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Andrew Williams

Learn PowerPoint with this complete PowerPoint tutorial, quizzes and exercises. 

PowerPoint is a powerful tool that was developed to help anyone create amazing presentations, no matter what their technical ability.

But too many people use PowerPoint the wrong way.

What is the wrong way?

Well, I’d say it was any way that makes your audience wish they weren’t watching your presentation. Or worse, puts them to sleep.

I am sure you have you seen PowerPoint presentations like that.

What made them boring?

Too much text?

Endless bullets?

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Learn PowerPoint with this complete PowerPoint tutorial, quizzes and exercises. 

PowerPoint is a powerful tool that was developed to help anyone create amazing presentations, no matter what their technical ability.

But too many people use PowerPoint the wrong way.

What is the wrong way?

Well, I’d say it was any way that makes your audience wish they weren’t watching your presentation. Or worse, puts them to sleep.

I am sure you have you seen PowerPoint presentations like that.

What made them boring?

Too much text?

Endless bullets?

Maybe the presenter just read the slides?

But PowerPoint presentations don’t need to be boring, and that is why I decided to create this course.

My goal for this course is twofold:

  1. To teach you how to use PowerPoint, so you are comfortable and competent finding your way around the interface. When you need to create a presentation, I want you to feel confident in using PowerPoint, even excited.

  2. To explore the basics of good presentation design. We’ll consider what makes a presentation boring and try our best to avoid those things. We’ll look at how you can keep your audience engaged and interested in what you are saying by strategically using the tools built into PowerPoint.

The ultimate goal of this course is to teach you to create engaging PowerPoint presentations that entertain and educate your audience, while keeping them awake and focused on you. I want to teach you to create PowerPoint presentations that you are proud of, and people talk about – in a good way.

This course uses PowerPoint from Office 365, so it is the most up-to-date version.  If you use an older version, the screens may be a little different.

What is covered:

  • a thorough understanding of the PowerPoint interface and how to use it.

  • How to set up your PowerPoint presentations the correct way from the start.

  • The principles of good design when it comes to PowerPoint presentations. You'll learn about the mistakes most presenters make and how to avoid them in your own work.

  • The slide master, and how to use it effectively in your own workflow, to make creating presentations easier and more efficient.

  • How to insert objects into slides, align them, selecting them with the selection pane, Z order, grouping, and much more.

  • Adding an formatting text, including word art to add a fancy twist to your text.

  • Adding shapes, joining shapes, flipping and rotating, and the format shape options. We'll also look at the format Painter, as well as a range of merge tools built into PowerPoint to create new and interesting ways to manipulate shapes.

  • Adding pictures as well as removing picture backgrounds inside PowerPoint.

  • The benefits of adding vectors and icons.

  • Smartart.

  • Adding charts and configuring them to show only the information you want them to show, with a look at chart elements, and chart data.

  • Adding and configuring tables to hold data.

  • Adding audio and video.

  • Choosing the best transitions for your slides.

  • Adding animations to your slides and using them strategically to draw the eye of your audience to the part of the slide you are focusing on.

  • Transition and animation timing.

  • Motion path animations.

  • Using the animation pane to fine tune the sequence of animations on your slide.

  • Stacking animations so that a single object can have more than one animation on a slide.

  • Setting up the slideshow to run full screen or in a window, or using the outstanding presenter view which gives you all of the tools you need to create that perfect presentation.

  • Printing stuff, including handouts for your audience or notes for yourself.

  • The course includes over a dozen practice exercises for you to have a go at, as well as solutions to those exercises where appropriate.

  • With 12 quizzes, you'll be able to test your progress as you go through the course.

    We will end the course by creating a demo presentation of a real-world application while trying to incorporate the ideas we discussed about good slide design to make our presentation stand out from the crowd. By the end of this course you will be both confident and competent in using PowerPoint to create amazing presentations.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to use powerpoint effectively.
  • How to navigate around the powerpoint interface.
  • The elements of good design, and how to incorporate these into your slideshows.
  • What makes a slide show boring, and how to avoid these pitfalls.
  • How to use the slide masters tool. you'll learn how to modify an existing slide master, or create your own.
  • Inserting, aligning, z-order, and grouping elements on slides
  • How to use the selection pane.
  • Adding and manipulating text.
  • Adding and manipulating shapes, including the options for merging shapes.
  • The shape format panel for fine control over your objects.
  • How to use the format painter to speed up slide development.
  • Adding and manipulating pictures, icons and vectors.
  • How you can use smartart as a head start for your design, and to make it a little more interesting visually.
  • Adding charts and configuring them to show only the elements of those charts you need.
  • Handling, editing and creating chart data, both within powerpoint and using excel.
  • Adding and manipulating tables of data.
  • Adding audio and video to your slides.
  • Using transitions, including timing.
  • Using animations (and timing) strategically to draw the eye of your audience.
  • Using the animation pane.
  • Using the animation painter tool.
  • Stacking animations so that an object can have more than one.
  • Setting up the slideshow and running it.
  • Presenter view - the best way to present your slideshow using two monitors.
  • Printing stuff, including handouts for your audience.
  • Show more
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By the end of this section, students will understand the learning objectives of the course, and be introduced to the instructor

This is a short introductory video on the course you are about to take.

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This is a quick question to gauge your experience so far with PowerPoint, and for me to learn what you want to get out of this course.

An introduction to the purpose of PowerPoint.

There are lots of different versions of PowerPoint.  This course uses PowerPoint 365, which is the latest version.  The newer your version of PowerPoint is, the closer your screen will look like mine. 

This lecture takes you on a quick overview of the PowerPoint interface.

File Menu and Options

The Quick Access Toolbar gives you access to the frequently used features in PowerPoint, saving you time.

The ribbon bar was designed to  make navigation around the interface easier.  Does it manage that?  Well it depends how you work, but I like it.  This video takes you through the various tabs of the ribbon bar.

This video revisits the status bar to look at it's features in a little more detail.

There are some very useful keyboard shortcuts in PowerPoint, even if you are not usually a shortcut user.  This video shows you some essential shortcuts that I am sure you will use when designing slides.

A look at how to use the built in Spell checker on your presentations.

This video looks at selecting the correct language for your presentation.

Get some practice using and configuring the Quick Access Toolbar.

A quick exercise to create your own keyboard shortcut crib sheet.

This quiz will check your knowledge on the subject matter discussed in the introductory section of this course.

Finding your way around PowerPoint

This lecture introduces this section on PowerPoint workflow.

In this video, we'll look at the options you have for creating a new presentation.

How many times has your computer crashed and you've lost everything?  That's why saving is such a good idea, and in this video, we'll look at just that.

Changing the colour scheme, fonts and backgrounds of your presentations can be done on the design tab.  This video shows you what is possible, and how your changes here affect the Slide Master.

The Slide Master controls the layout and design of your slides.  This video is a quick Slide Master Primer.

There are a few ways to insert a new slide in PowerPoint.  We'll explore those in this video.

The insert tab in PowerPoint is full of objects you can insert into your slides.  In this video, we'll insert some objects into the slides we've created so far.

Animations can bring your slides to life.  This video shows how to add animations to the objects on your slides.

These are visual transitions from one slide to the next.  In this video, we'll play around with the transitions.

PowerPoint gives us a number of "presentation views" that we can use as we review and develop our presentation.

Before presenting the slideshow, it's always a good idea to check everything.  The Review tab gives us some useful options.

And finally it's time to play our presentation.  The slideshow tab allows us to set up and run the slideshow the way we want to.

Put your knowledge of PowerPoint to work and create a short presentation.

Tests your knowledge of the Basics covered in the Orientation section.

Making good design decisions so your PowerPoint presentations educate and entertain while keeping the focus on you.

What will make your slideshow stand out from other slide shows?  This video introduces the idea of good design that we'll cover in this section of the course.

Slides have a purpose.  This video explains that purpose and gives an example of how a slide can be used to help clarify something for your audience.

The dimensions of your presentation is vital and the sooner you set this, the better.

PowerPoint has a built in grid and guides feature to help with your design.  This video shows how you can use them, and customize them to suite your needs.

There are hundreds of fonts available to you, but that doesn't mean you should use lots of different fonts in your presentations.

With lots of colors available to you, how do you make sure your slide presentations meet with good design theory?  The answer is to use a color palette.

Text is the basis of many presentations I have seen, and most of these presentations are enough to put you to sleep.  This video looks at how text should be used.

Slides should not be cluttered with unnecessary information  and distractions.  This video looks at what that means.

If you've got data to show your audience, think about the best way of presenting that data.  A table is rarely the answer.

Animations and transitions add a little movement and excitement to your presentations, but they are easy to abuse.

Slide reveals are essential to great presentations.  

This lecture is an exercise to allow you the chance to put good design ideas to work.

Testing your understanding of the good design techniques discussed in this section.

What the Slide Master is, and how it can help your presentations.

This video introduces the slide master as a way to make your presentations consistent across the entire presentation.

The reason I don't use a slide master in the traditional way is because of the limitations they impose on creativity.

When you design your Slide Master, you can make good use of a number of placeholders that will designate areas of your slide for specific pieces of content.

Let's create a simple slide master from scratch.

A few tips and tricks for using your slide master to create a presentation.

Although pretty limited these handout masters can get copies of your slides to your audience.

The notes masters are probably a better bet for your audience, or for you as the presenter if you want to practice from a physical copy of your presentation.

A quick exercise to setup a Slide Master, save it as a theme, and then apply it to an existing presentation.

To check your understanding of the Slide Masters.

Some skills that will help you insert objects into your slides.

A presentation should tell a story and PowerPoint has a great toolbox for that end.  In this section of the course we will start looking at adding and manipulating objects to help us make that story entertaining, educational, and enjoyable.

It's vitally important to be able to zoom into an area of the slide you need to work on, so this video shows how easy it is to zoom in and out to a specific area.

The ability to perfectly align objects on the slide is a skill you need to master.  Fortunately, PowerPoint give you some great tools which we'll explore in this video.

Z-Order is the way objects on top of each other appear in layers.  We can control these layers, and use them to our advantage, as shown in this video.

The selection pane is a useful tool for selecting objects in your slide.  This video shows how to use it.

The ability to group objects means you can then treat multiple objects as a single item.  This can be very useful, so we'll explore the options in this video.

This exercise will give you some practice at adding, aligning and adjusting the z-order of objects on the slide.

To check your understanding of the basic tools needed for inserting stuff.

There are different ways you can add text to a slide.

There are a number of different ways we can add text to a slide, including text boxes, WordArt and shapes.

This video looks at the formatting options you have with text.

WordArt is a feature to add fancy, emphasised text to your slide.

Get some practice working with text boxes.

To test your knowledge on adding text.

There are lots of different shapes you can use to build your slides.

This video will remind you of some keyboard shortcuts, and how to manipulate shapes on the slide.

This video looks at the range of shapes you can add, including draw-your-own polygons.

A nice feature is that you can snap lines to shapes, and they stick!

This video looks at flipping and rotating shapes.

Every shape you add to a slide can be manipulated to look the way you want it.  This video looks at the options you have for those shapes.

All shapes can have text in the middle.  This video looks at the options available to you for formatting that text.

The format painter is an easy way to copy the style of one object and paste it onto another object.

You can change the shape of any object on your slide by editing the points that define it.  This video shows how to do this.

The ability to merge shapes together in different ways, gives you plenty of options when designing your slides.

Here is a task for you to try for yourself.  I'll show you how I did it in the next video, but have a go yourself, first.

This is my solution to the previous Union Jack flag task I set you.

Get some practice adding shapes and manipulating them.

To test your knowledge on adding shapes in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint lets you add pictures to your slides.

This section of the course looks at the variety of pictures you can insert into your PowerPoint slides.

In this video, we'll look at adding pictures to a slide, and manipulating pictures.

This video shows you how to remove the background from an image you insert.

Vectors and icons are images that offer a couple of unique features, which we'll discuss in this video.

This video looks at the SmartArt options in PowerPoint.

This exercise will give you some practice manipulating images.

To check you have the basics covered.

Charts are an intuitive way of displaying complex data. PowerPoint gives you plenty of options.

This section of the course looks at adding charts to a presentation.

Adding charts is easy in PowerPoint, and this video looks at the different types of charts natively supported by PowerPoint.

Charts can contain quite a lot of elements to help provide the information you need for your presentation.  In this video, we'll go through the chart elements and see how to show/hide those elements.

The most important part of any chart is the data, so this video explores how you can edit the data, and only display the parts of the data you want included.

Since we are about to look at formatting elements of a chart, I thought I would share this tip.

This video looks at the formatting options for the chart title.

This video looks at the formatting options for the chart legend.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches the principles of good presentation design, which helps learners create engaging and effective slideshows that capture and maintain audience attention
Provides a thorough understanding of the PowerPoint interface, which builds a strong foundation for learners to navigate and utilize the software effectively
Explores how to strategically use animations to draw the audience's eye to specific parts of the slide, which enhances the presentation's impact
Uses PowerPoint from Office 365, so learners with older versions may find slight differences in the interface, which may require some adaptation
Includes over a dozen practice exercises with solutions, which offers learners opportunities to apply what they've learned and reinforce their understanding
Features twelve quizzes to test progress throughout the course, which allows learners to gauge their understanding and identify areas for improvement

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in PowerPoint Training - Learn PowerPoint Presentations with these activities:
Review Basic Design Principles
Reinforce fundamental design principles to create visually appealing and effective PowerPoint presentations.
Browse courses on Presentation Design
Show steps
  • Research core design principles like balance, contrast, and hierarchy.
  • Analyze existing presentations, identifying good and bad design choices.
  • Practice applying these principles to sample slide layouts.
Read 'Presentation Zen' by Garr Reynolds
Learn how to create visually appealing and engaging presentations by adopting a minimalist design philosophy.
Show steps
  • Read the book, focusing on the core principles of Zen presentation design.
  • Identify key takeaways and how they apply to PowerPoint presentations.
  • Reflect on how to incorporate these principles into your own presentation style.
Recreate Existing Slides
Improve PowerPoint skills by recreating existing slides from various sources, focusing on layout, formatting, and object manipulation.
Show steps
  • Find examples of well-designed slides from online sources or existing presentations.
  • Recreate the slides in PowerPoint, paying attention to detail.
  • Compare your recreated slides with the originals, identifying areas for improvement.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Design a Presentation Template
Solidify understanding of slide masters and design principles by creating a custom PowerPoint template.
Show steps
  • Plan the overall design and layout of the template.
  • Create a slide master with custom placeholders, fonts, and color schemes.
  • Test the template by creating sample slides with different content types.
Develop an Animated Explainer Video
Apply animation skills to create an engaging explainer video using PowerPoint's animation features.
Show steps
  • Plan the storyboard and script for the explainer video.
  • Create the slides with appropriate visuals and text.
  • Add animations and transitions to bring the video to life.
  • Record a voiceover and add it to the video.
Read 'Slide:ology' by Nancy Duarte
Enhance presentation storytelling and visual communication skills by studying effective slide design techniques.
Show steps
  • Read the book, focusing on the principles of visual storytelling and slide design.
  • Analyze examples of effective and ineffective slides.
  • Apply the principles to your own presentation design process.
Tutor other students
Reinforce your understanding of PowerPoint by helping other students with their presentations.
Show steps
  • Offer assistance to classmates or other students struggling with PowerPoint.
  • Explain concepts and techniques in a clear and concise manner.
  • Provide constructive feedback on their presentations.

Career center

Learners who complete PowerPoint Training - Learn PowerPoint Presentations will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Presentation Designer
A presentation designer creates visually compelling and effective presentations. This role requires a deep understanding of design principles and proficiency in presentation software, making this PowerPoint training course particularly relevant. The course's focus on avoiding common presentation pitfalls such as excessive text and boring bullet points aligns with the goals of a presentation designer, who aims to create engaging and memorable content. The course helps build a foundation for using the software's interface, mastering the slide master, and manipulating various slide elements which are essential for success in this role.
Instructional Designer
Instructional designers develop learning materials that are engaging and effective, often using presentation software such as PowerPoint to create course content. This PowerPoint course directly addresses the needs of an instructional designer who wants to create compelling and educational training modules. Skills learned in this course include using slide masters, animations, and transitions strategically to maintain audience engagement. An instructional designer can leverage the course's curriculum to avoid common presentation design flaws and build effective visual learning experiences. The course may be useful to teach how to use PowerPoint to its fullest potential.
Training Specialist
A training specialist delivers or develops training programs, often leveraging presentation software such as PowerPoint to create visually appealing and informative presentations. This course directly addresses the need for a training specialist to create engaging presentations by teaching the effective use of PowerPoint. The course's focus on good design principles, avoiding common presentation errors, and using animation and transitions can improve training effectiveness. A training specialist will benefit from the practice exercises and quizzes the course offers in preparation for creating high-quality training materials. This course may be useful for training specialists, or anyone creating instruction material.
Marketing Specialist
Marketing specialists often use presentations to showcase campaign results, present marketing plans, and engage with clients. This PowerPoint training course is helpful for a marketing specialist as it focuses on creating engaging and memorable presentations using PowerPoint. The marketing specialist can apply the principles of good design to create more effective marketing materials, using the software's tools to build professional and persuasive visuals. This course may be useful to enhance the ability to present data and concepts clearly and compellingly.
Sales Representative
Sales representatives often utilize presentations to showcase products, engage potential clients, and close deals. This PowerPoint course can help a sales representative by providing skills to create persuasive and engaging sales presentations. The course's focus on audience engagement and strategic use of PowerPoint's features is key to delivering compelling sales pitches. The sales representative will learn to better structure their presentations by understanding how to set up a presentation, insert objects into slides, and add animation to make presentations more dynamic. This may be a useful course for a sales professional.
Project Manager
Project managers regularly present project updates, proposals, and reports to stakeholders. This PowerPoint course can be helpful for a project manager by teaching them how to efficiently create clear, visually appealing presentations. The project manager will gain skills in using the software's features to structure information, present data, and create engaging visuals that are suitable for a professional audience. A project manager can also learn to use the slide master to create a consistent look across a presentation, which enhances credibility during project presentations. This is a useful course for a project manager.
Consultants often rely on presentations to convey their findings, strategies, and recommendations to clients. This PowerPoint course is helpful for a consultant because it will teach them to create professional presentations that communicate data, insights, and recommendations effectively. This course trains the user on many important features, including slide design, data visualization, and the strategic use of animation, all of which can boost client understanding and satisfaction. These skills can be applied to various engagements, leading to better communication outcomes. This may be a useful course for consultants.
Business Analyst
A business analyst presents findings, data analysis, and recommendations to stakeholders, often using PowerPoint. This course can help a business analyst by enhancing their ability to communicate complex information clearly through presentation design. This course may be useful for a business analyst because it provides instruction on working with slide masters, data visualization within charts and tables, and the use of animations to highlight key insights. These skills ensure that a presentation is effective and engaging for the audience. The course may be useful for a business professional.
Educators often use presentations to deliver lectures, create lesson plans, and engage students. This PowerPoint training course can be helpful for educators by providing instruction on presentation design and software skills to create professional and engaging educational presentations. Through the course, an educator can also learn how to structure a presentation, avoid common pitfalls, and incorporate design theory into their slides. This course may be useful for educators to improve their presentation effectiveness and enhance student learning. This may be useful for a variety of different educators.
Public Relations Specialist
A public relations specialist creates presentations for media briefings, stakeholder meetings, and public events. This PowerPoint training course can help strengthen their presentation skills, enabling them to create informative and visually appealing content. The course's focus on slide design, audience engagement, and use of multimedia elements through PowerPoint directly enhances a PR specialist's presentation capabilities. This course may be useful to improve communication with their organization's various stakeholders. The course may be useful for public relations professionals.
Nonprofit Professional
Nonprofit professionals frequently use presentations to communicate their mission, secure funding, and engage volunteers. This PowerPoint training course may be useful for nonprofit professionals by providing them with the skills necessary to create impactful and persuasive presentations. The course's focus on good design, avoiding common presentation errors, and using animations and transitions effectively helps a nonprofit professional to better connect with their audiences. This can help facilitate the success of their organization's programs. The course may be useful for nonprofit professionals.
Human Resources Professional
Human resources professionals often use presentations for employee training, policy briefings, and company updates. This PowerPoint course may be helpful for human resources professionals to create engaging and informative presentations. The course's focus on design principles, avoiding boring presentations, and strategic use of PowerPoint's tools can improve how HR professionals communicate essential information to their employees. This course will help build skills in the software's interface, how to build compelling presentations, and how to design presentations that keep audiences engaged. This may be a useful course for human resources professionals.
Researchers frequently present their findings, methodologies, and conclusions to academic audiences or stakeholders. This course may be helpful for a researcher because it provides skills to create impactful and engaging presentations for this purpose. The course teaches users how to create visually appealing slide decks, leverage animation and transitions, and use the software's tools to effectively present data. The course's focus on good design principles is directly relevant to a researcher who needs to communicate complex information in an accessible manner. The course may be useful for researchers.
Content Creator
Content creators often need to create presentations as part of their work, to present ideas or share information on a variety of topics. This PowerPoint training course may be useful to content creators who wish to create engaging and visually appealing presentations. While this role has many facets, the skills taught in this course are applicable to creating dynamic presentations. The course may be useful for a content creator who wants to add presentation skills to their repertoire. The course helps build a foundation for using the software's interface and mastering more complex features.
Small Business Owner
Small business owners often need to create presentations for pitches, marketing, or internal communications. This course may be helpful because it provides the skills to create more effective presentations that will help them in their business strategy. The course's focus on avoiding common presentation mistakes and using software tools strategically is beneficial for presenting a professional and engaging image to potential clients or internal stakeholders. The presentations can help drive business growth. This may be a useful course for small business owners.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in PowerPoint Training - Learn PowerPoint Presentations.
Emphasizes simplicity and clarity in presentation design. It provides a framework for creating engaging and memorable presentations by focusing on visual communication and storytelling. 'Presentation Zen' is particularly useful for understanding how to avoid common PowerPoint pitfalls and create presentations that resonate with the audience. It serves as excellent additional reading to deepen your understanding of presentation design principles.
Explores the art and science of creating visually compelling presentations. It provides a structured approach to storytelling, visual design, and audience engagement. 'Slide:ology' is particularly helpful for understanding how to craft a narrative that resonates with the audience and how to use visuals to enhance the message. This book useful reference tool for those looking to elevate their presentation skills.


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