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Moz Advanced SEO

Tactics & Strategy

Moz moz.com

This class provides a framework for developing your SEO strategy including some tools used for both analysis and implementation. Your instructor will provide a step-by-step process for how to approach SEO development with your clients. Great for both internal teams or new marketers that want to add SEO to their portfolio.

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This class provides a framework for developing your SEO strategy including some tools used for both analysis and implementation. Your instructor will provide a step-by-step process for how to approach SEO development with your clients. Great for both internal teams or new marketers that want to add SEO to their portfolio.

Learn the Inside-Out / Outside-In methodology for classic SEO. This method covers:

Site Audits

  • Indexation
  • Accessibility
  • Content assessment
  • Goals assessment

SEO Implementation

  • Keyword research
  • Site and page optimizations
  • Link building
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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Covers the traditional Inside-Out / Outside-In SEO methodology, which is widely used in the industry
Provides a step-by-step approach to SEO development, which can be helpful for beginners
Includes site audits, keyword research, site and page optimizations, and link building, which are essential aspects of SEO
Taught by Moz, a reputable provider of SEO tools and resources
Suitable for both internal teams and new marketers, indicating a wide target audience
Lacks hands-on exercises or practical examples, which could limit the learner's ability to apply the concepts

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Reviews summary

Mediocre overview course

According to students, Moz Advanced SEO: Tactics & Strategy is a mediocre course that provides a good overview of SEO, but lacks specific implementation guides. As a result, learners may need to purchase a separate course for more in-depth training.
Provides a basic overview of SEO
"It was a good quick overview..."
Lacks specific guides on how to implement SEO fixes
"It was a good quick overview, but was missing actual guides on how to implement fixes..."

Career center

Learners who complete Moz Advanced SEO: Tactics & Strategy will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist
An SEO Specialist optimizes websites and their content to improve their ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This course provides a framework for developing an SEO strategy, including tools for analysis and implementation. It covers site audits, keyword research, site and page optimizations, and link building. These skills are essential for SEO Specialists to effectively improve website visibility and organic traffic.
Digital Marketing Manager
A Digital Marketing Manager plans and executes marketing campaigns across various digital channels, including search engines. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of SEO principles and techniques, which are crucial for Digital Marketing Managers to effectively optimize websites and content for search visibility. It helps build a foundation for developing and implementing successful SEO strategies that drive traffic and conversions.
Content Marketing Manager
A Content Marketing Manager creates and distributes valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. This course provides insights into SEO best practices for content creation and optimization. It helps Content Marketing Managers understand how to create high-quality content that ranks well in search results, increasing organic traffic and brand visibility.
Web Developer
A Web Developer designs and develops websites and web applications. This course provides knowledge of SEO principles and techniques that are essential for Web Developers to optimize websites for search engines. It covers technical aspects of SEO, such as site structure, page speed, and accessibility, enabling Web Developers to build websites that are both user-friendly and search engine friendly.
Marketing Analyst
A Marketing Analyst analyzes marketing data to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and provide insights for improvement. This course provides a foundation in SEO principles and metrics, which are important for Marketing Analysts to evaluate the performance of SEO campaigns. It helps Marketing Analysts understand how to track and measure SEO results, identify areas for optimization, and make data-driven recommendations.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst collects, analyzes, and interprets data to identify trends and patterns. This course provides an understanding of SEO metrics and analytics, which are essential for Data Analysts to assess the performance of SEO campaigns. It helps Data Analysts develop skills in extracting insights from SEO data, identifying opportunities for improvement, and making informed decisions.
Product Manager
A Product Manager develops and manages products, ensuring they meet customer needs and business objectives. This course provides a foundation in SEO principles and techniques, which are important for Product Managers to understand how SEO impacts product visibility and success. It helps Product Managers make informed decisions about product features and marketing strategies that drive organic traffic and engagement.
E-commerce Manager
An E-commerce Manager plans and executes strategies to increase sales through online channels. This course provides knowledge of SEO principles and techniques that are essential for E-commerce Managers to optimize product pages and websites for search engines. It helps E-commerce Managers improve product visibility, increase organic traffic, and drive conversions.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Manager
A SEM Manager plans and executes paid advertising campaigns on search engines. While this course primarily focuses on SEO, it provides a good foundation for SEM Managers to understand the principles and techniques of organic search optimization. It helps SEM Managers develop a holistic approach to search marketing, optimizing both paid and organic channels for maximum visibility and impact.
Social Media Manager
A Social Media Manager develops and executes social media strategies to engage with target audiences. While this course focuses on SEO, it provides insights into how SEO and social media can complement each other. It helps Social Media Managers understand how to leverage SEO principles to optimize social media content and drive organic traffic to their websites.
Public Relations (PR) Specialist
A PR Specialist builds and maintains relationships with the media to promote an organization or brand. This course may be useful for PR Specialists who want to enhance their understanding of SEO, as it provides insights into how to optimize press releases and other PR content for search engines. It can help PR Specialists improve the visibility and reach of their PR campaigns.
Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)
A CRM manages relationships with customers to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. While this course primarily focuses on SEO, it provides a foundation for CRMs to understand how SEO can impact customer experience and engagement. It can help CRMs identify opportunities to leverage SEO to provide better support and information to customers.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst analyzes business processes and systems to identify areas for improvement. This course may be useful for Business Analysts who want to expand their knowledge of SEO, as it provides insights into how SEO can impact business growth and performance. It can help Business Analysts understand how to evaluate the effectiveness of SEO strategies and make recommendations for optimization.
Project Manager
A Project Manager plans and executes projects to achieve specific goals. While this course primarily focuses on SEO, it provides a foundation for Project Managers to understand how SEO can impact project outcomes. It can help Project Managers identify opportunities to integrate SEO into project plans and ensure that deliverables are optimized for search engines.
Sales Manager
A Sales Manager leads and manages a sales team to achieve sales targets. While this course primarily focuses on SEO, it provides a foundation for Sales Managers to understand how SEO can impact lead generation and sales performance. It can help Sales Managers identify opportunities to leverage SEO to generate qualified leads and increase conversion rates.

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