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Code Gym 官網有提供更多豐富的課程介紹和官網優惠,歡迎您前往瀏覽課程細節!! 


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Code Gym 官網有提供更多豐富的課程介紹和官網優惠,歡迎您前往瀏覽課程細節!! 


  1. Python基礎課程與環境安裝這是為了Python 程式語言初學者設計的課程單元,從電腦環境設定與安裝,一直到能夠使用Python 程式語言,讓初學者能夠無痛接軌,繼續後面資料分析課程。* 安裝電腦環境,分別針對Windows和Mac兩個不同作業系統,錄製課程影片* 多種編輯程式軟體介紹,讓同學有多種選擇,保持彈性* 第一隻Python 程式語言* 變數和輸入文字* 內建型態與轉型的方式* 函式* List和Tuple* 字典(Dictionary)

  2. 資料分析這堂課程使用了數十個資料集,作為教學示範,其中包含了youtube 排名數據、Google股價、美國嬰兒姓名統計資料、鐵達尼號乘客名單等,多個豐富的資料,讓你在學習以下資料分析技術時更容易理解* 資料分析基礎知識與技能介紹* 切割出重要的資料和排序的技巧* 將分散的資料群組化後分析結果* 結合連結多組資料,整併分析* 如何使用時間序列* 統計應用實戰分析* 字串處理技巧* 資料不乾淨怎麼辦?數據清理和整理每個課程單元都有練習題目,練習開始之前都有影片解說,練習之後也有提供正確答案的程式碼,讓同學能夠學以致用。

  3. 資料視覺化基礎課程前面課程將數據分析之後,透過繪製圖表的工具,將資料繪製出精美的圖表,讓使用者能夠清楚理解你分析後的知識和重點,最後使用台股的資料,繪製出股票專用的K線圖,觀察股價漲跌和交易量。* 資料視覺化圖表* 台灣股價交易分析

  4. AI 人工智慧AI 輔助資料分析,用最簡單的自然語言,輕鬆的找出資料中潛在的意義


  • 華碩高級工程師,多年軟體開發經驗

  • Code Gym 創辦人目前在Hahow有開設Java程式語言和資料庫設計課程,Udemy 有開設「Python基礎課程和網路爬蟲入門實戰」課程


  • 後製剪輯,沒有贅詞,確保優質學習過程

  • 有字幕,邊看邊學更容易理解

  • 程式一行一行說明帶著你一起學,讓你聽得清楚又明白


  • 初入資料分析領域的新鮮人

  • 想理解資料科學方法與應用情境的專業人士

  • 商學院背景,想學習資料科學的大學或研究所學生

  • 程式語言初學者


如果你正在尋找透過實作來學習 資料分析 的課程,那這堂課程就是你最好的選擇

Code Gym 官網有提供更多豐富的課程介紹和官網優惠,歡迎您前往瀏覽課程細節!! 

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What's inside



課程中將會贈送一本專業人士必備的資料分析教學筆記電子書,書中包含41多章課程單元,將資料分析工具Pandas 所有功能鉅細彌遺收錄在這本筆記中,同學可以搭配線上課程一同學習,課程結束後還能夠繼續深入研究,精進Python 的技巧,請同學閱覽影片說明後再填寫領取表單,謝謝!!

Read more
Python 開發環境與設定
安裝Python學習環境 for Mac
安裝PyCharm for Mac
安裝Python學習環境 for Windows
安裝PyCharm for Windows
Numpy 基本介紹
Pandas 基本介紹

Python 自動化工作術


Python 時間模組基本使用方法


Youtube 頻道排行資料整理
AI 人工智慧
AI 資料分析,輔助你找出資料中潛在的意義

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
此課程適合具備資料分析基礎知識的學習者,幫助你進階提升Python 數據分析、資料視覺化的能力
課程包含 umfangreiche 實作練習,強化學習成效
提供 41 章專業資料分析教學筆記電子書,補充線上課程內容
課程採用 Python 開發環境,與業界廣泛使用技術保持一致

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Python 資料分析 - 入門實戰 with these activities:
Python 資料處理入門
熟悉 Python 的基本資料處理功能,為本課程的資料分析奠定基礎。
Browse courses on Python
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  • 複習 Python 變數、資料型態和運算子。
  • 練習使用 list、tuple、dictionary 等資料結構。
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  • 在 LinkedIn 或其他專業社群網站上尋找潛在導師。
  • 準備好你的簡歷和作品集。
  • 聯繫你感興趣的導師,表達你的學習意願。
PyData Stack 入門教程
學習 NumPy、Pandas、Matplotlib 等 PyData Stack 的基本用法,為資料分析奠定基礎。
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  • 觀看 PyData Stack 入門教程影片。
  • 跟著教程中的步驟實際操作。
  • 練習使用教程中介紹的函數和方法。
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  • 載入並探索待清理的資料集。
  • 找出並處理缺失值。
  • 移除重複資料。
  • 轉換資料型態以利後續分析。
Pandas 練習題
透過大量的練習題目,熟練使用 Pandas 進行資料操作和分析。
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  • 使用 Pandas 讀取、寫入和合併資料集。
  • 運用 Pandas 進行資料篩選、排序和分組。
  • 練習使用 Pandas 統計函數進行資料探索。
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  • 尋找並報名與你的學習目標相關的工作坊。
  • 積極參與工作坊的講義和討論。
  • 與其他參與者交流,分享觀點。
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  • 選擇適當的資料視覺化類型。
  • 使用 Python 函式庫製作資料視覺化圖表。
  • 撰寫簡潔易懂的圖表標題和註解。

Career center

Learners who complete Python 資料分析 - 入門實戰 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
Data Analysts use their deep technical skills to analyze data through either programming, statistical modeling, or other technical methods to extract valuable insights. They can work in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and retail. This course can help you build a foundation in data analysis, which can be helpful for a career as a Data Analyst. The course covers topics such as data cleaning, data visualization, and machine learning, which are all essential skills for Data Analysts.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use their expertise in math, statistics, and computer science to solve complex business problems. They work with large datasets to extract insights that can help businesses make better decisions. This course can help you develop the skills needed to become a Data Scientist. The course covers topics such as data mining, machine learning, and data visualization, which are all essential skills for Data Scientists.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers design, develop, and deploy machine learning models to solve real-world problems. They work with large datasets to train models that can make predictions or recommendations. This course can help you build a foundation in machine learning, which can be helpful for a career as a Machine Learning Engineer. The course covers topics such as supervised and unsupervised learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, which are all essential skills for Machine Learning Engineers.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications. They work with computers to solve problems and create new products. This course can help you build a foundation in computer science, which is essential for a career as a Software Engineer. The course covers topics such as programming, data structures, and algorithms, which are all essential skills for Software Engineers.
Statisticians use their knowledge of statistics to collect, analyze, and interpret data. They work in a variety of fields, including healthcare, finance, and education. This course can help you build a foundation in statistics, which can be helpful for a career as a Statistician. The course covers topics such as probability, inference, and regression analysis, which are all essential skills for Statisticians.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts use their knowledge of business and technology to solve business problems. They work with stakeholders to gather requirements, analyze data, and make recommendations. This course can help you build a foundation in business analysis, which can be helpful for a career as a Business Analyst. The course covers topics such as requirements gathering, data analysis, and project management, which are all essential skills for Business Analysts.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers design, build, and maintain data infrastructure. They work with large datasets to ensure that data is available, reliable, and secure. This course can help you build a foundation in data engineering, which can be helpful for a career as a Data Engineer. The course covers topics such as data storage, data processing, and data security, which are all essential skills for Data Engineers.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases. They work with databases to ensure that data is stored, organized, and secure. This course can help you build a foundation in database administration, which can be helpful for a career as a Database Administrator. The course covers topics such as database design, database optimization, and database security, which are all essential skills for Database Administrators.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts use their knowledge of finance to analyze financial data. They work with companies to assess their financial health and make investment recommendations. This course can help you build a foundation in financial analysis, which can be helpful for a career as a Financial Analyst. The course covers topics such as financial statement analysis, valuation, and portfolio management, which are all essential skills for Financial Analysts.
Market Researcher
Market Researchers conduct research to understand consumer behavior. They work with companies to develop marketing strategies and products. This course can help you build a foundation in market research, which can be helpful for a career as a Market Researcher. The course covers topics such as survey design, data collection, and data analysis, which are all essential skills for Market Researchers.
Project Manager
Project Managers plan, execute, and close projects. They work with teams to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to scope. This course can help you build a foundation in project management, which can be helpful for a career as a Project Manager. The course covers topics such as project planning, project scheduling, and project budgeting, which are all essential skills for Project Managers.
Product Manager
Product Managers manage the development and launch of new products. They work with teams to define product requirements, design product features, and market products. This course can help you build a foundation in product management, which can be helpful for a career as a Product Manager. The course covers topics such as product development, product marketing, and product launch, which are all essential skills for Product Managers.
Data Architect
Data Architects design and build data architectures. They work with organizations to ensure that data is managed in a way that meets the needs of the business. This course can help you build a foundation in data architecture, which can be helpful for a career as a Data Architect. The course covers topics such as data modeling, data integration, and data governance, which are all essential skills for Data Architects.
UX Designer
UX Designers design the user experience of products. They work with teams to ensure that products are easy to use and enjoyable. This course can help you build a foundation in UX design, which can be helpful for a career as a UX Designer. The course covers topics such as user research, user interface design, and user testing, which are all essential skills for UX Designers.
Web Developer
Web Developers design and develop websites. They work with teams to create websites that are both functional and visually appealing. This course can help you build a foundation in web development, which can be helpful for a career as a Web Developer. The course covers topics such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are all essential skills for Web Developers.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Python 資料分析 - 入門實戰.
本书是学习 Python 机器学习的经典教材,内容涵盖机器学习的基础知识、算法、模型评估和部署等。本书适合有一定 Python 基础的读者学习。
本书是自然语言处理的入门书籍,内容涵盖自然语言处理的基础知识、算法和工具。本书适合有一定 Python 基础的读者学习。
本书是计算机视觉的入门书籍,内容涵盖计算机视觉的基础知识、算法和工具。本书适合有一定 Python 基础的读者学习。
本书是 Python 数据分析的经典教材,内容涵盖 Pandas、Numpy 等数据分析工具的使用。本书适合有一定 Python 基础的读者学习。


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