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Google Cloud Training

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure introduce concetti e terminologia importanti per lavorare con Google Cloud. Attraverso video e lab pratici, questo corso presenta e confronta molti dei servizi di computing e archiviazione di Google Cloud, insieme a importanti strumenti di gestione delle risorse e dei criteri.

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Introduzione al corso
Questa sezione accoglie gli studenti nel corso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure e fornisce una panoramica della struttura e degli obiettivi del corso.
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Introduzione a Google Cloud
Questa sezione identifica alcuni dei principali vantaggi dell'utilizzo di Google Cloud. È qui che introduciamo i componenti dell'infrastruttura di rete di Google ed esploriamo le differenze tra Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) e Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Risorse e accesso nel cloud
In questa sezione del corso, esamineremo in che modo le risorse sono organizzate con i progetti e come l'accesso a queste risorse viene condiviso con la giusta parte della forza lavoro tramite uno strumento chiamato Identity and Access Management, anche noto come IAM. In questa sezione, inoltre, identificheremo i diversi modi per interagire con Google Cloud.
Macchine virtuali e reti nel cloud
Questa sezione del corso esplora il funzionamento di Google Compute Engine, con particolare attenzione alle reti virtuali.
Archiviazione nel cloud
Questa sezione del corso illustra i cinque prodotti di archiviazione principali di Google Cloud: Cloud Storage, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner e Firestore.
Container nel cloud
Questa sezione del corso esplora i container e come possono essere gestiti con Kubernetes e Google Kubernetes Engine.
Applicazioni nel cloud
Questa sezione del corso è incentrata sullo sviluppo di applicazioni nel cloud. È qui che esploreremo Cloud Run e Cloud Functions.
Riepilogo del corso
In questa sezione finale, esaminiamo ciò che è stato presentato in questo corso e discutiamo i passaggi successivi per continuare il tuo percorso di apprendimento nel cloud.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Introduce le basi dell'infrastruttura cloud di Google, tra cui risorse, accesso, macchine virtuali, reti, archiviazione, container e applicazioni
Utilizza una combinazione di video e laboratori pratici per illustrare e confrontare i servizi di Google Cloud
Include un riepilogo completo del corso per consolidare le conoscenze sui concetti chiave dell'infrastruttura cloud
È tenuto da Google Cloud Training, che garantisce l'accuratezza e la pertinenza dei contenuti
È progettato per i principianti che cercano di acquisire una comprensione di base dell'infrastruttura cloud di Google

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure in italiano with these activities:
Review of networking fundamentals
Review the basics of networking, including protocols, topologies, and network devices.
Browse courses on Networking Fundamentals
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  • Review notes or online resources on basic networking concepts.
  • Complete practice problems or quizzes on networking fundamentals.
Organize and review course materials
Stay organized and enhance retention by compiling and reviewing notes, assignments, and other course materials.
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  • Create a system for organizing notes, assignments, and study materials.
  • Regularly review and summarize key concepts from the materials.
Refresh Networking Basics
Review core networking concepts, protocols, and technologies to prepare for course content on cloud networking.
Browse courses on Networking Fundamentals
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  • Read introductory articles or blog posts on networking fundamentals.
  • Review online tutorials or videos on networking basics.
Eight other activities
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Follow tutorials on cloud computing concepts
Explore online tutorials and documentation to gain a deeper understanding of cloud computing concepts, such as virtualization, storage, and networking.
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  • Identify reputable online resources or platforms offering tutorials on cloud computing.
  • Choose tutorials that cover core concepts relevant to the course.
  • Follow the tutorials step-by-step and implement the concepts in a hands-on environment.
Join a study group or online forum
Connect with other learners, share knowledge, and get support by participating in group discussions.
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  • Identify relevant study groups or online forums related to cloud computing.
  • Join the group and actively participate in discussions.
Follow Tutorials on Google Cloud Networking
Complete guided tutorials provided by Google to enhance understanding of Google Cloud networking services.
Browse courses on Google Cloud Networking
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  • Identify relevant tutorials from Google Cloud documentation.
  • Follow step-by-step instructions to configure and manage Google Cloud networking components.
  • Experiment with different settings and scenarios.
Participate in Study Groups
Collaborate with peers to discuss course topics, share knowledge, and clarify concepts.
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  • Join or form a study group with classmates.
  • Meet regularly to discuss assigned topics or prepare for assessments.
  • Engage in active listening, ask questions, and contribute insights.
Practice creating and managing virtual machines
Reinforce your understanding of virtual machines by creating, configuring, and managing them in a cloud environment.
Browse courses on Virtual Machines
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  • Set up a cloud computing account and provision a virtual machine instance.
  • Configure the virtual machine's settings, including operating system, networking, and storage.
  • Deploy an application or service on the virtual machine.
Practice Configuring Cloud Networks
Engage in hands-on exercises to simulate real-world cloud networking tasks and reinforce concepts.
Browse courses on Network Management
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  • Access Google Cloud Platform Console or use command-line tools.
  • Create and configure virtual networks, subnets, and firewalls.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve network connectivity issues.
Design a Cloud Networking Architecture
Apply knowledge by designing a cloud networking architecture that meets specific requirements.
Show steps
  • Identify business requirements and constraints.
  • Select appropriate Google Cloud networking services.
  • Create a detailed network design document.
Design and implement a simple cloud-based application
Apply your knowledge by designing and building a functional application that leverages cloud services.
Show steps
  • Identify a problem or need that can be addressed with a cloud-based solution.
  • Design the application architecture, including data storage, processing, and user interface.
  • Implement the application using appropriate cloud services and technologies.
  • Test and deploy the application.

Career center

Learners who complete Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure in italiano will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Cloud Engineer
A Cloud Engineer designs, builds, and maintains cloud infrastructure and applications. This course provides a solid foundation for understanding Google Cloud's infrastructure services, enabling you to contribute to the design and implementation of cloud solutions.
Infrastructure Architect
An Infrastructure Architect designs and manages IT infrastructure, including cloud infrastructure. This course provides a comprehensive overview of Google Cloud's infrastructure services, helping you to develop solutions that meet business requirements.
Cloud Software Engineer
A Cloud Software Engineer develops and maintains software applications in the cloud. This course provides a strong foundation in Google Cloud's infrastructure services, enabling you to build and deploy cloud-native applications more effectively.
Systems Administrator
A Systems Administrator manages and maintains computer systems. This course provides a solid foundation in Google Cloud's infrastructure services, enabling you to manage cloud resources effectively and efficiently.
Solutions Architect
A Solutions Architect designs and implements IT solutions that meet business requirements. This course may be useful for gaining a comprehensive understanding of Google Cloud's infrastructure services, helping you to design and implement scalable and efficient cloud solutions.
Data Engineer
A Data Engineer designs, builds, and maintains data pipelines and infrastructure. This course provides a solid understanding of Google Cloud's storage and big data services, enabling you to build and manage scalable data solutions.
Network Engineer
A Network Engineer designs, implements, and maintains computer networks. This course deepens your understanding of Google Cloud's networking services, enabling you to design and manage secure and scalable cloud networks.
Software Architect
A Software Architect designs and develops software applications. This course provides a strong foundation in Google Cloud's infrastructure services, enabling you to build and deploy cloud-native applications more effectively.
Cloud Security Engineer
A Cloud Security Engineer is responsible for securing cloud infrastructure and applications. This course introduces you to Google Cloud's security features and best practices, enhancing your ability to protect cloud environments.
Cloud Solutions Architect
A Cloud Solutions Architect designs and implements cloud solutions that meet business requirements. This course may be useful for gaining a comprehensive understanding of Google Cloud's infrastructure services, helping you to design and implement scalable and efficient cloud solutions.
Security Analyst
A Security Analyst monitors and analyzes security data to identify and mitigate threats. This course may be useful for developing an understanding of Google Cloud's security features and best practices, enhancing your ability to protect cloud environments.
Cloud Consultant
A Cloud Consultant advises clients on cloud computing strategies and helps them design, implement, and manage cloud solutions. This course may be useful for those seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of core Google Cloud infrastructure services and their uses. Completing this course can help you to keep up with the latest cloud industry trends and technologies that you can share with clients.
DevOps Engineer
A DevOps Engineer automates and streamlines software development and deployment processes. This course provides insights into Google Cloud's infrastructure services and tools, enabling you to contribute to the implementation of DevOps practices within cloud environments.
Technical Project Manager
A Technical Project Manager manages IT projects and ensures their successful execution. This course may be useful for gaining an understanding of Google Cloud's infrastructure services, enabling you to better manage cloud-based projects.
Cloud Architect
A Cloud Architect creates cloud computing solutions to meet a business's technology, financial, and operational needs. This course may be useful for building a foundational understanding of cloud infrastructure components, including compute, network, and storage offerings in the cloud.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure in italiano.
Focuses on the application of cloud computing in data science. It covers topics such as data storage, processing, and analysis using cloud-based technologies. The book provides valuable insights for data scientists who want to leverage cloud computing for their projects.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), a managed Kubernetes service. It covers the architecture, features, and use cases of GKE, making it a valuable resource for developers who want to use this service for their applications.
Provides a concise overview of Google Cloud Platform (GCP), covering its key services and use cases. It good starting point for beginners who want to get a quick introduction to GCP.
Comprehensive guide to Kubernetes, the open-source container orchestration system. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Kubernetes and how to use it to manage containers.
Comprehensive guide to Docker, the open-source containerization platform. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Docker and how to use it to build and deploy containerized applications.
Study guide for the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam. It great resource for anyone who wants to prepare for the certification exam and learn more about GCP.
Provides a comprehensive overview of cloud computing, covering the fundamentals of cloud computing, as well as the different types of cloud services and how to use them.


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