LATEST: Course Updated Again for April 1st, 2023
Your Family Isn't Ready For A Terrorist Attack, Hurricane, Flood, or Tornado. Will They Survive? If The Government Collapsed Tomorrow Can You Feed & Protect Them?
Will They Die Because You Can't Even Survive 48 Hours on Your Own?
LATEST: Course Updated Again for April 1st, 2023
Your Family Isn't Ready For A Terrorist Attack, Hurricane, Flood, or Tornado. Will They Survive? If The Government Collapsed Tomorrow Can You Feed & Protect Them?
Will They Die Because You Can't Even Survive 48 Hours on Your Own?
Survival and survival training are enjoying a renewed popularity thanks to all the pseudo-reality television shows floating around on the airwaves and digital universe. Many people are beginning to wonder again whether or not they have what it takes to survive in the wilderness or deserts or in an urban environment during the man-made or natural disaster. But contrary to popular belief the act of survival is nothing like what is depicted on television or in movies. While it is possible to generate fire by rubbing sticks together to create friction even the most experienced survivalists cannot make it happen in 3 seconds flat in a snowstorm starting a fire with friction takes a great amount of patience and practice and a willingness to survive above everything else. 30 Day 100% Risk-Free Offer.
Think about these things for a minute ...
What would you do if there was a terrorist attack that caused mass chaos and panic, and all the stores and places of food were closed? Do you want to be the one that is begging your neighbors, friends, or family for help? Do you want to be shipped off to a FEMA “camp?"
Could you provide for your family if severe weather like hurricanes, snowstorms or a flood caused your area to go into a panic buying up everything off of stores and creating shortages? What if the stores were empty for weeks… or months?
Could you protect your family if there were massive power outages or rolling blackouts or brownouts disrupting electricity and making it nearly impossible to get food from stores or provide heat or energy in your home?
What would happen if the road system was destroyed by floods or other natural disasters in your area? Could you survive without food or other essentials for weeks?
Could you protect and provide for your family if an earthquake hit and the area was devastated?
This survival 101 course will help you test your mental limits and teach you how to get in the proper survival mindset for any survival or emergency situation you might encounter. It will also teach you the basic and necessary physical skills for survival and help you to separate fact from fiction when it comes to what is actually possible in a given survival situation, such as exactly how to find food.
Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.
“WARNING: Your Survival Could Depend On Your Next Choice"
Try drinking water and build a primitive shelter and fire so that you can survive for a minimum of 48 hours until you can either find help (referred to as a self-rescue) or be found by rescuers (assisted rescue). Although the minimum is 48 hours, suggested survival time until a rescue can be affected.
It could be as little as little as a few hours or as much as several weeks, until rescue workers may be able to rescue you. It all depends on the climate, the weather environment and a whole host of other factors.
Click the "Take This Course" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is jeopardizing not only your Safety but the Safety of Those You love. ...Scroll up and Enroll Now.
So the survival 101 course will teach you to take the basic survival skills that you have learned and perfected one step further and survive longer than 48 hours. If absolutely necessary on limited resources and your basic fundamental survival skills to not only survive but thrive in whatever survival scenario you find yourself in.
P.S. We're living in some of the craziest times in history and many experts agree that it's not a matter of “if" but “when" you will face an emergency that is beyond what you and your family have prepared for. There's a famous truism among instructors getting soldiers ready for war.“When the bullets start flying, you WON'T rise to the occasion. You will perform half as well as you did during your best training."
As with all my courses:
The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $200, but will next increase to $250
You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, ever
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30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer.
Weather you dare to challenge the brazen outdoors where Mother Nature herself sets the rules or you just somehow end up in a situation of dire outdoors endangerment, it's always best to know in advance just how to survive in the wilderness. Even for the most skilled survivalist, making the best of a bad or just an uncomfortable situation in the desolate outdoors always begins with these three main tips:
Preparing for an emergency survival can be a nerve wracking experience especially if these preparations are being made at the very last minute. Due to the unpredictable nature of life and our external surroundings, it's usually next to impossible to be able to predict such catastrophes and crises and be prepared for any self survival situation well in advance.
But with the high rate of catastrophic incidents such as the tsunami, earthquakes, volcano eruptions and even terrorist attacks have propelled the human minds to be readily prepared for any contingency in order to handle it better.
There are many different types of emergency kits available to the general public. In fact, emergency preparedness is such a general term that it really doesn't even give a clear picture of what any particular individual kit is actually for. Is an emergency kit a first aid kit, or is it more like a wilderness survival kit? These are definitely different things, and depending on which particular one you are looking at buying, an emergency kit could actually be either one.
What are the consequences of a Strong Earthquake?
Your home may have some level of structural damage to foundations, cripple walls, anchorage of walls to the floor or roof, masonry chimney, and around the garage opening or large window openings if soft story conditions are met. On the other hand, damage to non-structural elements and contents is most likely to occur to interior partitions, exterior wall panels, suspended ceilings, electrical and mechanical equipment, ducts, water and gas pipes, water heaters, hanging objects, furniture, home electronics, dishes, etc. In the meantime, electrical, gas, water and sewage, and transportation systems are most likely to be disrupted for several days, weeks, or even months after a strong earthquake. Emergency response agencies and hospitals will likely be over-whelmed and unable to provide immediate assistance. To help your family cope during and after future inevitable earthquakes, you should establish, update, or maintain your own earthquake preparedness plan now.
Today's topic is urban survival supplies. We have seen many survival shows portray wilderness survival, plane crashes, mountain climbing gone wrong, etc. But, for most of us, we need to prepare to survive at home, school or the office in the event of some emergency or natural disaster.
Emergency preparedness urban survival supplies should include some main areas: shelter, food, water, first aid, light and communication, sanitation and hygiene, security and self-defense, reference guide, survival kits and a survival garden.
You will often hear preppers and survivalists talk about the "Rule of Three's" and you may be a bit confused, because there are actually more than one "Rule of Threes" out there. And while both of them were originally designed to help a person in the wilderness, they can also be very helpful to urban dwellers these days who may never venture out into the woods.
Let's take a look at what the preppers and survivalists are talking about and see why, whichever "Rule of Three's" you are talking about, it is so critical to survival in an SHTF (Sewage Hits The Fan) scenario.
Fears of an economic collapse, gun control laws, inflation on the rise, and the popularity of the TV show "Doomsday Preppers" all have a lot more people thinking about emergency preparedness these days. Record numbers of people are purchasing supplies and trying to adopt the prepper lifestyle, but in order to really be prepared, you need to first learn to think like a prepper.
Disaster will never make its presence known by knocking at your door before invading your peaceful abode and striking you down. Instead it will catch you off guard and in no time render your life to pieces.
So it is crucial for us to adopt the urban survivalist approach and work towards preparing ourselves for any contingency. The investment you make today will help you and your family whenever a real disaster strikes at any moment. In life and death situations, it is hard to think rationally and almost impossible to gather supplies at the very last minute. In a crisis situation, every second counts. The more prepared you are, the greater your chances of making it through.
With natural calamities disturbing our lives every year, most people want to become a prepper even if they do not believe doomsday is coming. Anyone in the world can be attacked by a natural calamity so it is very logical to be prepared for these kinds of possibilities.
Many people are afraid of becoming an all out prepper because they don't want to become a laughing stock by the people they know. Here are some tips that you can follow to make sure that will increase your chances of survival when the inevitable natural calamities happen.
If you are planning to go on an outdoor survival trip, be sure you are physically and mentally able and prepared for such a daring and risky adventure.
We suggest you take the time to gather some notes and plan your trip way in advance. All though this will be an awesome experience, and a lot of fun, it could be very dangerous and potentially life threatening if not prepared for it. There is a big difference between hiking or camping then going on a real live survival trip. A survival trip means your only taking accentual items to live off of. A survival trip is not for the beginning hiker or camper, but for the experience outdoor enthusiast, an outdoor person that has done a lot of hiking, camping, fishing or hunting in the wilderness, or has had some kind of military experience in the wilderness. One thing for sure, is to never try to do something like this on your own, always have a partner or two to go with you.
Wilderness survival can be one of the most challenging adventures of a lifetime. Being in the wild and with nature can be a profound experience. There can be a great time to be had when engaging in wilderness adventure. However, things in the wilderness may not be just about sightseeing, exploration and fun. If one desires to venture the wild and to keep alive staying there, he should know wilderness survival skills.
To learn the basic wilderness survival skills, one should enroll in a survival skill program offered by a survival school. Participating in survival training seminar could also be an option. Various schools and institutions may have their own survival programs. Nevertheless, the programs offered may integrate the basic survival skills.
Big knives have always fascinated me and I know they have the same effect on a lot of other people as well. They bring up images of Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett, mountain men, and the Long Knives. Small knives are useful, practical, and handy, but they just don't fire the imagination like large knives do. Both are necessary for the wilderness, especially if you don't carry an axe or tomahawk. The definition of a large knife varies, but most people have it in the 7-9" and up range.
Asking people in the prepping culture a simple question such as "What is the best survival method for prepping? Bunkering, Homesteading, Wilderness Survival or Other" will generate a great many discussions and even more very intense and well thought out replies and arguments. Most people will answer this question very quickly based on their own opinion or position in life, which is realistically the best way to answer the question. For those of us in the "business" of prepping we sometimes have to take a step back and look at the big picture. This is difficult for so many of us because we have spent years of time and vast amounts of resources building up our own preps and knowledge based on our own opinions and situations.
Disasters can strike anytime. You may have to face a hurricane or a tornado. What you need to do is study the basics as this is important to make the right decision during the destruction. After all, you may not want to get hurt or see your property get damaged during this type of disasters. So, if you are looking for some survival tips, we suggest that you read this article.
Wilderness survival school is a great way for people and youngsters in particular to prepare themselves for the great outdoors.
If you are thinking of trying out a course, there are some things to consider before choosing the right wilderness adventure school.
An emergency situation is something that is never seen coming. Generally people do not take emergency situations seriously and will never be fully prepared tackle it. They come in the way of individuals and leave them helpless. But there are certain things that must be done to help give an individual a ray of hope.
There have been numerous disasters that have taken place in recent time, with over thousands of people losing their lives in disasters. This is mainly because they were not prepared or had no idea what to do before any help arrived. An emergency situation is overwhelming for any individual, leaving them confused and not knowing what to do. It is extremely important to know what to do and how to do things during a disaster.
There is a YouTube clip from Saturday night live that stars Chris Farley, David Spade and Adam Sandler dressed as women at a cafe; Chris Farley starts eating Davids french fries. Adam makes a comment; "save some for us"; and Chris growls back, "LAY OFF ME I'M STARVING!!" The skit is very funny and gives a humorous yet somewhat accurate portrayal of how we view food.
The problem is that I believe the majority of us in America have no realistic idea of what it feels like to starve. Starvation is a very slow and painful process and I guarantee that in a survival situation you are more likely to die from hypothermia and dehydration long before your body starves.
Do you get in the car and go to the store for the food you need?
Doing this puts you at the bottom of the food prep levels. You would not last long in a disaster due to your lack of preparedness. Stores are quickly going to be without supplies and your family will go hungry,
You won't be alone. The majority of Americans are at this same level of preparedness. They are too accustomed to grabbing something on the way home, going out to eat or relying on the government to provide for them during a disaster.
Please think about the items in your panty. How many meals do you have in there? How long would you last without resupply? Don't put yourself in the position of going hungry during a disaster. Take steps now to get ready for when an emergency happens.
The time to prepare is before the need arises.
Survival awareness, planning and preparation need to become a part of your daily life. This means knowing what could potentially cause you or your family harm. It could be a crime such as an attempted robbery, rape or kidnapping. It could be a natural disaster that causes otherwise nice neighbors to turn into hungry, desperate looters who try to break into your home and steal your food.
If a terrorist attack were to happen nearby, regardless of where you are in the world, it could have disastrous consequences if you are not prepared and ask yourself the right questions before you are forced to.
It is very important to make sure that you are prepared for an emergency by putting together a survival kit that has essential survival items. The kit will come in handy when you do not have ready access to important items that you need on a daily basis.
It is important to have a survival kit, whether it is for your home or car. It is one thing to have a kit, but it is equally important to maintain the kit in order to ensure that all the supplies are in good working condition or are safe to use. The following maintenance tips are important.
We'll use the term "preparation areas" to refer to food planning. After all, a lot more activities than cooking are crammed into most kitchens. Right here are some of the major work sections you may find.
If you want to protect yourself, you have to consider your survival preparedness as a way of life.
It's not a weekend here or there, it's a 24/7 mindset. Are you cut out to be a survivalist? Can you gather the gear, especially straps, and know-how together?
You need to be ready (and able) to protect your family from all comers. Whether they are coming through your front door or through a window won't even matter. You need to be ready to defend yourself and those who you care about.
If you ever find yourself lost in the woods one of the most important things you will need to know is how to kill and capture food for you to consume. Although many people are against the killing of animals, however when it comes to survival you have to be able to give your body the ability and energy to survive until you are rescued, and for many this means by killing an animal to eat to survive. There are many different ways that you can kill your food to consume.
Of course one of the easiest and common ways to kill your food is by the use of a knife. However, there are many people that do not have a knife when they become lost in the woods and have to use other methods to capture their food. Fish can be caught barehanded without an use of a weapon and for larger and smaller mammal animals you can capture them in a trap and then kill them with the use of a rock. Capturing food anyway possible is very significant and means everything to your survival in the wilderness.
Wilderness survival has become part of the social consciousness recently, whether the impetus is a feeling of impending doom or a morbid fascination with a zombie apocalypse the facts remains people are interested. Wilderness survival doesn't have to be a total mystery especially when you recognize that even your pet dog would survive in all but the most harsh wilderness situations. Below you will find seven tips to help in a survival situation.
When in a survival situation, there are a lot of things that rush through your head. However, it is very important that you Please Remember What's First. That's P. R. W. F. for Protection, Rescue, Water, and Food.
Many families have household pets. Most are important members of the family. Sometimes they are inadvertently ignored when it comes to things such as vacations, Sunday trips and other family activities. Some animals earn their keep, and others are purely pets. Whatever the case, we value the animals we have chosen to share our lives with. The one area that is often overlooked is advance planning in the unfortunate instance of evacuation if the need arises.
The scout sniper student has been gearing up for this moment throughout his training. It is the last test that he must pass before he officially earns the title of scout sniper. He has carefully prepared his gear: a ghillie suit - a camouflage suit to conceal his body, as well as his weapon - painted to match the terrain and tied with burlap. He has crawled on his hands and knees for hours to get to the best location to allow him to "snipe" his instructors. Finally into position, he fires his round and waits to be evaluated. The instructors search the forest in front of them for any signs of the sniper. A member of the evaluation team, upon instructions from the spotters, walks toward the sniper and stops. "Sniper at your feet!" is called out and the student has been caught. But what gave him away? It was the black hole that the spotters noticed - the black hole that his scope created. Everything else was camouflaged but he forgot about the glass of his scope.
In the outdoors you need water, it is essential to life. On an average, people lose 2-3 liters of water every day and that's just for the average person, not someone who is exercising or active. Don't forget, the average person can only survive for approximately three days without water. The concern for the outdoor enthusiast comes from the quality of the water available in the backcountry. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that 90% of the world's water supply is contaminated in some form. After drinking contaminated water, there is an increased risk of illness and can result in potential fluid loss due to diarrhea and vomiting. The answer - Purify Your Water.
If you are planning to go on an outdoor survival trip, be sure you are physically and mentally able and prepared for such a daring and risky adventure.
We suggest you take the time to gather some notes and plan your trip way in advance. All though this will be an awesome experience, and a lot of fun, it could be very dangerous and potentially life threatening if not prepared for it. There is a big difference between hiking or camping then going on a real live survival trip. A survival trip means your only taking accentual items to live off of. A survival trip is not for the beginning hiker or camper, but for the experience outdoor enthusiast, an outdoor person that has done a lot of hiking, camping, fishing or hunting in the wilderness, or has had some kind of military experience in the wilderness. One thing for sure, is to never try to do something like this on your own, always have a partner or two to go with you.
Big knives have always fascinated me and I know they have the same effect on a lot of other people as well. They bring up images of Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett, mountain men, and the Long Knives. Small knives are useful, practical, and handy, but they just don't fire the imagination like large knives do. Both are necessary for the wilderness, especially if you don't carry an axe or tomahawk. The definition of a large knife varies, but most people have it in the 7-9" and up range.
Fire making is a need-to-know skill if you are planning on spending any time in the wilderness. Fire is the second most important need when in a survival situation, shelter being the first, and once obtained it can be used for many things including: boiling water to make it drinkable, hardening wood for spears, arrows, digging tools, firing pottery, keeping you warm, and the list goes on.
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