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MileHigh Structures Academy & Consulting

1. For Moderate/Expert Users

There are three types of Analysis covered in this Tutorial Series.

1. Linear Static Analysis

2. Non-Linear Static Analysis (Pushover Analysis)

3. Linear Dynamic Analysis (Response Spectrum Analysis)

The design codes covered are American and Indian Standards with Introduction to European Standards.

Case study 1 - Design of Pre-Engineered Building Steel Structure as per Indian Standards.

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1. For Moderate/Expert Users

There are three types of Analysis covered in this Tutorial Series.

1. Linear Static Analysis

2. Non-Linear Static Analysis (Pushover Analysis)

3. Linear Dynamic Analysis (Response Spectrum Analysis)

The design codes covered are American and Indian Standards with Introduction to European Standards.

Case study 1 - Design of Pre-Engineered Building Steel Structure as per Indian Standards.

Steel Structures especially PEB are somewhat tricky to model, analyze and design. Majority of the people are comfortable in RCC Design, but very few are expert in Steel Design. After covering this section , you will be able to calculate wind and seismic loads as per the Indian Standards , Model the Steel Structures i.e. Portal , Plan Bracing and Elevation Bracing, Analyze , Review the Modal Shapes and Design the Structure. Instructor will also teach you how to do the value engineering and optimize the Steel Structures. At the end of this lecture series , you will be comfortable with Steel Structures.

Case study 2- Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of Bill Board Steel Structure as per Indian Standards.

Bill Boards are supported on the very large Cantilever Steel Structures. You will learn how to plan the basic Structural System, which can resist the high wind and high seismic loads. You will learn how to do the dynamic analysis of the Steel Structure. Modal Analysis is a very important part. You will also learn how to improve the Mode Shapes , how to check the Fundamental Time Period. At the end , you will be able to understand how to design the Steel Structure. Value Engineering and Optimization is also taught in the end. Instability also become an integral part of ETABS modellers. You will learn how to remove the Instabilities.

Case study 3- Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of Industrial Heavy Steel Structure as per American Standards

Industrial Heavy Structures looks very difficult and confusing in the beginning. They may be a nightmare in the beginning for Novice Engineers, but in this lecture series , you will learn how to do the basic Steel Structure Planning, How to Plan the Plan and Elevation Bracing. You will learn what are the basic Mode Shapes for Industrial Heavy Structures. You shall also learn how you can do the Dynamic Analysis of the Structures. In the end , you will learn how to design the Steel Structures as per AISC 360. A separate lecture is given at the end for Connection and Base Plate Design.

Case study 4- Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of Steel Space Truss Structures for American Standards

Space Truss Structures are very unique in the way how force travel in them. A big space truss is first taught how to model , then analyze and in the end design as per the American Standards. You will learn more about the mode shapes of the huge structures. In the end , you will be comfortable with how the Steel Space Truss Structures can be Designed.

Case study 5- Non-Linear Static Analysis or Pushover Analysis of the Structures

In the last decade , much has been written on the push over analysis. How the push over analysis is superior to Static Push over Analysis , but very few people actually know how to do the push over analysis. Even experts in the Structural Engineering Field Shy away from this topic.

In this lecture series , you will learn how to make the push over curve and find the Performance Point. What it really means to push the Structure up to a certain displacement. How the Response Spectrum Curve needs to be aligned with the Pushover Curve to find the Performance Point. In the end , you will be able to access the Performance of the Structure. Axial , Shear and Moment Hinges are explained with the help of slides.

Case study 6- Linear Dynamic Analysis of 23 Story High Rise Structure as per Indian Standards

In this lecture series , you will learn how to read the Architecture Drawings , How to Do the basic planning of the Structural Elements.

The important widely asked questions that will get answered in this lecture series are

1. What is the difference between flexible and rigid diaphragms and how to assign the diaphragms to the RCC Slab ? 

2. How to do P-Delta Analysis

3. How to do the Scaling of the Response Spectrum values to the Static Earthquake Analysis Values.

4. How to Read the ETABS Editor File ?

5. How to Design the Shear Wall ? 

6. How to Export the reactions to SAFE and Design the Raft in SAFE ? 

These six questions are very important to understand for any Structural Engineer for designing any Structure in ETABS.

2. For Intermediate/Novice Users, ETABS Basics Section is provided

This Section is the very basic steps in Learning of ETABS software. Moderate or Expert users may skip this part or may refer to this part as a refresher Introduction. You may also refer to this part , in case , if you face any problem while completing Case Studies.

You will start with the

Absolute Basics Section- Instructor proceeds step by step through the process of drawing grids, defining stories, defining materials, defining section properties, drawing objects in the structural engineering models, defining loads, selecting load combinations with theoretical explanations and examples.

You will learn the basics of Soil Structure Interaction and designing basic Raft Foundation. Completing this Part will make you clear about the difference between Thin shell, Thick shell and Membrane.

You will also learn the Basics of Structural Dynamics. You will be familiar with the Mode Shapes, Mass Participation, Earthquake analysis, Time periods etc. You may understand that this is a section to refer in case , you are stuck with any case study.

You need to understand that this is not an easy to do course. You may need to repeat the course content of over 20 Hours over and over again to understand the course content. This course is only intended for Serious Students. Much efforts has been done to provide the practical understanding of the Software , which is not available anywhere on the internet , hence costlier than other courses on this platform.

Healthy Discussions and Queries are always Welcome inside.

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In this lecture , you will learn how to draw the gable end structure.

Design of Pre Engineered Building as per Indian Standards

In this lecture , you will be given basic introduction of Pre Engineered Building Steel Structures.

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In this lecture , you will draw a portal from one frame to another without using Grids and Stories Option.

In this lecture , you will learn how to define frame section properties for varying section or varying profile.

In this lecture , you will learn how to replicate the whole portal for analyzing in 3D.

In this lecture , you will learn how to replicate the whole portal along the length.

In this lecture , you will learn how to plan the location of plan and elevation bracing. Why they are required ?

In this lecture , you will learn how to define load patterns for dead , live and wind etc.

In this lecture , you will learn how to define the load cases

In this lecture , you will learn how to define the load combinations

In this lecture , you will learn how to calculate dead, live and wind load values as per Indian Standards. Wind load calculation is very important for correct analysis. Excel file is prepared and values are calculated for all types including collateral loads.

In this lecture , you will learn how to correct the load combinations by removing the negative wind load combinations.

In this lecture , you will learn how to assign the releases to the structural steel members. Learn which members shall be released and which shall not.

In this lecture , you will learn how to assign the supporting conditions to the PEB Building.

In this lecture , you will learn how to define modal load cases to the PEB Building.

In this lecture , you will learn how to set analysis options and analyze the PEB Building.

In this lecture , you will learn how to design the PEB Building as per IS800.

In this lecture , you will learn how to optimize the member sizes to achieve value engienering

In this lecture , you will learn how to check the analysis results

In this lecture series, you will learn how to do the modelling , do the structural planning , modal linear static analysis and design of a Sign Board as per IS800:2007

In this lecture , you will learn how to model the sign board without using grids and stories data .

In this lecture , you will learn how to assign the section properties to all the members. You will learn how to predict the preliminary sizes for all the members.

In this lecture , you will learn how to assign releases and supporting conditions at the bottom.

In this lecture , you will learn how to define the load patterns to the bill board structure including wind and seismic loads.

In this lecture , you will learn how to define wind and response spectrum load case to the structure. What shall be the scale values initially? How we can apply wind loads to the structure.

IN this lecture , you will learn how to Auto Generate Wind Load Combinations

Remove the Instability in the Modelling Process. (Tips and Tricks)

In this lecture , you will learn how to do the structural design and optimize the steel structure for value engineering.

In this lecture , you will learn how to check the Mode shapes , Review the Mass Participation Factor etc.

In this lecture series , you will learn how to do the Linear Dynamic Analysis and Design of a Silo Supporting Heavy Industrial Steel Structure with conenction design as per AISC 360

In this lecture , you will learn how the Industrial Heavy Steel Structures are made and how their structural system is planned.

In this lecture , first you will learn how to enter the grids, stories data and frame section properties. Then you will learn how to model the columns.

In this lecture , you will learn how to model and plan the good structure arrangement to support the silo and other Heavy Industrial Supporting structure. You will learn how to model the plan bracing , shear connected beams and moment connected beams. The beams indicative properties are predicted and modeled.The floor of chequered plate is also stimulated.

In this lecture , you will learn how to model and plan the good structure arrangement to support the Second Floor. You will learn how to model the plan bracing , shear connected beams and moment connected beams. The beams indicative properties are predicted and modeled.The floor of chequered plate is also stimulated.

In this lecture , you will learn how you need to plan the roofing arrangement of any steel structure. The moment connected beams are modeled , with plan bracing on top to reduce the eccentric sway in wind and seismic loading.

In this lecture , you will learn how to access the best position for vertical bracing. The vertical bracing are required to limit the sway deflection in case of seismic and wind loads. The bracing position , type and size is a very important criteria which you need to understand before you start practicing on steel structure.

In this lecture , you will learn what are the various load patterns which you may enter while modelling steel industrial heavy structure. The Dead , Live , Wind and Seismic Load Patterns are entered.

In this lecture , you will learn how to define load cases and combinations. The load cases are entered including Response Spectrum load cases among Horizontal axis. The default design combinations are generated for AISC 360 Design code and are reviewed accordingly.

In this lecture , you will learn how to Define and finalize the desired supporting conditions. The supporting conditions may be modeled as fixed along major axis and restrained along all three axis for forces. The Ritz analysis vectors are considered for dynamic analysis with target participation ratios. The desired number of modes are also set.

In this lecture , you will model the diaphragms for consideration. The semi rigid diaphragm is considered taking into picture the flexible behavior of the chequered plate.

In this lecture, you will face what ETABS modelers face in their offices on day to day basis. Removal of the errors and Rectification of mistakes hold an utmost place in the process of finalization of the Model. The errors are deliberately introduced into the modelling process to give clear ideas of how to handle these tricky situations.

In this lecture , you will learn how to scale the response spectrum function. The scaling has to be done to match the two basic inputs i.e. Static base shear and dynamic base shear. The three fundamental time periods are accessed and the mode shapes are accessed. The behavior is studied and checked for idealized behavior.

In this lecture , you will do the Response Spectrum Linear Dynamic Analysis and design the steel structure as per AISC 360 to access the shortcomings and improvements that can be incorporated. The dynamic analysis is better than static analysis.

In this lecture , you will go through what ETABS modelers do almost everyday. Value Engineering. You will know how, when and where to reduce the Structural Steel member sizes to reduce the Material Take off.

In this lecture , you will finish the lecture series with learning how to do the connection design. Connection Design is very difficult task to do manually. The software do saves us a lot of time by designing Shear Connections, Moment Connections and Base Plate Designs.

In this lecture Series , you will learn how to do the Linear Modal analysis of a Steel Space Truss Structure as per AISC 360-16. A 20mX20m Space truss is first modelled , then analyzed and designed

In this Lecture , you will learn how to model the space truss without the help of grids and stories option. Free Modelling approach is considered and 3D truss is modeled.

In this lecture , first you will learn how to define frame section properties and assign them. Then , you will move forward to the defining supporting conditions. After that , you will know how to define and assign wind and seismic load patterns.

In this Lecture , you will face the most common dilemma of ETABS modelers i.e. how to remove the Instability. Models may have various kind of errors and instabilities. You will be offered a fresh perspective of how to handle these kind of tough situations.

In this lecture , you will learn how to do the modal static analysis of the structure. The structure is checked by the linear static analysis. The mode shapes for first three modes are reviewed and accessed. The fundamental time period is calculated.

In this lecture, you will learn how to do the Design of Steel Space Truss as per AISC 360-16. The Truss is first designed and checked for the design ratios. The bending moment , shear force and deflection patterns are reviewed.

The Material list or Material Take off (MTO) is calculated.

Non Linear Static Analysis/Push over Analysis
Introduction to the Pushover analysis (Non -Linear Static Analysis)
Define Non-Linear Material and Section Properties
Define Loads Patterns and Load Cases
Analyze and Design the Structure
Define Gravity and Push over Load Case
Assign PMM hinges to the structure
Analyze and Check the Model with Non Linear Pushover Load Case
Study the Pushover Curve and Learn to Find Performance point
Improve the Performance of the Structure
23 Storey High Rise RCC Building as per Indian Standards
Learn to Read the Architectural Drawings
Basic Introduction to the Methodology
Enter the Grid Spacing in the model
Enter the Storey Data in the model
Define the Material Properties
Define Reinforcement Bar Sizes
Define Frame Sections
Define Diaphragms , Pier Labels and Spandrel Labels
Define Snap Options
Model the RCC Columns and Shear Walls in the Structure
Model the Cantilever Slab or Projections
Define Supporting Conditions of the RCC Building
Model the Retaining Walls
Assign the Releases to the Structure
Assign the Diaphragms to the RCC structure
Check for Instability in the Structure
Define Response Spectrum Function
Define Dead Loads and Live Loads
Introduction and Explaination of IS1893:2016
Define Earthquake Load Pattern
Define and Assign Wind Load Patterns
Define the Mass Source
Define Super Imposed Dead Load , Dead Load and Live Load
Define Staircase and Super Imposed Dead Loading
Assign live Load Reduction factors
Define Response Spectrum Load Case and Modal Cases
Define P-Delta Options
Define Load Combinations
Understand the ETABS Editor File
Set the Analysis Options
Remove the instability Error
Review the Fundamental Mode Shapes
Correct the Mode Shapes
Check the Static Base Shear
Review the Dynamic Parameters
Reduce the number of Modes
Design of RCC Beams and Columns

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in The Comprehensive ETABS Professional Course (RCC and Steel) with these activities:
Review Structural Analysis Principles
Reinforce your understanding of fundamental structural analysis concepts. This will provide a solid foundation for understanding the more advanced topics covered in the ETABS course.
Browse courses on Structural Analysis
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  • Review textbooks or online resources on structural analysis.
  • Work through practice problems related to beam bending, truss analysis, and frame analysis.
  • Focus on understanding the underlying principles rather than memorizing formulas.
Review Structural Analysis Fundamentals
Reinforce your understanding of structural analysis principles, which are essential for using ETABS effectively.
Browse courses on Structural Analysis
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  • Review key concepts like stress, strain, and equilibrium.
  • Practice solving basic structural analysis problems.
  • Familiarize yourself with different types of structural loads.
Review 'Design of Steel Structures' by Subramanian
Familiarize yourself with steel design principles according to Indian Standards. This will be helpful for the case studies involving PEB and billboard structures.
View Building Materials on Amazon
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  • Read the chapters related to connection design and member design.
  • Pay close attention to the sections on wind and seismic load calculations.
  • Review the examples provided in the book.
Ten other activities
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Show all 13 activities
ETABS Modeling Exercises
Practice modeling simple structures in ETABS to improve your proficiency with the software. This will help you become more efficient and accurate when working on the course case studies.
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  • Model a simple beam and analyze it under different loading conditions.
  • Model a simple frame and perform a static analysis.
  • Experiment with different modeling techniques and options in ETABS.
Review 'Design of Steel Structures' by Subramanian
Deepen your understanding of steel design principles, which are crucial for the steel structure design aspects of the course.
View Building Materials on Amazon
Show steps
  • Read the chapters related to steel design principles.
  • Work through the example problems in the book.
  • Relate the concepts to the ETABS software.
Review 'Reinforced Concrete Design' by Pillai and Menon
Deepen your understanding of reinforced concrete design principles, which are crucial for the RCC structure design aspects of the course.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters related to reinforced concrete design principles.
  • Work through the example problems in the book.
  • Relate the concepts to the ETABS software.
Document ETABS Modeling Workflow
Create a step-by-step guide documenting your ETABS modeling workflow. This will reinforce your understanding of the software and help you identify areas where you can improve your efficiency.
Show steps
  • Choose a simple structure to model in ETABS.
  • Document each step of the modeling process, including screenshots and explanations.
  • Organize your documentation into a clear and concise guide.
  • Share your guide with other students for feedback.
Model Simple Structures in ETABS
Gain hands-on experience with ETABS by modeling simple structures, reinforcing your understanding of the software's interface and functionalities.
Show steps
  • Model a simple beam and analyze it under different loads.
  • Model a simple frame structure and analyze it.
  • Experiment with different modeling techniques.
AISC Steel Construction Manual
Study the AISC Steel Construction Manual to deepen your understanding of steel design principles according to American standards. This will be helpful for the case studies involving industrial heavy steel structures and space trusses.
Show steps
  • Review the chapters related to connection design and member design.
  • Pay close attention to the sections on load combinations and design checks.
  • Review the examples provided in the manual.
ETABS Model Validation Project
Undertake a project to validate an ETABS model against hand calculations or other software. This will help you develop confidence in your modeling skills and identify potential errors.
Show steps
  • Choose a structure that you have previously analyzed using hand calculations or another software.
  • Model the structure in ETABS and perform an analysis.
  • Compare the results from ETABS with your hand calculations or other software.
  • Investigate any discrepancies and identify the source of the errors.
Document ETABS Modeling Best Practices
Solidify your understanding of ETABS by creating a document outlining best practices for modeling various structural elements.
Show steps
  • Research best practices for modeling beams, columns, and shear walls.
  • Document the steps involved in modeling each element.
  • Include screenshots and explanations to illustrate the process.
Explore Advanced ETABS Tutorials
Refine your ETABS skills by following advanced tutorials that cover complex modeling and analysis techniques.
Show steps
  • Find tutorials on topics like pushover analysis or dynamic analysis.
  • Follow the tutorials step-by-step.
  • Apply the techniques learned to your own projects.
Design a Small Steel Building in ETABS
Apply your knowledge by designing a small steel building using ETABS, integrating analysis, design, and optimization techniques.
Show steps
  • Define the building's geometry and material properties.
  • Apply loads and perform structural analysis.
  • Design the structural members according to relevant codes.
  • Optimize the design for cost-effectiveness.

Career center

Learners who complete The Comprehensive ETABS Professional Course (RCC and Steel) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Structural Engineer
A structural engineer designs and analyzes structures, ensuring their stability and safety. This often involves using software like ETABS to model and simulate the behavior of buildings under various loads. This course helps structural engineers become proficient in ETABS, covering linear and nonlinear static analysis, dynamic analysis, and design according to American and Indian standards. Specifically, the case studies on pre-engineered buildings, billboard structures, and high rise structures equip the structural engineer with practical skills in steel and RCC design, seismic analysis, and value engineering.
Structural Engineering Consultant
Structural engineering consultants provide expert advice and design services on a variety of structural projects. This course helps consultants to sharpen their skills in ETABS, enabling them to handle diverse projects with confidence. The course's coverage of linear and nonlinear analysis equips the structural engineering consultant to assess structural performance under different loading conditions. The detailed case studies on steel and RCC structures, plus instruction on pushover analysis, may help prepare consultants to tackle advanced projects.
Civil Engineer
Civil engineers are responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure projects. This course may be useful to civil engineers who want to specialize in structural analysis and design using ETABS. The ability to perform linear static, nonlinear static, and linear dynamic analysis, as taught in the course, are relevant to assessing the structural integrity of buildings and other civil engineering projects. The exposure to American and Indian design codes, along with case studies on various structural types, may help a civil engineer broaden their expertise and prepare them for complex structural design challenges.
Lecturers in civil and structural engineering teach students the principles of structural analysis and design. This course may be useful to lecturers who want to improve their knowledge of ETABS. The course's comprehensive coverage of linear and nonlinear analysis, design codes, and practical case studies may help lecturers to prepare engaging lectures and tutorials. The detailed explanations of modeling techniques and design procedures may allow the lecturer to better explain abstract topics. The course may help the lecturer to provide students with a practical understanding of structural engineering concepts.
Project Engineer
Project engineers oversee engineering projects from conception to completion, often collaborating with structural engineers. This course may be useful to project engineers who want to gain a deeper understanding of structural analysis and design principles within ETABS. An understanding of topics such as seismic analysis and design optimization, which the course provides, may help project engineers to better coordinate with structural teams. The focus on practical case studies and value engineering, as taught in the course, may furthermore equip one to make informed decisions related to structural costs.
Architectural Engineer
Architectural engineers integrate architectural design with engineering principles to create efficient and safe buildings. This course may be useful to architectural engineers who want to improve their structural analysis skills using ETABS. Understanding how to model, analyze, and design structures for wind and seismic loads, as covered in the course, is valuable for ensuring structural stability. The case study on high rise buildings and the discussion of flexible and rigid diaphragms may help an architectural engineer make informed decisions about structural design.
Researchers in structural engineering investigate new materials, methods, and technologies to improve the design and construction of structures. This course may be useful to researchers who use ETABS for modeling and analysis. The course's coverage of linear and nonlinear analysis techniques, design codes, and case studies may help researchers validate their theoretical models. Furthermore, the instruction on pushover analysis may prepare the researcher to explore advanced topics.
Steel Detailer
Steel detailers create detailed drawings and plans for steel structures, translating engineering designs into accurate fabrication instructions. By understanding how steel structures are modeled, analyzed, and designed via ETABS, a steel detailer can perform their job more effectively. The course's focus on steel structures, along with its coverage of Indian and American standards, may help the steel detailer create accurate and compliant drawings. The exposure to connection and base plate design may provide a deeper understanding of the structural requirements.
Bridge Engineer
Bridge engineers specialize in the design, analysis, and construction of bridges. This course may be useful to bridge engineers seeking to expand their knowledge of structural analysis software. While the course focuses on building structures, the principles of linear static, nonlinear static, and linear dynamic analysis are transferable to bridge design. The finite element analysis techniques taught in the course may strengthen a bridge engineer's ability to assess the structural behavior of bridges under various loading conditions.
Construction Manager
Construction managers oversee construction projects, coordinating teams and ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget. This course may be useful to construction managers who desire a better understanding of structural engineering principles and software. Familiarity with ETABS, a tool often used by structural engineers, may help construction managers to communicate effectively with engineering teams, and to better understand the implications of design decisions on construction processes. Knowledge of design codes and value engineering principles, as the course covers, can also aid in cost control.
CAD Technician
CAD technicians use computer aided design software to create technical drawings and models. This course may be useful to CAD technicians who want to specialize in structural engineering projects. By learning the fundamentals of ETABS and structural analysis, a CAD technician can understand the context behind the drawings they create. Exposure to modeling techniques, design codes, and different types of structural analysis through this course may improve the accuracy and usefulness of their CAD work.
Building Inspector
Building inspectors examine buildings and structures to ensure that they comply with building codes and regulations. This course may be useful to building inspectors who want to improve their understanding of structural design principles. The course's coverage of design codes, structural analysis techniques, and common structural elements may help building inspectors identify potential safety issues. The case studies on different types of structures may prepare building inspectors to assess a wider range of construction projects.
Estimators analyze project plans and other documents to estimate the quantity, cost, and time required to complete a project. This course may be useful to estimators who work on structural engineering projects. By learning about the different types of structural elements, design codes, and analysis techniques, an estimator can better understand the project's scope. The course's instruction on value engineering may help estimators identify cost saving opportunities.
Urban Planner
Urban planners develop plans and programs for the use of land, helping to create communities, accommodate population growth, and revitalize physical facilities in towns and cities. This course may be useful to urban planners who wish to understand the engineering aspects of the buildings and structures in a city. The information on high rise structures and RCC as well as steel design may improve an urban planner's understanding of building constraints and structural considerations.
Claims Adjuster
Claims adjusters investigate insurance claims and determine the extent of the insurer's liability. This course may be useful to claims adjusters who handle claims related to structural damage. By learning about structural analysis principles and common causes of structural failure, a claims adjuster can better assess the validity and extent of a claim. The course's coverage of wind and seismic loads may help claims adjuster evaluate damage caused by natural disasters.

Reading list

We've selected three books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Comprehensive ETABS Professional Course (RCC and Steel).
Provides a comprehensive understanding of reinforced concrete design principles, which is essential for the RCC design aspects covered in the course. It covers both theoretical concepts and practical applications, making it a valuable reference for understanding the design aspects covered in ETABS. This book is commonly used as a textbook in many universities. It provides additional depth on concrete design codes and practices.
This manual is the definitive guide for steel design in the United States, based on AISC standards. It provides comprehensive information on member properties, connection design, and load combinations. It is particularly useful for the industrial heavy steel structure and space truss case studies. must-have reference for any structural engineer working with steel structures designed to American standards.
Provides a comprehensive overview of steel design principles according to Indian Standards (IS 800). It covers topics such as connections, beams, columns, and trusses. It is particularly useful for the PEB design case study in the course. This book valuable reference for understanding the application of Indian standards in steel structure design.


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