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Google Career Certificates

Este curso foi concebido para proporcionar uma vista geral das redes informáticas. Vamos abordar desde os princípios básicos das tecnologias e protocolos de redes modernos até aplicações práticas e resolução de problemas de rede. Para terminar, vamos abordar o modo como estas informações podem surgir numa entrevista de emprego e dar-lhe algumas sugestões para resolver problemas no local.

No final deste curso, será capaz de:

● Descrever redes informáticas em termos de um modelo de cinco camadas;

● Compreender todos os protocolos padrão envolvidos nas comunicações TCP/IP;

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Este curso foi concebido para proporcionar uma vista geral das redes informáticas. Vamos abordar desde os princípios básicos das tecnologias e protocolos de redes modernos até aplicações práticas e resolução de problemas de rede. Para terminar, vamos abordar o modo como estas informações podem surgir numa entrevista de emprego e dar-lhe algumas sugestões para resolver problemas no local.

No final deste curso, será capaz de:

● Descrever redes informáticas em termos de um modelo de cinco camadas;

● Compreender todos os protocolos padrão envolvidos nas comunicações TCP/IP;

● Compreender ferramentas e técnicas poderosas de resolução de problemas de rede;

● Adquirir conhecimentos sobre serviços de rede como DNS e DHCP, que ajudam ao funcionamento das redes informáticas;

● Compreender a cloud computing, tudo como um serviço e o armazenamento na nuvem.

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What's inside


Introdução às redes
Damos-lhe as boas-vindas ao curso Redes da Certificação profissional de apoio técnico de TI! Na primeira semana deste curso, vamos abordar os princípios básicos de redes informáticas. Vamos saber mais sobre os modelos de redes TCP/IP e OSI, assim como de que forma as camadas de rede funcionam em conjunto. Também vamos abordar os princípios básicos dos dispositivos de rede, como cabos, hubs e comutadores, routers, servidores e clientes. Vamos ainda explorar a camada física e a camada de ligação de dados do nosso modelo de rede mais detalhadamente. No final deste módulo, vai saber como todas as diferentes camadas do modelo de rede se conjugam para criar uma rede.
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Na segunda semana deste curso, vamos explorar a camada de rede de modo mais aprofundado. Vamos adquirir conhecimentos sobre o esquema de endereçamento IP e sobre como funcionam as sub-redes. Vamos explorar como funciona o encapsulamento e como os protocolos, como o ARP, permitem a comunicação entre diferentes camadas da rede. Também vamos abordar os princípios básicos do encaminhamento, protocolos de encaminhamento e como funciona a Internet. No final deste módulo, poderá descrever o esquema de endereçamento IP, compreender como funcionam as sub-redes, realizar operações matemáticas binárias para descrever sub-redes e compreender como funciona a Internet.
As camadas de transporte e aplicação
Na terceira semana deste curso, vamos explorar as camadas de transporte e aplicação. No final deste módulo, poderá descrever portas e sockets TCP, identificar os diferentes componentes de um cabeçalho TCP, mostrar a diferença entre protocolos orientados para ligações e sem ligação e explicar como o TCP é utilizado para assegurar a integridade dos dados.
Serviços de redes
Na quarta semana deste curso, vamos explorar os serviços de redes. Vamos saber mais sobre a razão pela qual precisamos do DNS e como este funciona. Vamos também mostrar-lhe a razão pela qual o DHCP simplifica a tarefa de administração de redes. No final deste módulo, vai poder descrever como funcionam o DNS e o DHCP, de que modo as tecnologias NAT ajudam a manter as redes seguras e como as VPNs e os proxies ajudam os utilizadores a estabelecer ligação e manter-se protegidos.
Estabelecer ligação à Internet
Na quinta semana deste curso, vamos explorar a história da Internet, como evoluiu e como funciona atualmente. Vamos compreender as várias formas de estabelecer ligação à Internet através de cabos, ligações sem fios e de rede móvel e até mesmo ligações por fibra. No final deste módulo, vai poder definir os componentes das WANs e descrever as noções básicas das redes sem fios e móveis.
Resolução de problemas e o futuro das redes
Parabéns, chegou à semana final do curso! Na última semana deste curso, vamos explorar o futuro das redes de computadores. Vamos também abordar os aspetos práticos da resolução de problemas de uma rede ao utilizar sistemas operativos populares. No final deste módulo, vai poder detetar e corrigir muitos problemas de rede comuns utilizando ferramentas disponíveis nos sistemas operativos Microsoft Windows, MacOS e Linux.

Good to know

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Ensina técnicas de solução de problemas de rede avançadas e procuradas pela indústria
Explora as quatro camadas mais importantes do modelo TCP/IP e sua relação
Aborda noções básicas de resolução de problemas de rede, o que é essencial para profissionais de suporte técnico de TI
Fornece uma sólida compreensão de serviços essenciais de rede, como DNS e DHCP, para gerenciamento eficaz de rede
Oferece aos alunos o conhecimento necessário sobre cloud computing e armazenamento em nuvem para se manterem atualizados com as tendências da indústria

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Reviews summary

Comprehensive network fundamentals course

This course provides a well-rounded overview of computer networking fundamentals, covering various protocols, troubleshooting techniques, and career-related applications. Students appreciate the clear explanations, engaging content, and helpful instructor support.
The course effectively prepares students for job interviews and troubleshooting tasks.
"This course also covers career-related applications, such as how to prepare for job interviews and troubleshoot network issues."
Students find the course content engaging and easy to understand.
"This course provides a comprehensive overview of computer networking fundamentals and is well-structured with engaging content."
The instructor is knowledgeable and provides prompt support to students.
"The instructor is knowledgeable and provides prompt support to students."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Os vários elementos das redes informáticas with these activities:
Volunteer at a local IT support organization
Gain hands-on experience in network support by volunteering at a local IT organization.
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  • Contact local IT support organizations and express your interest in volunteering.
  • Assist with tasks such as network troubleshooting, hardware setup, and software installation.
  • Learn from experienced IT professionals and gain valuable insights into network support.
Review the OSI model
Review the OSI model to better prepare for the course's coverage of networking concepts.
Browse courses on OSI Model
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  • Read through the OSI model layers and their functions.
  • Identify the key differences between each layer.
  • Understand how the layers interact to facilitate network communication.
Participate in peer discussion groups on network security
Engage in peer discussions to exchange knowledge, insights, and best practices related to network security.
Browse courses on network security
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  • Join online forums or discussion groups focused on network security.
  • Participate in discussions, share experiences, and ask questions.
  • Collaborate on projects or research related to network security.
Five other activities
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Practice subnetting exercises
Engage in subnetting exercises to reinforce understanding of IP address allocation and network segmentation.
Browse courses on Subnetting
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  • Calculate subnet masks and network addresses for various scenarios.
  • Determine the number of hosts and subnets within a given IP range.
  • Apply subnetting techniques to real-world network configurations.
Follow tutorials on network troubleshooting
Enhance troubleshooting skills by following guided tutorials that simulate real-world network issues.
Browse courses on Network Troubleshooting
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  • Identify common network problems and their symptoms.
  • Learn systematic approaches to isolate and resolve network issues.
  • Practice troubleshooting techniques using network simulators or virtual environments.
Design a network topology for a small business
Apply network design principles to create a network topology that meets the specific requirements of a small business.
Browse courses on Network Design
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  • Gather requirements and define the network's purpose and scope.
  • Design the network topology, including device placement, cabling, and addressing.
  • Document the network design and present it for feedback.
Contribute to open-source network tools
Gain practical experience in network management by contributing to open-source tools and technologies.
Browse courses on Network Automation
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  • Identify open-source network projects that align with your interests.
  • Review the project's codebase and documentation.
  • Contribute to the project by submitting bug reports, feature requests, or code changes.
Mentor junior network engineers or students
Enhance your own understanding of network concepts by mentoring junior engineers or students.
Show steps
  • Identify opportunities to mentor junior engineers or students.
  • Share your knowledge and expertise on network concepts and technologies.
  • Provide guidance and support to help mentees develop their skills and knowledge.

Career center

Learners who complete Os vários elementos das redes informáticas will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Network Engineer
A Network Engineer designs, implements, and maintains computer networks. They work with clients to determine their networking needs and then design a network that meets those needs. They also oversee the implementation of the network and ensure that it is running smoothly and securely. This course will teach you the fundamentals of computer networks. It will help you to understand how networks are designed and implemented, and how to troubleshoot and resolve network problems. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Network Engineer.
Computer Network Architect
A Computer Network Architect designs and implements computer networks. They work with clients to determine their networking needs and then design a network that meets those needs. They also oversee the implementation of the network and ensure that it is running smoothly and securely. This course will teach you the fundamentals of computer networks. It will help you to understand how networks are designed and implemented, and how to troubleshoot and resolve network problems. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Computer Network Architect.
Network Administrator
A Network Administrator is responsible for the planning, implementation, and maintenance of computer networks. They ensure that networks run smoothly, securely, and efficiently. Networks can exist entirely within one physical building or connect multiple locations across a wide area. This course will teach you the fundamentals of computer networks. It will help you to understand how networks are designed and implemented, and how to troubleshoot and resolve network problems. This knowledge and these skills will serve you well if you want to work as a Network Administrator.
Network Security Engineer
A Network Security Engineer is responsible for the security of computer networks. They identify and mitigate security risks, and they develop and implement security measures to protect networks from unauthorized access and attack. This course will teach you about network security best practices, how to conduct security audits, and how to develop and implement security measures. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Network Security Engineer.
IT Manager
IT managers plan, implement, and oversee the installation, maintenance, and repair of computer systems and networks. They also manage the IT staff and ensure that the IT department is running smoothly and efficiently. This course will teach you the fundamentals of computer networks. It will help you to understand how networks are designed and implemented, and how to troubleshoot and resolve network problems. This knowledge and these skills will be helpful if you want to work as an IT Manager.
Information Security Manager
An Information Security Manager is responsible for the security of an organization's information systems. They develop and implement security policies and procedures, and they oversee the implementation of security measures. This course will teach you about network security best practices, how to conduct security audits, and how to develop and implement security measures. This knowledge and these skills are essential for an Information Security Manager.
Systems Administrator
A Systems Administrator is responsible for the maintenance and operation of computer systems and networks. They install and configure hardware and software, and they monitor and troubleshoot system performance. This course will teach you the fundamentals of computer networks. It will help you to understand how networks are designed and implemented, and how to troubleshoot and resolve network problems. This knowledge and these skills will be helpful if you want to work as a Systems Administrator.
Security Analyst
A Security Analyst identifies and mitigates security risks. They develop and implement security measures to protect computer networks and systems from unauthorized access and attack. This course will teach you about network security best practices, how to conduct security audits, and how to develop and implement security measures. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Security Analyst.
Cybersecurity Analyst
A Cybersecurity Analyst identifies and mitigates security risks in computer networks and systems. They develop and implement security measures to protect against unauthorized access and attack. This course will teach you about network security best practices, how to conduct security audits, and how to develop and implement security measures. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Cybersecurity Analyst.
Penetration Tester
A Penetration Tester identifies and exploits security vulnerabilities in computer networks and systems. They use their findings to develop and implement security measures to protect against unauthorized access and attack. This course will teach you about network security best practices, how to conduct security audits, and how to develop and implement security measures. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Penetration Tester.
Cloud Security Engineer
A Cloud Security Engineer is responsible for the security of cloud computing environments. They develop and implement security measures to protect cloud computing resources from unauthorized access and attack. This course will teach you about cloud computing and how to protect cloud computing environments from security threats. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Cloud Security Engineer.
IT Auditor
An IT Auditor reviews and evaluates an organization's IT systems and processes to ensure that they are in compliance with regulations. They also identify and mitigate security risks. This course will teach you about network security best practices, how to conduct security audits, and how to develop and implement security measures. This knowledge and these skills are essential for an IT Auditor.
Computer Science Professor
A Computer Science Professor teaches computer science courses at a college or university. They develop and deliver lectures, and they grade student assignments. They also conduct research in the field of computer science. This course will teach you the fundamentals of computer networks. It will help you to understand how networks are designed and implemented, and how to troubleshoot and resolve network problems. This knowledge and these skills will be helpful if you want to work as a Computer Science Professor.
Cloud Architect
A Cloud Architect designs and implements cloud computing solutions. They work with clients to determine their cloud computing needs and then design a solution that meets those needs. They also oversee the implementation of the solution and ensure that it is running smoothly and securely. This course will teach you about cloud computing and how to design and implement cloud computing solutions. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Cloud Architect.
Data Scientist
A Data Scientist collects, analyzes, and interprets data to extract meaningful insights. They use their findings to develop data-driven solutions to business problems. This course will teach you about data science and how to use data to solve business problems. This knowledge and these skills are essential for a Data Scientist.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Os vários elementos das redes informáticas.
Aborda os princípios e tecnologias das redes de computadores, com foco nas camadas de rede e transporte. Fornece uma base sólida para compreensão dos protocolos TCP/IP e resolução de problemas de rede.
Comprehensive guide to the TCP/IP protocol suite. It provides detailed explanations of how each protocol works, as well as practical examples of how to use them. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the inner workings of the Internet.
This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of computer networking, covering topics such as the OSI model, TCP/IP, routing, and network security. It valuable resource for students who want to learn more about the fundamentals of networking.
Um guia técnico detalhado dos protocolos TCP/IP. Fornece uma compreensão profunda de como os protocolos de rede funcionam e como eles são implementados.
Practical guide to network troubleshooting and security. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to identify and fix common network problems. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to keep their networks running smoothly.
Provides a comprehensive overview of cloud computing. It covers topics such as cloud architecture, cloud services, and cloud security. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the cloud.
Is useful as a foundational resource for this course. It provides an overview of computer networking basics, including the OSI model and TCP/IP stack.


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