1 Soil formation, functions and threatsLearn about soil functions, soil formation processes and the main soil threats worldwide. You will also learn and practice some soil classification skills.
2 Soil water processesDiscover the importance of soil-water interactions and causes and consequences of reduced soil wettability, compaction and soil sealing. Do at home projects to see these soil threats in your own surroundings.
3 Dynamics of soil fertilityLearn what determines soil fertility, the importance of soil organic matter, and the causes and effects of soil fertility loss and nutrient surpluses and deficits. Start your own experiment and observe the effects of soil nutrients on plant growth.
4 Loss of soil biodiversityDiscover how important soil biodiversity is for soil functions, and learn how to prevent and resolve its loss. Get outside and discover the rich life under your feet using some simple tests!
5 Water erosionLearn about water erosion, its effects on soil functions, and explore ways to prevent and resolve this threat. You also get to investigate water erosion characteristics in your own environment.
6 Wind erosionLearn about wind erosion, its effects on soil functions, and ways to prevent and resolve it. Build your own mini wind tunnel to test theerodibilityof some soils and explore the effectiveness of some counter measures.
7 Soil compaction Discover how compaction of soils in agriculture is a threat to soil function. Learn of measures aimed at the prevention, amelioration, and/or impact alleviation of compacted soils.
8 Soil pollutionDiscover the major sources and concerns about soil pollution, how pollutants behave in soil and some soil remediation techniques. Visit a farm/garden store to discover what chemicals are used in your environment.
9 Soil salinizationLearn about the process of salinization, its effects, and how to manage it. Engage in Dr. Ritzema's experiment to discover the impacts of salt on soils and plants.
10 Achieving sustainable soil managementSee how human factors and analysis techniques affect soil management decisions. Play the African Highland Farmer Game to experience the challenges in sustainably managing your own plot of land. Share sustainable land management approaches in your country.
11 Final examWith all you have learned about soil, soil degradation and sustainable soil management, it's time to synthesize the information into your own case study!