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Core Python 3


Robert Smallshire and Austin Bingham

In this course, you'll look at Python's support for introspection, the ability to examine objects, types, and program state at runtime. While not needed in every program, introspection can be the key to elegant designs and debugging complex problems.

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In this course, you'll look at Python's support for introspection, the ability to examine objects, types, and program state at runtime. While not needed in every program, introspection can be the key to elegant designs and debugging complex problems.

Python is a highly dynamic language, and this dynamism is enabled by a great deal of metadata associated with objects at runtime. In this course, Core Python 3: Introspection, you'll explore Python's support for introspection, the ability of a program to examine - and even modify - its own structure and state through this metadata.

First, you'll look at introspection as the key to elegant designs or debugging complex problems. Then, you'll be introduced to Python’s facilities for introspecting live programs. Finally, you'll learn how to examine objects, types, and program state at runtime. By the end of this course you’ll know how to query objects for their attributes and inspect program state, and you’ll have a deeper knowledge of how Python programs are arranged internally.

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What's inside


Course Overview
Introspecting Types
Introspecting Objects
Introspecting Scopes
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The Inspect Module
An Object Introspection Tool

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Examines Python's support for introspection, a highly useful feature for debugging and elegant design
Taught by Robert Smallshire and Austin Bingham, who are recognized experts in Python and programming
Part of a series of courses on core Python, providing a comprehensive and structured learning experience
Covers introspecting types, objects, scopes, and program state, providing a thorough understanding of Python's capabilities
Suitable for experienced Python users who seek to enhance their programming skills and understanding of Python's inner workings

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Career center

Learners who complete Core Python 3: Introspection will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Machine Learning Engineer
A Machine Learning Engineer designs and builds machine learning models. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Machine Learning Engineers build more efficient and effective models.
Information Architect
An Information Architect designs the structure of websites and applications. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Information Architects design more efficient and effective information structures.
A Statistician collects, analyzes, and interprets data to help organizations make better decisions. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Statisticians analyze data more efficiently and effectively.
User Experience Designer
A User Experience Designer designs the user interface and experience of websites and applications. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help User Experience Designers build more efficient and effective interfaces.
Computer Programmer
A Computer Programmer analyzes user needs and designs, codes, tests, and debugs computer programs. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it helps students write more efficient and effective code by providing insights into how Python programs work.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst collects, analyzes, and interprets data to help organizations make better decisions. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Data Analysts analyze data more efficiently and effectively.
Web Developer
A Web Developer designs and develops websites. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Web Developers build more robust and efficient websites.
Interaction Designer
An Interaction Designer designs the interactions between users and websites and applications. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Interaction Designers design more efficient and effective interactions.
Project Manager
A Project Manager plans, organizes, and executes projects. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Project Managers plan and execute projects more efficiently.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst analyzes business processes and recommends improvements. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Business Analysts make more informed recommendations about process improvements.
Software Engineer
A Software Engineer applies principles of computer science to build and maintain software systems. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which helps Software Engineers build more robust and efficient systems.
Product Manager
A Product Manager manages the development and launch of new products. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Product Managers make more informed decisions about product development.
Systems Analyst
A Systems Analyst analyzes and designs computer systems. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it provides knowledge about how Python programs are arranged internally, which can help Systems Analysts build more efficient and effective systems.
Data Scientist
A Data Scientist uses mathematical and computational skills to gain insights from data. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it teaches students how to examine objects, types, and program state at runtime, which enables them to inspect and clean data more effectively.
Database Administrator
A Database Administrator manages and maintains databases. Core Python 3: Introspection may be useful for this career because it helps students understand how to examine objects, types, and program state at runtime, which can be helpful for debugging and maintaining databases.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Core Python 3: Introspection.
Provides in-depth coverage of advanced Python concepts, including introspection, metaprogramming, and functional programming. It valuable resource for understanding the inner workings of Python and writing more effective code.
Comprehensive reference for Python programming, including a detailed section on introspection. It valuable resource for quickly finding information on specific Python features and syntax.
Deep dive into Python metaprogramming, which is the ability to manipulate the structure and behavior of Python programs at runtime. It valuable resource for understanding how Python works internally and writing advanced code.
Provides a comprehensive overview of object-oriented programming in Python, including a chapter on introspection. It valuable resource for understanding how to use introspection to improve the design and implementation of Python programs.
Collection of practical recipes for solving common Python programming problems. It includes a section on introspection, which can be used to solve problems related to object inspection and manipulation.
Provides a beginner-friendly introduction to Python programming, including a chapter on introspection. It valuable resource for getting started with Python and understanding its basic concepts.
Comprehensive reference for Python programming, including a detailed section on introspection. It valuable resource for quickly finding information on specific Python features and syntax.
Provides a practical guide to Python programming, including a chapter on introspection. It valuable resource for understanding how to use introspection to solve common Python programming problems.
Provides a humorous and approachable introduction to Python programming, including a chapter on introspection. It valuable resource for getting started with Python.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Python programming, including a chapter on introspection. It valuable resource for understanding the core concepts of Python.


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