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RGB Skills

In this course, we will get you started with working with Fiberglass material effectively to reinforce foam and other core material as part of a introduction to a key subject once the learner has the the structural experience, confidence and know to build and construct experimental aircraft for beginners on gaining a better view of the process to begin working with fiberglass yourself should you have the assistance or supervision or are capable yourself to try out a few simple tries on your own.

Course Coverage:

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In this course, we will get you started with working with Fiberglass material effectively to reinforce foam and other core material as part of a introduction to a key subject once the learner has the the structural experience, confidence and know to build and construct experimental aircraft for beginners on gaining a better view of the process to begin working with fiberglass yourself should you have the assistance or supervision or are capable yourself to try out a few simple tries on your own.

Course Coverage:

  • This introduction course is condensed into a short 1-hour long "over-the-shoulder" workshop covering a DIY guide to reinforcing foam cores with Fiberglass.

  • To get you started sharing these skills from the experience of an experimental aircraft builder, where in the past we have worked to build our own aircraft from plans, experienced helping others build theirs, as well as build conceptual water tanks for automobiles, water bowls for wild birds, even as small as postboxes.

  • Each lecture covers a topic in the process, where we cover the basics in short 2-minute lectures so you can follow along and take notes.

  • We don't cover the topic of makings molds in this course, though these skills can be used on certain molds which would act as cores to apply Fiberglass.

  • However, we do demonstrate how wings and structures such as "canards" used on aircraft are cut from foam, which are the cores to which Fiberglass gets structurally applied in Aircraft design.

It has many applications in DIY repairs, even in the structural design for marine vehicles like small boats. In this course, we will cover the basics of Fiberglass in practice, working with it, and how to apply it relatively quickly and effectively.

Although we don't cover the topic of makings molds in this course.

For many, the subject of "Fiberglass" and "Composite Materials" may come to mind. Fiberglass tends to be heavier than Carbon Fiber, however it is known to be cheaper, and why many use it.

Further Considerations:

Have you thought of a creative or great use case in which you could use this material yet? Don't worry, you'll think of something good.

Though of course before practicing or learning anything new, first things first, think and practice safety, always.

Some may think when covering the course, that before 3D printers became popular, this building thing from Fiberglass was sort of an analogy to the hands-on manual process of doing so that many users still use today to complete many projects.

Even 3D printers can take their time, and do not be fooled some Fiberglass projects can be challenging to build from scratch also the bigger scale the projects is as well as depending on your resources could stretch into years, even decades for some for example when it comes to building aircraft, though with the right experienced team all working together safely and innovating, some people have done amazing things in a short period, and with the extra experienced support it could be both fun and rewarding doing so when everything goes to plan.

Student Background:

  • No matter prior experience, so long as you approach with responsible care and safety, this may suit a creative DIY hobbyist or enthusiast, interested in building aircraft from plans ( though we only mostly cover Fiberglass basics).

  • The more experience you have in an area to use these skills, the better and quicker you may understand and adapt, though everyone learns something from scratch at some point.

  • With a willingness to learn and apply patience from beginner to intermediate you'll be able to take notes and is recommended to complete the course and have taken notes and planned ahead before practicing,

  • unless of course, you feel comfortable and just refreshing your memory by taking this course.  

  • Adult supervision is advised for younger students.

  • Should you be taking this course to apply these invaluable skills to a personal project, then having a background and or understanding of a "Materials" or "Structural" design will be advantageous to how you approach the task at hand in making your considerations for specifications in what materials are best to use for the project.


  • Depending on what creative ideas you already have in mind, with the right know-how just like you would be getting started here, because of the many hours required on some large projects, and working with the right clients they may even get you up to speed such as if they see you are a willing apprentice that understands and is able to use the skills safely and correctly to help them on their projects.

  • These fundamental skills can be used to create things from scratch or repair things like plastic bumpers and so forth, or as part of manufacturing certain cosmetic replacement parts that fit vehicles, even certain aircraft, DIY postboxes, and so forth.

  • You can even find ways not mentioned to create your own value.

SAFETY  We expand a little more in Chapter 0 after the introduction.

Safety Gear:

  • Wear long-used overalls. (These must be dusted/vacuumed off and washed separately in a bucket and kept out of the home)

  • Wear safety goggles/glasses that cover your eyes to help prevent you from touching them and from splashes or dust.

  • Wear a workshop respirator/particle mask that also covers the nose.

  • Wear thick rubber nitrile gloves.

Safety Disclaimer

  • Powders and material fabric used in Fiberglass contain tiny glass particles or otherwise can end up sharp and cut you if breathed in, comes in contact with skin, hands, eyes or swallowed.

  • Always ensure your hands are clean before touching yourself, objects you may accidentally contaminate, or others.

  • Resins and hardeners have the same toxic hazardous carcinogenic danger if at all come into contact with skin hands or eyes or are ingested.

  • Pay careful attention when purchasing these products to do research with your supplier for the safety and storage data sheets.

  • Requires immediate action to rinse if in contact with eyes, and flush out with eyes open for 15 minutes under normal/warm water while doing so seek emergency help and care with a copy of the substance label so Medical Professional can immediately treat you as symptoms may not show up immediately.

  • Hands can be washed under warm soapy water thoroughly.

  • Vacuum any dusk particles from the workspace.

We as instructors cannot claim responsibility for any harm or injury whatsoever or as a result of any exposure or lack of precaution taken when following this course, it is the onus of the student/consumer of this course material to avoid any neglect or abuse, and to practice and use these skills in a safe and ethical manner as responsibly as possible.your

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Basic Safety Gear:


It is good to note that VERY HAZARDOUS materials and chemicals are used in practice that is DANGEROUS should you or anyone come IN CONTACT, SWALLOW or INGEST, BREATHE IN, or GETS INTO anyone's EYES.

It is a good simple rule to wash up and take great care and caution, by wearing the appropriate safety gear, at all times to protect yourself and others from accidental contact or exposure in these areas.

These are just the basics, it is good to know them all and research further how to better protect you and others! (Scroll Down for more below...)


- Workshop particle dust mask (or "Respirator", Must also cover the nose, to protect from sanded foam, fiberglass particles, epoxy resin/hardener fumes or splash, or glass powder exposure. Protect your airways and lungs!)

- Thick rubber gloves like Nitrile or thicker (That won't break easily as fiberglass can cut you, to also protect hands from epoxy resin/hardener, powders, and resin mixes. Protect your hands and skin and NEVER touch your eyes!)

- Safety glasses/goggles (To protect eyes from accidental epoxy resin/hardener splashes, fiberglass splinters, sanded foam, glass powder, or touching your eye with exposed hands/gloves. Protect yourself from going blind!)

- Long sleeve overalls (To cover from skin contact)

- Sufficient ventilation where working

- Vacuum and get rid of any dust safely or particles off clothing, and keep it out of the house

MILD SYMPTOMS INCLUDE (Anything you touch or handle can contaminate it.)

- Swollen eyes that burn and/or swelling

- Lung irritation

- Blisters and burns

- Red skin, swollen face

(De-contaminate, remove any dust particles off clothes and workshop, ensure gloves are removed and soaked in warm soapy water before the epoxy resin hardens, wash hands also thoroughly separately for safety even if no contact. )

MORE SERIOUS and/or PROLONGED EXPOSURE without safety measures

- Would lead to cancer

- Would lead to lung disease

- Other serious symptoms would occur


- Fumes can ignite with a spark!

- It is good to have a powder or foam fire extinguisher on hand!

- When mixing "Fiberglass epoxy resin and hardener" a properly designed "Epoxy Resin Scale" and "Balancing" of the two together and the order you put them in,  ensures the correct "Epoxy Resin to Hardener" ratio., violating this ratio can cause a fire!

- NEVER think if you add more hardener than the ratio of properly manufactured scale defines for mixing epoxy resin requires that it speeds up the time, it won't, and it can literally catch a flame!

- It is good to only mix SMALL quantities of epoxy resin and hardener to make epoxy resin mix on the epoxy resin scale, as mixing too large a quantity can also heat up and cause a fire!

- It is good to have a fire extinguisher nearby, and also never leave the epoxy resin or hardener bottles open, or where can break and fall over or to the ground, and never leave mixed epoxy resin unattended, rather mix small batches when working with it correctly so that you can use it all up on the sample you working on!


Forbid any liquid splashed into your eye, and get help while you begin flushing out with clean hands under a running tap immediately for at least 15 minutes while lifting your eyelid so water can flush as much out! Ensure you have a snapshot on hand of the label on the bottle of whatever splashed into your eye when seeking medical help!

If getting onto your skin, wash/rub off with warm soapy water immediately, if any major issue ensures you have a snapshot of the product labels of what got onto your skin to take with you to seek medical attention.


Decontaminate and wash up by taking your thick gloves or nitrile gloves (don't use latex) off carefully,

with clean exposed hands hopefully, your safety goggles are still clean, as well as your mask and having vacuumed of any dust from working, and on your clothing, you can then take off your safety glasses and mask.

Now WASH YOUR HANDS THOROUGHLY and get your overalls into a bucket of hot water separate from ordinary washing, add detergent, and soak and wash thoroughly, rinse and hang up to dry!

Ensure hands are clean again then just be aware and try to make less contact with things out of caution, don't touch people or things unnecessarily until you become more habitual or comfortable that you have not contaminated your hands or anything else.

before eating or drinking - WASH YOUR HANDS THOROUGHLY

before smoking - WASH YOUR HANDS THOROUGHLY, and get away from flammables, go outside!

before using the lavatory/restroom - WASH YOUR HANDS THOROUGHLY 


We as instructors cannot claim responsibility for any harm or injury whatsoever or as a result of any exposure or lack of precaution taken when following this course, it is the onus of the student/consumer of this course material to avoid any neglect or abuse, and to practice and use these skills in a safe and ethical manner as responsibly as possible.

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It is good to take great care and caution, by wearing the appropriate safety gear, at all times to protect yourself and others from accidental contact in these areas as you will be working with HAZARDOUS and DANGEROUS materials and chemicals.

This is a Self Study test that is required, you can read Chapter 0 to study, or use a search engine on your own to look for and find and select the right answer/answers to the question. [Click "Begin Test" now, if you fail study again and "Retake"]

Fiberglass materials and cutting fiberglass.
Cutting Fiberglass
Different Fiberglass Materials
Fiberglass and Curves
Core materials and core cutting techniques.
Core Material and Foam Core Types
Foam Core Cutting
Hot Wire Polystyrene Cutting Preparation
Hot Wire Polystyrene Cutting: "Canard" Example Side A
Hot Wire Polystyrene Cutting: "Canard" Example Side B
Hot Wire Polystyrene Confirming Dimensions, Final Cut
Preparing resin, hardener, fillers and flox.
Balancing Epoxy Resin and Hardener
Epoxy Resin and Hardener Mixing
Mix Micro Filler
Mix Cotton Flox
Preparing and fiber glassing foam core material.
Foam Core Preparation: Micro Fill
Prepared Foam Core: Applying Bi-Directional Fiberglass
Fiberglassed Foam Core: Adding Peel Ply While Wet
2-ply Directional Layering
2-ply Directional Layer Peel Ply for Bonding While Fiberglass Still Wet
Peel Ply Foam Core and Cross Directional sample Texture Comparison, and Sanding
Various core joins and inspections.
Plywood Flox Bonding Join
Micro Bonding with Flox Beading
Foam Core Flox Cornering
Fiberglass Tape Foam Core Corners
Corner Joint Inspection
Plywood and Foam Core Joint Inspection
Neatening up and trimming and sanding sharp edges.
Knife Trimming Dry Fiberglass Edges
End of Course:

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Fiberglass Composites: Getting Started Reinforcing Foam Core with these activities:
Review Fiberglass Safety Procedures
Reinforce your understanding of safety protocols before handling fiberglass and resins to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.
Show steps
  • Review safety data sheets for all materials.
  • Identify potential hazards and necessary precautions.
  • Prepare a safety checklist for your workspace.
Review 'Fiberglass and Composite Materials' by Forbes Aird
Gain a deeper understanding of the properties and applications of fiberglass and composite materials to enhance your practical skills.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on material properties and applications.
  • Take notes on key concepts and definitions.
  • Relate the book's content to the course lectures.
Practice Resin Mixing Ratios
Master the correct resin to hardener ratios through repetitive practice to avoid errors that can compromise the structural integrity of your fiberglass projects.
Show steps
  • Measure and mix small batches of resin and hardener.
  • Document the ratios and curing times.
  • Evaluate the cured resin for proper hardness and consistency.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Document a Small Fiberglass Project
Solidify your understanding by documenting each step of a small fiberglass project, from core preparation to final finishing, to reinforce your learning and identify areas for improvement.
Show steps
  • Select a small project, such as a simple patch or repair.
  • Document each step with photos and notes.
  • Reflect on the process and identify areas for improvement.
Build a Small Fiberglass Enclosure
Apply your newly acquired skills by building a small fiberglass enclosure, such as a box or container, to gain practical experience and confidence in working with fiberglass.
Show steps
  • Design a simple enclosure with foam core.
  • Cut and prepare the foam core.
  • Apply fiberglass layers and peel ply.
  • Trim, sand, and finish the enclosure.
Review 'Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering' by Anil Kumar and Rakesh K. Gupta
Deepen your understanding of the chemical properties of resins and hardeners by studying polymer engineering principles.
Show steps
  • Read the sections on polymer chemistry and processing.
  • Relate the concepts to the resins used in the course.
  • Take notes on key chemical reactions and properties.
Explore Advanced Fiberglass Techniques
Expand your skillset by exploring advanced fiberglass techniques, such as vacuum bagging or resin infusion, through online tutorials to further refine your skills.
Show steps
  • Search for tutorials on advanced techniques.
  • Select a technique to learn and practice.
  • Follow the tutorial and document your progress.

Career center

Learners who complete Fiberglass Composites: Getting Started Reinforcing Foam Core will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
DIY Enthusiast
A DIY Enthusiast enjoys creating and repairing items around the home and for personal projects. This course is designed for creative DIY hobbyists and enthusiasts interested in building and repairing with fiberglass. You will learn the basics of fiberglass application, core material reinforcement, and various joint techniques that can be applied to a wide range of DIY projects. Whether building custom furniture, repairing household items, or creating unique art pieces, the skills from this course will prove invaluable. The emphasis on safety ensures DIY projects are completed responsibly and without harm.
Model Maker
A Model Maker creates prototypes and models for various industries, often using materials like fiberglass and foam. This course will help Model Makers understand the fundamentals of fiberglass reinforcement of foam cores, which are commonly used in model construction. The course demonstrates techniques for cutting foam cores and applying fiberglass to create strong and lightweight structures. Model Makers can utilize the skills from this course to produce high-quality, durable models for design visualization or testing. The hands-on approach of the course ensures you gain practical experience in working with these materials.
Composites Technician
A Composites Technician works with materials like fiberglass to create and repair various products. This course provides a foundational understanding of fiberglass handling, preparation, and application, which are essential skills for a Composites Technician. The course's focus on reinforcing foam cores with fiberglass is particularly relevant, as many composite structures utilize core materials for added strength and weight reduction. Instructions on cutting techniques taught in the course will help technicians prepare materials with precision. Learning about safety considerations is also critical for Composites Technicians who must understand and adhere to safety protocols. These core skills help build a foundation for success in your career.
Boat Builder
A Boat Builder constructs and repairs boats, using a variety of materials including fiberglass. The course is particularly well-suited for those aspiring to become Boat Builders. Fiberglass basics, including working with resins, hardeners, and core materials, are foundational to boat construction. As a Boat Builder, you will use the skills from this course to build and repair various parts of a boat. This course may be useful to help you approach boat building with confidence.
Marine Technician
A Marine Technician specializes in the maintenance and repair of boats and other marine vessels. The course's emphasis on structural design for marine vehicles like small boats directly aligns with the work of a Marine Technician. Understanding how to reinforce structures with fiberglass is crucial for repairing hulls, decks, and other components. The course's detailed instructions on fiberglass application, core material preparation, and various joint techniques provide valuable skills for Marine Technicians. Marine Technicians can use the skills learned to ensure marine vessels are safe and seaworthy. The course will help you apply these skills in a safe manner.
Aircraft Maintenance Technician
An Aircraft Maintenance Technician inspects, maintains, and repairs aircraft to ensure safe and efficient operation. This course will help build valuable skills in composite material repair, an increasingly important aspect of aircraft maintenance. The course's coverage of fiberglass application on structures, such as aircraft canards, and cutting fiberglass gives practical insights into aircraft design and repair. As an Aircraft Maintenance Technician, the principles of materials safety covered in this course are critical when handling hazardous materials in aircraft maintenance.
Wind Turbine Technician
A Wind Turbine Technician installs, maintains, and repairs wind turbines, often working with composite materials like fiberglass in the turbine blades. The course introduces skills needed for a Wind Turbine Technician. You will learn the basics of fiberglass application, core material reinforcement, and safety, all of which are relevant to wind turbine maintenance. Furthermore, the focus on structural design will help you understand how turbines are built, and the hands-on aspects of the course mean that you will gain practical experience in working with these materials.
Automotive Body Repair Technician
An Automotive Body Repair Technician repairs damaged vehicle bodies, often using fiberglass and other composite materials. This course introduces core skills necessary for an Automotive Body Repair Technician. The course focuses on fiberglass basics, including working with resins and hardeners, which are essential for repairing cosmetic replacement parts that fit vehicles. Automotive Body Repair Technicians can apply the techniques learned in the course to fix damaged bumpers and other vehicle components. The course may be useful when starting a career in auto repair.
Manufacturing Technician
A Manufacturing Technician operates and maintains equipment in a manufacturing setting, often working with composite materials. This course may be useful in providing those technicians with basic knowledge of working with fiberglass. The course covers fiberglass application, core material reinforcement, and safety, all of which are relevant to manufacturing processes. The hands-on aspects of the course mean that you will gain practical experience in working with these materials.
Aerospace Technician
An Aerospace Technician maintains, repairs, and inspects aircraft and spacecraft. This course may be useful in providing foundational skills in fiberglass repair and construction, which are relevant in the aerospace industry. The course covers fiberglass application to structures like aircraft canards, offering insights into how composite materials are used in aircraft design. Aerospace Technicians often need to understand the properties and handling of materials, and this course introduces the basics of fiberglass, including mixing resins and hardeners. The course will help you when reinforcing aircraft components or creating models for design and testing. The attention to safety will help ensure your work is done in a safe manner.
Restoration Technician
A Restoration Technician restores damaged or deteriorated items, such as furniture, antiques, or vehicles, to their original condition. This course may be useful as restoration technicians will learn the basics of working with fiberglass. The course's focus on fiberglass repair and reinforcement techniques will help technicians extend the life of valuable items. The hands-on approach of the course will help restoration technicians practice the skills they learn.
Special Effects Technician
A Special Effects Technician creates props and effects for film, television, and theater, using various materials and techniques. The detailed instructions in this course will help Special Effects Technicians learn how to reinforce foam cores with fiberglass, a common technique for creating lightweight and durable props. Understanding how to work with resins, hardeners, and fillers, as covered in the course, is invaluable for crafting realistic effects. The course may be useful as you learn to create special effects for stages and film sets.
A sculptor creates three-dimensional art, using a variety of materials and techniques. The course helps sculptors to learn how to reinforce foam cores with fiberglass, enabling them to create large-scale or complex sculptures that are both lightweight and durable. The skills learned in the course will help sculptors work with resins, hardeners, and fillers, to explore new possibilities in artistic expression. This course may be useful when working on art pieces.
Product Designer
A Product Designer conceptualizes and designs new products, considering aesthetics, functionality, and manufacturability. This course introduces the properties and applications of fiberglass composites, which can be valuable for Product Designers exploring new materials. Understanding how fiberglass can reinforce core materials will help designers to create lightweight and durable products. The course may be useful as a Product Designer learns to create products that are also aesthetically pleasing.
Science Educator
A Science Educator teaches scientific principles and concepts in schools, museums, or other educational settings. This course may be useful in providing a strong understanding of fiberglass reinforcement for foam and other core materials, offering insights into practical applications that can be shared with students. Science Educators can incorporate the knowledge and hands-on experience gained from this course into their teaching, demonstrating real-world examples of material science and engineering principles. The course will help you explain the creative uses of this material to students.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Fiberglass Composites: Getting Started Reinforcing Foam Core.
Provides a comprehensive overview of fiberglass and composite materials, covering their properties, manufacturing processes, and applications. It valuable resource for understanding the theoretical background behind the practical techniques taught in the course. While not required, it offers additional depth and breadth to the subject matter, making it a useful reference for those seeking a more thorough understanding.
Provides a detailed understanding of polymer science and engineering, which is essential for understanding the behavior of resins and hardeners used in fiberglass composites. It delves into the chemical and physical properties of polymers, their synthesis, and processing techniques. While the course focuses on practical application, this book offers a deeper theoretical foundation for those interested in the science behind the materials. It is more valuable as additional reading for those seeking a comprehensive understanding.


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