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8. 学びの総仕上げとしての最終課題:ケーススタディ

Google Career Certificates

Google データアナリティクスプロフェッショナル認定プログラムの 8 つめのコースです。オプションでケーススタディを行い、データ分析に関連する職に就くための就職活動に備えます。ケーススタディは、候補者の分析能力を評価するために雇用主がよく活用するものです。ケーススタディでは、分析に基づくシナリオを選択します。そして、シナリオから得たデータをもとに、問いかけ、準備、処理、分析、共有、行動をしていただきます。その他にも、面接でよく聞かれる質問や回答、オンラインでポートフォリオを作成する際に役立つ資料などを動画で紹介し、就職活動で役立つスキルを身につけます。現職の Google データ アナリストが、最適なツールやリソースを使って、一般的なアナリスト業務を遂行する実践的な方法を指導します。

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Google データアナリティクスプロフェッショナル認定プログラムの 8 つめのコースです。オプションでケーススタディを行い、データ分析に関連する職に就くための就職活動に備えます。ケーススタディは、候補者の分析能力を評価するために雇用主がよく活用するものです。ケーススタディでは、分析に基づくシナリオを選択します。そして、シナリオから得たデータをもとに、問いかけ、準備、処理、分析、共有、行動をしていただきます。その他にも、面接でよく聞かれる質問や回答、オンラインでポートフォリオを作成する際に役立つ資料などを動画で紹介し、就職活動で役立つスキルを身につけます。現職の Google データ アナリストが、最適なツールやリソースを使って、一般的なアナリスト業務を遂行する実践的な方法を指導します。

この認定プログラムを修了すると、エントリーレベルのデータ アナリスト職に応募できるようになります。過去の業務経験は不要です。


- 就職活動におけるケーススタディとポートフォリオのメリットと活用方法を学ぶ。

- 実際の面接のシナリオと一般的な面接での質問について学ぶ。

- ケーススタディがどう面接プロセスの一部となり得るかを知る。

- 様々なケーススタディのシナリオを検討し、考察する。

- 自分のポートフォリオ用にケーススタディを完成させる。

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このパートでは、ケーススタディを完成させるための 2 種類のトラックについて概要を学びます。プログラム内で提供されているケーススタディからデータセットを使用するか、一般公開データセットを検索して、個人的に興味のある分野のケーススタディを作成して進めましょう。さらに、完成したケーススタディを公開するプラットフォームについてもご紹介します。
Google データ アナリティクス プロフェッショナル認定証は、名誉ある資格であり、これまでの学びを真に証明するものです。このパートでは、認定証バッジの申請方法と LinkedIn のプロフィールに表示する方法を学びます。また認定証の所有者として申請できる Big Interview のプラットフォームや、Byteboard の Web サイトへのアクセスなど、就職活動に関連する情報もご紹介します。

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Career center

Learners who complete 8. 学びの総仕上げとしての最終課題:ケーススタディ will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
Data Analysts play a vital role in modern organizations, leveraging data to uncover insights, identify trends, and solve complex business problems. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in data analysis principles and techniques, including data collection, cleaning, analysis, and visualization. The course's emphasis on hands-on projects and case studies prepares learners to apply their skills to real-world data analysis scenarios, making it an excellent stepping stone for individuals seeking to enter or advance their careers as Data Analysts.
Market Research Analyst
Market Research Analysts conduct research to understand consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive dynamics. This course equips learners with the analytical skills and techniques necessary to gather, interpret, and present data, enabling them to provide valuable insights to organizations. The course's emphasis on case studies and portfolio development helps learners build a strong foundation for success in this field.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts bridge the gap between business and technology, translating business requirements into technical solutions. This course provides a solid foundation in data analysis, problem-solving, and communication skills, equipping learners with the abilities needed to excel in this role. The hands-on projects and case studies allow learners to apply their skills to real-world business scenarios, making it an ideal course for aspiring Business Analysts.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists are in high demand as organizations seek to harness the power of data. This course provides a strong foundation in data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling, preparing learners for careers in this field. While it does not cover all the advanced techniques required for Data Scientists, it provides a solid starting point for individuals who want to explore this career path and build a foundation for further learning.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts assist businesses and investors in making informed decisions by analyzing financial data and market trends. This course provides a strong foundation in data analysis, financial modeling, and valuation techniques. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Financial Analysts, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts apply analytical techniques and data analysis to optimize business processes and improve efficiency. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, modeling, and optimization techniques. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Operations Research Analysts, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Risk Analyst
Risk Analysts identify, assess, and mitigate risks in various industries, including finance, insurance, and healthcare. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, risk assessment, and modeling techniques. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Risk Analysts, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Actuaries use mathematical and statistical techniques to assess and manage risk in various industries, particularly insurance and finance. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, probability, and statistical modeling. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Actuaries, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Statisticians collect, analyze, interpret, and present data to provide insights and solve problems. This course provides a strong foundation in data analysis, statistical modeling, and research methods. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Statisticians, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers design, build, and maintain data pipelines and infrastructure that support data analysis and machine learning applications. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, data management, and cloud computing technologies. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Data Engineers, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software systems. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, programming, and software engineering principles. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Software Engineers, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Quantitative Analyst
Quantitative Analysts use mathematical and statistical models to analyze financial data and make investment decisions. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, financial modeling, and machine learning techniques. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Quantitative Analysts, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Data Visualization Specialist
Data Visualization Specialists design and create visual representations of data to communicate insights and trends. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, data visualization techniques, and design principles. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Data Visualization Specialists, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Data Journalist
Data Journalists use data analysis and visualization techniques to tell stories and communicate insights through various media platforms. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, data visualization, and storytelling techniques. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Data Journalists, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.
Management Consultant
Management Consultants help organizations solve complex business problems and improve performance. This course provides a foundation in data analysis, problem-solving, and communication skills. While it does not cover all the specialized knowledge required for Management Consultants, it provides a good starting point for individuals who want to explore this field and build a foundation for further learning.

Reading list

We've selected one books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 8. 学びの総仕上げとしての最終課題:ケーススタディ.


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