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The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang)

Stephen Grider

Go is an open source programming language created by Google. As one of the fastest growing languages in terms of popularity, its a great time to pick up the basics of Go.

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Go is an open source programming language created by Google. As one of the fastest growing languages in terms of popularity, its a great time to pick up the basics of Go.

This course is designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Go. We'll quickly cover the basics, then dive into some of the more advanced features of the language. Don't be tricked by other courses that only teach you for-loops and if-statements. This is the only course on Udemy that will teach you how to use the full power of Go's concurrency model and interface type systems.

Go is designed to be easy to pick up, but tough to master. Through multiple projects, quizzes, and assignments, you'll quickly start to master the language's quirks and oddities. Go is like any other language - you have to write code to learn it. This course will give you ample opportunities to strike out on your own and start working on your own programs.

In this course you will:

  • Understand the basic syntax and control structures of the language
  • Apply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systems
  • Grasp the purpose of types, which is especially important if you're coming from a dynamically typed language like Javascript or Ruby
  • Organize code through the use of packages
  • Use the Go runtime to build and compile projects
  • Get insight into critical design decisions in the language
  • Gain a sense of when to use basic language features

Go is one of the fastest-growing programming languages released in the last ten years. Get job-ready with Go today by enrolling now.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Build massively concurrent programs with go routines and channels
  • Learn the advanced features of go
  • Understand the differences between commonly used data structures
  • Prove your knowledge with dozens of included quiz questions
  • Apply interfaces to dramatically simplify complex programs
  • Use types to future-proof your code and reduce the difficulty of refactors


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Environment Setup
VSCode Installation
Go Support in VSCode
Gopls, undeclared name, type and module errors in VSCode
A Simple Start
Boring Ol' Hello World
Five Important Questions
Go Packages
Import Statements
File Organization
Test Your Knowledge: Packages
How to Access Course Diagrams
Deeper Into Go
Project Overview
New Project Folder
Variable Declarations
Test Your Knowledge: Variable Assignment
Functions and Return Types
Test Your Knowledge: Functions
Slices and For Loops
Test Your Knowledge: Slices and For Loops
OO Approach vs Go Approach
Custom Type Declarations
Receiver Functions
Test Your Knowledge: Functions with Receivers
Creating a New Deck
Slice Range Syntax
Multiple Return Values
Test Your Knowledge: Multiple Return Values
Byte Slices
Deck to String
Joining a Slice of Strings
Saving Data to the Hard Drive
Reading From the Hard Drive
Error Handling
Shuffling a Deck
Random Number Generation
Creating a go.mod File
Testing With Go
Errorf call has arguments but no formatting directives
Writing Useful Tests
Asserting Elements in a Slice
Testing File IO
Project Review
Assignment: Even or Odd?
Even or Odd Solution
Organizing Data With Structs
Structs in Go
Defining Structs
Declaring Structs
Updating Struct Values
Embedding Structs
Structs with Receiver Functions
Pass By Value
Structs with Pointers
Pointer Operations
Pointer Shortcut
Gotchas With Pointers
Test Your Knowledge: Pointers
Reference vs Value Types
Test Your Knowledge: Value vs Reference Types
What's a Map?
Manipulating Maps
Iterating Over Maps
Differences Between Maps and Structs
Test Your Knowledge: Maps
Purpose of Interfaces
Problems Without Interfaces
Interfaces in Practice
Rules of Interfaces
Extra Interface Notes
The HTTP Package
Reading the Docs
More Interface Syntax
Interface Review
The Reader Interface
More on the Reader Interface
Working with the Read Function
The Writer Interface
The io.Copy Function
The Implementation of io.Copy
A Custom Writer
Test Your Knowledge: Interfaces
Assignment: Interfaces
Interfaces Solution
Assignment: Hard Mode Interfaces
Hard Mode Interfaces Solution
Channels and Go Routines
Website Status Checker
Printing Site Status
Serial Link Checking
Go Routines
Theory of Go Routines

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
For students and professionals interested in a solid foundation in the Go programming language's fundamentals
The course will help students enhance their programming skills and knowledge of Go, which is highly demanded in the tech industry
Suitable for students who seek expertise in concurrent programming and advanced Go features
Students will gain hands-on experience through projects, quizzes, and assignments, reinforcing their understanding of Go's concepts
Taught by experienced instructors in the field, providing valuable insights and practical applications

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Reviews summary

Great course for go beginners

According to students, this course has clear explanations perfect for beginners that can quickly move through the content. Engaging assignments help students connect the concepts they're instructed on.
Course moves quickly through content.
Assignments are interesting and help students connect concepts.
Clear explanations for less experienced learners.
"This course was concise and straight to the point, perfect for those who have experience in programming and would like to pick up Golang quickly!"

Career center

Learners who complete Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Software Engineer
Software Engineers take part in the entire software development process, which can include gathering and figuring out the needs of an organization, designing and developing software program structures, as well as testing and evaluating the programs after they have been deployed. This course, Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang) may help you get started in this process by getting you up and running as fast as possible with Go, covering the basics and diving into some of the more advanced features of the language.
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmers take part in the creation, testing, and maintenance of computer programs. Programs can be written in multiple programming languages and they can take on various forms depending on their function and the platform they will be used on. Having a strong grasp of the basics and advanced features of a programming language, such as Go, can help you in landing this role. This course can get you up to speed with Go and give you the opportunity to strike out on your own and start working on your own programs.
Web Developer
Web Developers are responsible for building and maintaining websites and applications. This role can involve working with a team to create and implement new features, or working independently to maintain and update existing ones. This course focuses on getting you up and running as fast as possible with Go, which can be helpful in this role when working with the HTTP Package, Interface, Reader Interface, and Writer Interface.
Systems Analyst
A Systems Analyst is responsible for analyzing an organization's current systems and processes, and then developing and implementing solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness. This course can help prepare you for this role by teaching you the basics and advanced features of Go, as well as how to apply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systems.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases, ensuring that they are running smoothly and efficiently. This course can help prepare you for this role by teaching you the basics and advanced features of Go, as well as how to organize code through the use of packages and how to handle errors.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data, often large sets of data. This course may be useful if you wish to pursue this career path, as it teaches the basics and advanced features of Go, as well as how to apply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systems.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts work with stakeholders to define business needs and develop solutions that meet those needs. This course may be useful if you wish to pursue this career path, as it teaches the basics of Go, which can be used to automate tasks and improve efficiency.
Information Security Analyst
Information Security Analysts plan and implement security measures to protect an organization's computer networks and systems. Having a solid foundation in Go may be helpful in this role for working with security systems and threat detection.
Network Administrator
Network Administrators manage and maintain computer networks, ensuring that they are running smoothly and efficiently. This course may be useful if you wish to pursue this career path, as it teaches the basics and advanced features of Go, as well as how to apply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systems.
IT Manager
IT Managers plan, direct, and coordinate computer-related activities within an organization. This can involve managing a team of IT professionals, developing and implementing IT policies, and budgeting for IT resources. This course may be useful for aspiring IT Managers, as it teaches the basics and advanced features of Go, as well as how to organize code through packages and apply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systems.
Project Manager
Project Managers plan, execute, and close projects. This can involve working with a team to define project goals, develop a project plan, and execute the project within a set budget and timeline. This course may be useful if you wish to pursue this career path, as it teaches the basics of Go, which can be used to automate tasks and improve efficiency.
UX Designer
UX Designers research, design, and evaluate user experiences with products and services. This course may be useful if you wish to pursue this career path, as it teaches the basics of Go, which can be used to prototype and test user interfaces.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create and maintain documentation for technical products and services. This course may be useful if you wish to pursue this career path, as it teaches the basics of Go, which can be used to automate documentation tasks.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect, analyze, and interpret data to help organizations make informed decisions. This course may be useful if you wish to pursue this career path, as it teaches the basics and advanced features of Go, as well as how to apply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systems.
Quality Assurance Analyst
Quality Assurance Analysts test software to identify bugs and ensure that it meets quality standards. This course may be useful if you wish to pursue this career path, as it teaches the basics and advanced features of Go, as well as how to test code with Go.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang).
Is an authoritative guide to the Go programming language, written by two of its original designers. It covers all aspects of the language, from its syntax to its concurrency model.
This updated guide covers the key updates to Go 2, such as Generics, Error Handling, and Index Constraints. This guide will help you to avoid legacy code or bad habits and write production-grade Go code.
Detailed guide to building a production-ready web application with Go. It covers all aspects of the development process, from setting up your environment to deploying your application.
Beginner-friendly introduction to the Go programming language. It covers all the basics of the language, from its syntax to its concurrency model.
This blog great resource for staying up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the Go world. It covers a wide range of topics, from language updates to new libraries and tools.
This newsletter great way to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the Go world. It covers a wide range of topics, from language updates to new libraries and tools.
Catalog of design patterns that are commonly used in Go. It provides a detailed explanation of each pattern, along with examples of how to use it in your own code.
Comprehensive guide to testing in Go. It covers all aspects of testing, from unit testing to integration testing.
Deep dive into the concurrency model of the Go programming language. It covers all aspects of concurrency, from the basics to advanced topics such as channels and goroutines.


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