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Publish Your Book On Kindle

Cathy Presland and Michelle Campbell-Scott

"One of the best courses I've ever seen. This is by far one of the best courses that I have ever taken. The content is very thorough, the pacing is just right and the quality is excellent. I highly recommend this course if you are looking to publish your book in the Kindle store." "Best course ever. Cathy can explain everything related to creating, publishing and promoting ebooks MUCH better than everyone I've seen. She covers all angles in this course. Take it, you'll love it, and will learn SO much." "This course goes insanely in depth on how to figure out the correct approach to every aspect of creating and launching your ebook. Can you write a book and upload it with some free online tutorial and without the need for this course? Sure. But with others taking this course, your book doesn't stand a chance at outselling them." We could go on – but these are all real student reviews and you can read them yourself on this page. Our job right now is to explain what you're going to get inside this course and to help you move one step closer to getting your book finished. In this course, you will learn how to publish your eBook on Amazon Kindle. But why would you want to publish your book on Kindle? You might not realise it, but having a book is one of THE best ways to boost your credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Just think about how YOU feel when someone tells you that they are a published author. Maybe even a bestselling author.

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"One of the best courses I've ever seen. This is by far one of the best courses that I have ever taken. The content is very thorough, the pacing is just right and the quality is excellent. I highly recommend this course if you are looking to publish your book in the Kindle store." "Best course ever. Cathy can explain everything related to creating, publishing and promoting ebooks MUCH better than everyone I've seen. She covers all angles in this course. Take it, you'll love it, and will learn SO much." "This course goes insanely in depth on how to figure out the correct approach to every aspect of creating and launching your ebook. Can you write a book and upload it with some free online tutorial and without the need for this course? Sure. But with others taking this course, your book doesn't stand a chance at outselling them." We could go on – but these are all real student reviews and you can read them yourself on this page. Our job right now is to explain what you're going to get inside this course and to help you move one step closer to getting your book finished. In this course, you will learn how to publish your eBook on Amazon Kindle. But why would you want to publish your book on Kindle? You might not realise it, but having a book is one of THE best ways to boost your credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Just think about how YOU feel when someone tells you that they are a published author. Maybe even a bestselling author.

Publishing on Kindle is quick and easy (if you follow the detailed steps in this course) and you can create a paperback version of book right from within the Kindle dashboard. This is important, because not everyone has joined the eReading trend. Some people prefer paperbacks. We'll help you find those people, as well as Kindle lovers.

Publishing a book is one of the best ways we have found of getting known. It's a powerful way of making new connections and bringing people back to your website. We talk in the course about good practice in asking those people to sign-up for your email list. And all at zero cost – no advertising, no need for complex SEO – your book is targeted at people who are already looking for your information. And the great thing is that they are BUYERS They have already bought your book and anyone in business knows that the value of a client or customer who wants the information or service you are offering and has paid for it – even the small price of a Kindle book – is worth many times the value of someone just casually browsing. But maybe you already know this and you've put off writing your book because it seems like such a big project? No problem – we have you covered. First of all, a book for Kindle is probably a lot shorter than you might think. Maybe 10,000 to 20,000 words - not the 50,000 words that a traditional business book might be and certainly not the 200,000 words a big fiction blockbuster would be. In this course, you'll pick up very clear structures so that the writing part is easy. We won't go so far as to say the book with write itself, but we do say that clear structures make for easy writing. Or maybe you really don't consider yourself to be a writer? Well, we're both writers ourselves and think you're best served by publishing your own content - but if you're STILL not convinced you want to put pen to paper (or you don't have the time) then you will discover ways to get your book done without writing a single word yourself. Oh but then it's so complex to actually publish an eBook... Not at all. Again and again students tell us how clear the material is and how the small steps we take you through make it manageable and actionable, whatever your level of knowledge. "It's All Here. ....well set out, easy to follow (particularly the contents page, and re-formatting the book for kindle, which can get quite complex, but very easy to follow along in this course) .... I have no hesitation recommending this course. Also regular updates, and an author who genuinely is there to support you, is priceless." "Cathy provides real value and takes you step by step through the process. This leaves me feeling that the result is achievable. I feel motivated and not overwhelmed." "This is one of the most helpful courses that I've ever taken. The information is presented in a way that is clear and easily consumed." We know that you can do it - and if you don't want to then we give you the best places to outsource some of these more technical or administrative tasks. And anyway who would want to hear what we have to say? Well, people who are interested in your subject want to know what you have to say. And if you don't believe us, look at your own bookshelf or eReader. Do you have more than one book on topics that you like to read about...? Do you buy another thriller or romance novel even though you just read a similar one last week...? We certainly do. Because what readers want is not just more information. They want information that is presented in a step-by-step fashion – maybe a "how to" book. Or they want a different take on the prevailing view? A reader will get more value out of your story or your perspective than you might think - and only you can tell that story. We all have something that is worth saying and I can't think of a better, faster or easier way to get your message out than with a digital book. Does your course just apply to non-fiction? All our techniques are tried and tested with our own books. As well as our main books, we both have others that we write in pen names just so that we can trial new techniques and keep up with what is working inside the Amazon platform. And although Cathy's books are non-fiction, we know these techniques work for novelists as well because Michelle writes fiction. Maybe the market is a little more crowded, and maybe you won't be a stand-out success with your first book, but the principles of what works are exactly the same. "VERY useful and practical. ...my book of short stories is already #1 in short stories category on Amazon UK... Strongly recommend to everyone who has or is planning to have a published Kindle book. It definitely is worth the price. " So if you want to get your message out into the world, expand your reach, build your brand and your business then we are here to show you easy and fast it is to become a published author. "...I've been on a lot of Kindle webinars, listened to top authors talking about getting a book out there, and I have to say, this course beats them all...." Without agents and without publishers. Get your book published and selling – literally overnight. If ... You have a story to tell; You want to position yourself as the leading authority in your field; You want to stand out; You want to get the credibility that comes with having a book; You want to help people find out about your business and cement your expertise. "Fantastic course, delivering all that it promises. This course has some of the best content out there when it comes to publishing on Kindle, or just about any sort of self publishing. Top quality sessions jam packed with useful content and actionable items topped up with motivation too...." Maybe you're a writer who wants to earn more income - or even full-time income - from your writing? Maybe you want to step into a speaking career and want a book to lead the way for you? Maybe you have a wealth of knowledge and expertise and you can package it into training or coaching courses and have a book be a lead generation machine for you? Maybe you're in a job and you want to write a book to help you stand out when you come to take the next step on the career ladder? Whatever your motivation and situation, this complete step-by-step course will show you exactly how to do that. You’ll learn:

  • What book you should write - even if you think you already know - so that you reach more people

  • How a book fits into your bigger picture. Whether it's to promote your business or whether it's purely for profit, and how you can lever it for new opportunities

  • How to make the writing easy with frameworks to organise the content you already have

  • Productivity tips that mean you WILL finish that book.

  • How to format your book with Microsoft Word – no HTML or fancy software required (unless you want to be fancy and then we show you that too – but this is a stumbling block for many first-time authors so we have made it deliberately simple)

  • All the details of cover design and even a step-by-step on commissioning your cover at our favourite design website

  • How to position your book to sell on Amazon - everything you need to know - from categories to keywords

  • Insider pricing and promotion secrets to get sales - this alone can get you a bestseller without any additional marketing - we know - we've tested it.

  • Nine ideas to take your business to the next level

  • A bonus video on "what not to do" - learn from our mistakes

  • Advanced steps you can take in case you catch the publishing bug – it's contagious...

"Jam packed ... has everything you need to know and more. This is a terrific course. Cathy Presland offers everything you need to know to not only get your book published but to get it ranking well within Amazon. She breaks down everything you need to know and do into bite-sized chunks and shows you how to do each step as you look over her shoulder. I particularly enjoyed her sharing pros and cons of different strategies, which are "optional", which may be a waste of time etc. I'm all for getting to the goal as quickly as possible. I've seen courses in this area that offer much less value than this one does for a whole lot more money so whether you are just beginning on this journey or are already a published author looking for a few new strategies, you will get something from this course." What if I have a question once I'm inside the course? Inside the course there is a place to ask questions and get personal answers from me if there's anything at all you're not clear about. And we can promise that that kind of attention is worth the price of admission alone as they say :) "This is really good stuff. Cathy is very responsive to questions, and even revised a section to make it more clear." So what are you waiting for? And if you STILL have questions you need answered before signing up, feel free to message us here on Udemy or over on Facebook – we want this to be the right fit for you so that you get the absolute best results you can get. We really hope to see you inside so that you can get started with your book today.

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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Introduces tools, methods, and materials that are essential in Kindle publishing
Provides resources and teaches strategies that help learners get started with writing
Taught by two experts with experience in Kindle publishing and writing
Uses clear instructions and a step-by-step approach to Kindle publishing
Provides thorough instructions on book marketing techniques
Emphasizes the benefits of self-publishing via Kindle

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Reviews summary

Kindle publishing guide

According to students, this course offers beginner-friendly explanations on self-publishing on Kindle. Students especially appreciate the clear and engaging teaching style. However, some students found that the course materials were outdated and difficult to follow.
Easy-to-understand explanations.
"Very clear explanations, every beginner will understand."
"Very clear, easy to understand English accent."
Course materials are not up-to-date.
"examples are outdated, shown websites for market research don't exist anymore."

Career center

Learners who complete Publish Your Book On Kindle will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Authors and writers use their words to convey ideas, stories and information to the world. This course can help build stronger writing skills, as well as provide insights into marketing and publishing. Although traditionally, writers typically received their break through a publisher, today there are many venues which authors can self-publish digitally for a lower cost. Knowing how to market both a book and oneself can help a writer to get started in their career, and this course can provide a solid foundation for success.
Publishing Manager
Publishing managers oversee the production and publication of books. This course can help someone who wants to become a publishing manager learn about the entire publishing process. The course discusses marketing, formatting, covers, and pricing, all of which are major considerations for a publishing manager.
Sales Manager
Sales managers are responsible for leading sales teams and developing sales strategies to reach company goals. This course will assist you in developing your product for sale. It provides important steps that will help increase sales, including pricing and promotion.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers create and execute marketing plans to increase sales and brand awareness. This course can help equip you with the skills needed to position and market your products. The course provides guidance on pricing and promotion, which is important for marketing managers.
Public relations manager
Public relations managers create and maintain a positive image for their clients. This course can teach you strategies for getting your message out to the public. The ability to communicate effectively and engage a target audience is a critical skill that can help you succeed in public relations.
Communications Manager
Communications managers are responsible for developing and executing communications strategies. This course can teach you how to communicate your ideas and stories to the public. You will learn the value of targeted marketing, which is an important skill for someone working as a communications manager.
Business Development Manager
Business development managers are responsible for developing new business opportunities and relationships. This course can help develop the communication skills and business acumen needed for success as a business development manager. You will learn about building your brand, creating a targeted marketing campaign, and presenting your ideas to the public.
Event Planner
Event planners are responsible for planning and executing events. This course can teach you how to plan and market a successful event. You will learn about creating a budget, finding a venue, and promoting your event to the public.
Media Relations Specialist
Media relations specialists build relationships with the media to generate positive publicity. This course teaches you how to communicate and market to the public. You can learn the importance of engaging a target audience, as well as how to create a positive brand image.
Grant Writer
Grant writers are responsible for writing and submitting grant proposals to secure funding for nonprofit organizations and other causes. This course can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful grant writer. You will learn how to write a compelling book that can help you attract donors and get your cause funded.
Nonprofit Manager
Nonprofit managers are responsible for leading and managing nonprofit organizations. This course provides the skills needed to build and grow a nonprofit organization. It can teach you how to write a book that can help spread the word about your cause and attract donations.
Editors review, correct, and improve written content. This course can provide you with the tools to become a better writer and editor. You will learn the importance of clear and concise writing, as well as how to identify and correct errors. This will make you a more effective editor across a range of publications.
Journalists research, write, and report on news stories. This course may help you develop strong writing and research skills. It can also provide insights into how to market and publish your work. Many journalists use book deals to expand on their reporting, so this course may also be helpful in securing a book deal.
Proofreaders review written content for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful proofreader. You will learn how to identify and correct errors, as well as how to work with authors and editors to ensure that the final product is error-free.
Graphic designer
Graphic designers create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. This course may help you build writing and marketing skills that help spread the word about your work.

Reading list

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