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Daniel Strong

Teach Excel to Do Your Work FOR YOU. . .

Microsoft Office is everywhere, installed on over 750 million computers, but most users only know how to set up a basic table or maybe even do a few formulas here and there.

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Teach Excel to Do Your Work FOR YOU. . .

Microsoft Office is everywhere, installed on over 750 million computers, but most users only know how to set up a basic table or maybe even do a few formulas here and there.

In my course, I teach you how to take Excel by the horns and make it do whatever you want, whenever you want. It can go through loads of information and create a printable report for you. You can make custom forms so that you can access, analyze, edit, or add new information quickly to your data tables/ worksheets.

Excel programming utilizes a simple but effective tool called "VBA" - the hidden programming language that runs quietly in the background while you work. It’s very easy and straight-forward to use.

I'll show you the easiest tricks to learn this basic language in a fun, progressive method. Learn at your own pace. With each of my short, info-packed lectures, you'll learn another essential skill that you can immediately use. You'll find yourself handling these Automation tools instantly and in any spreadsheet you already use every day. If there's one thing I'm good at - and my students are good at - it's

My motto is, "If I'm not making everybody's job easier, quicker and more enjoyable, I don't deserve to have this job" - and that's what I live by.

Take this course and access your true potential.

Oh, and I want to be the first to hear about your New Raise you get once you're making Excel Programs and running everything on autopilot for your co-workers.


Here's what some of the students are saying:

“I love this course. Extremely easy to follow along. If you are looking to learn more about Excel this is it. ” - Jim C.

“Loving this course. The information is presented quite clear and concise, and it is a really great way of learning VB really fast, yesterday I was a total ignorant of the subject. Today I programmed my first macro and cannot wait to learn more.” - Marcela T.

“I had experimented with VBA previously, but I really feel like this course is exactly what I needed to take my Excel knowledge to the next level. In only 2 weeks I've improved my reporting exponentially and it's all thanks to this course. " - Ryan S.

“You can't go wrong with Daniel Strong. ” - Steven S.

“The presenter explains in detail and demonstrates what he's covering, easy to follow along and learn. ” - David B.

“Teaches you the fundamental of VBA programming without any prior experience. Shows with easy to follow Example. . thanks for the video. ” - Sean C.

"I've taken several different VBA courses here on Udemy and this one from Daniel is by far the most interesting and easy to understand. I've done exactly 107 lectures so far and already was able to automate 80% of my tasks at work that I've been doing manually for years... I'm angry with myself because of the time I wasted by not buying this course earlier. I can't even imagine what I will be able to do after finishing the entire course :)" - Robert

“Well explained, easy to understand lectures. Enjoyable and informative videos.” - Marlena

“Very clear explanations broken down in short videos. Daniel goes at a slow pace that is easy to follow and understand, even for people with no programming experience.” - Gustavo P.

“Best course on VBA ever taken. Thanks a lot. ” - Nikita L.

“This is an excellent course. There's a lot of good, useful "stuff" here. The examples are practical and real-world. ” - Todd W.

“Wow, I thought I knew a little bit about Excel but clearly I had only seen the tip of the iceberg. This course has opened my eyes to the true power of VBA within excel. Great course, fantastic instructor.” - Scott K.

“By large and far, one of the best step by step guide to VBA programming I have ever seen. I have been playing around with VBA for over a year now, have watched countless videos and have read numerous articles and "How-to" guides, but I have never seen something this complete, this throughout. I am amazed at how little I actually new about the VBA world. Thanks a million. ” - Alex B.

“Everything I have been looking for, you would have to buy multiple books for this level of instruction. ” - Luke S.

"Excellent VBA basic to advance tutorial." – Sandeep G.

“This course is good for beginners and for experienced programmers. Experienced programmers may want to skip through some sections on basics, but it is good to see how the basics work in the context of and excell worksheet. He goes over different events and triggers (like buttons) to execute code. This is a really good course if you plan to do some pretty complex vba code with forms and reports.” - Christian H.

“Very helpful if you do any type of data analysis.” – Jonathan D.

“I think this is an excellent gateway to the tools we need to use going forward. I like thehands on nature.” – Andre C.

“Much better than other classes and seminars. Great course.” – Mark S.

“The instructor made VBA easy and straight forward to use.” – Min Z.

“Very thorough and practical.” – Juan S.

Now Available for Offline Viewing.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Automate and customize data entry forms
  • Choose the right loop for each task
  • Master the cells and range objects in multiple scenarios
  • Create multiple variable styles to match your need
  • Customize your vba editor and understand all the toolbars and options
  • Debug and troubleshoot code like a boss!
  • Record, modify or write macros from scratch
  • Make custom formulas/functions on the fly
  • Breeze through if then statements and conquer all the logical operators
  • Batch out inter-active messageboxes, inputboxes and give users choices!
  • Generate basic reports that can be printed
  • Add filters to report menus to narrow the records
  • Take control of forms, buttons, drop-down menus, checkboxes and option buttons and so much more. . .
  • Trigger code from a number of different methods - from clicking on a cell - to de-selecting a worksheet.
  • Set up special commands when a workbook: opens or closes, is selected, any cell or certain cells are selected, right before printing, etc. . .
  • Manipulate userforms for data entry, report generation, editing tables/databases - all within your control. restrict the flow of data or make the userform(s) responsive, calculating, intuitive.
  • Streamline your work and the work of others.
  • Put excel on autopilot. . .
  • Trigger macros using worksheet and userform controls (buttons, shapes, dropdowns, listboxes, click actions, loads of fun controls)
  • Change cell properties using code - cell color, font properties (bold, italic, underline, etc), borders and more!
  • Master beginning to advanced math with variables and learn proper use, declaration and scope
  • Learn string functions, concatenation and how to control case-sensitivity with vba functions
  • Create your own functions to be used in vba or in a cell!
  • Uncover advanced search functions only available in vba
  • Fun with date and time math to calculate duration, length and intervals
  • Projects: create full games, learn from coding exercises and enjoy mid-lecture challenges!
  • Discover and master the vbe (visual basic editor) and all the mysterious buttons and features within!
  • Deal with errors and learn how to prevent them
  • Feed information from one macro to another using byref and byval methods
  • Utilize variable types: constants, static, module-level, public, private, 'option private module', etc
  • Bonus #1: free e-book "excel vba master keyboard shortcuts" - now with more shortcuts (for pc and mac) than anywhere else
  • Bonus #2: free image tools for better looking buttons, images and form backgrounds
  • Bonus #3: free mouse icons packs to customize mouseover effect on many controls including a userform background!
  • Three methods of accessing a worksheet using code
  • Get the boundaries of a range of cells the way pros do (better lastrow and lastcol techniques)
  • Dynamically sort or filter data. you can have multiple sort options, each assigned to different buttons!
  • Utilize user-input (messageboxes, inputboxes, userforms) and use conditional logic (if then, case statements, and, or, not) to control direction
  • Insert worksheet functions into cells programmatically using regular or r1c1 notation
  • Practice code slimming and efficiency techniques, such as with/ end with statements
  • Speed up your code massively with dan's "vba speed hacks"
  • Get random numbers to generate passwords, create filenames, produce random actions in games/projects, speed tests
  • Search cells and strings with advanced pattern matching & comparison, like operator and instr functions
  • Advanced messagebox features (including special icons, direction, buttons: yes/no, yes/no/cancel, abort/retry and many more...)
  • Create optional udf parameters and choose volatile or non-volatile functionality
  • Show more
  • Show less


The Range Object

An introduction to the course

Getting FAST Help and Other Freebies with Excel Ninjas Group
Get the Developer Ribbon (PC and Mac)
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In this lesson, will learn about the range object and how to use it as if you're typing into cells yourself.

Now let's add a little spice to our macro!

How to go line-by-line when you want to analyze your code more thoroughly.

Three Easy Ways To Test Or Store A Value
How and When To Record a Macro (Plus Clean Up Tips)
Three Main Data Type Notations For Entering Into Cells

There's more than one way to skin that cat! Macros are designed to be triggered a number of ways. In this video we'll discuss this.

Please download this exercise from the "Course Files Download" zip file, or Download the single Question file here.

This will be located in the "01 The Range Object\Exercises" folder. Please open "Exercise 01 - Question.xlsm" and click on the "Objective" tab to view your tasks. The following video will show the solution step-by-step. If you need help, you may refer to the "Answer" version of this workbook with full source code to look at.

Happy Coding!


Solution video for this Exercise. Solution workbook is also attached to this Lecture as well as found in the "Course Files Download" folder!

Affecting Multiple Cells With One Range Command

You don't only have to use the cells names, you can also use named ranges. Check it out!

Tips and Best Practices For Better Development Skills
Range Object Quiz
Range Properties

Value returns the actual value of a cell, not it's formatting, eg: 12.5 instead of $12.50

Gleaming the row or column of a range you're working with can be very valuable. Learn how to wield this tool now!

If you click on a cell or highlight several cells, you've just selected them. Turns out, Excel can automatically select things - like a ghost clicking around for you!!

This isn't the same as the worksheet function COUNT, this simply counts how many cells you have in the range, not how many aren't blank.

Please download this exercise from the "Course Files Download" zip file, or Download the single Question file here.

This will be located in the "02 Range Properties\Exercises" folder. Please open "Exercise 02a - Question.xlsm" and click on the "Objective" tab to view your tasks. The following video will show the solution step-by-step. If you need help, you may refer to the "Answer" version of this workbook with full source code to look at.

Happy Coding!


Address brings the exact location of the cell or range you're referring to, such as $A$2 or A1:B3.

Change the formatting of your ranges on the fly with this handy dandy tool.

Everybody needs to know how to automatically make ranges Bold, Italic or Underline!!

Please download this exercise from the "Course Files Download" zip file, or Download the single Question file here.

This will be located in the "02 Range Properties\Exercises" folder. Please open "Exercise 02b - Question.xlsm" and click on the "Objective" tab to view your tasks. The following video will show the solution step-by-step. If you need help, you may refer to the "Answer" version of this workbook with full source code to look at.

Happy Coding!


Add Color To Cells, Inside and Out (4 Ways)

A Quick List of questions to make sure you've got it so far - on the Range Properties.

The Cells Object

Pinpointing which cells you want using rows and columns, almost like latitude and longitude for coordinates. Very useful when we use loops in the lessons to come!

Using The Cells Object and Practical Applications

You don't have to use column 2, there's a way to use B instead when using the cells object.

More on the cells object. . .

Quick tip on making changes to all cells in a sheet - easy.

Please download this exercise from the "Course Files Download" zip file, or Download the single Question file here.

This will be located in the "03 The Cells Object\Exercises" folder. Please open "Exercise 03 - Question.xlsm" and click on the "Objective" tab to view your tasks. The following video will show the solution step-by-step. If you need help, you may refer to the "Answer" version of this workbook with full source code to look at.

Happy Coding!


Sandwich these two concepts, the range object used with the cells object. Cool!

Cells Quiz

Using variables is important and fun! They make calculations way easy!

Math With Variables

Sometimes you have to let Excel know what to expect when using variables.

Here, let me give you some cool examples.

Concatenation is just a fancy word - it's easy.

String Manipulation - Len, Left, Right Functions
String Manipulation - Mid Function (2 Methods)
String Manipulation - Replace Function
String Manipulation - Format Function
String Manipulation - InStr Function and Practice Projects

In this short lecture, we learn about Date and Time built in variables that assist us in making calculations based on the time or date the user interacts with our program! Fun!!!

CDate and DateDiff Functions

Please download this exercise from the "Course Files Download" zip file, or Download the single Question file here.

This will be located in the "04 Variables\Exercises" folder. Please open "Exercise 04 - Question.xlsm" and click on the "Objective" tab to view your tasks. The following video will show the solution step-by-step. If you need help, you may refer to the "Answer" version of this workbook with full source code to look at.

Happy Coding!


Scope and Heirarchy of Variables and Procedures
VARIABLE SCOPES - Public, Private and other Variables
Procedural Scopes - Public Versus Private Subs, Option Private Module

These special variables shouldn't change, so lets tell excel what they are, and we can use them anytime, anywhere!!

Sometimes you want to use your current variables in another procedure. Sometimes you just need to throw the value in there but don't want it affected in the original procedure, other times you want to manipulate the original so it's different when you get back to the originating procedure. Here's how to do all of that!

Variables Quiz
Toolbars and Menus

All the cool things you can do from the file menu, including importing and exporting modules or userforms. neat

Now the Edit menu.

View Menu has some neat things and perspectives for your macro and/or variables. . .

really useful things. Watch this now!

All about the insert and format menus

Last but not least on the Menus. . .

Toolbars Quiz
Super Important Tools and Excel Logic
Three Ways To Access Other Sheets - Sheet Name, Index and CodeName

You'll need to memorize this one-liner, but it's easy once you know what it means.

Very similar to last row.

Really really easy to grab the Next row in your set. Great for auto-data entry.

How to record a macro and use it to LEARN!!

How to Sort dynamically, even when more rows are added. No more hard-coding!

More on the recording tool.

R1C1 Notation and How To Use In Formulas
Using Worksheet Functions in the VBE
Random Password Generator - Objectives Overview
Random Password Generator - Solution

Want to save a lot of keystrokes? Listen to this lesson.

Here's where the fun begins. . . If Then statements are super fun and help you arrive at the logical conclusions you need to pretty easily.

Another logical tool.

Using the word NOT to negate a statement.

Please download this exercise from the "Course Files Download" zip file, or Download the single Question file here.

This will be located in the "06 Super Important Tools and Excel Logic\Exercises" folder. Please open "Exercise 06a - Question.xlsm" and click on the "Objective" tab to view your tasks. The following video will show the solution step-by-step. If you need help, you may refer to the "Answer" version of this workbook with full source code to look at.

Happy Coding!


Adding the "Else" aka otherwise part of the IF THEN statement.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Objectives Overview
Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Solution
The LIKE Operator
Compare Strings With Case Insensitivity Using UCase and LCase

Don't let text mess you up when comparing to numbers.

Save space and use a one-liner of code for your basic If Then statements! Easy!

Jump to different areas of code like a teleportation device!

Try this on for size to save keystrokes when using If Then statements. It's nice once you get used to it.

Advanced MessageBox Features

"Do you like Excel VBA? Click Yes or No"

In this lecture, you'll learn how to let the user select yes or no and navigate the macro depending on their choices. Very powerful and yet simple to utilize.

Please download this exercise from the "Course Files Download" zip file, or Download the single Question file here.

This will be located in the "06 Super Important Tools and Excel Logic\Exercises" folder. Please open "Exercise 06b - Question.xlsm" and click on the "Objective" tab to view your tasks. The following video will show the solution step-by-step. If you need help, you may refer to the "Answer" version of this workbook with full source code to look at.

Happy Coding!


Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Core audience: Students or professionals seeking to fully automate data entry and streamline workflows in Excel, with a focus on VBA programming
Suitable for beginners with limited Excel VBA knowledge, as it provides a step-by-step approach to mastering the basics and advanced concepts
Instructor Daniel Strong is experienced in Excel programming and known for his clear and engaging teaching style
Covers essential VBA concepts and techniques, including customizing data entry forms, automating tasks, and creating custom functions
Emphasizes practical applications and provides hands-on exercises to reinforce learning, making it relevant to real-world scenarios
May require prior knowledge of basic Excel functions and operations, as it focuses primarily on VBA programming within Excel

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course with these activities:
Review the Basics
Brush up on the basics of Excel to ensure you have a solid foundation before diving deeper into VBA programming.
Show steps
  • Review the basics of creating and formatting worksheets
  • Practice entering and manipulating data in cells
  • Go through tutorials or online resources to reinforce your understanding
Read "Excel 2019 VBA Programming For Dummies"
Supplement your VBA learning with a comprehensive guide that covers essential concepts and practical examples.
Show steps
  • Read through the book, focusing on the chapters relevant to your learning goals
  • Take notes or highlight important concepts and techniques
  • Complete the practice exercises or challenges provided in the book
Automate a Repetitive Task with VBA
Put your VBA skills to the test by automating a repetitive or time-consuming task in your daily workflow.
Browse courses on Excel Automation
Show steps
  • Identify a task that you perform repeatedly in Excel
  • Break down the task into smaller steps
  • Write VBA code to automate each step of the task
  • Test and refine your VBA code to ensure it works correctly
  • Implement the automated task into your workflow and track the time savings
Show all three activities

Career center

Learners who complete The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
As a Data Analyst, you will play a vital role in collecting, organizing, and interpreting data to identify trends, patterns, and insights. You will use tools like Excel to analyze data from multiple sources, create reports, and present your findings to stakeholders. This course will help you build a foundation in data analysis and provide you with the skills you need to succeed in this rewarding field. The course covers topics such as data visualization, statistical analysis, and machine learning, which are essential for any Data Analyst.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts are responsible for analyzing business processes and identifying areas for improvement. They work closely with stakeholders to gather requirements, develop solutions, and implement changes. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Business Analyst, including data analysis, process modeling, and project management. The course also covers topics such as financial modeling and risk assessment, which are essential for any Business Analyst.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts are responsible for analyzing financial data and providing recommendations to businesses and investors. They use tools like Excel to create financial models, analyze trends, and forecast future performance. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Financial Analyst, including financial modeling, valuation, and risk analysis. The course also covers topics such as accounting and economics, which are essential for any Financial Analyst.
Management Consultant
Management Consultants help businesses improve their performance by providing objective advice and recommendations. They work with clients to identify problems, develop solutions, and implement changes. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Management Consultant, including problem-solving, communication, and project management. The course also covers topics such as business strategy and organizational behavior, which are essential for any Management Consultant.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts develop and apply mathematical models to solve business problems. They use tools like Excel to analyze data, optimize processes, and make recommendations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Operations Research Analyst, including optimization, simulation, and forecasting. The course also covers topics such as statistics and probability, which are essential for any Operations Research Analyst.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software systems. They work with clients to gather requirements, create prototypes, and implement solutions. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Software Engineer, including programming, software design, and testing. The course also covers topics such as data structures and algorithms, which are essential for any Software Engineer.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to solve business problems and create new products. They work with clients to gather requirements, develop models, and implement solutions. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Data Scientist, including data mining, machine learning, and statistical analysis. The course also covers topics such as big data and cloud computing, which are essential for any Data Scientist.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers develop and deploy machine learning models to solve business problems. They work with clients to gather requirements, create prototypes, and implement solutions. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Machine Learning Engineer, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. The course also covers topics such as natural language processing and computer vision, which are essential for any Machine Learning Engineer.
Actuaries use mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk and uncertainty. They work with clients to develop insurance products, pension plans, and other financial products. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Actuary, including risk assessment, financial modeling, and insurance. The course also covers topics such as probability and statistics, which are essential for any Actuary.
Statisticians collect, analyze, and interpret data. They work with clients to design studies, analyze results, and make recommendations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Statistician, including statistical analysis, data visualization, and research methods. The course also covers topics such as probability and sampling, which are essential for any Statistician.
Economists study the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. They work with clients to develop economic models, analyze data, and make recommendations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Economist, including economic modeling, data analysis, and forecasting. The course also covers topics such as macroeconomics and microeconomics, which are essential for any Economist.
Market Researcher
Market Researchers study consumer behavior and market trends. They work with clients to develop marketing campaigns, product launches, and other business strategies. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Market Researcher, including market research, survey design, and data analysis. The course also covers topics such as consumer psychology and marketing strategy, which are essential for any Market Researcher.
Financial Planner
Financial Planners help individuals and families achieve their financial goals. They work with clients to create financial plans, manage investments, and plan for retirement. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Financial Planner, including financial planning, investment management, and retirement planning. The course also covers topics such as estate planning and tax planning, which are essential for any Financial Planner.
Insurance Agent
Insurance Agents sell insurance policies to individuals and businesses. They work with clients to assess their needs, compare policies, and make recommendations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Insurance Agent, including insurance sales, customer service, and risk assessment. The course also covers topics such as insurance products and regulations, which are essential for any Insurance Agent.
Loan Officer
Loan Officers help individuals and businesses obtain financing. They work with clients to assess their needs, compare loan products, and make recommendations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to become a successful Loan Officer, including loan processing, underwriting, and customer service. The course also covers topics such as mortgage lending and commercial lending, which are essential for any Loan Officer.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course.
Reference guide for VBA developers. It covers all of the VBA language elements, as well as the VBA object model. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about VBA.
An extensive guide to VBA, covering everything from the basics, to advanced topics such as object-oriented programming and creating custom functions.
Practical guide to using Excel VBA to automate your work. It includes a number of real-world examples and exercises, and it shows you how to use VBA to solve common problems.
Great introduction to Excel VBA programming. It covers the basics of VBA, including how to create macros, use variables and functions, and debug your code. It also includes a number of helpful examples and exercises.
A practical guide to VBA macro programming in Excel, with a focus on using VBA to automate tasks and solve problems.


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