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التحدث والتواصل بثقة | Communicating With Confidence


يعتبر التواصل جزءاً لا يتجزأ من حياتنا اليومية، كما أن التواصل بثقة يعتبر هو المفتاح والوسيلة الأنسب لضمان إيصال رسالتك بالتأثير الذي تريده وبغض النظر عن مدى معرفتك بموضوع ما، لأن قدرتك على مشاركة المعلومات وخلق التأثير الذي تريده، سوف يتأثران سلباً وبشكلٍ ملحوظ في حال عدم تطبيق مهارات التواصل الصحيحة وبثقة.

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يعتبر التواصل جزءاً لا يتجزأ من حياتنا اليومية، كما أن التواصل بثقة يعتبر هو المفتاح والوسيلة الأنسب لضمان إيصال رسالتك بالتأثير الذي تريده وبغض النظر عن مدى معرفتك بموضوع ما، لأن قدرتك على مشاركة المعلومات وخلق التأثير الذي تريده، سوف يتأثران سلباً وبشكلٍ ملحوظ في حال عدم تطبيق مهارات التواصل الصحيحة وبثقة.

ستقدم لك هذه الدورة استراتيجيات ونصائح بسيطة وفعالة في مهارات التحدث والتواصل، إضافة إلى أدوات التواصل بثقة والتي من خلال تطبيقها ستتمكن من الحصول على نتائج إيجابية وستصبح أكثر قدرة على التحدث بطريقةٍ فعالةٍ وجاذبة لانتباه الآخرين في أية مناسبة، كما أن هذه الدورة ستساعدك في أن تكون أكثر ثقة أثناء استخدامك لعناصر التواصل مع الآخرين، بما في ذلك لغة الجسد ونبرة الصوت والأفكار كي تتمكن من التعبير والتواصل بثقة بعيداً عن القلق والتوتر.

هذه الدورة هي دورة تمهيدية؛ فهي تلقي الضوء على أساسيات الموضوع بشكل عام بهدف التعريف به وبمحاوره الأساسية التي يجب الإلمام بها.

إذا كنت من المهتمين بإتقان التحدث والتوصل بثقة أو كان مجال عملك يتطلب إتقان تلك المهارات وتوظيفها في سياق عملك، فهذه الدورة ستكون مثالية لإغناء خبرتك وتطوير مهاراتك بشكل فعال ومؤثر.

حيث ستزودك هذه الدورة باطلاع واسع ودقيق على مجموعة من المحاور المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع، مثل: فهم مهارات بناء الثقة لتقديم العروض التقديمية في العمل، تطبيق مهارات تطوير لغة الجسد، شرح القدرة على التحكم وإدارة المشاعر السلبية، تحديد طرق بناء مهارات التواصل مع الآخرين.

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مفهوم التواصل بثقة
تُعتبر هذه الوحدة مقدمة للبرنامج، حيث ستتعرف فيها على مفهوم التواصل بثقة وأهميته، بالإضافة إلى بعض الخرافات والأساطير المتعلقة بالتواصل بثقة.
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مقومات التواصل بثقة
في هذه الوحدة سنناقش عدداً من المواضيع التي تشكل مقومات التواصل بثقة ومنها: صفات المتحدث الواثق، وأسباب عدم الثقة أثناء التواصل، وكيفية التخلص من الأفكار السلبية، بالإضافة إلى مهارة السرد القصصي، واختيار طريقة الحديث الملائمة، ومعرفة فترات التوقف في الحديث، وأخيراً مهارة الاستماع الفعال.
لغة الجسد
لا يمكن التقليل من أهمية لغة الجسد في عملية التواصل، لذلك سنتحدث في هذه الوحدة عن العديد من الأمور المتعلقة بها مثل: أهمية التقاء العيون، وإدارة وضعية الجسد، والإيماءات والإشارات، والابتسامة، وتعابير الوجه، وأخيراً نبرة الصوت.
إدارة المشاعر والقلق
قد تكون هذه الوحدة هي الأهم بالنسبة إليك، لأنك من خلالها ستتعلم كيفية إدارة المشاعر المختلفة بشكلٍ عام والقلق بشكلٍ خاص من خلال التعامل مع التوتر، وكيفية تقبّل حقيقة أنك إنسان، وجعل الثقة المزيفة حقيقة، وأخيراً تطبيق تمارين التنفس العميق التي تساعد في تخفيف حدة المشاعر السلبية.
إتقان العروض التقديمية
الوحدة الأخيرة هي بمثابة تطبيق عملي على التحدث والتواصل بالثقة من خلال إتقان العروض التقديمية، وهذا يشمل كيفية التعامل مع الأسئلة الصعبة، وتجنب كلمات الحشو، والأمور التي يجب القيام بها قبل العرض التقديمي، وأخيراً جلسة التأمل.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Taught by Alfaisal.KLD, who are experts in Communication
Focuses on foundational aspects of communication
Covers body language and gestures
Provides insights into managing emotions and anxiety
Suitable for those looking to improve communication skills for presentations

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Career center

Learners who complete التحدث والتواصل بثقة | Communicating With Confidence will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
For lawyers, being able to communicate clearly and persuasively is critical to success. They must be able to effectively communicate with clients, opposing counsel, and judges. Mastering communication will help lawyers build trust with clients, juries, and judges, ultimately helping them win cases. This course will provide lawyers with the communication skills they need to succeed, including how to prepare presentations and deal with difficult audiences.
Public Relations Specialist
Public relations specialists are responsible for communicating with the public on behalf of their clients. They need to be able to write clearly and persuasively, and they need to be able to speak confidently and convincingly. This course would be a great way for public relations specialists to develop their communication skills, which will help them be more effective in their roles.
Customer Service Representative
Customer service representatives need to be able to communicate clearly and effectively with customers. They need to be able to answer questions, resolve problems, and build relationships. This course will teach customer service representatives the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers. It will teach them how to handle difficult customers, communicate effectively over the phone and email, and build strong relationships with customers.
Salespeople need to be able to communicate effectively with potential customers. They need to be able to build relationships, identify needs, and close deals. This course will teach salespeople the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers. It will teach them how to build rapport, handle objections, and close deals.
Event Planner
Event planners need to be able to communicate effectively with clients, vendors, and guests. They need to be able to plan and execute events, and they need to be able to manage budgets. This course will teach event planners the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers. It will teach them how to write effective event proposals, how to negotiate contracts, and how to communicate with clients and guests.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers need to be able to communicate effectively with customers, clients, and employees. They need to be able to develop and implement marketing campaigns, and they need to be able to track and measure the results of their campaigns. This course will teach marketing managers the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers. It will teach them how to write effective marketing copy, how to deliver presentations, and how to communicate with the media.
Teachers need to be able to communicate effectively with their students. They need to be able to explain complex concepts in a clear and engaging way. This course would be a great way for teachers to develop their communication skills, which will help them be more effective in the classroom. It will teach them how to prepare presentations, deliver speeches, and facilitate discussions.
Nonprofit Manager
Nonprofit managers need to be able to communicate effectively with donors, volunteers, and staff. They need to be able to develop and implement fundraising campaigns, and they need to be able to manage their organizations' budgets. This course will teach nonprofit managers the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers.
Project Manager
Project managers need to be able to communicate effectively with team members, stakeholders, and clients. They need to be able to plan and execute projects, and they need to be able to track and measure the progress of their projects. This course will teach project managers the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers. It will teach them how to write effective project plans, how to deliver presentations, and how to communicate with team members.
Social Worker
Social workers need to be able to communicate effectively with clients, families, and colleagues. They need to be able to assess clients' needs, develop and implement treatment plans, and advocate for clients' rights. This course will teach social workers the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers. It will teach them how to communicate effectively with clients from different backgrounds, how to build rapport, and how to advocate for clients' rights.
Human Resources Manager
Human resources managers need to be able to communicate effectively with employees, managers, and executives. They need to be able to build relationships, resolve conflicts, and develop and implement HR policies. This course will teach human resources managers the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers. It will teach them how to communicate effectively with different audiences and how to build strong relationships.
Healthcare Administrator
Healthcare administrators need to be able to communicate effectively with patients, families, staff, and physicians. They need to be able to manage the day-to-day operations of a healthcare facility, and they need to be able to develop and implement policies and procedures. This course will teach healthcare administrators the communication skills they need to succeed in their careers.
Journalists need to be able to communicate clearly and concisely, both in writing and speaking. They need to be able to interview people, research stories, and write compelling articles. This course can help journalists develop the communication skills they need to be successful in their careers. It will teach them how to write effectively, interview people, and present their findings in a clear and engaging way.
In politics, knowing how to communicate effectively is essential. Being able to deliver a speech with confidence and clarity is key to getting votes and enacting one's policies. This course may be helpful to someone who wants to run for office because it can help them communicate their values and ideas in a way that will resonate with voters.
Accountants need to be able to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and regulators. They need to be able to prepare financial statements, audit financial records, and provide tax advice. This course may be helpful to accountants who want to improve their communication skills, as it will help them build confidence and learn how to communicate complex financial information in a clear and concise way.

Reading list

We've selected 15 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in التحدث والتواصل بثقة | Communicating With Confidence.
Challenges the notion that charisma is an innate trait and instead argues that it **skill that can be learned**. It provides insights into the key elements of charisma and offers exercises and techniques for developing them.
Offers insights from the world-renowned TED platform, providing **practical tips and techniques** for crafting compelling presentations, delivering them with impact, and inspiring audiences.
Challenges the prevailing view of extroversion as the ideal and highlights **the strengths and advantages of introverts**. It offers insights into how introverts can communicate and lead effectively in their own way.
Provides a scientific exploration of **the role of facial expressions in communication**. It helps readers understand how to decode emotions, build rapport, and effectively convey messages through facial expressions.
Emphasizes the role of emotional intelligence in personal and professional success, and offers strategies for improving it.
While not specifically focused on communication, this book offers **valuable principles for personal and professional effectiveness**. It provides insights into habits that can help individuals build strong character, improve relationships, and achieve success.
While this book may not be directly related to communication, it offers **insights into human nature and power dynamics**. It can provide valuable lessons on how to navigate challenging situations, build influence, and protect oneself in competitive environments.
Provides a step-by-step guide to creating and delivering powerful presentations that engage audiences and drive results.
Provides a practical guide for **developing leadership communication skills**. It covers topics like crafting compelling messages, delivering presentations with impact, and building a strong personal brand.
Explores the **psychological aspects of confidence** and provides techniques for building self-assurance and overcoming self-doubt. It offers insights into how to project confidence in various situations and effectively influence others.
Provides **insights into effective leadership** and the qualities that make a great leader. While it does not focus directly on communication, it offers valuable lessons on building strong relationships, inspiring teams, and creating a positive work environment.


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