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La Disrupción del Blockchain

Federico Ast

Muchas personas ya conocen al bitcoin, la moneda digital que en pocos años pasó de valer unos pocos centavos a miles de dólares. Pero esto es sólo la punta del iceberg de un fenómeno mucho más grande.

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Muchas personas ya conocen al bitcoin, la moneda digital que en pocos años pasó de valer unos pocos centavos a miles de dólares. Pero esto es sólo la punta del iceberg de un fenómeno mucho más grande.

El blockchain, la tecnología en la que se basa el bitcoin, tiene el potencial de disrumpir los negocios, las finanzas, las leyes y hasta los gobiernos.

¿Imaginas un mundo sin bancos? ¿Sin abogados? ¿Imaginas una red social que te pagara cada vez que publiques un post? ¿Una plataforma para compartir música, donde todos los ingresos queden en manos del artista?

Este es uno de los primeros programas sobre blockchain disponibles en Coursera. Es dictado por Federico Ast, profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Austral, Doctor en Dirección de Empresas y emprendedor con amplia experiencia en la industria del blockchain. Es fundador de Kleros, un proyecto que utiliza el blockchain para la transformación de los sistemas legales y de justicia.

Las 5 semanas del curso te ofrecerán un amplio panorama teórico y práctico del impacto del blockchain en el ámbito legal, tecnológico, económico y social.

Te invitamos a una inmersión en una de las tecnologías de mayor potencial de transformación de los próximos años.

¡Bienvenido a la disrupción del blockchain!"

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What's inside


El Nacimiento del Blockchain
¡Bienvenido! ¡Aquí comienza nuestro recorrido! En este módulo, conocerás los conceptos centrales sobre el blockchain. Los videos explicativos y materiales de lectura te guiarán en el aprendizaje. También encontrarás material opcional para profundizar en los temas que te resulten más atractivos. Finalmente, te desafiaremos a contestar un cuestionario de 20 preguntas. ¡Comencemos!
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Criptomonedas: la Transformación de las Finanzas
En este segundo módulo, aprenderás sobre el impacto de las criptomonedas en el mundo de las finanzas. Estudiarás los debates acerca de la amenaza del blockchain sobre el modelo de negocio de los bancos y su potencial para democratizar el acceso a los servicios financieros. También entenderás el papel que juegan las criptomonedas en el marco más amplio de la historia del dinero. Y además, ¡te guiaré en el proceso para comprar tu primer bitcoin! ¡Vamos!
El Blockchain y la Disrupción del Mundo Legal
Iniciamos el tercer módulo. En la primera lección, te contaré sobre el nuevo paradigma de registro de identidad y propiedad en el mundo digital del blockchain. Luego, conocerás los contratos inteligentes y su potencial para transformar la industria legal. Por último, obtendrás algunos consejos para empezar a invertir en criptoactivos. ¡Adelante!
Las Organizaciones Descentralizadas y el Gobierno del Blockchain
¡Bienvenidos al cuarto módulo! A lo largo de las lecciones, aprenderás sobre las organizaciones autónomas descentralizadas, su relación con el futuro del trabajo y el nuevo gobierno de Internet. Por último, estudiarás el impacto del blockchain sobre la Internet de las cosas. ¡Empecemos!
El Camino Hacia un Mundo de Pares
En este módulo, estudiarás una serie de iniciativas vinculadas con la utilización del blockchain en procesos gubernamentales. Aprenderás, además, de qué forma las criptomonedas son utilizadas en ciertas regiones para evitar el control que imponen algunos regímenes autoritarios. Por último, comprenderás el mensaje oculto bajo el anonimato de Satoshi Nakamoto.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Una exploración completa del blockchain, una tecnología transformadora con aplicaciones en diversos campos
Imparte conocimientos teóricos y prácticos sobre el impacto del blockchain en ámbitos legales, tecnológicos, económicos y sociales
Dirigido por Federico Ast, experto en blockchain y emprendedor con amplia experiencia en la industria
Presenta conceptos avanzados como organizaciones autónomas descentralizadas y su impacto en el futuro del trabajo
Requiere conocimientos previos en el campo del blockchain o tecnología
No proporciona experiencia práctica o certificación oficial en blockchain

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Reviews summary

Blockchain innovador

Este curso altamente calificado ofrece una introducción integral a la tecnología Blockchain y sus posibles disrupciones. Con sus explicaciones claras, material complementario y estudios de casos prácticos, es ideal para aquellos nuevos en el tema o que buscan expandir sus conocimientos.
Blockchain se aplica a diversas industrias.
"El blockchain, la tecnología en la que se basa el bitcoin, tiene el potencial de disrumpir los negocios, las finanzas, las leyes y hasta los gobiernos."
El curso brinda contexto histórico sobre la evolución de Blockchain.
"En este primer módulo, conocerás los conceptos centrales sobre el blockchain."
Se proporcionan ejemplos específicos de casos de uso del Blockchain.
"También entenderás el papel que juegan las criptomonedas en el marco más amplio de la historia del dinero."
El curso cubre los fundamentos y el impacto del Blockchain.
"Las 5 semanas del curso te ofrecerán un amplio panorama teórico y práctico del impacto del blockchain en el ámbito legal, tecnológico, económico y social."
Blockchain es visto como una tecnología revolucionaria
"Blockchain es la tecnología en la que se basa el bitcoin, tiene el potencial de disrumpir los negocios, las finanzas, las leyes y hasta los gobiernos."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in La Disrupción del Blockchain with these activities:
Review Blockchain Concepts
Getting a strong understanding of the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrency will help you follow along with the complex topics covered in this course.
Browse courses on Blockchain
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  • Read the course outline and syllabus.
  • Watch the introductory videos.
  • Review the online reference materials for the course.
Refresher: Blockchain fundamentals
Revisiting the fundamentals of blockchain technology will provide a solid foundation for understanding the advanced concepts covered in the course.
Browse courses on Blockchain
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  • Review online tutorials or articles on blockchain basics.
  • Summarize the key concepts of blockchain in your own words.
Volunteer with a blockchain-related organization
Volunteering with a blockchain-related organization will allow you to connect with experts, gain practical experience, and contribute to the growth of the blockchain ecosystem.
Browse courses on Blockchain
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  • Research blockchain organizations in your area.
  • Identify organizations that align with your interests and skills.
  • Contact the organizations and inquire about volunteer opportunities.
Nine other activities
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Participate in online discussion forums or study groups on blockchain
Engaging in discussions with peers will provide different perspectives, foster critical thinking, and enhance your overall understanding of blockchain technology.
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  • Join online discussion forums or study groups dedicated to blockchain.
  • Actively participate in discussions, sharing your insights and asking questions.
  • Engage with other participants, building your network and learning from their experiences.
Solve Blockchain Puzzles
Solving blockchain puzzles will help you develop your problem-solving skills and deepen your understanding of blockchain technology.
Browse courses on Blockchain
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  • Find a website or app that offers blockchain puzzles.
  • Choose a puzzle and try to solve it.
  • Repeat until you have solved several puzzles.
Guided tutorials on smart contract development
Following guided tutorials on smart contract development will provide practical experience in creating and deploying blockchain-based applications.
Browse courses on Smart Contracts
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  • Enroll in online courses or find tutorials on smart contract development.
  • Follow the tutorials step-by-step, creating your own smart contracts.
  • Deploy your smart contracts on a blockchain network.
Tutoriales de blockchain
Explora tutoriales en línea para profundizar tu comprensión técnica del blockchain y sus aplicaciones.
Browse courses on Blockchain
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  • Busca tutoriales sobre conceptos básicos del blockchain
  • Sigue tutoriales sobre aplicaciones específicas del blockchain, como finanzas y cadenas de suministro
  • Completa tutoriales prácticos para crear tus propios proyectos blockchain
Build a Simple Blockchain
Building your own blockchain will give you a hands-on understanding of how this technology works. This will help you better understand the concepts discussed in the course.
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  • Choose a programming language for your project.
  • Find a tutorial or guide on how to build a blockchain in your chosen language.
  • Build your blockchain.
  • Test your blockchain.
  • Discuss your project with other students in the course forums.
Practice exercises on cryptocurrency transactions
Performing practice exercises on cryptocurrency transactions will enhance your understanding of the practical applications of blockchain technology in the financial sector.
Browse courses on Cryptocurrency
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  • Find online platforms or resources offering cryptocurrency transaction exercises.
  • Complete a series of exercises covering different types of transactions.
  • Analyze the results and identify areas for improvement.
Write a blog post on the impact of blockchain on a specific industry
Writing a blog post on the impact of blockchain on a specific industry will deepen your understanding of the potential applications and challenges of blockchain technology in real-world scenarios.
Browse courses on Blockchain
Show steps
  • Choose an industry that interests you and research its current landscape.
  • Analyze how blockchain technology could disrupt or enhance the industry.
  • Write a blog post outlining your findings and insights.
Develop a blockchain prototype for a decentralized application
Building a blockchain prototype for a decentralized application will provide hands-on experience in designing and implementing blockchain-based solutions.
Browse courses on Blockchain
Show steps
  • Identify a problem or opportunity that could be addressed using a decentralized application.
  • Design the architecture and functionality of your application.
  • Develop and test your prototype using a blockchain platform.
Enter a blockchain hackathon or competition
Participating in blockchain hackathons or competitions will challenge you to innovate, solve real-world problems, and connect with other blockchain enthusiasts.
Browse courses on Blockchain
Show steps
  • Research upcoming blockchain hackathons or competitions.
  • Identify competitions that align with your interests and skills.
  • Form a team or participate individually.

Career center

Learners who complete La Disrupción del Blockchain will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Smart Contract Engineer
Smart Contract Engineers design, implement, and maintain smart contracts on blockchain platforms. They ensure the security, efficiency, and reliability of these contracts in various applications. This course may be useful as it covers the fundamentals of blockchain technology, including smart contract development, enabling learners to gain the necessary skills for this role.
Blockchain Developer
Blockchain Developers create, deploy, and manage blockchain technologies. They develop infrastructure solutions for various blockchain applications. This course may be useful as it provides a strong foundation in the principles of blockchain technology, enabling learners to understand the underlying concepts and their real-world applications in building and maintaining blockchain systems.
Blockchain Architect
Blockchain Architects design and implement blockchain solutions at scale. They provide technical guidance and leadership in the development and deployment of blockchain infrastructures. This course may be useful as it provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology, its capabilities, and its potential impact on various industries.
Blockchain Consultant
Blockchain Consultants provide advisory services to organizations looking to implement blockchain solutions. They assess the feasibility of blockchain projects, develop implementation strategies, and provide ongoing support. This course may be useful as it provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology, its capabilities, and its potential impact on various industries, enabling learners to understand the key considerations and best practices for blockchain implementation.
Blockchain Lawyer
Blockchain Lawyers specialize in the legal implications of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. They advise clients on regulatory compliance, smart contract drafting, and dispute resolution in the blockchain context. This course may be useful as it provides an overview of the legal and regulatory frameworks surrounding blockchain technology, as well as the emerging legal issues and challenges in this field.
Blockchain Researcher
Blockchain Researchers explore and develop new concepts, algorithms, and protocols for blockchain technology. They conduct theoretical and experimental research to advance the field. This course may be useful as it provides a strong foundation in the principles of blockchain technology and its underlying concepts, enabling learners to contribute to cutting-edge research and development in this field.
Blockchain Analyst
Blockchain Analysts research, analyze, and assess the potential of blockchain technology for various industries. They evaluate the feasibility and benefits of blockchain implementation in different contexts. This course may be useful as it provides an understanding of the disruptive potential of blockchain, its impact on various sectors, and the key challenges and opportunities it presents.
Blockchain Project Manager
Blockchain Project Managers plan, execute, and manage blockchain projects. They ensure the successful implementation and adoption of blockchain solutions within organizations. This course may be useful as it provides insights into the disruptive nature of blockchain, its applications in different sectors, and the key considerations for successful project management in this field.
Cryptocurrency Analyst
Cryptocurrency Analysts research, analyze, and forecast the performance of cryptocurrencies. They provide insights and recommendations to investors and stakeholders. This course may be useful as it provides a strong foundation in blockchain technology, the different types of cryptocurrencies, and the factors influencing their value.
Blockchain Educator
Blockchain Educators teach and train individuals and organizations about blockchain technology and its applications. They develop curriculum, deliver lectures, and facilitate workshops. This course may be useful as it provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology, its capabilities, and its potential impact on various industries, enabling learners to gain the necessary knowledge to effectively educate others in this field.
Cryptocurrency Compliance Officer
Cryptocurrency Compliance Officers ensure that cryptocurrency businesses operate in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. They develop and implement compliance programs, conduct risk assessments, and monitor transactions for suspicious activities. This course may be useful as it provides an understanding of the regulatory landscape surrounding blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, as well as the best practices for compliance in this emerging field.
Cryptocurrency Trader
Cryptocurrency Traders buy and sell cryptocurrencies on exchanges to make a profit. They analyze market trends, conduct technical analysis, and manage their risk exposure. This course may be useful as it provides an understanding of the blockchain technology that underpins cryptocurrencies, their valuation drivers, and the strategies and techniques used in cryptocurrency trading.
Digital Asset Manager
Digital Asset Managers manage and safeguard digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other digital collectibles. They ensure the security and compliance of these assets and provide investment advisory services to clients. This course may be useful as it provides insights into the blockchain technology that underpins digital assets, their valuation drivers, and the strategies and techniques used in digital asset management.
Cryptocurrency Fund Manager
Cryptocurrency Fund Managers manage investment funds that invest in cryptocurrencies. They conduct thorough research, make investment decisions, and manage the overall portfolio. This course may be useful as it provides insights into the blockchain technology that underpins cryptocurrencies, their valuation drivers, and the strategies and techniques used in cryptocurrency investing.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists analyze and interpret data to derive insights and inform decision-making. In the context of blockchain, they may specialize in analyzing blockchain data to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies. This course may be helpful as it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, its applications, and its potential impact on data analysis and interpretation.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in La Disrupción del Blockchain.
Comprehensive guide to blockchain technology and its applications. It covers the technical details of blockchain, as well as its potential to disrupt various industries.
Explores the potential of blockchain technology to transform various aspects of society. It covers the history of blockchain, its technical details, and its potential applications.
Provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology, its history, and its potential to revolutionize various industries. It great read for those who want to understand the broader implications of blockchain beyond just its use in cryptocurrencies.
Explores the economic implications of blockchain technology. It covers the potential of blockchain to disrupt the financial sector, as well as its potential to create new economic opportunities.
Beginner-friendly introduction to blockchain technology. It covers the basics of blockchain, as well as its potential applications in various industries.
Is also recommended for beginners who want to have a first touchpoint with blockchain's fundamentals and its current and potential applications.
Provides an overview of the cryptocurrency market and its potential investment opportunities. It covers the different types of cryptocurrencies, their risks and rewards, and how to invest in them.


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