This is the partner course to the Complete Unreal C++ Developer, one of the most popular Unreal courses on the web.
In this course you'll learn how to make games without writing traditional code by using Unreal Engine 4 and its powerful visual coding system known as Blueprints. We start this course at a beginners pace so you need no prior experience or knowledge of Unreal Engine 4 or game development.
This is the partner course to the Complete Unreal C++ Developer, one of the most popular Unreal courses on the web.
In this course you'll learn how to make games without writing traditional code by using Unreal Engine 4 and its powerful visual coding system known as Blueprints. We start this course at a beginners pace so you need no prior experience or knowledge of Unreal Engine 4 or game development.
In the first section you'll go from not even having Unreal installed to making your first game: Marble Run. In fact, once you're more confident, you'll be able to make Marble Run game in less that 15 minutes. That's how easy and powerful Unreal Blueprint can be.
In the next section you'll build your second game, Crystal Cavern. You'll develop your own levels by editing geometry and using Unreal's powerful lighting system. You'll populate your levels with actors that you fully code yourself through Blueprints such as: pickups, cannons, projectiles & more.
By the end of this course you'll have the fundamental skills to create your own games with Unreal Engine 4.
Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time).For each game project in the course, you will be:
Guided through to build the entire game yourself.
Shown all the Unreal and Blueprint features required.
Challenged to apply, and re-apply your knowledge regularly.
Prefer to focus on C++? Check-out our Unreal Engine C++ Developer course. All our courses cover different projects, and work together perfectly.
You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. Not only that, but you will also receive all the updates and patches we make to the videos.
We constantly improve our courses in response to user feedback.
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
How to Install Unreal Engine 4
(Unique Video Reference: 1_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Be an active part of the community.
(Unique Video Reference: 1a_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
How to navigate Unreal Editor
(Unique Video Reference: 2_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
How to navigate and work with actors inside viewport
(Unique Video Reference: 3_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Understand how to execute code in Blueprints
(Unique Video Reference: 4_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Create blueprint code that reacts to player input
(Unique Video Reference: 5_MR_UBP)
Getting Started with Unreal Engine 4 Quiz
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Apply physics and materials to actors in levels
(Unique Video Reference: 6_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
A warning for anyone wanting to follow the course using UE5.1 or later.
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
How to use Input Axis Events and Event Tick
(Unique Video Reference: 7_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to get and set actor rotations in blueprints
(Unique Video Reference: 8_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Block out levels using BSP Geometry
(Unique Video Reference: 9_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Convert BSP geometry to a single static mesh
(Unique Video Reference: 10_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Add box triggers and use overlap events in blueprints
(Unique Video Reference: 11_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Return how long it takes to escape the maze
(Unique Video Reference: 12_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Keep code tidy with comment sections
(Unique Video Reference: 13_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Package your own Unreal Engine 4 game
(Unique Video Reference: 14_MR_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Create a new project with empty level, ready for development
(Unique Video Reference: 1_CC_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Add lights and use precomputed or dynamic lighting
(Unique Video Reference: 2_CC_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to use the different light actors in Unreal
(Unique Video Reference: 3_CC_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
Learn how to create a blueprint actor
Learn how to add components to a blueprint actor
Learn how to affect the transform of blueprint components
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to create blueprint actors
(Unique Video Reference: 4_CC_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to create blueprint pawns
(Unique Video Reference: 5_CC_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to possess a pawn
(Unique Video Reference: 6_CC_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to create a game mode blueprint class
(Unique Video Reference: 7_CC_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to apply physics to the player pawn
(Unique Video Reference: 8_CC_UBP)
In this video (objectives)…
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to create input mappings for your game
(Unique Video Reference: 9_CC_UBP)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how how to add torque to a mesh simulating physics
2. Learn how to discover the torque direction
3. Learn how to add a stronger torque
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to add torque to meshes simulating physics
(Unique Video Reference: <<10_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to avoid magic numbers
2. Learn how to create blueprint variables
3. Learn how to apply blueprint variables in your code
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to create and use blueprint variables
(Unique Video Reference: <<11_CC_UBP>>)
In this video (objectives)…
1. Learn how to create more complex BSP designs
2. Learn how to use BSP extrude
3. Learn how to disable spring arm collision
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to do BSP extruding
(Unique Video Reference: <<12_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to create your own box trigger with custom logic
2. Learn how to get the player pawn in blueprints
3. Learn how to restart the level using the current level name
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to create your own box trigger with custom logic
(Unique Video Reference: <<13_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn about the player camera manager
2. Learn how to fade the camera in and out from blueprints
3. Learn how to use literal floats
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to fade the camera out using the player camera manager
(Unique Video Reference: <<14_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to create a material in unreal engine 4
2. Learn how to make materials glow
3. Learn how to organise your assets in the content browser
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to create a material that glows in unreal engine 4
(Unique Video Reference: <<15_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to give the illusion that the player collects an actor
2. Learn how to delete actors at runtime
3. Learn how to destroy actors based on who/what causes an overlap
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to give the illusion that the player collects an actor by deleting it at runtime.
(Unique Video Reference: <<16_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to use blueprint timelines
2. Learn how to move an actor between two points over time
3. Learn how to use the linear interpolate node
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to move an actor smoothly between two points by using a lerp node and a blueprint timeline
(Unique Video Reference: <<17_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn about a core principal of object oriented programming: Encapsulation
1. Learn about blueprints functions
1. Learn how to how to encapsulate your code into blueprint functions
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to encapsulate your code into blueprint functions
(Unique Video Reference: <<18_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn to create multiple timeline tracks
2. Learn how to execute multiple behaviors for a blueprint class using a single timeline
3. Learn how to make unique behaviors timeline tracks
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to create multiple unique timeline tracks
(Unique Video Reference: <<19_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn an alternative way to encapsulate your blueprint code
2. Learn how to create blueprint macros
3. Learn how to add multiple execution pins on a macro
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to create and use blueprint macros
(Unique Video Reference: <<20_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to add and use the projectile movement component
2. Learn how to disable gravity for a projectile actor
3. Learn how to adjust the speed of a projectile in cm/s
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to create a projectile actor
(Unique Video Reference: <<21_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn about fbx files
2. Learn how to import fbx files
3. Learn how to adjust fbx import file settings
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how import fbx files into unreal engine 4
(Unique Video Reference: <<22_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to spawn actors dynamically at runtime
2. Learn how to use an arrow component as a spawn point
3. Learn how to use blueprint re-route nodes
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how spawn actors dynamically at runtime in Unreal Engine 4
(Unique Video Reference: <<23_CC_UBP>>)
### 24 Exposing Blueprint Variables ###
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to expose blueprint variables
2. Learn how to add your blueprint variables to a category
3. Learn how to restrict the values for your blueprint variables
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to expose blueprint variables
(Unique Video Reference: <<24_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to animate a mesh with a timeline
2. Learn how to create event tracks
3. Learn how to add additional output pins to timelines by making use of event tracks
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to animate meshes with timelines
(Unique Video Reference: <<25_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn about unreal engine 4's damage system
2. Learn how to implement functions for causing damage to actors
3. Learn how to implement events for actors receiving damage
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to cause damage using UE4's damage system
(Unique Video Reference: <<26_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to avoid repeating code
2. Learn how to collapse blueprint code into a node/graph
3. Learn how to collapse blueprint code into a macro
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to avoid repeating code and how to collapse code to stay organised
(Unique Video Reference: <<27_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to avoid creating the same macros across multiple blueprints
2. Learn how to create a macro library
3. Learn how to create macros inside a macro library
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to create macros inside a macro library
(Unique Video Reference: <<28_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to get all actors that exist in your level by class
2. Learn about arrays
3. Learn how to get the length of an array
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to get all actors of a particular class in blueprints
(Unique Video Reference: <<29_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn the difference between pure & impure functions
2. Learn how to create pure blueprint functions
3. Learn how to create pure const blueprint functions
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn the difference between pure & impure functions
(Unique Video Reference: <<30_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to create an array
2. Learn how to get the index of an element in an array
3. Learn how to get an element from an array via an index
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to create and work with arrays in blueprints
(Unique Video Reference: <<31_CC_UBP>>)
**In this video (objectives)…**
1. Learn how to cast in blueprints
2. Learn how to apply damping
3. Section Review
**After watching (learning outcomes)…**
Learn how to cast in blueprints
(Unique Video Reference: <<32_CC_UBP>>)
In this video (objectives)…
+ Learn about the game we will be developing in this section
+ Download the starter project
+ Extract and launch the starter project
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Starter project setup, ready for development.
Unique Video Reference: 1_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Create a blueprint Character class
+ Understand the difference between a pawn and a character
+ Create a game mode to assign the character
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Create a blueprint character class and assign it to the game mode
Unique Video Reference: 2_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Skeletal Meshes
+ Material Instances
+ Assigning a skeletal mesh to the character mesh component
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Assign a skeletal mesh to the character mesh component with a custom material instance
Unique Video Reference: 3_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Add camera components to the player character
+ Add input mappings to the project
+ Add movement input to the character
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Understand how to add movement input to the character and how to change the movement speed
Unique Video Reference: 4_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Create an animation blueprint for the marine
+ Create an animation state machine
+ Assign the animation blueprint to the marine blueprint class
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Create animation blueprints for skeletal meshes
Unique Video Reference: 5_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Make use of the animation blueprint event graph in order to drive the state machine
+ Calculate the movement speed of the player
+ Setup state machine transition rules
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Transition between multiple states in an animation state machine
Unique Video Reference: 6_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Create a blendspace for blending multiple animations
+ Setup the blendspace axis values
+ Calculate the player's movement direction
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Blend between multiple animations depending on the player's movement direction
Unique Video Reference: 7_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Set the controller rotation
+ Rotate the character towards the thumbstick direction
+ Convert thumbstick axis values to angles
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Rotate the character to face the same direction as the thumbstick
Unique Video Reference: 8_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Fix character snapping issue
+ Create a thumbstick deadzone
+ Only rotate the character if above thumbstick deadzone
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Rotate the character only if the thumbstick is above the thumbstick deadzone
Unique Video Reference: 9_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Calculate the mouse velocity
+ Create a mouse deadzone and only rotate the character if above the deadzone
+ Apply mouse smoothing
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Rotate the character to face the direction we move the mouse in
Unique Video Reference: 10_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Cleanup code for mouse/gamepad aiming
+ Determine if the gamepad is active
+ Switch input depending on if the gamepad is active
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Toggle between mouse/keyboard and gamepad input
Unique Video Reference: 11_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Attach a weapon to the Marine
+ Attach meshes to sockets
+ Spawn a muzzle flash particle system on the weapon
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Attach meshes to sockets and activate/deactivate particle systems
Unique Video Reference: 12_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Sound waves & sound cues
+ Create a sound cue
+ Play and Stop playing non spatialized audio via blueprints
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Create sound cues and spawn sounds via blueprints
Unique Video Reference: 13_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Create a widget for the player hud
+ Arrange the player hud
+ Show player hud widget when game starts
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Create widgets and execute blueprint code to display them
Unique Video Reference: 14_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Create a reference to the player's marine inside the hud widget
+ Create health and kills variables
+ Bind UI elements to read player properties
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Bind UI elements to read values
Unique Video Reference: 15_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Create a blueprint for the alien AI
+ Make the AI continuously chase the player
+ Add navigation mesh in the level so the AI can navigate
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Allow AI to navigate your level and continuously chase the player
Unique Video Reference: 16_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Create a function that detects if the Alien AI is close enough to the player
+ Create an animation montage
+ Stop the alien AI from moving and play the attack montage when in attack range
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Trigger animation montages from blueprints
Unique Video Reference: 17_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ AI damage player
+ Anim notifies
+ Disable player input upon death
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Learn how to disable player input after the player is killed
Unique Video Reference: 18_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Allow the player to damage the AI
+ Perform Line Traces
+ Allow character class to block traces
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Perform line traces and work with the hit results
Unique Video Reference: 19_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Timer for handling automatic weapon fire
+ Play death animations and FX on AI
+ Fix AI bugs
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Setup death states for AI characters
Unique Video Reference: 20_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Add spawn points to the level
+ Display the current wave on the players hud
+ Spawn AI during a wave
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Spawn AI characters
Unique Video Reference: 21_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ End waves when aliens run out of spawns and all aliens are killed
+ Create difficulty and tuning parameters for the waves
+ Increase wave difficulty with each round
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Spawn AI with increased difficulty per wave
Unique Video Reference: 22_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Spawn impact hits whenever a line trace collides
+ Create a function that adds health to the marine
+ Create a health pickup
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Create health pickups and spawn impacts at trace hit locations
Unique Video Reference: 23_MM_UBP
In this video (objectives)…
+ Create a volume that restricts the player to a mission area
+ Display a warning and kill the player if they leave the mission area
+ Wrap up Mars Marine development
After watching (learning outcomes)…
Create volumes that kill actors if they stay outside for too long
Unique Video Reference: 24_MM_UBP
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