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Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development

Rick Davidson and GameDev.tv Team

If you have a technical or creative project that you want to finish (or start. ), this course will help you to identify why you are getting blocked, how to stay on track and ultimately help you

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If you have a technical or creative project that you want to finish (or start. ), this course will help you to identify why you are getting blocked, how to stay on track and ultimately help you

We often use the word "motivation" to summarise the process of staying focused and getting our work done. But finishing challenging projects requires far more than just motivation - it requires systems, strategies, tools and planning. 

In this course we start at the high level and explore how this project fits into your overall career or life goals. We look at what, exactly, your final product will look like and why on earth you are even working on your project. Often its not for very powerful reasons which can lead to some funky unproductive behaviour on our part.

We continue to drill down through your project to look at what are your very next actions, where you are blocked, what you plan to accomplish this week, this month and the next 90 days. You will learn techniques such as:

  • The Very Next Thing tecnhique

  • The Clear Your Cache technique

  • Your own personal approach to Finding Flow

  • The Work-Or-Dont-Work philosophy

  • The Work Breakdown Structure technique

  • The Accountability Buddy approach

  • And many more techniques for success

The goal of this course is very simple: Get you to Finish your project.

Some examples of projects that our students are working to finish are:

  • Video game project

  • App development project

  • Portfolio building project

  • Online course / study project

Looking for specific technical content? Check out our comprehensive range of game development courses.

The course follows a step-by-step Workbook which will guide you through your specific set of circumstances and help you finish your project.

The instructors of this course have spent years studying and teaching personal development. They have completed many projects as well as not completed many projects and have an acute understanding of what it takes to achieve success when you are in charge of your own milestones and deadlines.

You might be working solo on your project, but you don't have to do it alone. Come and get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time).

We hope you allow us to contribute to the completion of your project.  

Come join us now, you won't be disappointed.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Specific strategies for finishing your technical and creative projects.
  • Methods for identifying why you are getting blocked on your project and what to do about it.
  • The what-why-who-how-when process for professionally completing projects.
  • Agile development processes for planning, scheduling and completing tasks.


Your High Level Vision
  • What this course is, and isn't, about.
  • Examples in Rick's life of 2 very different motivational experiences.

(UVR = 1_HL_FIN)

Read more
  • Introducing the Course Workbook.
  • How to copy / download your own copy of the Workbook.

(UVR = 2_HL_FIN)

  • The first big question / challenge of the course - what is your project?
  • The important outcome of this lecture is knowing exactly what it is that you are aiming to achieve as a good outcome.

(UVR = 3_HL_FIN)

  • A quick side note video!
  • The project is for you, its represents your goals and dreams and progress. Don't let other people's opinions prevent you from finishing it.


  • Why are you working on this project? Why Finish it?
  • We look at what your perfect day looks like and how this project fits into that story.

(UVR = 4_HL_FIN)

  • As the saying goes, "what is the why that makes you cry"?  
  • Rick does a bit of "walking the talk" by showing you precisely why he HAS to finish his projects.


  • Why are you working on your project - is it a "should", a "want" or a "must"?
  • What is your "I absolutely MUST finish this project" reason?

(UVR = 5_HL_FIN)

Details on where the best places are to ask questions and share about your project while progressing through the course.

  • Who is a role model that inspires you, and who you would like to be like?
  • What are the qualities of that person that stand out to you?

(UVR = 6_HL_FIN)

  • Procrastination versus logistics.
  • What logistics are setting you back and need to be addressed?
  • Time and place, tools and tech, people and processes.

(UVR = 7_HL_FIN)

  • What are the things you need to change in your physical environment?
  • Are there any things you need to get in order to be more productive?
  • Other things you absolutely need to change.

(UVR = 8_HL_FIN)

  • "When will you get it done by"?
  • We are often sneaky with how we answer this question and give ourselves ways to wriggle out of it.
  • Intention vs. Commitment.
  • Honouring your word.

(UVR = 9_HL_FIN)

We introduce these two important distinctions and look at the importance of only giving your word to things you will absolutely get done.

(UVR = 9b_HL_FIN)

  • When do you do your best work and when will you finish your project?

(UVR = 10_HL_FIN)

We'll be investing a lot of time and effort into the workbook, this video gives some extra context to how we'll be using it in the future.

Getting Unblocked
  • This section will focus on helping you get unstuck and unblocked.
  • Dont know what to do.
  • Dont know how to do it.
  • Dont want to do it.
  • Clear your cache.
  • Take on one very specific task right now that you have been putting off.
  • Identify your current skill and knowledge gaps.
  • What specific actions can you take to address those gaps?
  • Understanding the exact steps that have lead up to your procrastination will help you see the pattern and remove them.
  • What exactly did you do when you were being productive?
  • The VNT (Very Next Thing) technique is a very practical and powerful way to ensure you aren't blocked.
  • Its critical that you are specific and not vague.
  • A quick reminder to make sure you are enjoying your project and having fun working on it.
  • What are you worried about happening with your project - what could go wrong?
  • Examining the ugliest upcoming tasks you are faced with - what do you really want to avoid and / or put off?
  • One of the most important topics we'll cover - who is it you can ask for help when you are stuck.
Killing Distractions

Your workflow is totally up to you, but make sure you have some bases covered:

  • Some way to write down all the little details and tasks that pop into your head
  • Some way to write down the larger ideas that pop into your head
  • Some way to highlight the exact task you are working on at the moment

So often we find ourselves doing "sort of" work. That is, sitting at our computer during work time, but not driving the project forward. This off-the-cuff video is a quick discussion about how to address this situation.

It's guaranteed that you've been in the state of Flow before, but you may not know how to quickly return to that state. Now that we've removed distractions (which knock you out of flow) we'll talk about how to get into Flow.

Being Specific
Setting Good Objectives
Building Momentum
Section 3 Introduction

A key part of figuring out the "what" of this week's priorities is your Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) which we discuss in this video.

Single Most Important

Throughout this course we'll be touching on Agile project management methodologies. In this video we discuss what Agile is and cover the main terms related to it.

Writing your daily actions as user stories will help provide clarity on what exactly needs to be completed.

Skin In The Game
Accountability Buddy
Inputs Not Outputs
Change Your Environment
Make The Commitment
Building Habits

Welcome to the fourth section of the course.

We've discussed the idea of onion design and focusing on the core features, now lets get specific with what exactly your minimum viable product is.

There are many tools to help you manage your backlog and priorities. We'll take a look at using Trello to set up your backlog.

One of the most powerful techniques to give you a strong "why" is the Event-Based Milestone.

We look at Beeminder as a tool to keep you accountable to daily inputs.

Its super important that you share you project with people other than yourself and your close friends. In this video we look at 3 objections people have to sharing.

In this video we cover the "what" and the "who" of sharing your project with other people.

We discuss the process for sharing projects through social media and take a look at some example shares from an indie facebook developers group.

Its important that you don't make negative feedback about your project mean something about yourself.

We often take far longer on our project than we need to because we are chasing the cool ideas or implementation. Its important to understand the difference between iteration and Zig Zag and protecting yourself from lost time.

Scope Creep is not always bad, but it must be managed and not allowed to happen accidentally.

We often get stuck in the world of analysis paralysis. We discuss 6 tips for smashing through this blockage.

To wrap up this section which has focused on the next 30 days, we are going to get super concrete on your commitments and actions and when things will get done.

Getting Results

If you can get momentum by focusing on the week and build habits by focusing on the 30 days, then you're set up to get results with a 90 day outlook.

A quick note that some folks find the video after this one a bit confronting and asked me to make a note of this.

This "What If" visualisation exercise will give you some powerful ammunition to help stay focused and motivated.

Jim Rohn, the leadership and self-development guru asks us four Whys. In this video we discuss those and relate them to our own projects.

The Left Side / Right Side technique is a powerful way to know who you should be asking for help.

One of my favourite philosophies is that "if you work hard its not a matter of IF you'll succeed its a matter of WHEN".

We cover the 3 most important aspects of managing your physiology and what the impacts are that they can have on your life.

The thought of our product not selling well is often a big barrier to finishing our project. We discuss some very quick tips for helping to market your product.

Its okay to stop working on a project, so long as its for the right reasons.

Continuous Improvement
Section 6 Introduction

All the effort you put into your workbook should not be lost. Continue to look at it and use it to help you moving forward.

More To Come!

We discuss the distinction between being Motivated and Driven.

It helps if you change your state when you are working and dress in a way that supports that.

Continuing Your GameDev Journey

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
May be ideal for learners who are currently at zero or who are not progressing on their projects due to personal limitations
May be good for students who are game developers
May be ideal for those who need help with productivity and getting out of procrastination
May be good for those who are interested in video game project development specifically
May be suitable for students who want an overview of agile development processes

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Review Agile method
Review the basics of Agile to prepare for the course.
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  • Read an article about the Agile methodology.
  • Watch a video tutorial on Agile.
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  • Follow the course videos and complete the accompanying exercises and assignments.
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Create a daily coding habit
Make coding a part of your daily routine to accelerate your progress and solidify your understanding of programming concepts
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  • Set aside a dedicated time each day for practicing coding.
  • Choose a coding challenge or exercise and focus on completing it within your allotted time.
  • Review your solution and identify areas for improvement.
Start developing your own game
Put your learning into practice by embarking on the exciting journey of creating your own game.
Browse courses on Game Development
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  • Brainstorm and come up with a concept for your game.
  • Design and create the game's art assets.
  • Develop the game's codebase.
  • Test and debug your game.
  • Release your game to the public.
Write a blog or article about your game development journey
Reflect on your learning experience, share your insights, and contribute to the larger game development community.
Browse courses on Game Development
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  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about and have experience with in game development.
  • Research and gather information to support your topic.
  • Write a draft of your blog post or article.
  • Proofread your work and make necessary revisions.
  • Publish your blog post or article and share it with your network.

Career center

Learners who complete Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Game Developer
Game developers are the mind behind the virtual realms we often inhabit. They conceive, design, develop, and maintain the video games video games that we enjoy. A course like Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development can help an aspiring game developer get started on their journey. Through this course, developers can learn systems, strategies, and techniques for successful game development. It includes strategies for staying on track, identifying blocks, and ultimately getting a project finished.
Project Manager
Project managers bring projects to life. That means they are responsible for planning, executing, and bringing about a project's completion. The course Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development can help aspiring project managers. It can help them to identify blocks and develop strategies for successful project completion.
Software Engineer
Software engineers develop computer and software systems. They work throughout all phases of software development. That means they are part of the initial design, through implementation, and ongoing maintenance. Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may help individuals who would like to enter this field. It can aid in identifying blocks and provide strategies for staying on track with projects.
Product Manager
Product managers are the visionaries behind the products and services we use every day. From concept to execution, they are responsible for ensuring a great product experience for consumers. The course Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may help product managers stay on track with their work. It provides tools, techniques, and strategies for completing challenging projects.
Systems Analyst
Systems analysts are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining computer systems. They work with business users to understand their needs and to provide solutions. The course Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development might be useful for systems analysts. It can help them to identify blocks and stay on track with their projects.
Software Developer
Software Developers are responsible for the programming and operation of software programs. They create instructions that allow computers to perform actions and interact with users. The course Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may be useful for this career path. It provides tools and techniques for planning, scheduling, and completing tasks. These are helpful for those who work in software development.
Web Developer
Web developers design and create websites. Using a variety of programming languages and tools, they bring websites and web applications to life. The course Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may be useful for those who want to be web developers. It provides strategies for identifying blocks and staying on track with projects.
Programmers are architects of software. They use coding languages and tools to bring software applications and programs to life. Whether an application runs on a desktop, laptop, or your mobile phone, a programmer has a hand in its creation. Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may be useful for aspiring programmers. It shares techniques for staying on track with projects and strategies for finishing challenging projects.
Business Analyst
Business analysts bridge the gap between business users and IT professionals. They translate business needs into technical requirements. A course like Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may help those who want to be business analysts. It provides tools and techniques for completing tasks and meeting deadlines.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers create and execute marketing plans to promote products, services, and brands. They are responsible for communicating the value of a product to consumers. Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may be useful for those who wish to become marketing managers. This course offers techniques for identifying blocks and staying on track with projects.
Computer Support Specialist
Computer support specialists provide technical assistance to computer users. They can work in a variety of settings, including businesses, schools, and government agencies. A course like Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may be useful for aspiring computer support specialists. It can provide tools and techniques for helping others troubleshoot problems and resolve issues.
Database Administrator
Database administrators maintain and oversee an organization's database software. They ensure that all data is accurate and secure. A course like Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may help those who want to be database administrators. It provides techniques and strategies for successfully completing projects.
Data Analyst
Data analysts look at trends and insights in data. They interpret data to make predictions and drive business decisions. The course Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may help aspiring data analysts. It provides techniques and strategies for completing projects and meeting deadlines.
Network Administrator
Network administrators are responsible for the maintenance and operation of computer networks. They can work in a range of industries, from IT to telecommunications. The course Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development may provide some assistance to those who would like to become a network administrator. It offers strategies for staying on track with complex and challenging projects.
Technical Writer
Technical writers translate complex technical information into accessible language that anyone can understand. Their writing can include tutorials, manuals, help documents, and online content. A course like Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development might provide some foundational knowledge. It can help technical writers stay on track with their writing projects and learn how to effectively communicate technical information.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development.
Classic in the field of productivity and time management. It provides a step-by-step system for getting organized and getting things done. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn how to be more productive and efficient.
Must-read for anyone who wants to overcome creative blocks and get their work done. Pressfield provides a tough-love approach to motivation and productivity, but his advice is spot-on.
Classic in the field of self-help and personal development. Covey provides a framework for living a more effective and fulfilling life. It great resource for anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals.
Must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to build a successful startup. Ries provides a step-by-step guide to the Lean Startup methodology, which will help you to launch your startup quickly and efficiently.
Classic in the field of innovation. Christensen provides a framework for understanding how disruptive technologies can disrupt established businesses. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn how to stay ahead of the curve and succeed in the face of disruption.
Must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to build a successful company. Horowitz provides a brutally honest account of the challenges and rewards of being a CEO. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn how to lead a team and achieve success.
Must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to grow their startup. Weinberg and Mares provide a step-by-step guide to the Traction methodology, which will help you to attract customers and grow your business.
Must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to build a successful product. Olsen provides a step-by-step guide to the Lean Product Development process, which will help you to launch your product quickly and efficiently.
Must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to create a successful business model. Osterwalder and Pigneur provide a step-by-step guide to the Value Proposition Design process, which will help you to create a value proposition that is both unique and valuable.


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