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Google Career Certificates

Google サイバーセキュリティ プロフェッショナル認定証の 8 つめ、最後のコースです。 8 つのコースをすべて受講することで、初級サイバーセキュリティの職に必要なスキルを身につけることができます。

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Google サイバーセキュリティ プロフェッショナル認定証の 8 つめ、最後のコースです。 8 つのコースをすべて受講することで、初級サイバーセキュリティの職に必要なスキルを身につけることができます。


サイバーセキュリティの分野で働いている現職の Google 社員が最適なツールやリソースを使って一般的なサイバーセキュリティの業務を遂行する実践的な方法を指導します。また就職活動への準備も手助けします。


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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Prepares learners for careers in cybersecurity, which is a field with favorable job growth predictions
Taught by Google cybersecurity experts, who are highly regarded in the field
Provides learners with opportunities to practice cybersecurity tasks with real-world tools and resources
Covers a broad range of cybersecurity topics, including incident response, communication, ethics, and job preparation
Provides learners with guidance on how to find and apply for cybersecurity jobs
Assumes no prior experience in cybersecurity, making it accessible to beginners

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in 8. 実践編:サイバーセキュリティ関連の職に就く準備 with these activities:
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  • オンラインフォーラムやディスカッションボードで質問を投稿する
  • 他の学習者の回答を読み、コメントする
  • 異なる視点やアイデアを考慮する
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  • セキュリティ監視、ログ分析、脆弱性スキャンに関するツールを調査する
  • ツールのインストール、設定、使用方法に関するチュートリアルを完了する
  • 実際のサイバーセキュリティのシナリオでツールを実践する
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  • サイバーセキュリティチームのさまざまな役割を演じる
  • 実世界のサイバーセキュリティインシデントをシミュレートする
  • インシデント対応計画を策定し、実行する
Three other activities
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  • サイバーセキュリティフォーラム、ブログ、ソーシャルメディアグループを調査する
  • 業界の専門家や thought leader をフォローする
  • 貴重なリソースやインサイトをリストにまとめる
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  • LinkedIn やその他のプラットフォームでサイバーセキュリティの専門家を特定する
  • 連絡を取り、指導を受けたいことを伝える
  • 定期的に連絡を取り、アドバイスやガイダンスを求める
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  • 関連するワークショップやカンファレンスを調査する
  • 興味のあるセッションや講演者を選ぶ
  • イベントに参加し、積極的に参加する

Career center

Learners who complete 8. 実践編:サイバーセキュリティ関連の職に就く準備 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Cybersecurity Analyst
As a Cybersecurity Analyst, you would play a critical role in protecting an organization's data and networks from cyber threats. This course would provide you with a solid foundation in cybersecurity principles, incident handling, and communication skills, all of which are essential for success in this role. You will learn how to identify and respond to security incidents effectively, work with stakeholders to understand and address their needs, and build a strong understanding of the ethical implications of cybersecurity.
Incident Responder
An Incident Responder is responsible for managing and responding to cybersecurity incidents. The course would provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify, investigate, and remediate security incidents. You will learn how to gather evidence, perform root cause analysis, and develop and implement incident response plans.
Security Engineer
As a Security Engineer, you would design, implement, and maintain security systems and technologies. This course would help you build a strong foundation in security principles and technologies, and provide you with the skills to configure and manage security devices and applications effectively. You will learn how to assess vulnerabilities, design security architectures, and implement security measures to protect networks and data.
Security Consultant
Security Consultants provide advice and guidance to organizations on cybersecurity risks and best practices. This course would provide you with a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity principles and regulations, and equip you with the skills to assess vulnerabilities, identify risks, and develop and implement security solutions. You will also learn how to communicate security risks to stakeholders and provide guidance on how to improve security posture.
Penetration Tester
Penetration testers help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their systems and networks by simulating cyberattacks. This course would provide you with the skills and knowledge to conduct penetration tests, identify vulnerabilities, and report findings. You will learn how to use various tools and techniques to assess the security of systems and networks, and develop recommendations for improving security.
Security Architect
Security Architects are responsible for designing and implementing security solutions for organizations. This course would provide you with a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity principles, technologies, and best practices. You will learn how to analyze security risks, design security architectures, and implement security measures to protect networks and data. The course also covers the ethical implications of cybersecurity, which is essential for success in this role.
Cloud Security Engineer
Cloud Security Engineers are responsible for the security of cloud-based applications and infrastructure. This course would provide you with the knowledge and skills to secure cloud environments, including how to configure cloud security settings, implement security controls, and respond to security incidents. You will also learn about the shared responsibility model for cloud security, and how to work with cloud providers to ensure the security of cloud assets.
Information Security Analyst
Information Security Analysts monitor and analyze security events and data to identify threats and vulnerabilities. This course would provide you with the skills to collect and analyze security data, identify threats, and develop and implement security measures. You will learn how to use security tools and technologies to monitor and analyze security events, and how to interpret and report security findings.
Security Operations Center Analyst
Security Operations Center (SOC) Analysts are responsible for monitoring and responding to security incidents in real-time. This course would provide you with the skills to monitor security systems, identify and respond to security incidents, and escalate incidents to the appropriate teams. You will learn how to use security tools and technologies to monitor security events, and how to develop and implement incident response plans.
Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst
Cyber Threat Intelligence Analysts collect and analyze information about cyber threats to identify trends and patterns. This course would provide you with the skills to collect and analyze threat intelligence, identify and assess threats, and develop and implement threat intelligence programs. You will learn how to use threat intelligence tools and technologies to gather and analyze threat data, and how to develop and implement threat intelligence reports.
Digital Forensics Analyst
Digital Forensics Analysts investigate cybercrimes and collect and analyze digital evidence. This course would provide you with the skills to collect and analyze digital evidence, identify and preserve evidence, and report findings. You will learn how to use digital forensics tools and techniques to investigate cybercrimes, and how to prepare and present evidence in court.
Malware Analyst
Malware Analysts analyze malicious software to identify its behavior and develop detection and prevention strategies. This course would provide you with the skills to analyze malware, identify and understand its behavior, and develop and implement malware detection and prevention measures. You will learn how to use malware analysis tools and techniques to analyze malware, and how to develop and implement malware detection and prevention strategies.
Vulnerability Manager
Vulnerability Managers are responsible for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in software and systems. This course would provide you with the skills to identify and assess vulnerabilities, develop and implement vulnerability management programs, and report findings. You will learn how to use vulnerability management tools and technologies to identify and assess vulnerabilities, and how to develop and implement vulnerability management plans.
Risk Analyst
Risk Analysts assess and manage risks to organizations, including cybersecurity risks. This course would provide you with the skills to identify and assess risks, develop and implement risk management plans, and report findings. You will learn how to use risk management tools and techniques to identify and assess risks, and how to develop and implement risk management plans.
Cybersecurity Compliance Manager
Cybersecurity Compliance Managers are responsible for ensuring that organizations comply with cybersecurity regulations and standards. This course would provide you with the skills to understand cybersecurity regulations and standards, conduct compliance audits, and develop and implement compliance programs. You will learn how to use compliance management tools and techniques to conduct compliance audits, and how to develop and implement compliance programs.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 8. 実践編:サイバーセキュリティ関連の職に就く準備.
This textbook comprehensive overview of cybersecurity, covering the fundamentals to more advanced topics. It's a great resource for anyone new to cybersecurity or anyone looking to brush up on the basics.
Classic in the field of cybersecurity and a great read for anyone interested in learning more about hacking and penetration testing.
Covers the human element of security, and great read for anyone interested in learning more about social engineering and other non-technical attacks.
Classic in the field of cybersecurity and a must-read for anyone interested in the history of hacking and the early days of the internet.
Is an autobiography by Kevin Mitnick, one of the most famous hackers in the world.
Tells the story of Edward Snowden and his leaks of classified information about the NSA's surveillance programs.


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