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Rajinder Goswami
  1. Starting with Mental Math Techniques for basic operations (+, -, x, and ÷).

  2. No need to learn tables beyond 9. Tables can be created for any number in the brain itself.

  3. Math shortcut techniques discussed in these videos are beyond the books and beyond the school teaching. 

  4. After a little practice, students start viewing the figures in the air. Not joking indeed.

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  1. Starting with Mental Math Techniques for basic operations (+, -, x, and ÷).

  2. No need to learn tables beyond 9. Tables can be created for any number in the brain itself.

  3. Math shortcut techniques discussed in these videos are beyond the books and beyond the school teaching. 

  4. After a little practice, students start viewing the figures in the air. Not joking indeed.

My main emphasis in this course is to create a friendship bond of the students with the numbers by making calculations easier and faster. Once the friendship bond is established, the students stop fearing this subject.

What students are saying:"Excellent way to learn mathematics, it was never so fun it is like magic, really enjoying it" - Uttam Salian September 3rd,2018

" My 8-year-old and she is so excited about math now. " Thanks, Tariq Ziad, March 23rd, 2018

- Most of the methods are faster and easier than the normal methods - Aryan M.A, January 3rd -2021

- I don't really know how to say this and I have never left a written review, so I'm just going to say it and you don't have to believe me. I don't care. This course literally changed my life. You're probably thinking, "Ok, that's ridiculous. You're just being melodramatic for attention or something." Here's the thing: I have always struggled with math and it made me feel stupid. I took AP Calc, AP Stat, etc., and struggled hard, but passed through high school and college surviving by memorizing and regurgitating what was fed to me, but not ever truly understanding - Tim C - February 2021

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Students looking for bigger things in maths should not join this course.
  • However, the course makes interesting learning for students of all ages and classes.
  • This course is extremely useful for beginners to learn (1) quick math calculation techniques (2) mental math techniques ;
  • A must course for students appearing in competitive exams having quantitative aptitude test.
  • Basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares and cubes between 2 digits to 5 digits
  • Must join if student has math phobia as this course make maths a fun by making friendship with maths.


Many students suffer from "Math Fear". This fear is because at schools lengthy ways are taught and students are made to do long calculations. Let's make our calculations shorter and faster.
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Let's make out calculation easier and faster. Let's befriend Math. Once friendship is established, no student will run away from the Math. So let's say bye-bye to "Math Fear".

Subtraction is a difficult process than doing Addition. So try a new way out to do subtraction. Do subtraction as our ancestors used to it i.e. don't subtract. Use '+' to do subtraction.

Here we are going to learn a new way of doing subtraction. It is for the numbers which have all the trailing zeroes. It is very easy to do subtraction from a number which has all tailing zeroes. 

After learning this technique, the subtraction becomes damn easy. Amazingly, we can find the answer starting from left to right. This method increases both your time efficiency and accuracy.

An Amazing way of doing Subtraction - Subtracting when all trailing zeros - Quiz

Addition is the only natural operator of Maths. All the other 3 operator (i.e. subtraction, multiplication and division) are derived fro the "Addition" operator. Even your computers and calculators don't know subtraction, multiplication and division. They know ONLY Addition. These gadgets also derive subtraction, multiplication and division from the "plus" operator.

Moreover, subtraction is a difficult process in comparison to doing addition. Here we learn how we can use "Addition" for doing "Subtraction"

Subtracting with '+' operator - Quiz
Subtracting Fraction from Whole Numbers - Faster
Addition is the only natural operator of the Maths and all other operators are derived from it. We can develop Mental Math Techniques of "Addition" to make this activity a simple process.

For doing addition of 2 2-digit numbers you don't need any copy and pen. You can do this calculation straight in your mind with the help of mental maths. Yes, it is possible. Stop doing addition two 2-digit numbers with the traditional method of adding from right to left. If we start addition from left to right the things become extremely easy and fast.

Adding Two 2 digit numbers

Finding Addition of two 3-digit numbers with Mental Math we are extending the method which we have learnt in the last video i.e. "adding two 2-digit numbers with mental math". With this method we can make our calculations faster. With a little practice, this method will help us to sharpen us skill of doing math with mental skills.

Adding two 3-digit numbers - Quiz

The method we have learnt to find out addition of two 2-digit and 3-digit numbers can further be extended to find out addition of two 4-digit numbers with the help of mental math.

Adding two 4-digit numbers - Quiz

This lecture will help the students to learn a faster and efficient way of adding larger figures. Learning of this will help to do the multiplications faster.

We can apply addition shortcuts to add mixed numbers very easily in the way  as discussed in this video. 

With this method we don't need to convert the mixed numbers into rational numbers. We can add the whole numbers and rational numbers separately and place them together and the problem is solved. 

There are four types of problems related to the mixed numbers. All these four types of problems have been discussed in this video.

The main motive of my all the videos  is to make you to understand basics of math to make math easy and to make your calculations fast. Math shortcuts and math tricks can make your life easy. These math shortcuts are  are very helpful in understanding the fundamentals.

Adding Mixed Numbers - Quiz
The method of multiplication, which we are going to learn will make our life much easier. This method is also very helpful for finding SQUARES of 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers in a much faster way.

Multiplication of any number with a 1 digit number is very easy. If we have learnt tables upto nine, that is quite sufficient to create tables for all the numbers  with the method shown in this video. This method of multiplication does not require carrying  overs. This method is very simple to understand and easy to apply. 

This method also operates from left to right and it is much easier than our traditional method of multiplication which is taught to us in the class rooms.

This method have 3 major benefits:

  1. It doesn't require you to memorize table beyond 9. If you have learnt tables from 1x1 to 9x9, these are quite enough to create any table of any number.
  2. The necessity of "carrying over" totally done away with. The carrying over system is taxing and irritating. It  alienates the students away from maths. 
  3. This method helps us to assimilate mental math techniques and as a result the tables can be seen written on the air which are only seen by the persons who knows this technique. This technique becomes the base of the mental math skills.

Multiplying a number with 1-digit number - Quiz

Let us start multiplying with an entirely new method which faster and easier as well.

Here we are going to learn a method of multiplying two 2-digit numbers which is far different from our traditional method of doing multiplication. It is much easier and makes the multiplication a faster process.In the first step of this method you can even start multiplying from left to right which otherwise is not possible in any method of multiplication learnt so far. The "carrying over" system has been made entirely redundant. 

For multiplication 3 digits by 3 digits,  the method given in the videos is very easy and simple. It is different from the traditional method which we usually apply in solving the problems. In this method we don't need to take carries. Nothing is kept as carry forward. The method when practiced a few times will help you to say good-bye to the existing traditional method. The method increases both accuracy and efficiency.

The method is fully scalable and can be extended to find multiplication of two 4-digits, 5-digits, 6-digits numbers and so on.

Multiplying two 3-digit numbers - Quiz
Multiplication Extension - 4 and 5 Digit Numbers
Multiplying two 4-digit numbers - Quiz
Multiplying two 5-digit numbers - Quiz
Multiplying Numbers Having Unequal Digitis - eg 4987 x 465

Multiplication with 11 is very easy and it is a fun. To multiply any number with 11, write the number and below this number again write the same number by shifting it to left by one digit. Then add both the numbers and multiplication with 11 is done. This method of multiplication with 11 is very easy and simple.

Multiplying a 2-digit number with 11 is still simpler and can be done with the help of mental math.

Multiplying a number with 11 - Quiz

it is very easy to multiply any number with 5 or a number ending with 5. Similarly, multiplication with 25, 125, 625 and 75 is also very easy. Rather multiplication with 5, 25,125, 625 and 75  can help us to do multiplication with mental maths and we can do calculations without picking up pen and paper. It sharpens our mental math skills.

5, 25,125, 625 as denominators also help us to calculate decimal numbers very easily with mental maths and we are going to learn this shortcut in a later video in this course.

multiplying with 5, 25, 125, 625 and 75 - Quiz

When the middle  digit of  a multiplicand as well as multiplier of any 3-digit numbers is a zero, the multiplication of such 3-digit numbers becomes very easy. There are not multiple steps to do this multiplication,  and therefore, the entire multiplication is done in a single row. 

We can perform this multiplication with mental math without picking up pen and paper. This method is also scalable and can be extended beyond 3-digit x 3-digit numbers. 

Multiplying two 3-digit numbers with '0' as middle digit - Quiz

As mention in the previous lecture, two 4-digit numbers having '00' as the middle digits can be multiplied in a single row. The process can be performed with mental math without the help of any pen and paper. 

Multiplying two 4-digit numbers with '00' as middle digit - Quiz

The method learnt in the previous lecture can easily be extended to find out multiplication of two 5-digit numbers have '000' as their middle digits. The entire process can be performed in single row.

Multiplying two 5-digit numbers with '000' as middle digits - Quiz
Here we are going to learn basic Vedic Math Techniques. When learnt, we are able to find out the products of numbers at lightning speed. This really an amazing technique.

You will learn from this video that how easy it is to do multiplications.

The making of Squares of 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers will become a very fast process
Properties of a Perfect Square

It is very easy to find squares of numbers upto 99. If you have learnt tables upto 9, you can find out squares effortlessly just in no time.
For example if we want to find square of 74, we can find square with the help of the digits 7,4 and 2. Similarly square of 84 can be found with help of digits 8,4 and 2 & square of 63 with the help of digits 6,3 and 2. So upto 99, we can very easily find out squares of any number just in a few seconds.

Squares of 2-digit numbers - Quiz

The method we have learnt  to find multiplication of two 3-digit numbers helps us to find squares of two 3-digit numbers. You will see that in the process of finding squares of two 3-digit numbers, the same method of finding squares becomes easier than method of multiplication of two 3-digit numbers.

Squares of 3-digit numbers - Quiz
Squares of 4-digit numbers - Quiz

Vedic Math Sutras tell us that it is very easy to multiply numbers which are a bit greater than 100 ( say 101 to 120) and such numbers can be multiplied  with mental math and without putting much effort. A little practice on these numbers helps us to find multiplication of these numbers even faster than calculators.

This lecture uses this feature of Vedic Math  for such numbers to find squares of numbers near 100. By the time this lecture ends, you will see that you can find squares of the numbers from 101 to 120 with lightening speed.

You will see that here mental Math works faster than anything else.

Squaring of 987, 10014 etc with Vedic Maths Techniquee - Quiz

It is very easy to find out squares of all numbers ending with 5. This method has also been adopted from vedic mathematics.This method can further be extended to the multiplication of numbers if addition of their unit place digits is equal to ten while their remaining left hand side digits are similar (e.g. 68 x 62). This method makes the calculations damn easy.

The method is very simple: 1) take square of 5 (it is 25) and place it on right hand side. Now multiply the remaining number by next cardinal number and put that on the left hand side, and - the solution is done.

Squares of numbers ending with '5' - Quiz
Rules for divisibility help us to find out whether a given number is divisibility by another number or not, without doing actual division. These rules enhance our confidence.

Rules of divisibility help us to find whether a number is divisible by another number on not, without performing actual division. 

Rules of divisibility are important for making math a friendly subject. 

In this video, I have tried to take up the concept of rules of divisibility in a wider preview. 
Here I have discussed the following:
Divisibility rule for 2
Divisibility rule for 3
Divisibility rule for 4

Rules of Divisibility 02 03 04
Rules of Divisibility 05 08 09
Rules of Divisibility Extension - to find Div. of numbers like 06,18,24 etc.
Rules of Divisibility - Divisibility by 11
Rules for Divisibility - Divisibility by 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 18 etc - Quiz
Rules of Divisibility - Divisibility by 7
Rule of divisibility by 7 - Quiz 22
Rules of Divisibility - Divisibility by 13
Rule of divisibility by 13 - Quiz

It is very easy to find divisibility of any number by 17 just in a few steps

Rule of divisibility by 17 - Quiz

It is very easy to find our divisibility of numbers ending with '1' i.e. 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 and 91. We have already discussed the rule of divisibility by 11 in a previous video.

In this video we are going to discuss:
divisibility by  21 

divisibility by 31

divisibility by 41 

divisibility by 51 

divisibility by 61 

divisibility by 71 

divisibility by  81 

and divisibility by 91.
Rules of divisibility are very important for these rules make our calculations fast and easy.

Divisibility Rule - Divisibility by 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 and 91 - Quiz

In this video we will learn how to find out shortcut of divisibility rules for the numbers ending with 9. Means, we are going to learn:

Rule of Divisibility by 19
Rule of Divisibility by 29
Rule of Divisibility by 39
Rule of Divisibility by 49
Rule of Divisibility by 59
Rule of Divisibility by 69
Rule of Divisibility by 79
Rule of Divisibility by 89
Rule of Divisibility by 99

Rules for divisibility help us to find out whether a given number is divisibility by another number or not, without doing actual division. These rules enhance our confidence as well as add to our calculation speed. Rules of divisibility make our solutions short. These rules increase our efficiency as well as accuracy.  

It is very easy to find out division of any number by  5,25,125 or 625 and 3125. In the process we can also find out decimals if the denominators are 5,25,125 or 625 and 3125.

Division by 5 25 125 625 3125 - Quiz
Here we are going to learn a better and an easier way of finding square roots. We are also learning the basics of this topic during this learning process.

When the numbers are perfect square, it is very easy to find their square roots using a Vedic Math tool. This tool enables us to calculate the square roots of perfect squares without doing much calculations.

Squares Root of numbers starting with decimal
The students will be able to find out the easier and faster way of calculating cubes of many numbers. The students will not be required to multiply same number 3 times.

We can find out cubes of all the 2-digit numbers (i.e. all the numbers starting from 11 to 99) without doing many calculations which others are required in the tradition way of multiplying the same number 3-times.

Cube Roots

It is very easy to find out cube root of perfect a cube number of upto six digits. For that we only need to know the cubes from 1 to 9 then just by viewing the numbers we can tell the exact cube root of  all the perfect cubes upto any 6-digit numbers. Absolutely no calculation is required.

For example you can easily tell that cube root of 474552 is 78 - just by viewing the give 6-digit figure - without doing any calculation.

Quiz 29
In this section we are going to learn about basics of percentage and will also learn to claculate percentage with the shortage possible ways.

In this section we are going to learn how can we convert all the three types of percent statements into Arithmatic statements. This conversion is going make our calculation far easier and far faster. Here we will also learn to solve some questions which are very frequently asked in competitive exams.

Percentage can also be expressed in the for of Decimals, Fractions and Multiples. This videos draws the relation among these four terms.

The meaning and uses of HCF

Why, after all, we call HCF as HCF? - Understanding the term "HCF"

How HCF helps us in out day-to-day life?

With the method shown in this video, we can find our HCF of many numbers with the help of mental Math.

There are certain problems related to HCF, which many students cram without understanding the logic behind the solution

This problem also needs an explanation of the logic behind its method used to find out the solution

Here we going to learn basics of LCM and will also learn to find LCM in a shortcut with the help of Mental math.

We deal with this powerful too of doing calculations then we must also know why do we call it LCM.

Finding LCM With Mental Maths
LCM - A Typical Problem Related To LCM
I here we are going to learn other various topics, which are very important to make our Maths simple and fast.
Comparing Fractions Faster

The area is always mentioned in "Units Square". Let's learn why we do that.

We can solve questions related to Averages very fast with the help of mental maths.

Unitary Method Made Simple

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Review Basic Arithmetic
Reinforce your understanding of fundamental arithmetic operations to build a solid foundation for speed math techniques.
Browse courses on Addition
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  • Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.
  • Review order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).
  • Solve word problems involving basic arithmetic.
Read 'Secrets of Mental Math'
Supplement the course material with a book that provides additional techniques and insights into mental math.
View Melania on Amazon
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  • Read the book chapter by chapter.
  • Practice the techniques described in each chapter.
  • Apply the techniques to real-world problems.
Daily Mental Math Drills
Improve your speed and accuracy by practicing mental math problems on a daily basis.
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  • Set aside 30 minutes each day for mental math practice.
  • Use online resources or create your own practice problems.
  • Track your progress and identify areas for improvement.
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Create a Mental Math Cheat Sheet
Consolidate your knowledge by creating a cheat sheet summarizing the key techniques and formulas covered in the course.
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  • Review the course materials and identify the most important techniques.
  • Organize the techniques into a clear and concise cheat sheet.
  • Include examples and practice problems to illustrate each technique.
Explore 'Vedic Mathematics'
Deepen your understanding of speed math by exploring Vedic mathematics techniques.
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  • Read the book and understand the Vedic math sutras.
  • Practice applying the sutras to various mathematical problems.
  • Compare Vedic math techniques with the techniques taught in the course.
Tutor a Friend or Family Member
Solidify your understanding by teaching the speed math techniques to someone else.
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  • Choose a friend or family member who is interested in learning speed math.
  • Prepare a lesson plan based on the course materials.
  • Teach the techniques and provide practice problems.
  • Answer questions and provide feedback.
Participate in Online Math Competitions
Test your skills and improve your speed by participating in online math competitions.
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  • Find online math competitions that focus on mental math and speed calculation.
  • Practice solving problems under time pressure.
  • Analyze your performance and identify areas for improvement.

Career center

Learners who complete Faster than Calculator, Speed Math Techniques & Mental Math will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Mathematics Teacher
A mathematics teacher educates students in mathematical principles and concepts. A mathematics teacher may benefit from this course to improve instruction. The course provides quick calculation and mental math techniques and makes math fun. Mathematics teachers can use what they learn to engage their students. The course also covers the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares, and cubes. Teachers may find this course to be helpful.
Test Preparation Instructor
A test preparation instructor prepares students for standardized tests. These standardized tests often include quantitative aptitude tests. The course states that it is a must for students appearing in competitive exams having quantitative aptitude tests. As instructor for the tests, you can take the course to familiarize yourself with the skills needed to succeed. Then, you can better position your students to pass these tests with flying colors.
A tutor provides supplemental instruction to students in specific subjects. The course provides quick calculation and mental math techniques, helping tutors better explain a subject to someone who is struggling to understand. The course makes math fun, which can engage students who fear the topic. As a tutor, you can use what you learn to make an impact. For example, you can help a student learn how to calculate percentages easily.
Quantitative Analyst
A quantitative analyst applies mathematical and statistical methods to financial and risk management problems. This course helps build a foundation in quick calculation which a quantitative analyst can use to develop and implement financial models. Many quantitative analysts struggle with quick mental calculations, so this course can help. The focus on mental math techniques for basic operations, squares, and cubes, along with tables creation, directly translates to faster model prototyping and analysis. This course might even improve your value on Wall Street.
Data Scientist
A data scientist analyzes large datasets to extract meaningful insights and inform decision-making. While data science heavily relies on software, quick mental math can be useful for preliminary data exploration and validation. This course helps build a foundation in mental math, which can assist a data scientist in quickly assessing the reasonableness of data, identifying patterns, and formulating hypotheses, especially when dealing with smaller datasets or summary statistics. You will be able to easily perform calculations.
Financial Analyst
A financial analyst evaluates financial data to make recommendations to organizations or individuals. This course helps build a foundation in mental math, which is invaluable for a financial analyst who needs to quickly analyze and interpret financial statements. The course's focus on mental math techniques for basic operations, squares, and cubes directly translates to faster analysis of key financial metrics. This course may be helpful for quickly finding and interpreting data such as percentage increase or decrease of revenues.
Software Engineer
Software engineers design, develop, and test software applications, yet sometimes the role also requires quantitative skills. Software engineers working on performance-critical applications or algorithms may find this course helpful. The quick calculation and mental math techniques taught here allow the engineer to rapidly prototype and optimize code. This knowledge helps when working on simulations or data processing tasks. Because the course introduces faster calculation methods, the engineer can more proficient.
Accountants prepare and examine financial records. This course may be useful for accountants, particularly its focus on mental math techniques for basic operations. Accountants can create spreadsheets and other documents more efficiently with greater speed and accuracy. The course will help you make calculations easier and faster. For example, the course covers how to calculate percentages with speed and accuracy.
Budget Analyst
Budget analysts help organizations manage their finances by developing and monitoring budgets. Budget analysis can be improved with the help of mental math techniques. This course may be useful for budget analysts as they handle numbers on a daily basis. Topics covered in the course may help budget analysts perform budget forecasts, variance analysis, and financial planning with greater speed and accuracy. Knowledge of calculation techniques can help budget analysts reduce errors.
Actuaries assess and manage financial risks, often for insurance companies and pension plans. Actuaries require strong mathematical skills and the ability to quickly perform calculations. This course helps build a foundation in mental math and shortcut techniques, which can be valuable for an actuary's daily work. The skills taught in this course will help actuaries in an assessment that involves complex calculations, data analysis, and modeling. This course might be helpful for actuaries.
Investment Banker
Investment bankers assist companies with raising capital through the issuance of stocks and bonds. While they rely on sophisticated tools, quick mental math is helpful. This course builds a foundation in mental math. Investment bankers can use mental math to quickly assess deals, calculate returns on their feet, and impress clients. Topics may include percentages, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. With familiarity, the investment baker can calculate these data easily.
Pricing Analyst
Pricing analysts determine and set optimal prices for products or services to maximize revenue and profitability. The course provides a good foundation for pricing analysis. With the many calculations and computations of pricing analysis, the quick calculation and mental math techniques taught here are helpful. Pricing analysts perform a variety of tasks, and this course may come in handy, for example, when quickly assessing the impact of cost changes.
Statisticians collect, analyze, and interpret numerical data to solve real-world problems. Often, statisticians use mathematical skills on a daily basis. This course may be useful for statisticians learning quick calculation and mental math techniques. The course covers the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and squares and cubes. It may also be helpful for those statistician roles that require quantitative skills.
Market Research Analyst
Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. This course may provide useful quantitative skills to use in market research. The course focuses on quick calculation and mental math techniques, which can be valuable for a market research analyst who needs to quickly analyze and interpret large datasets. The focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division may improve an analyst's ability to calculate data.
Economists study the production and distribution of resources, goods, and services by collecting and analyzing data, researching trends, and evaluating economic issues. Some economists require strong quantitative skills. This course may be useful for economists learning quick calculation and mental math techniques. The course covers the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and squares and cubes. It may also be helpful for those economist roles that require quantitative skills.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Faster than Calculator, Speed Math Techniques & Mental Math.
Introduces a system of mental calculation based on ancient Indian scriptures. It offers a unique approach to solving mathematical problems quickly and efficiently. This book provides alternative methods for performing calculations, which can be particularly useful for competitive exams. It expands on some of the techniques introduced in the course.


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