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Aruba Networking Basics for Portuguese Speakers

Aruba Education Services and Ricardo Cobos

No Aruba Networking Essentials, você aprenderá o que é uma rede básica de computadores, comparará redes locais e de longa distância, casos de uso e tipos de implementação. A comunicação por meio dessas redes depende de protocolos. Depois de aprender sobre eles, você estará no caminho certo para entender as comunicações de rede e bem preparado para aprender VLANs e como configurar um Switch Aruba OS-CX! Este curso inclui um Laboratório Prático gratuito para ajudá-lo a compreender os conceitos.

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No Aruba Networking Essentials, você aprenderá o que é uma rede básica de computadores, comparará redes locais e de longa distância, casos de uso e tipos de implementação. A comunicação por meio dessas redes depende de protocolos. Depois de aprender sobre eles, você estará no caminho certo para entender as comunicações de rede e bem preparado para aprender VLANs e como configurar um Switch Aruba OS-CX! Este curso inclui um Laboratório Prático gratuito para ajudá-lo a compreender os conceitos.

Os candidatos típicos para este curso são indivíduos que são novos em redes e que desejam aprender o básico sobre redes com fio.

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What's inside


Introdução à rede com fio
Na Parte 1 do Aruba Networking Basics, você obterá uma introdução aos switches Aruba, construirá uma rede básica usando um único switch e compreenderá o que é o encapsulamento de pacotes.
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Comutação, VLANS e agregação de links
Parte 2 Expande a rede que construímos para configurar vários switches, aborda como usar VLANs ou LANs virtuais e o conceito de agregação de link.
Projeto de Rede e Roteamento
A Parte 3 abordará roteamento estático e dinâmico, conceitos de gateway e como os gateways são usados ​​para obter o tráfego de uma LAN ou rede local para alcançar a Internet.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Apresenta os conceitos básicos de redes para iniciantes
Fornece uma base sólida para quem deseja aprender sobre redes com fio
Aborda assuntos essenciais como VLANs, agregação de links e roteamento
Inclui um laboratório prático gratuito para reforçar o aprendizado

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Organizar e revisar notas do curso
Organizar e revisar suas notas do curso regularmente fortalecerá sua compreensão do material e o ajudará a identificar áreas que precisam de atenção.
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  • Reunir todas as notas do curso, slides e materiais de leitura.
  • Organizar as notas por tópico ou ordem lógica.
  • Revisar as notas regularmente, destacando pontos-chave e esclarecendo conceitos.
Sessões de Estudo em Grupo
Participe de sessões de estudo em grupo para discutir conceitos, resolver problemas e esclarecer dúvidas.
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  • Formar ou ingressar em um grupo de estudo.
  • Definir um cronograma regular para as sessões.
  • Preparar-se para as sessões revisando o material.
  • Participar ativamente das discussões e compartilhar seus insights.
Participar de um grupo de estudo
Participar de um grupo de estudo com colegas permitirá que você discuta conceitos, troque ideias e se ajude mutuamente a superar os desafios.
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  • Encontrar colegas interessados em formar um grupo de estudo.
  • Definir horários regulares para se encontrar e discutir o material do curso.
  • Preparar tópicos ou perguntas específicas para discutir em cada sessão.
  • Participar ativamente das discussões, compartilhar insights e ajudar os colegas.
Seven other activities
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Exercícios de VLAN
Pratique a configuração e o gerenciamento de VLANs para fortalecer sua compreensão de segmentação de rede.
Browse courses on VLANs
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  • Configurar VLANs em um switch virtual.
  • Atribuir portas a VLANs específicas.
  • Verificar a conectividade entre dispositivos em VLANs diferentes.
Tutoriais de Laboratório de Prática
Siga tutoriais de laboratório prático para aplicar os conceitos aprendidos e obter experiência prática.
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  • Acesse os laboratórios práticos.
  • Siga as instruções para configurar a rede.
  • Responda às perguntas e verifique sua compreensão.
  • Revise as soluções e aprenda com seus erros.
Explorar recursos online para reforçar VLANs
Explorar recursos online, como tutoriais em vídeo, artigos e fóruns, fornecerá informações adicionais e perspectivas sobre o tópico de VLANs.
Browse courses on VLANs
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  • Pesquisar tutoriais em vídeo e artigos sobre VLANs e seus benefícios.
  • Ler fóruns e discussões online para entender os desafios comuns e as melhores práticas.
  • Assistir a webinários ou participar de sessões ao vivo sobre VLANs.
Participar de um workshop sobre configuração de switch
Participar de um workshop prático permitirá que você aplique os conceitos aprendidos no curso em um ambiente prático.
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  • Pesquisar e identificar workshops sobre configuração de switch.
  • Inscrever-se e participar ativamente do workshop.
  • Configurar switches físicos ou virtuais usando as técnicas aprendidas.
  • Analisar e solucionar problemas de configuração de switch.
Participação em Eventos de Networking
Participe de eventos de networking da indústria para se conectar com profissionais, aprender sobre novas tecnologias e expandir seu conhecimento.
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  • Pesquise e identifique eventos de networking relevantes.
  • Prepare-se com uma breve apresentação sobre você e seus interesses.
  • Participe ativamente das discussões e troque cartões de visita.
  • Faça o acompanhamento com as conexões feitas após o evento.
Organização de Materiais do Curso
Organize e revise notas, tarefas, questionários e exames do curso para melhorar a retenção e o entendimento.
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  • Reunir todas as notas, tarefas e materiais de estudo.
  • Organizar materiais em pastas ou cadernos.
  • Criar resumos e mapas mentais para facilitar a revisão.
  • Revisar regularmente os materiais organizados.
Contribuições para Projetos de Código Aberto
Contribua para projetos de código aberto relacionados a redes para aprimorar suas habilidades práticas e aprofundar seu conhecimento.
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  • Identifique projetos de código aberto relevantes no GitHub.
  • Leia a documentação do projeto e contribua com relatórios de bugs.
  • Envie solicitações de pull para melhorias ou novos recursos.
  • Participe de discussões e colabore com outros contribuintes.

Career center

Learners who complete Aruba Networking Basics for Portuguese Speakers will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Network Architect
A Network Architect designs and implements computer networks. They work with a variety of technologies, including routers, switches, and firewalls. Network Architects also work with other IT professionals to ensure that the network is aligned with the organization's business needs. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Network Architect, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Cybersecurity Analyst
A Cybersecurity Analyst is responsible for protecting an organization's computer systems from unauthorized access and attacks. They work with a variety of security technologies, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software. Cybersecurity Analysts also monitor the network for suspicious activity and investigate security breaches. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Cybersecurity Analyst, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Network Security Analyst
A Network Security Analyst is responsible for protecting an organization's computer network from unauthorized access and attacks. They work with a variety of security technologies, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software. Network Security Analysts also monitor the network for suspicious activity and investigate security breaches. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Network Security Analyst, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Security Engineer
A Security Engineer is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining security measures for an organization's IT systems. They work with a variety of security technologies, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software. Security Engineers also work with other IT professionals to ensure that the organization's IT systems are operating in accordance with the organization's security policies and procedures. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Security Engineer, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Cloud Engineer
A Cloud Engineer designs, implements, and manages cloud computing solutions. They work with a variety of cloud technologies, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Cloud Engineers also work with other IT professionals to ensure that the cloud solution is aligned with the organization's business needs. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Cloud Engineer, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Network Engineer
A Network Engineer designs, implements, and maintains computer networks. They work with a variety of technologies, including routers, switches, and firewalls. Network Engineers also troubleshoot and resolve network problems. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Network Engineer, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Telecommunications Engineer
A Telecommunications Engineer designs, implements, and maintains telecommunications networks. They work with a variety of technologies, including copper wire, fiber optics, and wireless networks. Telecommunications Engineers also work with other IT professionals to ensure that the telecommunications network is aligned with the organization's business needs. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Telecommunications Engineer, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Network Consultant
A Network Consultant provides advice and guidance to organizations on how to design, implement, and maintain their computer networks. They work with a variety of clients, including businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions. Network Consultants also develop and deliver training on networking technologies. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Network Consultant, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Network Operations Center Engineer
A Network Operations Center (NOC) Engineer is responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of a NOC. They work with a variety of equipment, including routers, switches, and firewalls. NOC Engineers also troubleshoot and resolve problems with the NOC's infrastructure. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a NOC Engineer, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Network Administrator
A Network Administrator is responsible for the day-to-day operation of an organization's computer network. The Administrator makes sure that the network is running smoothly and that all users have access to the resources they need. They also troubleshoot and resolve network problems. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Network Administrator, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Systems Engineer
A Systems Engineer designs, implements, and maintains computer systems. They work with a variety of technologies, including servers, storage devices, and networking equipment. Systems Engineers also work with other IT professionals to ensure that the computer system is aligned with the organization's business needs. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Systems Engineer, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Data Center Technician
A Data Center Technician is responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of a data center. They work with a variety of equipment, including servers, storage devices, and networking equipment. Data Center Technicians also troubleshoot and resolve problems with the data center's infrastructure. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Data Center Technician, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
Systems Administrator
A Systems Administrator is responsible for the day-to-day operation of an organization's computer systems. They make sure that the systems are running smoothly and that all users have access to the resources they need. Systems Administrators also troubleshoot and resolve system problems. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as a Systems Administrator, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
IT Auditor
An IT Auditor is responsible for auditing an organization's IT systems and processes. They work with a variety of IT professionals to ensure that the organization's IT systems are operating in accordance with the organization's policies and procedures. IT Auditors also work with management to assess the risks associated with the organization's IT systems. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as an IT Auditor, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.
IT Manager
An IT Manager is responsible for the overall management of an organization's information technology resources. They work with a team of IT professionals to plan, implement, and maintain the organization's IT systems. IT Managers also develop and implement IT policies and procedures. This course may be useful in preparing for a role as an IT Manager, as it provides a foundation in networking concepts such as switching, VLANs, and routing.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Aruba Networking Basics for Portuguese Speakers .
Conhecido como a bíblia do TCP/IP, este livro fornece um entendimento aprofundado dos protocolos e conceitos subjacentes às redes de computadores, oferecendo uma base sólida para o conteúdo do curso sobre comunicação de rede.
Este livro didático abrange os fundamentos de comunicação de dados e redes, incluindo modelagem de rede, protocolos e aplicações, fornecendo uma base sólida para os conceitos abordados no curso.
Este livro introdutório fornece uma base sólida em conceitos de segurança de rede, como criptografia, firewalls e detecção de intrusão, complementando o escopo do curso sobre segurança de rede.
Para aqueles interessados em explorar a integração de redes com computação em nuvem, este livro fornece uma base sólida em conceitos, tecnologias e arquitetura de nuvem, complementando o escopo do curso.


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