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Read in Hindi transcript:4-IN-1 COMBO || CCNA 200-301 क्रैश कोर्स + CCNA 200-125 पूर्ण वीडियो + CCNA सुरक्षा +0 (CCNA 200-301) परीक्षा CCNA प्रमाणन से जुड़ी 120 मिनट की परीक्षा है। यह परीक्षा एक उम्मीदवार के ज्ञान और नेटवर्क फंडामेंटल, नेटवर्क एक्सेस, आईपी कनेक्टिविटी, आईपी सेवाओं, सुरक्षा फंडामेंटल और ऑटोमेशन और प्रोग्रामबिलिटी से संबंधित कौशल का परीक्षण करती है।

24 फरवरी 2020 से प्रभावी, CISCO के पास अब 2 नए CCNA ट्रैक्स हैं और पिछले सभी ट्रैक्स को बंद कर दिया है। अब CCNA Curriculum में CCNA और CCNA Devnet केवल 2 ट्रैक हैं

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Read in Hindi transcript:4-IN-1 COMBO || CCNA 200-301 क्रैश कोर्स + CCNA 200-125 पूर्ण वीडियो + CCNA सुरक्षा +0 (CCNA 200-301) परीक्षा CCNA प्रमाणन से जुड़ी 120 मिनट की परीक्षा है। यह परीक्षा एक उम्मीदवार के ज्ञान और नेटवर्क फंडामेंटल, नेटवर्क एक्सेस, आईपी कनेक्टिविटी, आईपी सेवाओं, सुरक्षा फंडामेंटल और ऑटोमेशन और प्रोग्रामबिलिटी से संबंधित कौशल का परीक्षण करती है।

24 फरवरी 2020 से प्रभावी, CISCO के पास अब 2 नए CCNA ट्रैक्स हैं और पिछले सभी ट्रैक्स को बंद कर दिया है। अब CCNA Curriculum में CCNA और CCNA Devnet केवल 2 ट्रैक हैं

CCNA 200-301 में बुनियादी आईपी फंडामेंटल्स, नेटवर्क एक्सेस, आईपी कनेक्टिविटी और ऑटोमेशन और नेटवर्क प्रोग्रामेबिलिटी, और सिक्योरिटी फंडामेंटल स्किल्स जैसे बेसिक्स में एंट्री-लेवल नेटवर्किंग स्किल्स को कवर किया गया है, क्योंकि पहली बार नेटवर्किंग में प्रवेश करते समय स्किल्स की चौड़ाई की जरूरत होती है।

प्रोग्राम स्कोप

  1. CCNA प्रमाणित उम्मीदवार निम्नलिखित अवसरों की अपेक्षा कर सकते हैं

  2. आरंभिक स्तर नेटवर्क इंजीनियर की भूमिका

  3. 1.5 लाख -2.5 लाख पैकेज

  4. भारत के सभी मेट्रो शहरों में नौकरियां

  5. CCNP या CCIE स्तर ट्रैक्स के लिए और अपग्रेड कर सकते हैं

  6. CCNA की परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करने पर सबसे अधिक अवसर

सादरNetworkJourneyYoutube Channel: NetworkJourney

Read in English transcript:[HINDI] 4-IN-1 COMBO || CCNA 200-

The Cisco Certified Network Associate v1.0 (CCNA 200-301) exam is a 120-minute exam associated with the CCNA certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability.

Effective from 24th Feb 2020, Cisco has now a 2 New CCNA Tracks and discontinued all previous tracks. Now CCNA and CCNA Devnet are only 2 tracks in CCNA Curriculum

CCNA 200-301 covers entry-level networking skills across technologies, such as basic IP fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, and basics of automation and network programmability, and security fundamental skills, because the breadth of skills is needed when first entering networking.

Program Scope

CCNA Certified Candidates can expect following opportunities

  1. Starting level Network Engineer role

  2. 1.5 Lakhs -2.5 Lakhs package

  3. Jobs in all Metro Cities in India

  4. Can further upgrade for CCNP or CCIE level Tracks

  5. Most opportunity on passing the exam of CCNA


NetworkJourneyYoutube Channel: NetworkJourney

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Ccna
  • Networking
  • Beginner networking
  • Networking ccna
  • Ccna for networking
  • Ccna and linux
  • Linux introduction
  • Ccna basics
  • Ccna in hindi
  • Hindi ccna cisco
  • Hindi cisco ccna


24 फरवरी 2020 से प्रभावी, सिस्को के पास अब 2 नए CCNA ट्रैक्स हैं और पिछले सभी ट्रैक्स को बंद कर दिया है। अब CCNA Curriculum में CCNA और CCNA Devnet केवल 2 ट्रैक हैं
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Cisco आधिकारिक पाठ बुक डाउनलोड करें #Download Official Cisco Text book
परिचय Introduction
[HINDI] CCNA क्लास # 2 || EVENG लैब सेटअप, राउटर, स्विच, कंसोल, Te प्रदर्शित करत
[HINDI] CCNA क्लास # 3 || फ्री CCNA 200-301 [हिंदी] - VTP, (VLAN TRUNKING PRO
[HINDI] CCNA क्लास # 4 || एसटीपी (फैले हुए पेड़) + दिन # 1 फ्री लिनक्स कोर्स परि
यह नीचे की सामग्री CCNA 200-125 के लिए मेरे हिंदी बैच से है। अधिकांश विषय वर्तमान नई CCNA 200-301 में भी मौजूद हैं। यह भिखारियों और प्रयोगशालाओं के लिए अच्छी सीख होगी।
दिन # 1 - कोर्स परिचय, इंटर नेटवर्किंग, इंटरनेट वर्क्स (अध्याय 1)
दिन # 2 - नेटवर्क घटक, नेटवर्क टोपोलॉजी, केबल बिछाने के प्रकार {ऑप्टिक फाइबर} (च
दिन # 3 - केबल प्रकार {ईथरनेट केबल}, ईथरनेट रंग कोडिंग, POE, टकराव,
दिन # 4 ए - OSI परतें
दिन # 4 बी - OSI परतें
दिन # 5 - टीसीपीआईपी मॉडल, पांच आईपी श्रेणी वर्ग, सबनेटिंग - एफएलएसएम और वीएलएसए
दिन # 6 - सबनेटिंग का संशोधन - एफएलएसएम और वीएलएसएम, बेसिक स्विच लैब (GNS3)
डे # 7 - बेसिक स्विच लैब (कॉनटैड), वीएलएएन, एक्सेस, ट्रंक, नेटिव वलान, आईएसएल, D
दिन # 8 - ACCESS व्लन और ट्रंक वलान लैब, डीटीपी एलएबी (GNS3)
दिन # 9 - इंटर-वलान लैब {राउटर-इन-स्टिक और एमएलएस}, नेटिव वलान लैब (GNS3)
दिन # 10 - वीटीपी वी 2 और वी 3 और वीटीपी प्रूनिंग - {थ्योरी + जीएनएस 3 लैब}
दिन # 11 - सीडीपी और एलएलडीपी लैब, एसटीपी लैब - सीसीएनए आरएस
दिन # 12 - एसटीपी, एसटीपी पोर्टफ़ास्ट - सिद्धांत + एलएबी - सीसीएनए आरएस
दिन # 13 - एसटीपी, एसटीपी BPDUGuard, BPDUFilter, रूट गार्ड - थ्योरी + प्रयोगशाला
दिन # 14 - एथेरांचेल (सिद्धांत + एलएबी), आईपी रूटिंग - ओएसपीएफ मूल बातें - सीसीए
दिन # 15 - ओएसपीएफ सेवन स्टेट्स - सीसीएनए आरएस
दिन # 16 - OSPF टेबल प्रकार, OSPF पैकेट प्रकार, OSPF क्षेत्र लाभ, Networks
दिन # 17 - OSPF मूल बातें संशोधन अब तक Wireshark कब्जा के साथ समझाया गया है
दिन # 18 - OSPF - एलएसए प्रकार, हैलो पैकेट्स का विरेशर कैप्चर, बेसिक OSPF Lab
दिन # 19 - मल्टी-एरिया OSPFv2, हैलो और डेड टाइमर डीबगिंग, MTU मिस्टैच चिंता
दिन # 20 (ए) - क्षेत्र आईडी, प्रमाणीकरण - सादा पाठ और एमडी 5, क्षेत्र प्रकार
दिन # 20 (बी) - क्षेत्र आईडी, प्रमाणीकरण - सादा पाठ और एमडी 5, क्षेत्र प्रकार
दिन # 21 - ओएसपीएफ मल्टीकास्ट आईपी, ऑटो-कॉस्ट संदर्भ-बैंडविड्थ, पैसिव
दिन # 22 - OSPF और EIGRP के बीच पुनर्वितरण, OSPF में वर्चुअल लिंक कॉन्फिगर
दिन # 23 - BGP (बॉर्डर गेटवे प्रोटोकॉल) - जीएनएस 3 एलएबी + थ्योरी + विंडशर पै
दिन # 24 - पासवर्ड रिकवरी और कॉन्फ़िगरेशन रजिस्टर, सिस्को IOS उन्नयन और आर
दिन # 25 - डीएचसीपी, एसीएल मानक प्रकार (नंबरिंग और नामकरण) - जीएनएस 3 लैब + थ्यो
दिन # 26 - एसीएल विस्तारित, बेसिक डिवाइस हार्डनिंग (विषय 6.5), डिवाइस प्रबंधन (ट
दिन # 27 - DNS (topic5.1), समस्या निवारण DNS (topic5.2), SNMPv2 (topic7.1.a), SN
दिन # 28 - NAT (नेटवर्क एड्रेस ट्रांसलेशन) (topic5.6) GNS3 लैब + थ्योरी
दिन # 29 आईपीवी 6, क्यूओएस थ्योरी + लैब
दिन # 30 PPP, MLPPP, PPPoE, GRE सुरंग - वान टेक्नोलॉजीज थ्योरी + लै
CCNA सुरक्षा (Security) अवधारणाओं जैसे नेटवर्क के हमलों, NTP, .1x, Spoofing, निजी Vlan आदि को लैब प्रदर्शन के साथ जानें।
दिन # 1 CIA, SIEM, सुरक्षा शर्तें, नेटवर्क सुरक्षा क्षेत्र {topic1.1.a,
दिन # 2 एएसए सुरक्षा क्षेत्र जीएनएस 3 लैब, क्रिप्टोग्राफी अवधारणाएं (विषय 1.3) -
दिन # 3 आम नेटवर्क हमलों - (टोही हमला) {topic1.2.a} - CCNA Secu
दिन # 4 आम नेटवर्क हमलों - (प्रवेश हमला) {topic1.2.a} - CCNA सुरक्षा
दिन # 5 आम नेटवर्क हमलों - (डॉस, DDOS, विशेषाधिकार वृद्धि) {topic1.2.a}
दिन # 7 - इन-बैंड बनाम आउट-ऑफ-बैंड {topic.2.1.a}, सुरक्षित नेटवर्क प्रबंधन कॉन्फ
दिन # 8 - एसएनएमपी v3 {topic2.1.c}, फाइल ट्रांसफर के लिए एससीपी {topic2.1.e} - स
दिन # 9 - NTP नेटवर्क टाइम प्रोटोकॉल {topic2.1.d} - CCNA सुरक्षा
दिन # 10 - 802.1X {topic2.3}, BYOD {topic2.4}, त्रिज्या और TACACS + {topic2.2.a}
दिन # 11 - त्रिज्या और टीएसीएसीएस + {topic2.2.a, topic2.2.b, topic2.2.c, topic2.
दिन # 12 - सिस्को राउटर्स पर सुरक्षा {topic4.1.a, topic4.1.b और topic4.1.c}
दिन # 13 - OSPF पर प्रमाणीकरण {topic4.2.a}, प्रबंधन विमान {विषय 4
दिन # 14 - एसटीपी हमले, बीपीडीयू गार्ड, रूट गार्ड, लूप गार्ड, एआरपी स्पूफिंग {वि
दिन # 15 - MAC स्पूफिंग {topic4.4.c}, CAM तालिका अतिप्रवाह {topic4.4.d}, पोर्ट s
दिन # 16 - CDP, LLDP reconnaissance {topic4.4.e}, DHCP स्पूफिंग {topic4.4.
दिन # 17 - Private वलान {topic4.6.a}, Native vlan {topic4.6.b}
यह खंड सिस्को एएसए (CISCO ASA) फ़ायरवॉल सीखने वालों के लिए है
दिन # 1 - Cisco ASA इंट्रो
दिन # 2 - Cisco ASA - शुरू करना
दिन # 3 - Cisco ASA - सुरक्षा स्तर, एक्सेस मोड, एस पर आईओएस अपग्रेडेशन जीएनएस 3
दिन # 4 - Enable SS, बेसिक Firewall कॉन्फ़िगरेशन, ASA पैकेट फ्लो को सक्षम करें
दिन # 5 - पोर्ट अनब्लॉकिंग GNS3 लैब
दिन # 6 - पोर्ट अनब्लॉकिंग - पार्ट बी - GNS3 लैब
दिन # 7 - एएसए सुरक्षा स्तरों में संशोधन
दिन # 8 - NAT - Dynamic NAT
दिन # 9 - NAT - डायनेमिक NAT, डायनेमिक PAT, स्टेटिक नेट, स्टेटिक पैट
दिन # 10 - IPSec साइट-टू-साइट - भाग ए
दिन # 11 - IPSec साइट-टू-साइट - GNS3 कॉन्फ़िगरेशन - भाग B
दिन # 12 - रिमोट एक्सेस IPSec वीपीएन - Cisco वीपीएन Client
दिन # 13 - रिमोट एक्सेस SSL VPN - कहीं भी - लैब
दिन # 14 - रिमोट Access SSL वीपीएन - SELF SIGNED CERTIFICATE - GNS3 के साथ कह
दिन # 15 HA फेलओवर
डे # 16 घड़ी, डेलाइट सेविंग क्लॉक, NTP, Syslog
इस बैच के दिन 17 रूटिंग, ASDM, फाइनल क्लास

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Prepares learners for the CCNA 200-301 certification, which validates skills in network fundamentals, security, and automation, enhancing career prospects in networking
Aims to equip candidates with skills for entry-level network engineer roles in India, potentially leading to a salary package of 1.5 to 2.5 lakhs
Covers a wide range of topics, including network fundamentals, IP connectivity, and network programmability, which are essential for the CCNA 200-301 exam
Includes content from the older CCNA 200-125, which may still be relevant as many topics overlap with the current CCNA 200-301 curriculum, offering additional learning material
Requires learners to set up an 'EVENG' lab, which may require additional hardware or software and may pose a barrier to entry for some learners
Teaches skills using GNS3, which is a virtual network simulator that requires learners to download and configure software, which may pose a barrier to entry for some learners

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in [हिंदी] 14 दिनों में CISCO CCNA 200-301 CRASH कोर्स जानें with these activities:
Review Basic Networking Concepts
Reinforce your understanding of fundamental networking concepts before diving into the CCNA 200-301 material. This will provide a solid foundation for more advanced topics.
Browse courses on Networking Fundamentals
Show steps
  • Review the OSI and TCP/IP models.
  • Practice subnetting exercises.
  • Familiarize yourself with common networking devices.
Read 'CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1'
Study the official certification guide to gain a thorough understanding of the CCNA 200-301 exam objectives. This will help you prepare for the exam and solidify your knowledge.
Show steps
  • Read each chapter carefully.
  • Complete the practice questions at the end of each chapter.
  • Review any areas where you struggle.
Practice Subnetting Exercises
Sharpen your subnetting skills through regular practice. This is a crucial skill for network engineers and will be heavily tested on the CCNA exam.
Show steps
  • Find online subnetting calculators and practice problems.
  • Time yourself to improve speed and accuracy.
  • Review your answers and identify areas for improvement.
Four other activities
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Build a Virtual Network in GNS3
Gain hands-on experience by building a virtual network using GNS3. This will allow you to apply your knowledge and troubleshoot real-world scenarios.
Show steps
  • Install GNS3 on your computer.
  • Design a network topology with routers and switches.
  • Configure the devices and test connectivity.
  • Troubleshoot any issues that arise.
Create a Network Diagram
Visualize network concepts by creating a network diagram. This will help you understand how different devices and protocols interact.
Show steps
  • Choose a network diagramming tool.
  • Select a network scenario to diagram.
  • Create the diagram, labeling all devices and connections.
  • Explain the diagram to a peer.
Read 'Network Warrior'
Expand your understanding of network engineering practices by reading 'Network Warrior'. This will provide valuable context and real-world examples to supplement your CCNA studies.
Show steps
  • Read each chapter, focusing on practical examples.
  • Relate the concepts to your own network experiences.
  • Consider how you can apply the advice in your own work.
Help Others in Online Forums
Reinforce your learning by helping others in online forums. Explaining concepts to others will solidify your understanding and identify any gaps in your knowledge.
Show steps
  • Find online forums related to CCNA and networking.
  • Answer questions from other students.
  • Explain concepts in your own words.

Career center

Learners who complete [हिंदी] 14 दिनों में CISCO CCNA 200-301 CRASH कोर्स जानें will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Network Engineer
A network engineer designs, implements, and manages an organization's computer networks. This course provides instruction in important topics such as network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, and security fundamentals. As the course is a Cisco Certified Network Associate crash course, it gives you a broad understanding of networking that helps build a foundation for this career. A network engineer uses knowledge of networking protocols, hardware, and software to ensure the smooth flow of data across networks. This course may be useful for someone who is looking to begin a career as a network engineer.
Network Administrator
A network administrator maintains a network's infrastructure, including routers, switches, and firewalls. This course will help build a foundation in network fundamentals, IP connectivity, security fundamentals, and automation. As the course is a Cisco Certified Network Associate crash course, it teaches a wide range of networking skills relevant for network administration. This course may be helpful for a student interested in becoming a network administrator.
Network Technician
A network technician is responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing network equipment, including cables, routers, and switches. This course covers the fundamentals of networking, IP connectivity, and network access. The practical knowledge gained in this course provides a useful foundation for a network technician. Anyone looking to become a network technician may find this course useful.
Data Center Technician
A data center technician is responsible for the physical maintenance and operation of a data center, including the network infrastructure. This course gives a broad overview of network fundamentals, security fundamentals, IP connectivity, and automation, all of which are important for a data center technician. As this course covers a wide variety of networking topics, a data center technician may find the content applicable to their work. This course may be useful for anyone looking to begin a career as a data center technician.
Network Operations Center Analyst
A network operations center analyst monitors the performance and availability of networks and systems, frequently responding to incidents or alerts. This course provides an understanding of network fundamentals, IP connectivity, network security, and automation, which will be applicable to the work of a network operations center analyst. A student entering this field will have a good foundation from this course, which is a Cisco Certified Network Associate crash course. This course may be useful for a candidate who would like to start a career as a network operations center analyst.
Security Engineer
A security engineer designs, implements, and maintains security systems and procedures, which requires extensive knowledge of network security. This CCNA course provides a wide overview of network fundamentals and security skills that will be helpful for a security engineer. Given that this is a crash course in Cisco Certified Network Associate certification, a security engineer may benefit from the broad range of topics covered. This course may be useful for anyone who wishes to begin a career as a security engineer.
Telecommunications Specialist
A telecommunications specialist installs and maintains telecommunications infrastructure. This can include both internal networks and internet connectivity. This course provides instruction in network fundamentals, IP connectivity, security fundamentals, and automation that are important for a telecommunications specialist. Because this is a Cisco Certified Network Associate course, it may be useful as a foundation for a student who would like to begin a career as a telecommunications specialist.
Information Security Analyst
An information security analyst protects an organization's information assets from threats, often requiring knowledge of network security fundamentals. This course provides instruction in security fundamentals, which may help a student who wishes to enter this field. The course also covers network fundamentals, which are important for an information security analyst's work. A prospective information security analyst may find this course very helpful.
Cybersecurity Analyst
A cybersecurity analyst monitors networks and systems for security breaches, analyzing security incidents and implementing security measures to protect digital assets. This course contains instruction on security fundamentals as well as network fundamentals, which are important for a cybersecurity analyst. The course provides a foundation in networking and security, which may help in analyzing and mitigating security threats in computer networks. A person who wishes to be a cybersecurity analyst may find this course useful.
Technical Support Engineer
A technical support engineer provides advanced technical support to customers, often requiring knowledge of networking hardware and software. This course introduces networking fundamentals, IP connectivity, network security, and automation, which may be applicable to the work of a technical support engineer. This course is a Cisco Certified Network Associate crash course, which means it is a broad overview of networking and may be useful for a student who would like to begin a career as a technical support engineer.
IT Support Specialist
An IT support specialist assists users with their technical problems, which may involve troubleshooting network issues. The CCNA course provides useful knowledge about network fundamentals, security, and IP connectivity. This course may provide the knowledge necessary to understand underlying networking issues that an IT support specialist encounters. This course is oriented to the Cisco Certified Network Associate certification, which may be useful for someone wishing to pursue a career as an IT support specialist.
Penetration Tester
A penetration tester simulates cyberattacks on networks to identify vulnerabilities, which requires knowledge of network security principles. This course provides a foundation for this role, as the Cisco Certified Network Associate crash course provides entry-level skills covering network fundamentals, security, and IP connectivity. As a penetration tester must understand the basics of networking, this course may be useful for someone wishing to enter this career.
Cloud Support Engineer
A cloud support engineer provides technical support for cloud-based services and infrastructure, handling issues related to network connectivity, security, and system performance. This course may be useful because it provides a broad overview of network fundamentals, IP connectivity, security fundamentals, and automation. It also covers some security topics, such as firewalls and intrusion detection. A person who wishes to enter the cloud industry as a cloud support engineer may find this course quite helpful.
Systems Administrator
A systems administrator is responsible for the upkeep, configuration, and reliable operation of computer systems, especially multi-user computers, such as servers. This course provides instruction in fundamental network concepts, including IP connectivity, network security, and automation, which are necessary for a systems administrator. The course introduces the structure of networks and discusses the protocols and standards that make networks work, which may be helpful for anyone who wishes to establish a career as a systems administrator.
IT Consultant
An IT consultant advises organizations on how to best use technology to improve their business strategies, requiring an understanding of a wide range of technologies including networking. This course is a good starting point to build a foundation in network fundamentals, security and automation. An IT consultant must be familiar with underlying networking concepts. Therefore, this course may be useful for aspiring IT consultants.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in [हिंदी] 14 दिनों में CISCO CCNA 200-301 CRASH कोर्स जानें.
Is the official certification guide for the CCNA 200-301 exam. It covers all the exam topics in detail and provides practice questions and scenarios. It is highly recommended as a primary resource for exam preparation and provides the most comprehensive coverage of the CCNA curriculum. This book is commonly used as a textbook at academic institutions and by industry professionals.
Provides practical advice and real-world examples for network engineers. It covers a wide range of topics, including routing, switching, security, and troubleshooting. While not specifically focused on the CCNA exam, it offers valuable insights into the day-to-day challenges of network administration. This book is more valuable as additional reading than it is as a current reference.


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