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Atila Iamarino and Paolo Zanotto

Através deste curso você vai saber porque tantas doenças que surgiram atualmente (doenças emergentes) são causadas por vírus, como elas surgem e se espalham. Veremos como vírus causadores de doenças entram em contato com o ser humano e como se espalham, principalmente aqueles transmitidos por mosquitos, como os vírus da Dengue e Zika. Você será capaz de identificar como e onde o Zika vírus começou a causar a atual pandemia, entenderá como ele circula e quais os sintomas que causa nas pessoas em geral e em gestantes e particular, com ênfase na microcefalia.

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Através deste curso você vai saber porque tantas doenças que surgiram atualmente (doenças emergentes) são causadas por vírus, como elas surgem e se espalham. Veremos como vírus causadores de doenças entram em contato com o ser humano e como se espalham, principalmente aqueles transmitidos por mosquitos, como os vírus da Dengue e Zika. Você será capaz de identificar como e onde o Zika vírus começou a causar a atual pandemia, entenderá como ele circula e quais os sintomas que causa nas pessoas em geral e em gestantes e particular, com ênfase na microcefalia.

Se você é um profissional da saúde ou só um curioso, ofereceremos aulas relevantes para todos estes públicos. Você também aprenderá como combatemos o Zika vírus, tanto através do controle dos mosquitos quanto pelo desenvolvimento de vacinas. E como boatos sobre essa doença surgiram e circularam na internet. Ao final do curso você terá a informação atualizada sobre o que sabemos e não sabemos sobre o Zika, bem como os próximos passos da ciência para conter esse vírus.

Se você é professora ou professor e está interessado em tratar o Zika em sala de aula, também teremos aulas e material que vão lhe preparar para tratar sobre Zika em aula.

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What's inside


O que são os vírus? Uma visão geral sobre doenças emergentes
No módulo 1, você vai aprender como surgem novas doenças infecciosas, as doenças emergentes. Você verá como avaliar e identificar os estágios de entrada de novas infecções e como elas se estabelecem em humanos. E também aprenderá a identificar os fatores que explicam o surgimento de novas doenças em tempos recentes.
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Porque vírus são causadores de doenças
No módulo 2, você verá princípios gerais de como os vírus funcionam, para compreender e relacionar como o funcionamento deles dita os tratamentos que temos disponíveis para combater vírus. Este módulo integra como vírus funcionam com o desenvolvimento de antivirais e vacinas.
Flavivírus: Febre Amarela e Dengue
No módulo 3, você verá desde quando flavivírus convivem conosco no Brasil. Você vai aprender a identificar os fatores ambientais e sociais que viabilizaram esta entrada, muitos dos quais ainda estão presentes.
O Zika
Neste módulo, você vai aprender como se desenrolou o surto de zika no Brasil. Você verá como identificar os fatores que explicam a entrada e a circulação do vírus em 2014 e nos anos seguintes.
Chikungunya e outros vírus
No módulo 5, você verá outros vírus importantes que podem circular enquanto tivermos mosquitos. Você vai aprender a identificar os fatores viabilizaram de outros vírus como o chikungunya, muitos dos quais ainda podem permitir outros vírus.
O mosquito vetor.
Neste módulo, você verá de onde vieram os mosquitos que transmitem as arboviroses, como se tornaram tão comuns. Você aprenderá a identificar o que torna o controle destes mosquitos tão desafiador. Este módulo integra como os mosquitos circulam com estratégias de combate presentes e futuras.
O que é a microcefalia e sua relação com doenças infecciosas
No módulo 7, você vai aprender o que descobrimos sobre como o zika causa microcefalia. Você aprenderá e identificará o dano que o zika causa e o que torna a síndrome congênita do zika tão única. E também aprenderá o que podemos fazer para prevenir novos casos.
A recepção pública da epidemia de Zika e sua comunicação na mídia
No último módulo vamos usar os boatos que circularam no começo da epidemia de zika para integrar os fatores. Você aprenderá a identificar os motivos que geram boatos durante epidemias e como eles desenrolaram no Brasil.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Destina-se a profissionais da saúde e curiosos sobre o assunto
Explica quais as consequências das doenças, como as microcefalias neonatais
Desenvolve o conhecimento sobre flavivírus e arboviroses
Ensina sobre os métodos de combate ao Zika vírus
Fomenta o conhecimento científico sobre o Zika vírus
Oferece aulas e materiais para professores que queiram abordar o tema em sala de aula

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Reviews summary

Zika and emerging diseases understanding

This course provides a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Zika virus and other emerging diseases caused by viruses. Learners will gain insights into the origins, transmission, and impact of these diseases, with a focus on their relevance to public health. The course is taught by experts in the field and features engaging videos, interactive quizzes, and supplementary materials.
Features videos, quizzes, and interactive content.
"Ótimas fontes e bem organizado."
"O curso abordou o assunto de forma objetiva, clara, com uma linguagem simples, que qualquer pessoa com alguns conhecimentos básicos poderia compreender, com referências de alta qualidade científica."
Taught by renowned professors and researchers.
"Outrossim, demonstra os assuntos sem ser conteudista, abordando e trazendo a mensagem do pensamento analítico de forma prática, porém, cobra o mesmo com profundidade e pura atenção, baseado em fatos, confirmações estatísticas, geografia comprobatória, além de exigir também o raciocínio lógico e certeiro durante o transcorrer das próprias videoaulas e testes de aprendizagem/avaliação..."
Applicable to healthcare professionals and individuals interested in public health.
"Aprendi muita coisa útil, nova, interessante, e melhor ainda poder indicar o curso para outras pessoas, Com toda certeza ira me ajudar muito na carreira"
"Um ótimo curso, com uma didática incrível que proporciona aos alunos conhecimentos de extrema importância para profissionais e estudantes da área da saúde."
Covers a wide range of topics related to Zika and emerging diseases.
"Compreender e integrar as relações de surgimento de doenças infecciosas emergentes que saltaram de animais silvestres e acometem seres humanos, por meio da dispersão de mosquitos vetores de arboviroses."
"Além de abrangente, o curso consegue transmitir, por meio de uma linguagem simplória, toda a patogenicidade do vírus, tanto Zika quanto os demais mencionados, apresentando também a clínica dos pacientes contaminados, atualizações sobre tratamento e desenvolvimento de vacinas."
Doesn't offer a certificate or CEUs.
"O curso em si é ótimo, no entanto, na certificação não há créditos de carga horária, o que deixa a desejar."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Compreendendo o Zika e doenças emergentes with these activities:
Participe de um projeto de extensão em saúde pública
Oferece exposição prática a conceitos de saúde pública relacionados à prevenção e controle de doenças virais, complementando o conteúdo do curso.
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  • Pesquise projetos de extensão em saúde pública em sua comunidade.
  • Entre em contato com a organização e expresse seu interesse em se voluntariar.
  • Participe das atividades do projeto, conforme orientado pela organização.
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Career center

Learners who complete Compreendendo o Zika e doenças emergentes will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Epidemiologists investigate the causes of disease outbreaks and develop strategies to prevent and control them. They use their knowledge of public health, statistics, and research methods to design and conduct studies that help us understand how diseases spread and how to stop them. This course would help an Epidemiologist better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them develop more effective prevention and control strategies. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them conduct more effective studies.
Infectious Disease Doctor
Infectious Disease Doctors diagnose and treat patients with infectious diseases. They use their knowledge of microbiology, immunology, and public health to develop and implement treatment plans that help patients recover from infections. This course would help an Infectious Disease Doctor better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them better diagnose and treat patients. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to prevent and control disease outbreaks, which would help them better protect their patients from infection.
Microbiologists study microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. They use their knowledge of microbiology to develop new drugs and treatments for infectious diseases. This course would help a Microbiologist better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them develop more effective drugs and treatments. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to prevent and control disease outbreaks, which would help them develop more effective prevention and control strategies.
Virologists study viruses, including their structure, function, and evolution. They use their knowledge of virology to develop new drugs and treatments for viral infections. This course would help a Virologist better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them develop more effective drugs and treatments. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them conduct more effective studies.
Environmental Health Scientist
Environmental Health Scientists study how our environment affects human health. They conduct research, collect data, and make recommendations to protect public health. This course would help an Environmental Health Scientist better understand how emerging diseases spread, which would help them make better recommendations for preventing and controlling disease outbreaks. The course would also help them better understand the environmental factors that contribute to the spread of disease, which would help them develop more effective prevention and control strategies.
Research Scientist
Research Scientists conduct research to develop new knowledge and technologies. They use their knowledge of science, engineering, and mathematics to solve problems and make discoveries that improve our lives. This course would help a Research Scientist better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them develop more effective prevention and control strategies. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them conduct more effective studies.
Veterinarians diagnose and treat animals with diseases. They use their knowledge of veterinary medicine, animal anatomy, and animal behavior to provide care for animals and protect public health. This course would help a Veterinarian better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them better diagnose and treat animals with diseases. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them better respond to outbreaks and protect animal health.
Health Policy Analyst
Health Policy Analysts develop and analyze policies that affect health care. They use their knowledge of health care systems, economics, and public health to make recommendations on how to improve the health of the population. This course would help a Health Policy Analyst better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them develop more effective policies to prevent and control disease outbreaks. The course would also help them better understand the impact of health care policies on the spread of disease, which would help them make better recommendations for improving health care.
Public Health Nurse
Public Health Nurses work with communities to promote health and prevent disease. They use their knowledge of public health, nursing, and community health to develop and implement programs that help people stay healthy. This course would help a Public Health Nurse better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them develop more effective prevention and control programs. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them better respond to outbreaks and protect the public's health.
Science Communicator
Science Communicators translate complex scientific information into language that the public can understand. They use their knowledge of science, communication, and media to write articles, give presentations, and develop other materials that help people learn about science and its impact on society. This course would help a Science Communicator better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them write more accurate and informative articles about disease outbreaks. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them give more accurate and informative presentations about scientific research.
Science Writer
Science Writers communicate complex scientific information to the public. They use their knowledge of science, writing, and communication to write articles, books, and other materials that help people understand the latest scientific discoveries and developments. This course would help a Science Writer better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them write more accurate and informative articles about disease outbreaks. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them write more accurate and informative articles about scientific research.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect, clean, and analyze data to identify trends and patterns. They use their knowledge of statistics, programming, and data analysis techniques to help businesses make better decisions. This course would help a Data Analyst better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them identify trends and patterns in disease data. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them develop more effective data analysis techniques.
Health Educator
Health Educators teach people about health and disease. They use their knowledge of health education, public health, and communication to develop and implement programs that help people make healthy choices. This course would help a Health Educator better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them develop more effective health education programs. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them better respond to outbreaks and protect the public's health.
Medical Laboratory Technician
Medical Laboratory Technicians perform tests on samples of blood, urine, and other body fluids to help doctors diagnose and treat diseases. They use their knowledge of medical laboratory science and laboratory techniques to perform tests accurately and efficiently. This course would help a Medical Laboratory Technician better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them better perform tests to diagnose and treat diseases. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them better respond to outbreaks and protect the public's health.
Teachers educate students about a variety of subjects, including science, math, history, and language arts. They use their knowledge of education, pedagogy, and content to create lesson plans and teach students in a way that helps them learn. This course would help a Teacher better understand the factors that contribute to the spread of emerging diseases, which would help them teach their students about disease outbreaks. The course would also help them better understand the methods used to investigate disease outbreaks, which would help them teach their students about scientific research.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Compreendendo o Zika e doenças emergentes.
Revisão sistemática da literatura científica sobre o vírus Zika, fornecendo uma visão abrangente sobre os conhecimentos atuais e as lacunas de pesquisa.
This textbook provides a foundational understanding of virology, covering the molecular biology, pathogenesis, and control of viruses, offering a comprehensive background for the study of Zika virus.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of medical microbiology, including the biology and pathogenesis of viruses, offering a strong foundation for understanding Zika virus and other viral infections.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the Zika virus, including its global health implications. It valuable resource for researchers, students, and policymakers interested in the field of public health.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the Zika virus, including its clinical manifestations and management. It valuable resource for healthcare professionals interested in the field of infectious diseases.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the Zika virus, including laboratory testing and diagnosis. It valuable resource for laboratory professionals interested in the field of infectious diseases.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the Zika virus, including its risk assessment and management. It valuable resource for researchers, students, and policymakers interested in the field of public health.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the Zika virus, including its risks for pregnant women. It valuable resource for pregnant women and their healthcare providers.


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