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第一章 蛋白质的结构与功能(Chapter 1 Structure and Function of Proteins)

1. 氨基酸(Amino acids)

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第一章 蛋白质的结构与功能(Chapter 1 Structure and Function of Proteins)

1. 氨基酸(Amino acids)

2. 蛋白质氨基酸与非蛋白质氨基酸(Proteinogenic AA & non-protenogenic AA)

3. 疏水氨基酸与亲水氨基酸(Hydrophobic & Hydrophilic AAs)

4. 必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸(Essential & Non-essential AAs)

5. 氨基酸的英文缩写(Abbreviations for 22 amino acids)

6. 氨基酸的缩合反应(AA Condensation reaction)

7. 氨基酸的手性(Chirality of Amino Acids)

8. 氨基酸的两性解离与等电点(Acid & base dissociation of amino acids and pI)

9. 茚三酮反应(Reaction with Ninhydrin)

10. Sanger反应(Reaction with DNFB)

11. Edman反应(Reaction with PITC)

12. 蛋白质(Proteins)

13. 蛋白质的一级结构(Primary Structure of Proteins)

14. 肽键(Peptide bonds)

15. 蛋白质的二级结构(Secondary Structure of Proteins)

16. α螺旋(The Alpha Helix)

17. β折叠(The Beta-Pleated Sheet)

18. β转角(The Beta Turn)

19. β突起(The Beta Bulge)

20. 蛋白质的三级结构(Tertiary structure of Proteins)

21. 疏水键(Hydrophobic interactions)

22. 模体(Motif)

23. 结构域(Domain)

24. 蛋白质的四级结构(Quaternary Structure of Proteins)

25. 蛋白质的折叠(Protein folding)

26. 天然无折叠蛋白(Natively Unfolded Proteins)

27. Anfinsen实验(Anfinsen’s Experiment)

28. 分子伴侣(Molecular Chaperone)

29. 蛋白质二硫化物异构酶(Protein disulfide isomerase,PDI)

30. 脯氨酰肽酰顺反异构酶(Peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerase,PPI)

31. 朊病毒(Prions)

32. 蛋白质组(Proteome)

33. 蛋白质的功能(Functions of Proteins)

34. 兼职蛋白(Moonlighting Proteins)

35. 蛋白质结构与功能之间的关系(Structure and function relationships of proteins)

36.α角蛋白(Alpha Keratin)

37.β角蛋白(Beta Keratin)


39.肌红蛋白与血红蛋白(Myoglobin & Hemoglobin)

40.正协同效应(Positive Cooperativity)

41.波尔效应(Bohr Effect)

42.别构效应(Allosteric effect)



第二章 核酸的结构与功能(Chapter 2 Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids)


2.互变异构(Keto-enol tautomerism)



5.核酸(Nucleic Acids)

6.多种多样的RNA(Versatile RNAs)

7.核酸的一级结构(Primary Structure of Nucleic Acids)




11.几种DNA的非常规的二级结构(Other forms of secondary structure of DNA)

12.RNA二级结构(Secondary structure of RNA)

13.DNA三级结构(Tertiary Structure of DNA)

14.RNA三级结构(Tertiary Structure of RNA)

15.核糖核酸蛋白复合物(RNA-Protein Complex)


17.RNA世界(The RNA world hypothesis)

第三章 蛋白质和核酸的性质(Chapter 3 Properties of Proteins and Nucleic Acids)

1. 紫外吸收(UV absorption)

2. 沉淀(Precipitation)

3. 两性解离(Acid & base dissociation and pI)

4. 变性(Denaturation)

5. 复性(Renaturation)

6. Tm

7. 水解(Hydrolysis)

8. 蛋白质的颜色反应(Protein coloring reaction)

9. 电泳(Electrophoresis)

10. 层析(Chromatography)

11. 透析与超滤(Dialysis and Ultrafiltration)

第四章 酶的结构与功能(Chapter 4 Structure and Function of Enzymes)

1. 酶(Enzymes)

2. 辅助因子(Cofactors)

3. 核酶(Ribozymes)

4. 活性中心(The Active Site)

5. “锁与钥匙”模型(Lock and key model)

6. “诱导契合”模型(The Induced Fit model)

7. “三点附着”模型(Three-point attachment model)

8. 酶的命名和分类(Enzyme Nomenclature)

9. 酶动力学(Enzyme kinetics)

10. 米氏方程(The Mechaelis-Menten Equation)

11. Kcat和kcat/Km(Kcat & kcat/Km)

12. 双倒数作图(Double-reciprocal plot)

13. 酶抑制剂(Enzyme Inhibitors)

14. 竞争性抑制剂(Competitive Inhibitor)

15. 非竞争性抑制剂(Non-competitive Inhibitor)

16. 反竞争性抑制剂(Uncompetitive Inhibitor)

17. 基团特异性抑制剂(Group Specific Reagent)

18. 底物类似物(Substrate Analogue)

19. 自杀性抑制剂(Suicide Inhibitor)

20. 别构酶(Allosteric Enzymes)

21. 齐变模型(The Concerted Model)

22. 序变模型(The Sequential Model)

23. 过渡态稳定学说(“The transition-state stabilization” theory)

24. 抗体酶(Abzymes)

25. 临近与定向效应(Catalysis by proximity and orientation)

26. 广义酸碱催化(General Acid-base catalysis)

27. 静电催化(Electrostatic catalysis)

28. 金属催化(Metal catalysis)

29. 共价催化(Covalent catalysis)

30. 底物形变(Substrate strain)

31. 蛋白酶(Proteases)

32. 酶活性的调节(Regulation of Enzyme Activities)

33. 同工酶(Isozymes)

34. 别构调节(Allosteric control)

35. 共价修饰调节(Regulation by covalent modification)

36. 水解激活(Proteolytic activation)

37. 调节蛋白的激活和抑制(Stimulation and inhibition by control proteins)

38. 维生素(Vitamins)

第五章 糖类和脂类的结构与功能(Chapter 5 Structure and Function of Carbohydrates and Lipids)

1. 碳水化合物(Carbohydrates)

2. 单糖(Monosaccharides)

3. 差向异构体(Epimers)

4. 异头体(Anomer)

5. 寡糖(Oligosaccharides)

6. 多糖(Polysaccharides)

7. 糖缀化合物(Glycoconjugates)

8. 脂类(Lipids)

9. 脂肪酸(Fatty acids)

10. 脂肪(Fats)

11. 反式脂肪(Trans Fats)

12. 磷脂(Phospholipids)

13. 胆固醇(Cholesterol)

14. 脂双层(Lipid Bilayers)

第六章 激素的结构与功能(Chapter 6 Structure and Function of Hormones)

1. 激素(Hormones)

2. 放射免疫测定(Radioimmnoessay)

3. 受体(Receptors)

4. 第二信使(Second messengers)

5. G蛋白(G-proteins)

6. 蛋白质激酶(Protein kinases)

7. 通过胞内受体的激素作用机制(Mechanism of Hormone action by intracellular receptors)

8. PKA系统(The PKA system)

9. PKC系统(The PKC system)

10. PKG系统(The PKG system)

11. NO系统(Nitric oxide system)

12. 受体酪氨酸激酶系统(The RTK System)

13. 视觉产生相关的信号转导(Visual Signal Transduction)

14. 嗅觉产生相关的信号转导(Olfactory Signal Transduction)

15. 信号系统的终止(Termination of the signal)

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欢迎进入结构生物化学世界(Welcome to the World of Structural Biochemistry)
亲爱的修课者,你好!我是南京大学生命科学学院杨荣武教授。我在南京大学讲授生物化学已有二十多年的时间。我自己特别喜欢生物化学,我的生化课非常有特色,深受学生们的喜爱!首先要特别感谢你选修这一门由我讲授的结构生物化学慕课课程!希望这门课程能让你喜欢上生化,并为你学好生化的另外两个部分的内容打下坚实的基础!同时,还特别希望你能对本课程提出宝贵的意见,以便我在后面录制和制作“代谢生物化学”和“分子生物学”的时候进行改进。请给我的电子邮箱robertyang@nju.edu.cn或askmenow@whoever.com发邮件吧,或者加我微信,我的微信号为njuyangsir。我的目标是让你深深的爱上生物化学,掌握生物化学基本的原理,并让你学有所用。为了让你能更好地学好本课程,让它更好地能为你服务,我这里有几点建议,供参考。(1)让自己喜欢上生化。在学生化之前,你可能已从学长那里得到一些有关这门课的信息。你所得到的信息中,最多的可能是这门课有多难学。但你不能因此就不敢去学,或者失去学习的兴趣。我始终认为,要想学好一门课,你首先得让自己喜欢上这门课。当然,让你喜欢上生化是要有理由的:首先生化很有用。从生化课中,你可以得到很多与健康、疾病、医药、营养、保健、防病和治病等有关的知识。这些知识可以让你受用一辈子,而且你也可以将这些生化知识传播给你的家人和朋友。电视上每天都充斥着各种骗人的医药、保健品的广告,这些广告利用的就是大众缺乏生化知识这一点。从某种意义上,学好了生化可以让你成为半个医生。这里请允许我问你几个问题,看你知道不知道。爱斯基摩人为什么少得心血管疾病?正常的人需要补脑黄金(DHA)吗?左旋肉碱真的可以减肥吗?为什么路边的野蘑菇你不要乱采?为什么过夜的韭菜不能吃?骆驼为什么几个月可以不喝水?为什么狗急会跳墙、人急会生智?蜘蛛丝和钢筋相比,哪一个强度更强?你有多少个编码蛋白质的基因?生化中的“近朱者赤近墨者黑”是指什么?有天生不会得艾滋病的人吗?怎么自酿葡萄酒和自制酸菜?甲醇和氰化钾中毒如何解毒?阿司匹林是如何消炎的?你能看懂体检的时候所查的生化十八项的内容吗?这些问题的答案,在学完这门课程和后面即将推出的代谢生物化学和分子生物学以后,你自然就知道了。其次,学好生化是你学好生命科学其他课程的基础,比如细胞生物学、遗传学和分子生物学、植物生理学。(2)本课程每一个视频,都有相应配套的PPT课件,每一个课件都有下载链接,在每一个知识点补充阅读材料的最后。如有可能,请根据链接事先将PPT课件打印出来,上课前能预习一下,听课的时候可以在打印稿上直接做笔记。(3)选择一本好的教材,平时应该多花点时间去阅读教材。在这里请允许我向您推荐由我编写的第二版《生物化学原理》,它既是国家精品教材,又是国家“十一五”和“十二五”规划教材,非常有特色。(4)如何通过本课程,对此我的建议是,你首先要制定好你的学习计划。在学习的过程中要有信心、决心和恒心;其次,按照“I hear,I forget;I see, I remember;I do, I understand”,即“我听,我忘;我看,我记得了;我做,我理解了”这一句话去做。这句话中的听是听课,看是看书,做是做题目和做实验。最后祝学习生化顺利愉快并取得成功!
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第一章 蛋白质的结构与功能(Chapter 1 Structure and Function of Proteins)
1. 掌握氨基酸的结构通式和氨基酸的分类,包括亲水氨基酸与疏水氨基酸,必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸,蛋白质氨基酸和非蛋白质氨基酸的差别。2. 掌握22种蛋白质氨基酸的单字母和三字母英文缩写。3. 了解氨基酸的主要理化性质,特别是氨基酸的手性、几种重要的与氨基或羧基有关的化学反应(茚三酮反应、Sanger反应和Edman反应)和两性解离性质。4. 了解等电点(pI)的含义以及计算方法,能够估算一种由特定氨基酸组成的短肽的等电点及其在某一pH下的电泳性质。5. 熟练掌握肽键的结构和性质,掌握肽平面形成的原因和意义。6. 掌握肽键二面角(Φ,ψ)的含义及其对蛋白质结构的影响。7. 了解蛋白质的多样性,能够区分寡肽、多肽和蛋白质。8. 了解蛋白质一级结构、二级结构、三级结构和四级结构的基本含义,以及稳定各级结构的化学键,特别是疏水键。9. 掌握蛋白质一级结构的测定及其表示方法。10. 了解几种常见二级结构,包括α螺旋、β折叠、β转角和β突起等的主要特征及其相互间的主要差别。11. 了解不同种类的氨基酸形成特定二级结构的倾向性及其原因。12.了解模体和结构域的涵义,掌握几种常见模体的特性与功能。13. 能够区分构型和构象,了解NMR、X射线晶体衍射和冷冻电镜在测定蛋白质三维结构上的各自的优缺点。14. 掌握蛋白质折叠和稳定的主要原则。15. 了解蛋白质形成四级结构的优势。16. 了解Anfisen实验如何能够证明蛋白质的一级结构决定高级结构。17. 了解体内蛋白质折叠和体外蛋白质折叠的一般规则。18. 了解分子伴侣、蛋白质二硫化物异构酶和肽酰-脯氨酰顺反异构酶在体内蛋白质折叠过程中所起的作用,能够区分HSP70和GroEL在结构和功能上的差别。19. 了解蛋白质的主要功能及其研究方法。20. 了解蛋白质结构与功能关系的一般规则。21. 了解天然无折叠蛋白、兼职蛋白、α角蛋白、β角蛋白、胶原蛋白、肌红蛋白和血红蛋白的结构与功能的关系。22. 了解别构效应,正、负协同效应,波尔效应、T态、R态等重要概念。
第二章 核酸的结构与功能(Chapter 2 Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids)
1. 掌握5种常见碱基的化学结构以及嘌呤环和嘧啶环的编号规则。2. 掌握核糖核苷酸和脱氧核苷酸的化学结构。3. 了解碱基、核苷和核苷酸的理化性质,特别是碱基的互变异构。4. 掌握DNA和RNA在结构和功能上的异同,以及其中的原因和生物学意义。5. 了解几种常见的RNA的名称和功能。6. 了解核酸一级结构、二级结构和三级结构的定义。7. 掌握核酸一级结构的表示方法以及其测定的主要方法及其原理。8. 掌握DNA双螺旋结构的主要内容及其生物学意义,了解大沟的重要性。9. 掌握A型、B型和Z型双螺旋结构之间的异同,以及支持DNA双螺旋结构的主要实验证据。10. 能够正确画出A-T、A-U和G-C碱基对之间的氢键。11. 了解几种DNA非标准二级结构及其可能具有的生物功能。12. 区分Watson-Crick碱基对和Hoogsteen碱基对。13. 了解RNA各种可能的二级结构以及几种重要的三级结构,能够将G-U碱基对视为正常的碱基对。14. 掌握DNA的正超螺旋和负超螺旋形成的原因及其对生物学功能的影响。15. 了解“RNA世界"假说的基本内容及其支持该学说的主要证据。
第三章 蛋白质和核酸的性质(Chapter 3 Properties of Proteins and Nucleic Acids)
1.掌握蛋白质和核酸的主要理化性质,包括紫外吸收、沉淀、两性解离、变性、复性和水解,以及如何利用这些性质分离、纯化、定性和定量蛋白质和核酸。2 了解导致蛋白质和DNA变性的各种因素,掌握蛋白质变性和DNA变性的主要特征性变化。3. 能够解释DNA双螺旋热变性曲线为什么是S型,了解影响DNATm的各种因素。 4.了解几种生物分子分离纯化的主要方法的原理,包括电泳、层析、透析和超滤等。
第四章 酶的结构与功能(Chapter 4 Structure and Function of Enzymes)
1. 了解酶的化学本质既可以是蛋白质也可以RNA。2. 了解酶促反应与非酶促反应的异同。3. 可解释以下名词:底物,辅助因子,辅酶,辅基,脱辅酶,全酶,核酶,抗体酶,结合能,活化能,过渡态,过渡态类似物,反应中间物。4. 了解酶的基本性质及其对生化反应的重要性。5. 能够利用“锁和钥匙”模型、“诱导契合”模型和“三点附着”模型解释酶作用的专一性。6. 掌握什么是活性中心以及活性中心的性质。7. 了解影响酶促反应速率的各种因素。8.能够解释酶的饱和动力学曲线。9. 明确或解释下列名词:ES复合物、米氏酶、初速率、稳态、Vmax、Km和kcat。10. 能够推导和写出米氏方程,记住米氏方程成立的三个条件。11. 了解如何衡量一种酶的催化效率、完美程度以及它与底物的亲和力。12. 了解米氏方程的线形转换以及如何使用线形化作图确定米氏酶的Vmax、Km和kcat。13. 掌握酶的可逆性抑制剂和不可逆抑制剂的类型及其抑制机制。14. 能够使用双倒数作图方法区分竞争性抑制剂、非竞争性抑制剂和反竞争性抑制剂并能够确定各种抑制剂的解离常数(Ki)。15. 掌握酶催化的过渡态稳定学说和几种酶稳定过渡态的机制,包括临近和定向效应、广义的酸碱催化、静电催化、金属催化、共价催化和底物形变等。16. 知道支持酶催化的过渡态稳定学说的两个关键证据。17. 掌握核糖核酸酶A、溶菌酶、蛋白酶的催化机制。18. 掌握酶活性的“量变”调节机制或“质变”调节机制和这两种机制的优、缺点。19. 掌握酶活性的五种“质变”调节机制,包括别构调节、共价修饰、水解激活、调节蛋白的作用和单体/多聚体的互变。20. 能够应用齐变模型和序变模型解释别构酶的作用机制和酶的协同效应; 了解酶的正协同效应和负协同效应的优点以及齐变模型为什么不能解释酶的负协同效应。
第五章 糖类和脂类的结构与功能(Chapter 5 Structure and Function of Carbohydrates and Lipids)
1. 了解糖类或碳水化合物的分类和功能。2. 能够区分单糖的对映异构体、非对映异构体、差向异构体和异头体。3. 掌握几种重要单糖(核糖、脱氧核糖、葡萄糖、果糖、半乳糖和甘露糖)的化学结构,能够解释和转换这些单糖的开链式(Fischer投影式)和氧环式(Haworth式,包括呋喃式和吡喃式)。4. 了解单糖的一些重要的理化性质(特别是变旋和异构),能够区分还原性糖和非还原性糖。5. 能够辨认出几种常见寡糖(蔗糖、乳糖、麦芽糖)的化学结构、单糖单位之间的糖苷键类型和连接反式。6. 了解几种常见多糖(纤维素、淀粉、糖原和几丁质)的结构与功能。7. 掌握糖蛋白分子中寡糖链与蛋白质连接的两种方式,能够区分糖蛋白和蛋白聚糖。8. 了解脂类的性质、分类和命名。明白机体使用脂肪和碳水化合物作为能量储备的利弊。9. 记住两种必需脂肪酸的名称,能够正确判断一种脂是否属于两性分子。10. 能够预测出不同脂肪酸和脂肪相对熔点的高低。 11. 能够区分甘油磷脂、鞘磷脂和糖脂的头部基团和尾部基团。12. 了解几种常见的磷脂的结构和功能,掌握胆固醇对动物细胞膜的重要性。13. 了解脂双层结构是如何形成并稳定存在的。
第六章 激素的结构与功能(Chapter 6 Structure and Function of Hormones)
1. 掌握现代和经典的激素定义。2. 能够区分高等动物的内分泌激素、旁分泌激素和自分泌激素。3. 了解激素的一般性质、激素的化学本质和激素作用的一般特征。4. 了解放射免疫测定法(RIA)测定激素浓度的原理。5. 掌握脂溶性激素和水溶性激素之间的主要差别。6. 掌握脂溶性激素受体和水溶性激素受体的主要类型和结构特征。7. 掌握脂溶性激素通过胞内受体作用的详细分子机制。8. 掌握下列名词的定义:靶细胞、效应器、第二信使、慢反应、快反应、激动剂、拮抗剂、脱敏、GPCR、HRE和可逆的蛋白质磷酸化。9. 掌握几种重要的第二信使的名称及其功能。10. 掌握几种重要G蛋白(Gs、Gi、Gt、Gq、Golf)的结构与功能,能够区分异源三聚体G蛋白和小G蛋白。11. 掌握肾上腺素或胰高血糖素通过PKA,作用肝细胞和脂肪细胞的详细分子机制。12. 掌握促性腺激素释放因子通过PKC系统作用于脑垂体细胞的详细分子机制。13. 掌握嗅觉和视觉产生的分子机制。14. 了解心房利钠因子通过PKG系统作用的分子机制。15. 掌握细胞内NO产生的机制及其在机体内的主要生理功能。16. 掌握以EGF为代表的生长因子通过RTK系统作用的详细分子机制。17. 了解各种信号转导系统的终止机制。18. 了解以下多种化学物质作为药物或毒物的作用机制:咖啡因、茶碱、瘦肉精、霍乱毒素、百日咳毒素、佛波酯、Li+、硝化甘油、万艾可、阿司匹林。
结语、鸣谢与学期考试(Final Exam, Concluding Remarks and Acknowledgments)

Good to know

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, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Well-suited for learners who are interested in structural biochemistry
Students will learn structural biochemistry, which is the foundation for studying other biochemistry topics
Taught by Professor Yang Rongwu, a recognized lecturer in biochemistry with over twenty years of teaching experience
This course is part of a series of courses on biochemistry taught by the same instructor
Recommended for learners who are interested in learning the basics of biochemistry

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Reviews summary

Concise structural biochemistry review

This course provides a comprehensive overview of structural biochemistry. Its well-structured content covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of amino acids and proteins to the complex functions of enzymes and hormones. The course is highly recommended for students seeking a strong foundation in this field.
"Super helpful! There were some minor errors in the English translation though, the arrangement of the contents is terrific!"


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Read: Biochemistry, 10th Edition
This book will provide a comprehensive overview of the field of biochemistry. Reading this book will lay a solid foundation for success in this course.
View Biochemistry on Amazon
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  • Read one chapter per week
  • Take notes on the key concepts
  • Review your notes regularly
Watch Khan Academy videos on Biochemistry
Khan Academy videos are a great way to learn about biochemistry in a clear and concise way. Watching these videos will help you to better understand the concepts covered in this course.
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  • Watch the videos and take notes
Form a study group with other students in this course
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Create a study guide
Creating a study guide will help you organize and synthesize the material covered in this course. This will help you remember the material better and improve your grades.
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  • Identify the key concepts in each chapter
  • Write down questions about those concepts
  • Create a summary of each chapter
Practice solving biochemistry problems
The more you practice solving problems, the more confident you will become in your ability to apply the concepts you are learning in this course.
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  • Find practice problems online or in textbooks
  • Set aside time each week to practice solving problems
  • Review your solutions and identify areas where you need more practice
Attend a biochemistry conference
Attending a conference is a great way to learn about the latest research in biochemistry and network with other professionals in the field.
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  • Find a conference that is relevant to your interests
  • Register for the conference
  • Attend the conference and participate in the sessions
Attend a biochemistry workshop
Workshops are a great way to learn about specific topics in biochemistry in a more in-depth way. Attending a workshop can help you to develop new skills and knowledge.
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  • Attend the workshop and participate in the activities
Volunteer at a local hospital or research lab
Volunteering is a great way to get hands-on experience in biochemistry and to learn about the field from professionals.
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  • Find a hospital or research lab that is looking for volunteers
  • Apply for the volunteer position
  • Attend the volunteer training
Mentor a younger student who is interested in biochemistry
Mentoring a younger student can help you to solidify your understanding of biochemistry and to develop your leadership skills.
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  • Find a younger student who is interested in biochemistry
  • Meet with the student regularly to discuss their studies
  • Help the student to develop their skills and knowledge

Career center

Learners who complete 结构生物化学(Structural Biochemistry) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
A Biostatistician analyzes data to help medical researchers design and interpret studies, solve clinical problems, and develop new treatments. This course helps build a foundation in biochemistry, which is essential for understanding the data collected in medical research. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge is essential for understanding the molecular basis of disease and developing new treatments.
Medical Doctor
A Medical Doctor is responsible for diagnosing and treating patients, as well as providing preventive care. This course is a good foundation for a career in medicine because it provides a strong understanding of the molecular basis of disease. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge is essential for understanding how diseases develop and how to treat them.
A Biochemist studies the chemical processes that occur in living organisms. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in biochemistry because it provides a solid foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action.
A Toxicologist studies the effects of toxic substances on living organisms. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in toxicology because it provides a solid foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge is essential for understanding how toxic substances affect living organisms and how to develop strategies to protect against them.
Pharmaceutical Scientist
A Pharmaceutical Scientist helps design and develop new drugs. This course is helpful for those interested in a career in pharmaceutical science because it provides a solid foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge is essential for understanding how drugs work and how to develop new ones.
A Dietitian helps people develop and maintain healthy eating habits. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in dietetics because it provides a strong foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge is essential for understanding how the body processes food and how to develop healthy eating plans.
Food Scientist
A Food Scientist helps develop and improve food products. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in food science because it provides a strong foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge is essential for understanding the chemical composition of food and how to develop new food products.
A Nutritionist studies the relationship between food and health. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in nutrition because it provides a strong foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge is essential for understanding how the body processes food and how to develop healthy eating plans.
A Microbiologist studies microorganisms and their role in the environment and human health. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in microbiology because it provides a foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge can be helpful for understanding how microorganisms function and how to develop new treatments for infectious diseases.
Genetic Counselor
A Genetic Counselor helps people understand and manage their genetic risks. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in genetic counseling because it provides a foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge can be helpful for understanding how to interpret genetic test results and counsel patients about their genetic risks.
Forensic Scientist
A Forensic Scientist collects and analyzes evidence in criminal cases. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in forensic science because it provides a foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge can be helpful for understanding how to collect and analyze evidence in criminal cases.
Biomedical Engineer
A Biomedical Engineer designs and develops medical devices and treatments. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in biomedical engineering because it provides a foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge can be helpful for understanding how to design and develop new medical devices and treatments.
Materials Scientist
A Materials Scientist develops and studies new materials. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in materials science because it provides a foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge can be helpful for understanding how to design and develop new materials.
A Chemist studies the structure, properties, and reactions of matter. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in chemistry because it provides a foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge can be helpful for understanding how to design and conduct chemical experiments.
Chemical Engineer
A Chemical Engineer designs and operates chemical plants. This course may be useful for those interested in a career in chemical engineering because it provides a foundation in the principles of biochemistry. The course covers topics such as the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the principles of enzyme catalysis and hormone action. This knowledge can be helpful for understanding how to design and operate chemical plants.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 结构生物化学(Structural Biochemistry).
Biochemistry by Berg et al. is an advanced textbook which provides the in-depth knowledge that is needed by advanced undergraduate and graduate biochemistry students. It is particularly useful for students who plan to pursue a career in biomedical research.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of enzymes, their structure, function, and mechanisms of action, including detailed descriptions of enzyme assays and enzyme inhibition. It is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of lipids, their structure, function, and metabolism. It is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the structure of proteins, including their physical and chemical properties, as well as their biological functions. It is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students.
This textbook provides an up-to-date introduction to the principles and techniques of biophysical chemistry. It is written clearly and is suitable for students of all levels.
This widely used textbook is suitable for students of all levels and provides a comprehensive overview of molecular biology. However, students may find it useful to supplement it with more specialized textbooks or research articles.


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