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Measuring Disease in Epidemiology

Filippos Filippidis

Epidemiological research is ubiquitous. Even if you don’t realise it, you come across epidemiological studies and the impact of their findings every single day. You have probably heard that obesity is increasing in high income countries or that malaria is killing millions of people in low income countries. It is common knowledge that smoking causes cancer and that physical activity is protective against heart disease. These facts may seem obvious today, but it took decades of epidemiological research to produce the necessary evidence. In this course, you will learn the fundamental tools of epidemiology which are essential to conduct such studies, starting with the measures used to describe the frequency of a disease or health-related condition. You will also learn how to quantify the strength of an association and discuss the distinction between association and causation. In the second half of the course, you will use this knowledge to describe different strategies for prevention, identify strengths and weaknesses of diagnostic tests and consider when a screening programme is appropriate.

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What's inside


Measures of disease frequency
One of the main purposes of epidemiology is to describe the frequency of diseases or other conditions that are important for the health of populations. Depending on the circumstances, there are different types of measures that you can use to do this. In this module, you will learn to calculate measures such as the prevalence, odds, cumulative incidence and incidence rate. We will highlight what they have in common as well as their differences. By the end of the module, you will be able to select and calculate the appropriate measure of frequency in a variety of contexts.
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Measures of association
This module starts by introducing the distinction between association and causation, which is critical not only for epidemiology, but for research in general. Subsequently, you will learn all the main measures epidemiologists use to quantify association; mainly risk and rate differences and risk, rate and odds ratios. Over the course of this module, you will develop the skills to calculate and interpret measures of frequency. This is not enough by itself though, so you will also learn to select the most appropriate measure depending on the research question and the availability of data.
Attributable risk and strategies for prevention
Published studies often report the magnitude of the association they investigate, which is clearly important when trying to identify causal links. Sometimes though, what we are interested in is the impact of a factor or of a disease on the population as a whole. This is when the concepts of attributable risk and of population attributable risk come in handy. These measures quantify the population impact of a health-related factor and therefore are particularly useful for health policy. Equipped with this knowledge, you will then explore the two main approaches to disease prevention: the high-risk and the population approach.
Disease detection and screening
Diagnostic tests are used all the time to determine whether an individual is sick or not. However, these tests are far from perfect. Quantifying their imperfection allows us to understand their limitations and interpret their results. In this module, you will learn to calculate and interpret the metrics used to do this, including sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values. Using these metrics, you will subsequently learn to evaluate whether a screening programme can be effective or not considering its methodological and practical aspects.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops skills, knowledge, and tools in a way that can benefit those in the healthcare profession
Students with some experience in scientific research methods may find the course beginner-friendly yet sufficiently challenging
Can serve as foundational material for learners interested in further studies in epidemiology
Covers a comprehensive range of epidemiological concepts, from basic principles to advanced applications
Offers hands-on exercises and case studies to reinforce learning
Instructors are recognized for their work in epidemiology

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Reviews summary

Epidemiology metrics explained

learners say this course is well structured and engaging with clear and concise explanations of epidemiological terms and their use in measuring disease. The lectures are easy to follow and supplemented by quizzes and other contents to help students grasp the subject matter. Overall, this course is a great resource for those interested in epidemiology.
Can be challenging but provides ample support
"The course is challenging and nicely designed by the talented team"
"The Course is well designed with the right amount of stretch."
"The course has been very exciting and insightful. The lecturers did a great job providing understandable notes and clarifying the concepts. I appreciate their efforts."
Well-organized with engaging lectures and assessments
"Really well structured, engaging and broken down into small and manageable chunks - great for learning on a busy schedule!"
"An excellent course to expand your knowledge of epidemiology. The course was well-structured, with assessments and exercises that assist you grasp the subject matter and attempt to apply it by answering the quiz."
"I love the course. However, I wish that instructor had a bit more clarity of materials when providing information!"
Clear and patient explanations with real-life examples
"The course lectures and materials are excellent. The instructors are also very efficient."
"The teacher teaches the course vividly with many humours! I enjoy the course very much!"
"The expert is very clear and has the hability to comunicate in a very apropiate way"
Clear, concise videos with plentiful examples
"Excellent videos, very clearlyy explained and perfect use of example to get the ideas and definitions through. I would recommend this course to anyone."
"The Course is well designed with the right amount of stretch."
"Very nice introduction course to epidemiology. Clear examples and exercise to apply what have been learnt."

Career center

Learners who complete Measuring Disease in Epidemiology will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Epidemiologists investigate the causes of disease and develop strategies for prevention. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for epidemiologists. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for epidemiologists who work in the field of public health.
Biostatisticians apply statistical methods to problems in biology, medicine, and public health. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for biostatisticians. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for biostatisticians who work in the field of public health.
Research Scientist
Research scientists conduct research to investigate the causes of disease and develop strategies for prevention. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for research scientists. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for research scientists who work in the field of public health.
Statisticians collect, analyze, and interpret data. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for statisticians. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for statisticians who work in the field of public health.
Data Analyst
Data analysts use statistical methods to analyze data and draw conclusions. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for data analysts who work in the field of public health. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for data analysts who work in the field of public health.
Medical Researcher
Medical researchers conduct research to investigate the causes of disease and develop strategies for treatment and prevention. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for medical researchers. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for medical researchers who work in the field of public health.
Public Health Administrator
Public health administrators plan and manage public health programs. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for public health administrators. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for public health administrators who work in the field of public health.
Health Educator
Health educators develop and implement programs to promote health and prevent disease. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for health educators. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for health educators who work in the field of public health.
Medical Doctor
Medical doctors diagnose and treat diseases. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for medical doctors. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for medical doctors who work in the field of public health.
Veterinarians diagnose and treat diseases in animals. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for veterinarians. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for veterinarians who work in the field of public health.
Nurses provide care to patients and families. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for nurses. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for nurses who work in the field of public health.
Social Worker
Social workers provide support and assistance to individuals and families. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for social workers. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for social workers who work in the field of public health.
Pharmacists dispense medications and provide counseling on their use. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for pharmacists. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for pharmacists who work in the field of public health.
Teachers educate students in a variety of subjects. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for teachers who teach health education or public health. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for teachers who work in the field of public health.
Writers create written content for a variety of purposes. This course provides a strong foundation in the statistical methods used in epidemiology, which is essential for writers who write about health or public health topics. The course covers topics such as measures of disease frequency, measures of association, and strategies for prevention. This knowledge is essential for writers who work in the field of public health.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Measuring Disease in Epidemiology.
Comprehensive textbook of epidemiology that covers all the essential topics in the field. It valuable resource for students and researchers in epidemiology and related fields.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of epidemiological principles and methods, with a particular focus on their application in public health practice.
Provides a comprehensive overview of statistical methods used in epidemiology. It valuable resource for students and researchers in epidemiology and related fields.
Provides a comprehensive overview of epidemiology and biostatistics. It valuable resource for students and researchers in epidemiology and related fields.
Provides a practical guide to the principles and methods of clinical epidemiology, with a focus on the application of epidemiological research to clinical practice.
Provides a comprehensive overview of clinical trials. It valuable resource for students and researchers in epidemiology and related fields.
This French-language textbook provides a comprehensive overview of epidemiology, covering topics such as measures of disease frequency, association, and causation.
This Portuguese-language textbook provides a comprehensive overview of epidemiology, covering topics such as measures of disease frequency, association, and causation.


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