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Hodroj Jamal

Dans ce projet guidé d'une heure, vous apprendrez comment tester votre construction dans le débogueur avec IntelliJ IDEA, créer différents types de points d'arrêt, et parcourir le programme en mode de débogage. À la fin de ce projet, vous serez capable d’utiliser le débogueur Java, et découvrir les erreurs de code avec IntelliJ IDEA.

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Testez votre construction dans le débogueur avec Intellij Idea
Dans ce projet guidé d'une heure, vous apprendrez comment tester votre construction dans le débogueur avec IntelliJ IDEA, créer différents types de points d'arrêt, et parcourir le programme en mode de débogage. À la fin de ce projet, vous serez capable d’utiliser le débogueur Java, et découvrir les erreurs de code avec IntelliJ IDEA.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Guides learners to use Java's debugger and debug code using best practices
Taught by experienced instructors with specialized knowledge in debugging techniques
Suitable for learners with basic java knowledge seeking to enhance their debugging skills
Course duration is not provided, making it challenging to assess the depth of content covered

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Testez votre construction dans le débogueur avec Intellij Idea with these activities:
Suivre le tutoriel 'Débogage avec IntelliJ IDEA'
Ce tutoriel vous apprendra les techniques de débogage essentielles qui vous aideront à identifier et corriger les erreurs dans votre code.
Browse courses on IntelliJ IDEA
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  • Lire le tutoriel
  • Suivre les instructions du tutoriel
  • Déboguer un programme simple en utilisant les techniques apprises
Résolvez des exercices de débogage
La pratique régulière vous aidera à développer vos compétences en matière de débogage.
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  • Trouvez des exercices de débogage en ligne ou dans des livres.
  • Essayez de résoudre les exercices sans consulter les solutions.
  • Vérifiez vos solutions et identifiez les erreurs que vous avez faites.
Résoudre des exercices de débogage
Résoudre des exercices de débogage vous permettra de pratiquer et d'améliorer vos compétences de débogage, ce qui vous aidera à trouver et à corriger les erreurs dans votre code plus efficacement.
Browse courses on Java
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  • Trouver un ensemble d'exercices de débogage en ligne ou dans un livre
  • Résoudre les exercices un par un
  • Vérifier vos solutions auprès d'un expert ou d'un pair
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Suivez le tutoriel officiel d'IntelliJ IDEA sur le débogueur
Comprendre les bases du débogueur vous permettra de résoudre plus facilement les problèmes de code.
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  • Visitez le site officiel d'IntelliJ IDEA et recherchez la documentation sur le débogueur.
  • Lisez le tutoriel et suivez les instructions étape par étape.
  • Pratiquez le débogage des programmes en utilisant les techniques décrites dans le tutoriel.
Créer un guide de débogage étape par étape
Créer un guide de débogage vous obligera à synthétiser vos connaissances et à les organiser de manière logique, ce qui renforcera votre compréhension des concepts de débogage.
Browse courses on Documentation
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  • Planifier la structure et le contenu du guide
  • Rédiger les étapes de débogage de manière claire et concise
  • Ajouter des exemples et des illustrations pour faciliter la compréhension
  • Relire et réviser le guide pour plus de clarté et d'exactitude
Organisez une session de débogage en binôme
Travailler avec un pair vous permettra de partager vos connaissances et de mieux comprendre les concepts de débogage.
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  • Trouvez un pair qui suit également le cours ou qui a des connaissances en débogage.
  • Choisissez un programme à déboguer ensemble.
  • Travaillez ensemble pour identifier les erreurs de code et les résoudre.
Créez une application Java avec des points d'arrêt
Créer une application vous permettra de mettre en pratique vos connaissances en matière de débogage.
Show steps
  • Concevez et implémentez une application Java simple avec plusieurs classes et méthodes.
  • Définissez des points d'arrêt dans votre code pour suivre l'exécution du programme.
  • Débogguez l'application et résolvez les erreurs de code.

Career center

Learners who complete Testez votre construction dans le débogueur avec Intellij Idea will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Software Engineer in Test
Software Engineers in Test are responsible for designing and executing test plans for software applications. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to work as a Software Engineer in Test by providing you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is an essential skill for any Software Engineer in Test, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course can help you get started in a career as a Software Engineer in Test or advance your career to the next level.
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmers are responsible for writing and maintaining computer programs. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to work as a Computer Programmer by providing you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is an essential skill for any Computer Programmer, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course can help you get started in a career as a Computer Programmer or advance your career to the next level.
Software Tester
Software Testers are responsible for testing software applications to ensure that they are working as expected. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to work as a Software Tester by providing you with a solid understanding of Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is an essential skill for any Software Tester, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course can help you get started in a career as a Software Tester or advance your career to the next level.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to work as a Software Engineer by providing you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is an essential skill for any Software Engineer, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course can help you get started in a career as a Software Engineer or advance your career to the next level.
Java Developer
Java Developers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications using the Java programming language. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to work as a Java Developer by providing you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is an essential skill for any Java Developer, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course can help you get started in a career as a Java Developer or advance your career to the next level.
Software Quality Assurance Analyst
Software Quality Assurance Analysts are responsible for ensuring that software applications meet quality standards. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to work as a Software Quality Assurance Analyst by providing you with a solid understanding of Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is an essential skill for any Software Quality Assurance Analyst, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course can help you get started in a career as a Software Quality Assurance Analyst or advance your career to the next level.
Software Developer
Software Developers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to work as a Software Developer by providing you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is an essential skill for any Software Developer, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course can help you get started in a career as a Software Developer or advance your career to the next level.
Technical Support Engineer
Technical Support Engineers provide technical support to users of software applications. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to work as a Technical Support Engineer by providing you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is an essential skill for any Technical Support Engineer, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course can help you get started in a career as a Technical Support Engineer or advance your career to the next level.
Software Architect
Software Architects design and develop software systems. This course can provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is a valuable skill for any Software Architect, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course may be useful for a career as a Software Architect, especially if you are interested in working with Java-based software systems.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts analyze business processes and identify opportunities for improvement. This course can provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is a valuable skill for any Business Analyst, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course may be useful for a career as a Business Analyst, especially if you are interested in working with Java-based business analysis tools.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect and analyze data to identify trends and patterns. This course can provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is a valuable skill for any Data Analyst, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course may be useful for a career as a Data Analyst, especially if you are interested in working with Java-based data analysis tools.
Quality Assurance Manager
Quality Assurance Managers are responsible for ensuring that software products meet quality standards. This course can provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is a valuable skill for any Quality Assurance Manager, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course may be useful for a career as a Quality Assurance Manager, especially if you are interested in working with Java-based software products.
Software Development Manager
Software Development Managers oversee the development of software products. This course can provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is a valuable skill for any Software Development Manager, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course may be useful for a career as a Software Development Manager, especially if you are interested in working with Java-based software products.
System Administrator
System Administrators are responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting computer systems. This course can provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is a valuable skill for any System Administrator, and this course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA to debug your code. This course may be useful for a career as a System Administrator, especially if you are interested in working with Java-based systems.
Project Manager
Project Managers oversee the planning and execution of projects. This course can provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming and debugging techniques. Debugging is a valuable skill for any Project Manager, especially if you are working on Java-based projects. This course may be useful for a career as a Project Manager, especially if you are interested in working on Java-based projects.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Testez votre construction dans le débogueur avec Intellij Idea.
Provides a comprehensive guide to concurrency in Java. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about how to write concurrent Java programs.
Provides a comprehensive guide to writing clean and maintainable code. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their Java code.
Provides a comprehensive guide to design patterns. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about how to write reusable and maintainable Java code.
Provides a set of 78 guidelines for writing effective Java code. It valuable reference for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their Java code.
Provides a comprehensive guide to performance tuning the Java Virtual Machine. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve the performance of their Java applications.
Provides a comprehensive guide to performance tuning Java applications. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve the performance of their Java applications.
Provides a beginner-friendly introduction to Java programming. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn the basics of Java.


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