideas and build systems virtually before committing to physical hardware.
  • Learn how to build embedded projects on the bench with solderless breadboards, point to point wiring and tactics to make these builds work at high speed.
  • Understand how to use test equipment properly such as digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, and power supplies.
  • Build numerous bench projects including a complete arduino based game console running a 3d wire-frame game, equipped with rgb lcd, game pad, sound and more!
  • Master one of the fastest growing and highest paid engineering fields in the world.
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This lecture covers how microprocessors work internally. We cover classic 8-bit processors like the 6502, learn how an ALU works, Von Neumann vs. Harvard Architecture. We learn what machine and assembly language are as well as covers microcontrollers which are complete computers on a single IC, or otherwise known as systems on a chip or SOCs. Lastly, we learn what a "datasheet".

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This lecture covers lower level processor design and how exactly machine "instructions" are implemented at the machine code level. We review RTL or "Register Transfer Logic" as a shorthand used to describe these operations as well as learn that a processor is nothing more than a conmplex state machine with gates and enables directing the flow of data. We deconstruct single machine or assembly language instructions to really understand how a processor performs computation. Finally, we continue learning about the elements or blocks of typical processors/microcontrollers and finish off with some simulation and seeing how C/C++ is converted to assembly language with an online tool.

In this lecture we take a look at the Arduino Technology platform, the hardware, software, API, IDE. See some physical development boards as well as review some other processors from history on the bench as well as a surpise guest embedded system featuring "Baby Yoda"!

In this section we are going to explore all the elements of the Arduino platform including the IDE, coding in C/C++ and uploading. Along with building some hardware on the bench and simulation.

In this lecture, we introduce the Arduino hardware, the IDE, how to find information on the Arduino site. We talk about C/C++ a bit and how source code is compiled into machine code and the entire process of how the compiler and tool chain works from end to end.

In this lecture, we learn about filters, transfer functions (how a network changes an input signal at its output), gain, and work through a number of problems filter problems.

In this section, we discuss how the course is outlined, and we install a number of software packages including the C++ compiler and IDE we use in the course for research.

This short lecture talks about how Crash Courses work and what to expect. I will cover the breadth of the course and outline my goals for you as a student and what I hope you learn. Finally, we will take a look at this document, the parts list, and discuss the different ways to take the course.

In this lecture, we are going to talk about all the software and applications we use in the course, as well as online tools and simulators. We’ll install EasyEDA and the Arduino IDE tool, and make a short list of online tools you should get accounts on. This lecture is up here in front, so we don’t have to slow our momentum with a big tool install in the middle of the course. Also, in the future, I will add installation lectures and videos to this section if students need them.

In this lecture, we are going to install the CodeLite IDE and C/C++ compiler. If you like, you can skip this until you need it, but I suggest you just get it over with :) Also, make sure to download the latest README file for the compiler installation. You can find it in the resources link/tab for this lecture.

In this section, we learn what a microprocessor is, how it differs from a microcontroller, and we will discuss the internal architecture of a processor and the functional blocks.

This lecture introduces the course and we start discussing classic microprocessors and basic computer architecture.

In this lecture, we use real Arduino UNO hardware, the IDE and some C++ code to blink LEDs, and make changes in real-time, so you can see how things fit together. This is the quintessential “Hello World”, but in hardware rather than software!

In this lecture, we take a look at two of the most popular online simulators for Arduino and how they work. We will take our simple blinking LED program and port it to these simulators, see how to work with these tools and the pro's and con's between them. This is important since it allows rapid prototyping of your Arduino and other embedded platforms as well as for those that do NOT have physical hardware.

In this lecture, we write a very crude "Arduino Simulator" online in C++ on the replit.com platform (which you should have a free account on at this point). The simulator runs our blink LED program on virtual hardare and uses "print" statements to turn on/off the LEDs. This is a great lecture to understand how more advanced tools are written and used.

In this lecture, we do the electrical design for a classic "Simon" memory game using the Arduino as the hardware platform.

In this lecture, we build the physical hardware by adding in all the LEDS, buttons, power management, and rest of our previous hardware design.

In this lecture, we write the foundation of the firmware for our Simon game. We add button presses, LED output, buzzer and tone generation.

In this lecture, we explore crude "debugging" via the serial terminal and test it out on our Simon hardware platform.

In this lecture, we port the Simon hardware and firmware to the TinkerCAD simulation platform to show how you can completely simulate a hardware/firmware design (within reason) with online simulators.

In this section we get hands on with the tools commonly used to build electronics. Additionally, we learn about electronic test equipment such as multimeters, oscilloscopes, and logic analyzers.

In this lecture, we review a number of basic hand tools for working with electronics and small parts.

In this lecture, we take a look at electronic test equipment such as multimeters, oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, signal generators, power supplies and more.

In this lecture, we learn how to use the oscilloscope as well as the logic analyzer to investigate the Arduino firmware uploading/downloading protocol and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each tool.

In this section we cover basic electronic theory; AC, DC, Ohm's Law. We cover resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors, gates, ICs, and more. Also, work with various circuit simulator tools.

In this lecture, we cover the fundamentals of charge, electric and magnetic fields as they relate to current and voltage.

In this lecture, we delve into the single most important law in electronics, Ohm's Law. We learn how to analyze simple series and parallel DC circuits, as well as different approaches to the process.

In this lecture, we continue our electronics basic with some more circuit analysis techniques, we learn about "power", as well as fire up the PCB tool we will be using for simulation called EasyEDA.

In this lecture, we are going to delve into more advanced circuit analysis tools such as Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, work some problems, build some hardware and then move onto simulation to check out our results.

In this lecture, we learn more about capacitors, their construction, modeling equations, and how they charge and discharge. We build and simulate our findings.

In this lecture, we learn about inductors, how they work, and the laws that govern them. Finally, we take a look at engergizing and de-energizing them and compute current and voltage.

In this lecture, we delve into the black art of "reactance", "impedance" and AC circuit analysis techniques that will be helpful to understand how to analyze simple AC circuits.

In this lecture, we take the theory learned about filters and apply it to a bench build and simulation of the tone generator.

In this lecture, we learn about diodes (used for rectification and steering currents), their theory, and run some simulations.

In this lecture, we learn about transformers and how to design a simple half wave rectifying power supply. Additionally, we cover some tips on how to read data sheets.

In this lecture, we cover the bipolar transistor and its operation, theory, and run some experiments with it using a motor and Arduino.

In this lecture, we learn about MOSFETs and how to use them primarily as switches to switch large currents. Then we redesign our previous motor control circuit based on a BJT transistor and upgrade it to use a mosfet.

In this lecture, we delve into the digital realm and learn about Boolean logic, gates, truth tables, base 2 math, and finish with an introduction to popular logic families like TTL, CMOS and LVTTL.

In this lecture, we learn more about the signaling in TTL and CMOS, how to interface to them, how to mix them, and about sinking and driving current. We finish up with looking at various packaging options for prototyping and how to work with this devices.

In this lecture, we build a TTL gate tester on the bench and compare results with simulation as well as see a couple problems that are common when building circuits and how to handle them.

In this lecture, we use the Arduino as a platform to build a universal logic simulator. We write firmware, build hardware, and re-create our previous virtual simulation in real hardware.

In this lecture, we learn about programmable memories such as ROM, PROM, EEPROM, FLASH, and more. Then we take a look at programmable logic such as PALs, GALs, CPLDs, and FPGAs. We finish off with actually desiging an IC and programming it in CUPL (a hardware programming language), downloading, and testing our creation!

In this section we're going to cover C/C++ from the ground up with emphasis on C++ features (C is a subset of C++). C/C++ are the most popular languages that microcontrollers are programmed with.

In this lecture, we begin our study of C++ formally. We begin with the fundamentals of the language, its roots, history, and why its so popular in embedded development.

In this lecture, we go on a tour de force of how a compiler works. All of the questions you ever had about, ”how exactly does a line of code get compiled and ran on a piece of target hardware”, are answered here in gory detail. Additionally, we take a look at an array of tools that we will use to code with from desktop compilers to online tools and emulators.

In this lecture, we start writing some simple code to print to the screen and see how the process changes from tool to tool as well as how coding on the Arduino is different from desktop C++ coding. Additionally, we learn about workspaces, projects, and compiler setup details that are very important.

In this lecture, we begin writing code in C/C++ in three different environments; CodeLite, the Arduino IDE, and Replit.com online. Additionally, we take a deeper look out how the classic entry function in C/C++ main() implements the Arduino functions setup() and loop(), which is a point of confusion for everyone learning Arduino C/C++ programming differences.

In this lecture, we take a look at how C/C++ gets converted into a final executable and how we can dissassemble that file and see the assembly language generated for your programs. Additionally, we setup our programming environments for our C++ development online, on the desktop and on the Arduino.

In this lecture, we start working with C++, learning about main(), the syntax of C/C++, and how to print to the console with printf(), as well as a deep dive into the infamous problems with carriage return and linefeed on terminals and consoles.

In this lecture, we start coding with a gentle introduction to variables, built in types, some naming conventions, and revisit the printf() function since we will be using it a lot to print results out.

In this lecture, we continue our work with C++, learn more about data types, sizes of data, math operations and precedence, and a painless introduction to loops and the pre-processor.

In this lecture, we take a short detour and review binary, hex and octal number systems.

In this lecture, we take a closer look at the C/C++ pre-preprocessor and how to use it to create constants, macros and conditional compilation. Additionally, we talk about coding style and review some time tested conventions that many programmers use to write understandable code.

In this lecture, we review more math operators including bitwise logic operations and the shift operators. We also, delve into using the debugger to see our code execute and step thru it.

In this lecture, we cover a few more math operators then we take a look conditional statements and how to write "if" statements with boolean expressions, finally we cover type casting.

In this lecture, we take a look at how to write code that repeats using "while," and "for" loops. We also look at some of the new syntax available in C++ 11 and newer versions to help simplify loop iteration.

In this lecture, we take a look at a more efficient way to compute a n-way conditional using the "switch" statement, next we dig deeper into arrays and their memory layout. Finally, we talk a bit about the "string" class.

In this lecture, we take a closer look at some NULL terminated strings, as well as arrays, functions and the String object in the Arduino API.

In this lecture, we take a look at some of the time keeping API functions for fun and then we work more on loops, and repeatitive processing. Additionally, we break out EasyCAD, design a circuit, copy it into TinkerCAD, and then build it all on the bench as well as compile and upload the code from the Arduino API. A lot to cover!

In this lecture, we lay the foundation to display characters on the serial terminal, learn about VT100 emulation, and a little bit of hardware demo with a poor man's "game pad".

In this lecture, we start our discussion of "data structures" and their theoretical basis as well as how to implement them in C++.

In this lecture, we cover one of the most feared subjects in Computer Science; the pointer! And in fact, you will see that pointers (and their C++ brothers "references") are quite easy to understand and you will wonder what all the drama has been about.

In this lecture, we delve into object oriented programming (OOP), learn the basics and how to create classes in C++, what properties and methods are, and the syntax of it all.

In this lecture, we continue our discussion of classes and look into class methods, static data, constructors, destructors, copy constructors and much more.

In this lecture, we go deeper into C++ objects and learn more about constructors, destructors, shallow and deep copying as well as operator overloading and function overloading.

In this lecture, we take a look at some built in objects that are parts of the standard libraries of C++ and the Arduino variant. These include the "string" objects as well as a brief look at SD card support on the Arduino.

In this lecture, we learn about memory management on microcontrollers and the various memory regions, types, and keywords used in firmware to assert more control of the precious SRAM resources on microcontrollers.

In this lecture, we finish up our discussion of memory management with exploring in depth how the heap, and stack works. How to allocate dynamic memory in C and C++ and the various issues you need to be aware of when using dynamic memory allocation, especially on microcontrollers with limited RAM resources.

In this lecture, we see how to work with external source and header files in both the desktop C/C++ compiler as well as the quirky Arduino IDE. Additionally, I sneak in discussions of basic "recursion" and how to make code call itself, call itself, call itself… Get ready for your brain to explode!

In this section, we’re going to explore the Arduino platform as a general representative of a typical microcontroller platform, dig into the block architecture and peripherals.

In this lecture, we take a detailed look at the inside of the ATMega328P processor used in the Arduino Uno. Learn how the block of the processor fit together, how to find information in the datasheet, and how the GPIO blocks as well as others work at the low level.

In this lecture, we review some basics about switches and terminology and then take a look at some hardware like membrane keypads, 7-segment displays and drivers, and rotary encoders. We prepare for a hardware build later down the line.

In this lecture, we build the hardware we have been discussing and see how to use the membrane keypad as well as how rotary encoders work and quadrature encoding schemes.

In this lecture, we work on switch debouncing using our rotary switch as the device under test. We look at both hardware switch debouncing as well as software solutions and implement both as well as take a look in real-time with the oscope at mechanical debouncing problems.

In this lecture, we write code and build up a test fixture to experiment with the analog capabilities of the Arduino and read POTs (potentiometers) and analog thumb sticks. We take this tech and then integrate it into a graphical VT100 demo that moves a cursor around the PC screen via serial terminal.

In this lecture, we take the code we wrote previously with "C" style functional programming, and convert it to a more object oriented, class based approach. A good example of how to do this as well, as well, as you can decide for yourself if it makes the code easier to understand and use.

In this lecture, we learn how to interface to neopixels, and in general how the protocol works for these serial RGB LEDs. Additionally, we write a software "bit-bang" driver, so you can see exactly how these drivers would be written bare metal without use of an API.

In this section we dive more into microcontrollers and their peripherals such as timers, clocking, power systems, UARTs, SPI, and I2C. Also, we cover interrupts, polling, multitasking and assembly.

In this lecture, we explore the mysteries of assembly language, the AVR328 instruction set, and it's programming model. Then we begin our journey by trying some C++ mixed with "inline" assembly language out to perform simple math operations, interact with global variables, and try it all out on our hardware as well as simulation.

In this lecture, we jump into how everything connects and unravel how inline assembly works, how to read and write memory, access processor registers, interface to the IO ports and their memory mapping issues. Next we'll see how to port snippets of C/C++ code line by line to assembly language with some simple examples of loops, and conditionals. Additionally, we see how to interface to C/C++ and access variables created by C/C++.

In this lecture, we review how the hardware UART works in the AVR ATMega 328P processor. This is a great generic example of how to analyze any peripheral on any processor, and what the steps are. Then when we understand it, we write assembly language firmware to talk directly to the UART and transmit characters in both real hardware and simulation. This lecture is fundamental to embedded engineering and developing drivers for peripherals.

In this lecture, we continue our coverage of assembly language with learning how to include external assembly language files. This allows us to use the full power of the assembler as well as the syntax and features supported by the assembler, making for much cleaner coding. Additionally, we see how to interface to external assembly and access external variables as well how C/C++ needs to access the symbols and functions in the external files.

In this lecture, we continue learning about assembly language basics and focus on how to interface to external assembly files, how to call functions, how to return values across the C/C++ stack and registers. We see how to perform math operations in assembly in 8/16 bit and how to return the results. Additionally, we use tools like disassemblers to "see" what's going on and what our C/C++ programs along with ASM like as binaries.

In this lecture, we finish off our tour of assembly language (for the most part) by taking a look at some advanced topics like accessing tables in ASM, various addressing modes that are available in assembly programming, and other advanced topics that you might find interesting. Remember, 99% of the time in embedded development you will write code in C/C++, but that 1% of the time, only assembly will do, especially with resource limited processors or very time critical code, so assembly programming is a great skill to have as an embedded engineer.

In this lecture, we learn about low level programming of microcontrollers. And how the Arduino's 328P processor can be programmed with an external ICP/ISP programmer. Additionally, we cover code security and "fuse" bits which allow low level control of some of the processor's features.

In this lecture, we continue learning about low level programming of the Arduino and build a programmer out of an Arduino to program another Arduino! Then we experiment with the fuse bits, and clock out bits, to see that we can modify them programmatically, then we finish off by using a pro tool from Microchip to upload code directly to the ATMega328P via the ISP port.

In this lecture, we cover clocking concepts and how microcontrollers are clocked internally, externally, as well as coverage of PLLs (phase locked loops), the difference between crystals and oscillators, and much more. Additionally, we experiment with the clock settings on the ATMega 328P via the fuse bits. Finally, we talk about the watch dog timer and finish with an experiment on the bench.

In this lecture, we take a look at interrupts, what they are, why they are needed, and how they work. We contrast this will polling techniques as well and discuss pros and cons.

In this lecture, we re-write our polling code and implement it with the INT0 and INT1 interrupts in C++. We see how these interrupts can be triggered externally by pin change events such as rising or falling edges.

In this lecture, we dig into the timer/counters on the ATMega328P, but the concepts are generic and applicable to any processor. We learn about the common modes of operation, how timers interact with pins, the external world, and how complex signals can be generated with very little hardware.

In this lecture, we take what we learned in the previous lecture and implement a number of timer modes for waveform generation using interrupts. All at the register level without use of any API calls.

In this lecture, we use one the Arduino 3rd party APIs to setup and control the interrupts on the processor. Then we take a look at interrupt generated signals vs timer generated signals and how hardware is vastly better than software at generating signals.

In this lecture, we take a look at a less robust interrupt called the pin change interrupt. It doesn't have the features of INT0/1 interrupt, but still is very useful.

In this lecture, we finish off the pin change interrupts and their setup and application with a fun exploration of PIR "passive infrared" sensors and how to set them up to detect motion and then use their signals to cause an interrupt on the processor.

In this lecture, we take a look at the watchdog timer which is a hardware feature of most processors that allows the processor to reset itself if the code become non-responsive.

In this lecture, we learn about the power saving and sleep modes of the ATMega328P processor. All modern microcontrollers and microprocessors have various power savings modes that shut down clocks, and non-essential block. You will see how we can reduce the current over 14,000 times!

In this lecture, we continue our coverage of sleep modes, and power measurements. We measure the current consumed by the processor in various sleep modes, as well as add in the WDT (watch dog timer) to add a wake on interrupt, to show how to write programs that work, sleep, wake, and repeat. Finally, we take our PIR sensor and use it to wake the processor, showing the ideal way to save power until an external event occurs that needs attention.

In this lecture, we discuss Direct Memory Access (DMA), what it is, how it works, and why you need to use it in modern processor applications.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores industry-standard C/C++ embedded engineering
Taught by Andre LaMothe, who has 40+ years of experience in electronics and coding
Develops advanced microprocessor and microcontroller concepts which are sought-after industry skills
Beginners can start from zero experience
Uses simulation software to allow for fast prototyping
Offers a free textbook, which can be an additional reference material

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Arduino notes and resources compilation
Creating a compilation of all your course materials will make them easy to find and review.
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  • Organize your notes, assignments, and course readings
  • Create a system for naming and storing your files
  • Back up your files regularly
  • Review your compilation periodically
The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill
Reading this classic book will enhance your understanding of electronics fundamentals.
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  • Purchase or borrow a copy of the book
  • Set aside time each week to read a section of the book
  • Take notes and highlight important concepts
  • Discuss the book with other students or mentors
  • Apply the knowledge you gain to your own electronics projects
Arduino syntax coding drills
These exercises will familiarize you with the general syntax and structure of the C++ embedded code.
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  • Create an online account on Repl.it
  • Start a new C++ repl and walk through the example code provided in the lecture
  • Compile and run the code
  • Modify the example code using your own variables and functions
  • Debug and adjust your code to fix any issues
Five other activities
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Arduino user group meeting
Attending user group meetings will provide you with opportunities to connect with other Arduino enthusiasts and learn from their experiences.
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  • Find a local Arduino user group
  • Attend a meeting
  • Introduce yourself and share your interests
  • Participate in discussions
  • Network with other members
DIY Simon Game
This project will give you hands-on experience with physical computing and interfacing hardware with C++ code.
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  • Gather the necessary components for the project
  • Design the hardware circuit using EasyEDA (or similar software)
  • Build the hardware circuit on a breadboard
  • Write the C++ code for the microcontroller
  • Upload the code to the microcontroller
Arduino pointers and references tutorials
Pointers and references can be challenging concepts to grasp. Completing these tutorials will aid in your understanding of these topics.
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  • Find high-quality online tutorials or courses on pointers and references
  • Go through the tutorials and make notes
  • Practice coding drills to reinforce your understanding
  • Discuss pointers and references with peers or mentors
Arduino-based traffic light control system
This project involves designing and implementing a traffic light control system using an Arduino microcontroller. It will test your skills in embedded systems programming.
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  • Design the hardware circuit
  • Build the hardware circuit
  • Write the C++ code for the microcontroller
  • Upload the code to the microcontroller
  • Test the traffic light system
Arduino library contribution
Make a contribution to an open-source Arduino library to demonstrate your skills and give back to the community.
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  • Identify an open-source Arduino library that you can contribute to
  • Review the library's documentation and code
  • Identify an issue or feature that you can work on
  • Create a pull request with your changes
  • Work with the library maintainers to get your changes merged

Career center

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