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Greg Wondra

In this game development course, you'll learn all about Unreal Engine's Blueprint Scripting system. This embedded set of tools inside the editor allows ANYONE to create functional gameplay using a visual, node-based approach.  This course will cover all the essential concepts, skills, and language to get you started creating your own amazing gaming projects.

This course contains 113 fun-to-follow video lessons.  Topics covered include how to...

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In this game development course, you'll learn all about Unreal Engine's Blueprint Scripting system. This embedded set of tools inside the editor allows ANYONE to create functional gameplay using a visual, node-based approach.  This course will cover all the essential concepts, skills, and language to get you started creating your own amazing gaming projects.

This course contains 113 fun-to-follow video lessons.  Topics covered include how to...

  • Setup a Project inside the Unreal Engine

  • Navigate the Blueprint Editor

  • Use the Event Graph to add functionality to a Blueprint

  • Use the Construction Script to make Procedural Content

  • Create / add / use Object References

  • Create / add / use Events

  • Create / add / use Variables

    • Ways to Get & Set

    • Create Single, Array, Set, or Map Variables

  • Create / add / use Functions

    • Create Custom Functions

    • Create a Function Library

  • Create / add / use Macros

    • Create Custom Macros

    • Create a Macro Library

  • Add / use Flow Control nodes

  • Identify Blueprint Types

    • Class Blueprints

    • Level Blueprints

  • Use different Blueprint Communication methods

    • Casting

    • Direct Communication

    • Event Dispatchers

    • Blueprint Interfaces

  • Identify and setup the different "Framework" Blueprints in your Project Settings

    • Game Mode

    • Pawn

    • Player Controller

    • Game Instance

  • Use Inheritance to Create Child Class Blueprints

  • Compile Blueprints

  • Debug Blueprints

  • Utilize Blueprint Productivity Hacks

With the knowledge gained in these video lessons, you will have the necessary skills to start creating your OWN custom scripts for your OWN gaming projects.

Please do not hesitate to share your creations with me.   I love to show off student projects in promotional emails.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to setup a project in unreal
  • How to create various blueprint types
  • How to navigate the blueprint editor
  • How to utilize the event graph inside of a blueprint
  • How to utilize the construction script inside of a blueprint
  • How to create / add / use variables in scripts
  • How to create object references in scripts
  • How to create / add / use events in scripts
  • How to create / add / use functions in scripts
  • How to create / add / use macros in scripts
  • How to add / use flow control nodes
  • How to communicate between blueprints
  • How to create / setup "framework" blueprints
  • How to create child blueprints using inheritance
  • How to compile blueprints
  • How to debug blueprints
  • How to utilize hotkeys and other productivity tips & tricks inside of blueprints
  • Show more
  • Show less


By section's end, students will know where to download and install the Unreal Engine as well as how to create a project.

In this video we'll briefly cover what you'll be learning in this course and how the course is structured.


  • Navigate the Course

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In this video we'll cover where and how to Download and Install the Unreal Engine.


  • Download & Install the Epic Games Launcher

  • Install the Unreal Engine

In this video we'll create our Unreal Engine Project. During this process, we'll decide what type of project we'd like to make, what template we'd like to start from, and what assets we'd like to include to get us started.


  • Create a Project


  • Project: BlueprintScripting

By section's end, students will know how to create a Blueprint asset and navigate the Blueprint Editor.

In this video we'll define what Blueprints are in Unreal and show off a common example of one found in games.


  • Create an "Actor" Class Blueprint

  • Write Script in a Class Blueprint

  • Create Content Browser Folders

  • Save a Level


  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_ExamplePickup

  • Level: LV_TestMap

In this video we're going to add components to our Blueprint in order to further explore the Components Panel.


  • Add Blueprint Components

  • Attach / Detach Blueprint Components

In this video we'll learn about the Viewport Tab inside of an (Actor Class) Blueprint. Through this tab, you can visual (and move around) the various Components that make up your Blueprint.


  • Hide / Show the Viewport Tab

  • Transform Components in Viewport Tab

In this video we'll learn about the Details Panel inside of a Blueprint. This area is used to set numerous values and other properties that define your Blueprint.


  • Hide / Show the Details Panel

  • View Details of Differing Blueprint Parts

In this video we'll learn about the My Blueprint Panel inside of a Blueprint. This area allows you to create Variables, Functions, and Macros (among other things) that can be utilized by your Blueprint.


  • Hide / Show the My Blueprint Panel

  • Create Variables, Functions, and Macros

In this video we'll learn about the Event Graph inside of a Blueprint. This is the area of a Blueprint where functionality specific to the blueprint can be scripted.


  • Hide / Show the Event Graph

  • Navigate Event Graph

In this video we'll learn about the Construction Script inside of a Blueprint. This is the area of a Blueprint where you can create script that'll execute during the Construction of a Blueprint (NOT at runtime)! This is the graph to use if wanting to create Blueprints with robust variety built into it....something perfectly suited for Procedural Content.


  • Create an "Actor" Class Blueprint

  • Utilize the Construction Script for Procedural Content

  • Utilize the Construction Script for Actor Variety


  • Actor Class Blueprint:  BP_ExConstructScript

By section's end, students will know how to identify the differences between a CLASS Blueprint (of which there are many) and a LEVEL Blueprint.

In this video we'll learn what a Class Blueprint is and how to create one.


  • Create a Class Blueprint

In this video we'll learn what a Level Blueprint is and how to access it. Additionally, we'll point out how the Level Blueprint differs from a Class Blueprint.


  • Set Asset Editor Open Location (in Editor Preferences)

  • Access the Level Blueprint

  • Create / Save a Sub Level

  • Access a Sub Level Blueprint

  • Reference Actors in a Level or Sub Level


  • Level: Sub_Level_01

By section's end, students will know how to identify different blueprint node and pin types. Additionally, node wiring and organization techniques will become second nature.

In this video we'll learn to identify common node types found in Blueprint Scripting such as Events, Functions, and Variables.


  • Identify different node types

In this video we'll learn what the difference is between the two types of pins to be found on scripting nodes: Execution Pins & Data Pins.


  • Identify Execution Pins from Data Pins

  • Identify Input Pins from Output Pins

In this video we'll learn ways to connect, disconnect, and move Execution and Data wires.


  • Identify Execution Wires from Data Wires

  • Visualize the Flow of Execution

  • Connect, Disconnect, Move Execution & Data Wires

In this video we'll learn tips and tricks on how to organize our nodes so that we can improve our efficiency as well as the readability of our scripts.


  • Utilize Node Alignment Options

  • Create Reroute Nodes

  • Create Node Comments

  • Create Script Comments

By section's end, students will know how to create references to objects inside of Class and Level Blueprints...both at "Design Time" and "Run Time".

In this video we'll learn how to create References to objects inside of our Level Blueprint during "Design Time". That is, how to create references to objects that already exist. This is desirable when wanting to write script that will affect that object in some way.


  • Create Object References inside a Level Blueprint during Design Time

  • Find References to Objects inside of a Level Blueprint

In this video we'll learn how to create References to objects inside of our Level Blueprint during "Run Time". These references can be created and stored inside of a Variable WHILE the game is live. This can be desired when wanting to affect what happens to an item or enemy that gets spawned in, for example.


  • Create an Object Reference inside a Level Blueprint during Run Time using a "Spawn" Function

  • Create an Object Reference inside a Level Blueprint during Run Time using an "Overlap" Event

  • Create Object References inside a Level Blueprint during Run Time using a "Get All Actors of Class" Function

In this video we'll learn how to create References to objects that exist in a level inside of a Class Blueprint during "Design Time". In doing so, we can affect what happens to that object reference with script written inside of our Class Blueprint.


  • Create an Actor Class Blueprint

  • Create an Ambient Sound Variable

  • Enable "Instance Editing" on a Variable

  • Find Content Browser Assets using Filters

  • Assign Objects in a Level to Variables in a Class Blueprint


  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_LV_Settings

In this video we'll learn how to create References to objects that exist in a level inside of a Class Blueprint during "Run Time". In doing so, we can affect what happens to that object reference with script written inside of our Class Blueprint.


  • Add a Blueprint Component

  • Create an Object Reference inside a Class Blueprint during Run Time using a Line Trace Function

In this video we'll learn how to create References to objects by Casting. Casting can be done inside of Level and Class Blueprints.


  • Spawn Player using "Player Start" Actor

  • Create an Object Reference from a "Cast To" Node

In this video we'll learn how to create a Widget Blueprint reference. Widget Blueprints are used to create things like in-game HUDs and menu screens. Having a reference to a widget blueprint (so you can alter things inside of these assets) is a critical skill to know in Unreal.


  • Create a Widget Blueprint Asset

  • Create a Widget Blueprint Reference


  • Widget Bluperint: WBP_HUD

In this video we'll learn how to apply a Tag to an object, how to create a reference to an object using Tags, and then how to affect objects in some way by utilizing those Tags.


  • Add Tags to an Object

  • Find Objects using Tags

  • Create Object References using Tags

  • Affect Referenced Objects using Tags


In this video we'll learn about the Begin Play event. This event is fired off the moment a game session starts up and is useful for running script at the outset of a game as well as "initializing" Variables.


  • Add or Find Event Begin Play

  • Make Use of Event Begin Play

In this video we'll learn about the Tick event. This event is fired every frame and can be useful for monitoring the status of actor(s).


  • Add or Find Event Tick

  • Modify Event Tick Settings

  • Make Use of Event Tick

In this video we'll learn about Input events. Input events can be triggered by many input devices! Gamepad, keyboard, mouse, motion, and touch inputs can ALL be recognized to fire off actionable scripts capable of making things happen (such as having your character sprint or jump as well as swing a sword or cast a spell).


  • Add Input Events

  • Create Input Action Mappings

  • Make Use of Input Events

In this video we'll learn about Axis events. These events fire every frame and are great for reading in analog (thumbstick) type inputs to determine things like how fast a character moves or how quickly our game camera rotates.


  • Add Axis Events

  • Create Input Axis Mappings

  • Make Use of Axis Events

In this video we'll learn about Begin Overlap events. This event is fired when an actor, that is, any object, overlaps with a defined area of space. This is one of the most commonly used events in all of gaming and is useful for triggering sound effects, visual effects, spawns, or various types of interactions.


  • Add a Trigger Volume

  • Add Begin Overlap Event

  • Make Use of a Begin Overlap Event

In this video we'll learn about End Overlap events. This event is fired when an actor STOPS overlapping a defined area of space. This can be useful for things such as stopping a player from receiving damage over time or perhaps stopping the level music from playing before a big boss fight.


  • Add End Overlap Event

  • Make Use of an End Overlap Event

In this video we'll learn about Begin Cursor Over events. This event is extremely useful when you want something to happen whenever your mouse cursor is hovering over an object in the world. Possible use cases include showing the player an interact prompt, making an item glow, or firing off a sound effect whenever a given actor has the mouse cursor over it.


  • Create an Actor Class Blueprint

  • Add Begin Cursor Over Event

  • Make Use of a Begin Cursor Over Event

  • Create a Player Controller Blueprint

  • Assign a Player Controller Blueprint in Project Settings

  • Show the Mouse Cursor

  • Enable Mouse Over Events


  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_MouseEvents

  • Player Controller Blueprint: BP_PlayerController

In this video we'll learn about End Cursor Over events. Many times after you've moused over an object to make something happen to it, you want that object to return back to its normal state whenever you end your mouse over.


  • Add End Cursor Over Event

  • Make Use of an End Cursor Over Event

In this video we'll learn about On Clicked events. With this event, you can make something happen to an object whenever you click on it. This video shows you how to enable that functionality.


  • Add On Clicked Event

  • Make Use of an On Clicked Event

In this video we'll learn about On Released events. With this event, you can make something happen to an object whenever you STOP clicking on an object (you release the button). This video shows you how.


  • Add On Clicked Event

  • Make Use of an On Clicked Event

In this video we'll learn about Hit events. Hit events are useful for making things happen (spawning particles or firing off sounds, for example) when 2 objects collide.


  • Create an Actor Class Blueprint

  • Add Actor Hit Event

  • Add Hit Event

  • Add Component Hit Event

  • Make Use of various Hit Events


  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_EventHit

In this video we'll learn about the Any Damage event. You can use this event in combination with the "Apply Damage" function to cause damage to an actor of your choosing.


  • Call / Use the Apply Damage Function

  • Add Event Any Damage

  • Make Use of Event Any Damage

In this video we'll learn about the Point Damage event. You can use this event in combination with the "Apply Point Damage" function to cause damage to an actor of your choosing. This is great to use for damage caused by projectiles.


  • Call / Use the Apply Point Damage Function

  • Add Event Point Damage

  • Make Use of Event Point Damage

In this video we'll learn about the Radial Damage event. You can use this event in combination with either "Apply Radial Damage" function to cause damage (with falloff!) to an actor of your choosing. This is great to use for damage caused by explosions.


  • Call / Use the Apply Radial Damage Function

  • Add Event Radial Damage

  • Make Use of Event Radial Damage

In this video we'll learn about the Destroyed event. This event can be used to spawn effects or item drops whenever a given actor is destroyed.


  • Call / Use the Destroy Actor Function

  • Add Event Destroyed

  • Make Use of Event Destroyed

In this video we'll learn about Custom Events. Custom Events are events you create and call (trigger them to fire) whenever you like. Custom Events are useful when wanting to create wireless networks WITHIN blueprints or when wanting to communicate BETWEEN blueprints.


  • Create Custom Events

  • Call Custom Events in Scripts

  • Use Custom Events to Communicate Between Blueprints

  • Call Custom Events from the Editor

By section's end, students will know how to create, set, and get variables of differing data types within scripts.

In this video we'll learn what Variables are, how to create them, and how / why we'd want to access or modify them in some way.


  • Create Variables

  • Access Variables

  • Modify Variables

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a Boolean Variable. Booleans hold TRUE / FALSE data and is often used along with a Branch node in order to determine if something happens or not.


  • Create a Boolean Variable

  • Use a Boolean Variable

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of an Integer Variable. Integers hold whole number data and is often used in scripting to drive logic by comparing a given Integer value against another number.


  • Create an Integer Variable

  • Create an Integer 64 Variable

  • Use an Integer Variable

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a Float Variable. Floats hold decimal values and are often used in scripting to hold time values or to represent a percentage between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%).


  • Create a Float Variable

  • Use a Float Variable

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a Name Variable. A Name variable is a piece of text used to identify something within a game. Here, we'll show how to use Name variables to transport to a new level and to attach a prop to a socket.


  • Create a Name Variable

  • Use a Name Variable

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a String Variable. Strings are useful when you want to modify text in some way while the game is running as there are many built-in functions in Unreal for handling such operations.


  • Create a String Variable

  • Use a String Variable

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a Text Variable. Text variables should be used for any pieces of text you want a user to see in your game. Text variables can be "localized" (that means translated) into other languages as well.


  • Create a Text Variable

  • Use a Text Variable

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a Vector Variable. Vector variables can be used to define a point in 3D space or an RGB color value. They're perfect to use for specifying actor spawn points as well as start and end locales for actors that move.


  • Create a Vector Variable

  • Use a Vector Variable

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a Rotator Variable. Rotator variables hold rotational information and can be used to set the rotation of an object. We'll use one in this video to create a door that rotates open.


  • Create a Rotator Variable

  • Use a Rotator Variable


  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_RotatingDoor

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a Transform Variable. Transform variables hold location, rotation, and scale data. These are extremely useful for specifying player or enemy spawn locations and rotations.


  • Create a Transform Variable

  • Use a Transform Variable

In this video we'll learn how to create and make use of a Actor Variable. With an actor variable, you can set the contents to a variety of different objects such as lights, static meshes, or blueprint actors.


  • Create an Actor (Object) Variable

  • Use an Actor (Object) Variable

In this video we'll learn about some important concepts and options related to variables. These include how to "Initialize" a variable, how to specify if a variable is "Public" or "Private", and how to expose it when spawned.


  • Initialize a Variable

  • Specify if a Variable is Public or Private

  • Expose a Variable on Spawn

In this video we'll learn how to allow a variable to be exposed to cinematics.


  • Expose a Variable to Cinematics

In this video we'll learn some tips & tricks to work more efficiently with variables. These include ways to get and set variables, how to promote variables, and how to put variables into named categories.


  • Get & Set Variables

  • Promote Variables

  • Create Variable Categories

  • Create Variable Tooltips

  • Change Variable Types

By section's end, students will know how to find, create, and use functions.

In this video we'll learn what Functions are, where you can find (or create) them, and provide a few examples of commonly used functions in Unreal.


  • Access Functions

In this video we'll learn about Functions that target an Actor. To find these functions, simply drag a wire out of an actor reference node and ensure you have "Context Sensitive" turned on.


  • Access & Demo Functions that Target an Actor

In this video we'll learn about Functions that target a Blueprint Class. To find these functions, simply drag a wire out of an actor reference node and ensure you have "Context Sensitive" turned on.


  • Access & Demo Functions that Target a Blueprint Class

In this video we'll learn about Functions that target a Blueprint Component. To find these functions, simply drag a wire out of a component reference node and look in the Details Panel for properties you might want to modify.


  • Access & Demo Functions that Target a Blueprint Component

In this video we'll learn where and how Functions can be created. Custom made functions can be created in both Class and Level Blueprints.


  • Create Functions inside a Class Blueprint

  • Create Functions inside a Level Blueprint

  • Add Inputs / Outputs to a Function

In this video we'll learn how to call Functions inside of both Class and Level Blueprints.


  • Call Functions inside a Class Blueprint

  • Call Functions inside a Level Blueprint

In this video we'll learn how to collapse a series of blueprint nodes into a Function. This is a super handy trick to utilize whenever you find yourself duplicating some series of nodes in many different parts of your graph.


  • Create a Camera Shake Class Blueprint

  • Collapse Nodes into a Function

  • Add Inputs / Outputs to a Function


  • Camera Shake Base Blueprint Class: BP_CameraShake

In this video we'll learn how to spot and know the different between Pure Functions and Impure Functions in Unreal.


  • Spot / Know Differences between Pure and Impure Functions

  • Designate a Function as Pure or Impure

In this video we'll learn how to create a Function Library in Unreal. By creating a Function Library, you can create and have access to functions from any blueprint graph. Function Libraries are a great place to house functions that have a lot of utility throughout your project.


  • Create a Function Library

  • Create / Access / Use Functions from Function Library


  • Function Library Class Blueprint: MY_FUNCTIONS

In this video we'll learn what a Local Variable is, how to create and use one, and how it differs from Class Variables.


  • Create / Access / Use Local Variables

In this video we'll learn how to Debug a Function, Create Function Keywords, Compact a Function Node, Declare Function Access Specifiers, Call a Function from the Editor, and Convert a Function to an Event.


  • Debug a Function

  • Create Searchable Function Keywords

  • Compact Function Nodes

  • Declare Function Access Specifiers (Public, Protected, Private)

  • Call Functions from the Editor

  • Convert Functions to an Event

By section's end, students will know how to find, create, and use macros.

In this video we'll learn what Macros are, where you can find (or create) them, and examine a few examples of commonly used macros in Unreal.


  • Access Macros

  • Identify Similarities & Differences between Macros & Functions

In this video we'll learn where and how a Macro can be created. Custom made macros can be created in both Class and Level Blueprints.


  • Create a Macro

  • Add Inputs / Outputs to a Macro

In this video we'll learn how to collapse a series of blueprint nodes into a Macro to reduce the amount of node clutter in your scripts.


  • Collapse Nodes into a Macro

In this video we'll learn how to create a Macro Library in Unreal. By creating a Macro Library, you can create and have access to macros that share the same parent blueprint class. Macro Libraries are a great place to house functions that have a lot of utility throughout your project.


  • Create a Macro Library

  • Create / Access / Use Macros from Macro Library


  • Macro Library (Character Class) Blueprint: MY_CHARACTER_MACROS

By section's end, students will be able to identify and use more advanced data structures / types such as Arrays, Sets, Maps, Enumerations (Enums), and Structures (Structs) in their scripts.

In this video we'll learn how to create and use an Array.  An Array is a type of variable container.  Arrays consist of a list of elements that all share the same data type and are useful for storing and referencing data that belongs together.


  • Create / Use an Array Variable Container

In this video we'll learn how to create and use a Set. A Set is a type of variable container. Sets consist of a list of elements that all share the same data type and are useful storing unique data entries in an unordered, but efficient, manner.


  • Create / Use a Set Variable Container

In this video we'll learn how to create and use a Map. A Map is a type of variable container than consists of a Key-Value pair of data types. Such a container is great for holding an inventory list with the item name serving as the "key" and the amount held serving as the "value".


  • Create / Use a Map Variable Container


  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_ManaPotion

In this video we'll learn how to create and use an Enum (Enumeration). An Enumeration is a list of named values. With these, we can easily drive logic within our scripts by setting and getting our Enum variable data.


  • Create / Use an Enumeration (Enum) Asset


  • Enumeration: E_HealthStatus

In this video we'll learn how to create and use a Struct (Structure). A Struct can be thought of as a container that can hold lots of other variables inside of it. These variables need not be of the same data type. Structs are often used to group together variables that "go together" in some way (useful for things like Character, Spell, or Weapon attributes).


  • Create / Use Structure (Struct) Asset


  • Structure: STR_Spells

  • Enumeration: E_SpellTypes

  • Enumeration: E_SpellElements

By section's end, students will know how to identify and make use of the various Flow Control nodes in Blueprint Scripting.

In this video we'll learn what Flow Control nodes are and their intended use within blueprint scripting.


  • Identify and Access Flow Control nodes

In this video we'll learn how to use a Branch node. Branches take incoming boolean (true / false) condition(s) and then execute out of the appropriate outpin pin based upon this data.


  • Access / Use a Branch node

  • Access / Use "AND" and "OR" nodes

In this video we'll learn how to use a Sequence node. Sequence nodes are commonly used to fire off multiple bits of script simultaneously (while also keeping scripts organized).


  • Access / Use a Sequence node

In this video we'll learn how to use a Do Once node. Do Once nodes help guard against instances portions of a script firing off when not desired. These are especially useful when combined with Event Overlap nodes.


  • Access / Use a Do Once node

In this video we'll learn how to use a Do N node. Do N nodes allow you to execute a bit of script a specified number of times before being disallowed.


  • Access / Use a Do N node

In this video we'll learn how to use a Flip Flop node. Flip Flop nodes will alternate execution branches whenever the Event node that precedes it is called.


  • Access / Use a Flip Flop node

In this video we'll learn how to use a Gate node. Gate nodes present a barrier to the flow of script execution. Whether or not the flow continues depends upon whether the gate is open or closed.


  • Access / Use a Gate node

In this video we'll learn how to use a MultiGate node. MultiGate nodes can flow out to any number of created output pins (either sequentially or randomly). These can certainly come in handy when wanting to create random loot drops or perhaps spawn waves of enemies.


  • Access / Use a MultiGate node

In this video we'll learn how to use the For Loop and For Loop with Break nodes. These nodes allow you to execute a portion of script that immediately follows it a set number of times. Use inside of a Construction Script to build procedural content!


  • Access / Use For Loop node

  • Access / Use For Loop with Break node

In this video we'll learn how to use the For Each Loop and For Each Loop with Break nodes. Unlike For Loops, For EACH Loop nodes take in an Array and allow you to impact each element of the array through script that follows these nodes.


  • Access / Use For Each Loop node

  • Access / Use For Each Loop with Break node

  • Use Surface Snapping (when placing objects in a level)

In this video we'll learn how to use the While Loop node. While Loops run repeatedly until the condition it's based upon changes from TRUE to FALSE. Use a While Loop instead of a For Loop when you want to break the loop based upon a boolean condition.


  • Access / Use a While Loop node

In this video we'll learn how to use Switch on Int, String, Name, and Enum nodes. Switches are an extremely effective way to evaluate a given data type and then execute a specific bit of script depending on the value of the data input.


  • Access / Use Switch nodes

In this video we'll learn how to use the Select node. Select nodes take in either a Boolean, Byte, Integer, or Enumeration Index. Based upon the index data "selected", different data may be returned from the Select node. This node excels in picking data right for the situation.


  • Access / Use Select nodes

By section's end, students will know how, when, and why to use different methodologies to communicate between blueprints.

In this video we'll learn how to communicate with another object through Casting. Casting is a technique used in scripting to ensure a given object is of the exact type we're looking for. And if it IS, we can affect that object in some way.


  • Create an Actor Class Blueprint

  • Add / Use an InterpToMovement Component

  • Use a "Cast to" Node

  • Communicate with an Actor (Object) via Casting


  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_MoveWhenNear

In this video we'll learn how to communicate between 2 blueprints through a method called Direct Communication. This method requires a reference to a "target" blueprint that can be accessed from a "working" blueprint. We'll demonstrate this by setting up a light blueprint that can be toggled on and off from a button blueprint.


  • Create Actor Class Blueprints

  • Communicate between Blueprints using Direct Communication


  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_Light

  • Actor Class Blueprint: BP_Button

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops foundational Blueprint Scripting skills for crafting custom game logic and functionality in Unreal Engine projects
Examines core Blueprint Scripting concepts such as variables, functions, and events, which are essential for controlling game mechanics, object interactions, and user input
Taught by Greg Wondra, an experienced game developer with a deep understanding of Unreal Engine and Blueprint Scripting
Employs a range of instructional materials, including video lessons, examples, and hands-on exercises
Covers Blueprint Scripting in a comprehensive and systematic manner, allowing learners to build a solid foundation in the subject
Provides opportunities for learners to apply their newfound knowledge through practical exercises and projects

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Unreal Engine 5: Blueprint Scripting 101 with these activities:
Create a collection of resources on Unreal Engine Blueprint scripting
This compilation will be a valuable resource for you as you learn Unreal Engine Blueprint scripting. It will provide you with easy access to a variety of resources, including tutorials, documentation, and examples.
Show steps
  • Gather resources on Unreal Engine Blueprint scripting
  • Organize the resources into a collection
  • Share the collection with other students
Practice creating Blueprints that use variables to store data
Variables allow you to store data in your Blueprint that can be used by other parts of the code. This exercise will help you practice using variables to store different types of data.
Browse courses on Variables
Show steps
  • Create a simple Blueprint that uses variables to store data
  • Create a variable to store the player's health
  • Create a variable to store the player's score
Review chapter on branching nodes
This course relies heavily on flow control. This exercise will help make sure you have a solid foundation in the topic.
Browse courses on Flow Control
Show steps
  • Read the chapter on flow control in your Unreal Blueprints textbook
  • Create a simple Blueprint that uses branching nodes to create a basic game mechanic
Four other activities
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Attend a game development meet-up or workshop
This is a great way to meet other game developers and learn about new technologies and techniques.
Show steps
  • Find a game development meet-up or workshop
  • Attend the event
  • Network with other game developers
Create a Blueprint that uses functions to rotate an object
Functions allow you to write code that can be reused throughout your Blueprint. This will help keep your code organized and make it easier to troubleshoot.
Browse courses on Functions
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  • Create a simple Blueprint that uses functions to rotate an object
  • Add a function to your Blueprint that rotates the object
  • Call the function from the Event Graph
Follow a tutorial on how to create a first-person shooter in Unreal Engine
This tutorial will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create a first-person shooter game in Unreal Engine. This is a great way to learn the basics of Unreal Engine and get started on your own game development projects.
Show steps
  • Find a tutorial on how to create a first-person shooter in Unreal Engine
  • Follow the steps in the tutorial
  • Create your own first-person shooter game
Volunteer at a local game development studio
This is a great way to get real-world experience in game development and learn from experienced professionals.
Show steps
  • Find a local game development studio
  • Contact the studio and ask if they have any volunteer opportunities
  • Volunteer at the studio and help out with game development projects

Career center

Learners who complete Unreal Engine 5: Blueprint Scripting 101 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Game Developer
Game Developers are responsible for the programming, design, and development of video games. This course will help Game Developers strengthen their scripting abilities. Scripting is an essential skill for creating interactive and engaging video games.
Video Game Designer
Video Game Designers create games for computers, consoles, mobile devices, and more. Designing gameplay, levels, and worlds that engage players is part of their everyday tasks. This course will bring awareness to the techniques, methodology, and fundamentals necessary to breaking into this exciting field.
Mobile Application Developer
Mobile Application Developers design and develop applications for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Knowledge of scripting and the concepts this course teaches will greatly aid those seeking to make a career as a Mobile Application Developer.
Technical Director
Technical Directors in a video game company bring the vision of video game designers to life. They oversee the production of the art, design, audio, and programming; taking a project from concept to completion. The knowledge and skills acquired in this course will help a budding Technical Director build a foundation for working with multiple disciplines and implementing the technical components of a video game.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers apply engineering principles to the design of software. They analyze user needs and then design, develop, and test software applications to meet those needs. The coding principles and blueprints learned in this course can help someone break into the industry as a software engineer.
Robotics Engineer
Robotics Engineers design, build, and maintain robots. They may work in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and defense. This course can help Robotics Engineers build a foundation in embedded scripting. This may lead to exciting breakthroughs in robotics.
Automation Engineer
Automation Engineers design, develop, and implement automated systems that integrate mechanical, electrical, electronic, and computer-based controls and technologies. Those interested in pursuing a career as an Automation Engineer will benefit from this course. It will help them understand how to write scripts to automate and control systems using scripting.
Quality Assurance Analyst
Quality Assurance Analysts test software applications to identify and report defects. They work closely with developers to ensure that software is released with as few defects as possible. Those working in or aspiring to become a Quality Assurance Analyst may find this course useful. Scripting is a valuable tool for developing test automation, and the blueprint components are useful for building custom tests.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for the planning, development, and launch of new products. They work closely with engineers, designers, and marketing teams to ensure that products meet the needs of customers. This course can be especially helpful for Product Managers who need to work with engineering teams. It may help them understand the intricacies and challenges presented during the development of software products.
Web Developer
Web Developers are responsible for the design and development of websites and web applications. They may work on the front end or the back end of a website, and their tasks may include coding, design, and testing. The knowledge and skills learned in this course will help budding Web Developers understand how to create interactive web apps with embedded scripting.
Systems Analyst
Systems Analysts study the needs of organizations and design and implement computer systems to meet those needs. They may work in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. Those working as Systems Analysts or seeking entry into this field may find this course to be of help. It will help them build a foundation in blueprint design and implementation.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect, clean, and analyze data to help organizations make informed decisions. They may work in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, and retail. Data analysts may want to consider taking this course. It will help them understand how to write scripts that can automate data collection and analysis tasks.
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the installation of electrical systems and equipment. A background in scripting techniques would be beneficial for an Electrical Engineer. It will help them implement more automated solutions to electrical systems for homes, businesses, and more.
IT Project Manager
IT Project Managers plan, execute, and close IT projects. They work closely with stakeholders to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required standard. IT Project Managers who wish to gain experience with blueprint scripting may want to consider taking this course. It'll help them break into the industry as a project manager who can understand the technical aspects of the work.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts help organizations improve their performance by analyzing their business processes and systems. They may work in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. This course may be useful for Business Analysts who need to understand how to script and automate business processes. This may lead to increased efficiency and productivity.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Unreal Engine 5: Blueprint Scripting 101.
Classic in the field of real-time rendering and provides a comprehensive overview of the techniques used to create realistic images in real time. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the underlying principles of real-time rendering.
For students with a strong technical background, this book can be helpful as a companion reference text. The book covers a wide range of topics beyond Blueprint scripting, but these sections can be skipped over.


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