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Ari Stewart

What could your life look like if you ran an agency in place of your current business?

Would it be...

  • Increase Earning Potential?

  • Expanded Services?

  • Expanded client base?

  • More flexibility?

  • And a team on your side?

What if these awesome things were your life?

What if you could work:

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What could your life look like if you ran an agency in place of your current business?

Would it be...

  • Increase Earning Potential?

  • Expanded Services?

  • Expanded client base?

  • More flexibility?

  • And a team on your side?

What if these awesome things were your life?

What if you could work:

  • When you want?

  • Where you want?

  • How you want?

  • Pushing past all income ceilings,

  • Making more money than you ever have before,

  • And with the deep sense of satisfaction that comes with successfully scaling your biz. ?.

Sounds awesome right?

This fast track VA Agency course is a self-paced, transformative experience that will take you on a carefully crafted journey from where ever you are now in your VA business to making more passive income with your dream agency model.

No more wondering what to do or how to start, no more feeling alone and anxious in your plans to scale.

In The Fast Track, you will be handed the step-by-step roadmap for getting clients and team members for your agency, onboarding them, and running your agency like a boss with deep and fulfilling mindset work + management training.


  • Comprehensive self paced education to help you develop your new business model over 4 phases: Prepping and Planning, Clients For Your Agency, Onboarding Like a Pro, and Rising to Leadership

  • Videos, over the shoulder walk-throughs, text and transcripts, audio lessons, and downloads to help you learn how you learn best.

  • Oh, did I mention you get lifetime access to the entire program? ?

Done-For-You Downloads

  • A comprehensive Excel workbook with Pre-formatted trackers, calculators, and a master checklist

  • Email templates and examples

  • Website checklists

  • Content ideas

  • Workflow examples

  • How-to video walkthroughs

  • And so much more for you to keep.

Enroll now and dive in with instant access.

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Grow and scale your virtual assistant business into an agency model
  • Create passive income and manage your time as an agency owner
  • Develop quality leadership and business skills to see results fast
  • Complete your business and grow plan to go from a solo-preneur to a fully fledged agency owner!


(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

Now let's talk about designing your hiring plan.

*Action Steps*

1) Consider both of these methods and decide whether you will be hiring for your weaknesses, your strengths, or some mixture of both in the ‘Your Hiring Plan’ section of the ‘Team Members’ tab in your workbook.

2) Move on to the next lesson!

Read more

In this lesson, we are going to go over 3 of my favorite sources of team members and how you can get started with them right now.

There are plenty of options out there for finding viable candidates for your agency. However, most of them take too long, require too much of an investment, or simply don’t produce the type of team member that you are looking for.

So how do I find my team members? I find them in three ways. Social media posts, my “fresh connection” method, and my current network of family and friends.

So let’s work backwards through these. I put my current network of family and friends last because it is not something that I rely on and it may not be your favorite method of getting team members. While I am willing to bet that you already know someone that is skilled in virtual assistant type tasks and would love to start working with your agency, it can be tricky working with family and friends for the obvious reasons, so only go this route if you know that you have excellent skills to be able to manage that relationship.

But let’s talk about my favorite way to get team members.

And that is, the “fresh connection” method. This method is something that you can do anywhere online, but I have found that it works best on Linked In. Linked In is a business and employment oriented social site that focuses on networking so it is the perfect place to grow your network and build literally a list of potential team members that you can contact when you need more help in your agency. On linked in, I have a simple chat flow that I go through to connect with and start building a relationship with other VAs. First, my connection message:

Hi NAME! We are both virtual service providers and have 2 mutual connections. Wow! It would be great to connect directly. ~Ari

Adding a message to the connection request helps them know who you are and why you want to connect and is the basis for growing your network fast.

Next, I’ll want to know a little bit about their business journey:

Thanks NAME! How are you? I'd love to hear more about how you got into working in the virtual world when you get the chance! Tell me a little about your journey.

I also ask about their niche, what type of clients they like to work with, their favorite part about working as a VA, and a few more. During this time, I also give them answers to all of these questions about my business so that they can get to know me and what I am about as well. I love connecting with newer VAs on Linked In because it gives me the chance to help them in their business. We’ve all been there before!

And then there’s the post method.

This method is effective only if you have an immediate need for a new hire. If you are gathering potential candidates for when you are ready down the road, use the fresh connection method instead.

It is incredibly simple and straightforward and you can control the settings of who sees the post as well. Share it with everyone on LinkedIn or Facebook or wherever, or just share it with your network.

*Action Steps*

1) Consider reaching out to your current network of family and friends to find team members.

2) Use the "fresh connection method" to connect with at least 20 VAs this week!

3) Write your own hiring post to have when you start looking for team members actively.

4) Move on to the next lesson!

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

Once you get some interest in your position for agency team member, there are a couple ways that you can vet a potential candidate right off the bat.

*Action Steps*

1) Take a look at the ‘Hiring Tracker’ tab of your workbook and add some information for your first potential team member.

2) Move on to the next lesson!

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

It’s time to prepare for your interview with your potential team member.

*Action Steps*

1) Jot down some of these questions to ask your team member durring the interview as well as a few of your own!

2) Move on to the next lesson!

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

There are so many ways to vet team members from referrals to portfolios. However...

*Action Steps*

1) Decide on the terms of your trial period.

2) Move on to the next lesson!

Team Member Agreement

Welcome to my VA agency program!

In the next lesson, you'll be able to download your workbook and resources!

Tour the Curriculum & Your Interactive Workbook!
Downloads and Workbook Access

Find out what you are in store for with a few video testimonials from people just like you who have taken and LOVED this VA Agency Program!

Your Purpose
Prepping and Planning

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

This section is the home of your pricing decisions!

*Action Steps*

1) Complete the 'Pricing, packages, and payments' section of the 'Goals and Decisions tab' in this workbook

2) Move on to the next lesson!

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

First off, let’s get super clear on what profit is...

*Action Steps*

1) Calculate the profitability of your agency plan in the 'profit' tab of your workbook.

2) Then move on to the next lesson!

Get ready to plan for passive income!

We don’t want to make the mistake of creating an agency just to make more work for ourselves.

So it is so important to plan for profit AND passive income when choosing your business setup.

So, what is passive income?

Passive income is income that requires little to no effort to earn and maintain. So as your agency grows, we want it to grow in a way that the work can get done by your team members and you will make income without directly trading your time for it. We want to make sure your agency is set up so that everything gets done and you don’t have to be the one doing everything.

So next up, have a look at the 'Agency Roles' section of the 'Goals and Decisions' tab of your workbook. This is a list to get you started looking at the roles that need to be filled for your agency to run and how much of it you are wanting to do yourself as well as the different types of team members you may consider training in your agency

*Action Steps*

1) Complete the 'Agency Roles' section of the 'Goals and Decisions' tab of your workbook.

2) Then move on to the next lesson!

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

How fast are you hoping to grow?

*Action Steps*

1) Select the growth method that seems right for you and write out why in the “choose your growth method” section of the "Goals and Decisions" tab of this workbook.

2) Move on to the next lesson!

P.S. Are you checking these action steps off in the checklist of you workbook?

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

Is your business an LLC?

*Action Steps*

1) Consider forming an LLC to protect yourself and your assets and Check out your LLC checklist in the 'LLC Checklist' tab of your workbook.

2) Move on to the next lesson!

What It Looks Like to Scale
Help Choosing a Niche

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

Time to evaluate your copy!

*Action Steps*

1) Fill out the 'changing language from I to We' section of the 'copywriting exercise' tab of your workbook.

2) Fill out the 'Detailed client profile worksheet' section of the 'copywriting exercise' tab of your workbook.

3) Complete the 'core statement worksheet' section of the 'copywriting exercise' tab of your workbook.

4) Move on the the next lesson!

Your Feedback is Valued!
Clients for Your Agency
Myths About Marketing Your Agency!
Contracts & Current Clients

Most of the time, if a client is not interested, they will respond with:

"I love your message and your energy", OR "I love your hustle, thank you for your email." OR "I am not ready for a VA / I already have a VA. OR "I love your video. You definitely made it more personal than most!" OR "No, thank you. I am not interested but I'll keep you in mind when I have that need!"

So if you were worried that people would be upset with you for bothering them, just know that most people that decline, will tell you that they appreciate you reaching out and thinking of them.

The ‘check back later’ section is only for clients who responded specifically asking you to check back at a later date or next year.

I don’t want to waste another second for you. Go ahead and try this out right now. Your first task is to source at least 50 potential clients and send them your initial pitch!

Make sure your pitch email includes a video or a photo of your face if you’re just getting started, and a link to your website where clients can see your packages and some terms of working with you!

P.S. If you’re still feeling unsure about this method, The BONUS Discovery Call Lessons will show you exactly how much each client loves this pitching method and how it helps to sell for me!

In addition to this lesson, check the resource section for 600+ Content Ideas for Your VA Biz!

Now it's time for me to help you jump start your success with these client attraction content ideas!

In this lesson, you are getting access to 600+ content ideas and a bank of 2,000+ Hashtags to get your ideal clients attention and drive sales to your VA business.

Use the prompts and ideas below to show the different aspects and fun facts of you and your business and to ask meaningful questions to your ideal clients. These questions will create conversation and increase engagement. And you will likely find many opportunities to connect with potential clients! However, be sure to not make it all about you. The key here is to use your story to show something about how you work and why they should work with you specifically and always try to relate back to your audience and prompt them to participate!

80 Freebie Ideas To Get Email Addresses

365 Subject Line/Blog Post Title Ideas

150 instagram story ideas to get VA clients

2,000+ Hashtags to Attract VA Clients

50 LinkedIn Post Ideas (These also work great for Facebook!)

My Client Attraction Secrets
Relationship Marketing
Welcoming a New Client
Discovery Call Training

In this series, you'll find four examples of what it is like to conduct a discovery call in my agency.

Each recording offers a slightly different experience for you to be able to see. You'll notice that there is a general flow to each of these calls. And with my pitch method, the clients I get on a call with are nearly ready to purchase a package from me already so the main purpose of a call is to meet, be friendly, and get started working together!

Discovery Call with Chris

Chris is a mindset coach looking for help with building her courses and website management.

What was important to Chris: Chris is a good example of a client that was seeking a lot of help organizing her desired tasks. So you will get to see how I asked questions to help her discover her needs and reassured her of how the set up process would help her get organized.

Results: Chris signed her agreement and purchased my 5 hour package that same day and has been a blast to work with!

**These private recordings are the intellectual property of Matron Virtual Solutions LLC. No part of these videos, including screenshots and clips, may be reproduced, repurposed, shared, downloaded, or used in any other way. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE. Thank you!**

Discovery Call with Korin

Korin is a vegan fitness coach looking for help with outreach and customer service.

What was important to Korin: Korin is a good example of a client that respects professionalism and fast service. So you will get to see how I reassured him that he was in good hands.

Results: Korin signed his agreement and purchased my 5 hour package 26 hours after our call and has seen great benefits from working with us!

**These private recordings are the intellectual property of Matron Virtual Solutions LLC. No part of these videos, including screenshots and clips, may be reproduced, repurposed, shared, downloaded, or used in any other way. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE. Thank you!**

Discovery Call with Vella

Vella is a holistic wellness coach and postpartum support coach looking for help with building her online courses and eventually social media management.

What was important to Vella: Vella is a good example of a client that values a good energetic and personality fit with a VA. So you will get to see how I shared a little bit about myself in a way that was relevant to her values and put her at ease.

Results: Vella signed her agreement and purchased my 5 hour package the following day. We are so thrilled to help her with all that she is doing!

**These private recordings are the intellectual property of Matron Virtual Solutions LLC. No part of these videos, including screenshots and clips, may be reproduced, repurposed, shared, downloaded, or used in any other way. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE. Thank you!**

Discovery Call with Jill

Jill is an online fitness coach looking for help with social media management and marketing plan execution.

What was important to Jill: Jill is a good example of a client that was NOT a good fit. She was seeking too low of an hourly rate and perhaps needed a marketing specialist rather than a VA. So you will get to see how I shared the benefits of working with my agency so that she could make the best decision and promised to follow up via email.

Results: We did not end up working with Jill and we wish her all the best in her search for an apprentice or intern rather than a VA!

**These private recordings are the intellectual property of Matron Virtual Solutions LLC. No part of these videos, including screenshots and clips, may be reproduced, repurposed, shared, downloaded, or used in any other way. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE. Thank you!**

Onboarding Like a Pro

(You can find a transcript of this video in the downloads section)

Hiring an independent contractor comes with a lot of benefits! Let's explore those in this lesson.

*Action Steps*

1) Check out the 'Hiring Checklist' in the 'Team Members' tab of your workbook.

2) Move on to the next lesson!

Welcoming a Team Member
Rising to Leadership
Leadership Quality Introduction

These 15 commitments are just the outline of the book and I have pulled them from worksheets that are publicly available via this link: https://conscious.is/resources/

Up next you are going to get a look at 4 of my favorite worksheets related to these commitments.

Conflict Resolution Lessons

Enjoy these conflict resolution audio lessons and refer back to these along your agency journey when you need clarity and guidance in potential conflicts.

Final Word

Further Reading

Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine

Conventional accounting uses the logical (albeit, flawed) formula: Sales - Expenses = Profit. The problem is, businesses are run by humans, and humans aren't always logical. Serial entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz has developed a behavioral approach to accounting to flip the formula: Sales - Profit = Expenses. Just as the most effective weight loss strategy is to limit portions by using smaller plates, Michalowicz shows that by taking profit first and apportioning only what remains for expenses, entrepreneurs will transform their businesses from cash-eating monsters to profitable cash cows.

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Success

You’ll never see leadership the same way again after reading this book.These fifteen commitments are a distillation of decades of work with CEOs and other leaders. They are radical or provocative for many. They have been game changers for us and for our clients. We trust that they will be for you too.Our experience is that unconscious leadership is not sustainable. It won’t work for you, your team or your organization in the long term. Unconscious leadership can deliver short term results, but the costs of living and leading unconsciously are great.Fear drives most leaders to make choices that are at odds with healthy relationships, vitality and balance.

The Big Leap

In The Big Leap, Hendricks reveals a simple yet comprehensive program for overcoming barriers to happiness and fulfillment, presented in a way that engages both the mind and heart. Working closely with more than 1,000 extraordinary achievers in business and the arts, from rock stars to Fortune 500 executives, whose stories are featured in these pages, the book describes the four hidden fears that are at the root of the Upper Limit Problem.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This beloved classic presents a principle-centered approach for solving both personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and practical anecdotes, Stephen R. Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity—principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Includes done-for-you downloads such as email templates, website checklists, and workflow examples, which can save time and effort in setting up an agency
Offers a comprehensive Excel workbook with pre-formatted trackers and calculators, which can help with financial planning and organization
Provides access to over 600 content ideas and 2,000 hashtags, which can be valuable resources for marketing a virtual assistant business
Features discovery call recordings, which offer insights into client interactions and sales strategies
Recommends books such as 'Profit First' and 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,' which may require additional purchases

Save this course

Save How to Start a Virtual Assistant Agency to your list so you can find it easily later:


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in How to Start a Virtual Assistant Agency with these activities:
Review Virtual Assistant Services
Solidify your understanding of the range of services a virtual assistant agency can offer to better define your agency's niche and target market.
Browse courses on Remote Assistance
Show steps
  • Research common VA tasks and specializations.
  • Identify in-demand services and potential client needs.
  • Assess your existing skills and interests.
Read 'Profit First'
Learn how to manage your agency's finances effectively by prioritizing profit and controlling expenses.
View Profit First on Amazon
Show steps
  • Read the book and take notes on key concepts.
  • Apply the Profit First principles to your agency's financial planning.
  • Track your income and expenses using the Profit First method.
Develop a Client Onboarding Process
Create a streamlined onboarding process to ensure a positive experience for new clients and efficient workflow management.
Show steps
  • Map out the steps involved in onboarding a new client.
  • Create templates for contracts, welcome emails, and introductory calls.
  • Document your onboarding process for future reference and training.
Four other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all seven activities
Design a Service Package Template
Craft a service package template to clearly communicate your agency's offerings and pricing to potential clients.
Show steps
  • Identify the core services your agency will offer.
  • Define different package tiers with varying levels of service.
  • Create a visually appealing and informative package template.
Write a Blog Post on VA Agency Benefits
Create a blog post to educate potential clients on the advantages of working with a virtual assistant agency.
Show steps
  • Research the benefits of hiring a VA agency.
  • Write a compelling blog post highlighting these benefits.
  • Promote your blog post on social media and other channels.
Discuss Scaling Strategies with Peers
Share insights and learn from other virtual assistant agency owners about effective scaling strategies.
Show steps
  • Connect with other VA agency owners online or in person.
  • Prepare a list of questions and topics to discuss.
  • Actively participate in the discussion and share your experiences.
Read 'The E-Myth Revisited'
Understand the importance of systematizing your agency to achieve sustainable growth and avoid burnout.
Show steps
  • Read the book and identify key takeaways.
  • Analyze your agency's current processes and identify areas for improvement.
  • Implement systems and processes to streamline your agency's operations.

Career center

Learners who complete How to Start a Virtual Assistant Agency will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Agency Owner
An agency owner oversees the operations, growth, and strategy of a service-based business. This role requires a strong understanding of team management, client acquisition, and financial planning. This course, focused on starting a virtual assistant agency, directly addresses these essential aspects. The course provides a roadmap for transitioning from a solo virtual assistant to managing a team, a critical step in becoming an agency owner. Therefore, the course helps you build the foundations for running your own thriving agency. The curriculum's approach to client onboarding, leadership development, and scaling strategies is invaluable to any agency owner.
Small Business Owner
A small business owner manages all facets of a business, from operations to finances, often juggling multiple responsibilities. This course is extremely relevant to a small business owner, as it focuses on a very specific type of service business. The course curriculum covers developing a business model, securing clients, and developing a team. The knowledge provided throughout this course may be of use to entrepreneurs and small business owners alike.
Online Business Manager
An online business manager handles the day to day operations of a virtual business, often focusing on organization and efficiency. This course is directly applicable to the role of an online business manager. The course covers the process of building a virtual business, from crafting the business model to onboarding clients and team members. The course's emphasis on organization, workflows, and team management are directly relevant. Any aspiring online business manager may benefit from this course.
Operations Manager
An operations manager ensures the smooth and efficient daily functioning of a business, often involving managing teams and optimizing processes. This course, centered around creating a successful virtual assistant agency, is valuable to this career path. The curriculum guides learners through essential techniques, such as client management, onboarding, and delegation. Moreover, the course's focus on strategic planning and team management is directly applicable to the role of an operations manager. By taking this course, aspiring operations managers may enhance their skills and knowledge in these areas.
Freelance Manager
A freelance manager oversees the workflow and output of freelance workers, ensuring projects are completed efficiently and effectively. The knowledge provided by this course may be useful for a freelance manager. The course teaches strategies for onboarding, managing, and scaling a virtual team. The course details the unique needs, motivations, and challenges of virtual work, which provides valuable insights for managers. This makes the course a useful resource for freelance managers.
Team Lead
A team lead manages and motivates a group of individuals, ensuring goals are met and workflow is optimized. This course, which focuses on developing a virtual assistant agency, may be useful for team leads. The course's emphasis on onboarding team members, developing team agreements, and cultivating a positive leadership style, provides knowledge that is directly applicable to a team lead role. The course curriculum includes a lot of valuable strategies for leading a team successfully. Aspiring team leads may find this course particularly useful.
Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant provides administrative, technical, or creative assistance to clients from a remote location, often working independently. This course, although focused on building an agency, is incredibly valuable for virtual assistants. The curriculum explains the process of building an agency from the ground up, and many of the concepts about client acquisition, onboarding, and management directly relate to a virtual assistant. Therefore, the course will be useful to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the virtual assistant service industry.
Client Success Manager
A client success manager ensures clients are satisfied with a company's products or services, focusing on building relationships and offering support. This course, while focused on agency ownership, touches on client interactions. The curriculum delves into onboarding and relationship marketing, which may be useful for client success managers to better understand the importance of client satisfaction. The course also offers specific resources and ideas that can help such individuals improve client engagement.
Project Manager
A project manager oversees specific projects, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget, while effectively managing resources and teams. The skills covered in this course may be useful for project managers, because they also require a similar type of structure and planning skills. The curriculum's comprehensive approach to managing a virtual assistant agency provides relevant training in team coordination, client communication, and strategic planning, which may be useful for project management. By taking this course, a project manager may improve these skills.
Business Development Manager
A business development manager focuses on improving an organization's market position and financial growth. This course, while focused on a virtual assistant agency, touches on key areas relevant to business development. The course teaches client acquisition and marketing strategies, which are part of any business development manager's core responsibilities. The resources provided in the course, including email templates and content ideas, may be helpful for business development managers. The course's insights on market positioning may also prove to be helpful.
Business Consultant
A business consultant advises organizations on how to improve their performance and efficiency, often focusing on strategy, operations, or management. This course may be useful to any aspiring business consultant, as it deals with business scaling and management. The course's curriculum details the ins and outs of creating a virtual assistant agency, making it a useful resource for consultants looking to advise on agency models or team management. The course can equip future business consultants with first hand insight into the challenges and best practices involved with building a service based business.
Human Resources Coordinator
A human resources coordinator manages employees and company policies. Individuals in this role, may find this course valuable. The course curriculum covers team member onboarding, hiring, and management, which are crucial aspects of human resources. The course's focus on agreements and workflows will also assist such a professional in streamlining processes. Aspiring human resources coordinators may find the material in this course especially useful.
A recruiter sources, interviews, and places job candidates in appropriate positions. This course may be useful to those in the field of recruiting. The course curriculum involves hiring strategies, including where to find team members, and how to vet them. These skills are directly transferrable to that of a recruiter. The course also provides practical tools to guide the hiring process. Therefore, this course is a useful resource for recruiters.
Marketing Coordinator
A marketing coordinator supports marketing campaigns and initiatives. This course, while not directly focused on marketing, may be valuable to marketing coordinators. The course curriculum includes valuable content on client attraction strategies, content ideas, and relationship marketing. This course offers insights to marketing professionals. Marketing coordinators may find the resources relating to content generation particularly helpful.
Social Media Manager
A social media manager develops and implements social media strategies to promote a brand or service. A social media manager may find value in this course. The course offers content ideas and strategies for attracting new clients. These components will be valuable to anyone seeking to grow their online reach. The resources provided in the course, especially the client attraction strategies, may be helpful for social media growth. Therefore, the course may be useful to a social media manager.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in How to Start a Virtual Assistant Agency.
Provides a practical and counterintuitive approach to managing finances, which is crucial for the success of any agency. It challenges the traditional accounting formula and offers a behavioral approach to ensure profitability from the start. This book is particularly useful for understanding how to prioritize profit and manage expenses effectively. It is commonly recommended for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Provides valuable insights into building a business that works for you, rather than you working for it. It emphasizes the importance of systems and processes for scalability, which is crucial for growing a virtual assistant agency. This book is more valuable as additional reading to help you think strategically about your business. It is commonly used as a reference for small business owners.


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