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Advanced Generators and Coroutines in Python 3

Axel Sirota

Making software run optimized, lazy, performant, and concurrent without errors is hard. You will learn to master the use of generators and coroutines that are the keystone to async concurrency and lazy computations.

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Making software run optimized, lazy, performant, and concurrent without errors is hard. You will learn to master the use of generators and coroutines that are the keystone to async concurrency and lazy computations.

Life is about waiting, so how about for once letting Python wait for you? Generators and coroutines are Python's main ingredients for lazy programming and letting code run concurrently in the same thread. In this course, Advanced Generators and Coroutines in Python 3, you will learn foundational knowledge of generators and coroutines in Python. First, you will learn generators. Next, you will discover how generators can be chained in complex data pipelines. Finally, you will explore how to run code concurrently and single-threaded with coroutines and event loops. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of generators and coroutines needed to make features run concurrently and optimized easier than ever before.

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Course Overview
Much More Than Just Iteration: Generators!
Creating Your First Generator Based Data Pipeline
Meet Generators Counterpart: Coroutines
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Pushing Data through Pipelines with Coroutines

Good to know

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, and possible dealbreakers
Focuses on advanced generators and coroutines, providing foundational knowledge and exploring their practical uses
Develops proficiency in implementing lazy computations and concurrent code, enhancing software performance and efficiency
Introduces learners to the fundamentals of generators and coroutines, catering to learners with existing programming knowledge
Taught by experienced industry professional Axel Sirota, providing valuable insights and practical guidance
May be challenging for learners without prior Python programming experience, as it assumes familiarity with intermediate-level concepts
Focuses solely on generators and coroutines, potentially limiting its applicability to learners seeking a comprehensive understanding of advanced Python techniques

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Career center

Learners who complete Advanced Generators and Coroutines in Python 3 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use programming languages like Python to solve complex problems with data. They use Python's generators and coroutines heavily to perform data pipelines for lazy computations, which help them prepare, process, model, and visualize data. The skills you learn in this course will help you build a foundation for this work. For example, you will learn how to create generators-based data pipelines, which are commonly used to transform and clean data.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers build and maintain software. They use programming languages like Python to write code to bring an application to life. In this course, you will learn how to use generators and coroutines for lazy programming and concurrent computations. This will help you write performant, flexible, and modular code.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect, clean, analyze, and present data to help businesses make informed decisions. They use generator and coroutine functions to build data pipelines for modeling and machine learning. This course introduces foundational knowledge of generators and coroutines in Python, which you can leverage to become a proficient Data Analyst.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers build, manage, and maintain data infrastructure. They use generators and coroutines to perform large-scale data transformations and build data pipelines. By taking this course, you can learn the techniques and tools used by Data Engineers, such as how to use generators to create complex data pipelines.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers work with developers and system administrators to automate and optimize the software development and delivery process. They use generators and coroutines to write code that performs certain tasks concurrently and without errors. This course provides the foundational knowledge you need for success in this field, including the concepts and applications of generators and coroutines.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers build and maintain machine learning models. They use generators and coroutines for lazy computations, which help them prepare, process, and model data. This course provides foundational knowledge in generators and coroutines, which can accelerate your progress into this field.
Cloud Engineer
Cloud Engineers design, build, and manage cloud computing systems. They use generators and coroutines for optimizing performance and resources. This course covers the concepts of generators and coroutines in Python, which are useful for building efficient and scalable cloud systems.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts bridge the gap between business and technology. They may use generators and coroutines to clean, transform, and analyze data. This course will help you build a foundation in generators and coroutines, which can be applied to data analysis in a business context.
Information Security Analyst
Information Security Analysts protect computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. Some Information Security Analysts may use generators and coroutines to detect and respond to security threats. This course will introduce you to the concepts of generators and coroutines, which may be useful in this field.
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmers write and test code for software and applications. They may use generators and coroutines to write code that runs concurrently and without errors. This course will help you build a solid foundation in the use of generators and coroutines.
Quality Assurance Analyst
Quality Assurance Analysts ensure that software and applications meet quality standards. They may use generators and coroutines to test code for performance and reliability. This course provides a foundation in generators and coroutines, which will be useful in this role.
Network Administrator
Network Administrators manage and maintain computer networks. They may use generators and coroutines to optimize network performance. This course provides a foundation in generators and coroutines, which can be useful in this role.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases. They may use generators and coroutines to optimize database performance. This course covers the concepts and applications of generators and coroutines, which can help you succeed in this role.
Systems Analyst
Systems Analysts analyze and design computer systems. They may use generators and coroutines to model and simulate systems. This course provides an introduction to generators and coroutines, which can help you succeed in this role.
Web Developer
Web Developers design and develop websites. They may use generators and coroutines to write code that runs concurrently and without errors. This course will help you build a strong foundation in the use of generators and coroutines, which can contribute to your success in this field.

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