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Arquitectura latinoamericana contemporánea

Juan Pablo Aschner

Este curso propone y aplica una metodología innovadora para analizar y organizar la arquitectura contemporánea latinoamericana con base en las variables que los arquitectos contemplan cuando desarrollan un proyecto.

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Este curso propone y aplica una metodología innovadora para analizar y organizar la arquitectura contemporánea latinoamericana con base en las variables que los arquitectos contemplan cuando desarrollan un proyecto.

La metodología que se propone, y que se aplica de manera interactiva, permite construir un mapa de la arquitectura contemporánea latinoamericana y sienta unas bases sistemáticas para agrupar y asociar entre sí prácticas arquitectónicas mediante parámetros que sean útiles al estudiante al momento de diseñar y que sean analíticamente rigurosos.

Se realizará un recorrido por el trabajo de unas 48 firmas destacadas en 13 países latinoamericanos, para crear un mapa completo y estructurado de la arquitectura construida desde el año 2000 hasta la fecha. Se contarán las historias detrás de las firmas y las edificaciones, se analizarán al detalle algunas de ellas y se brindará contexto para entender las causas que han llevado a la arquitectura latinoamericana contemporánea a jugar un papel determinante en el escenario mundial.

El desarrollo de esta cartografía se hará mediante siete módulos que son, a la vez, siete conjuntos de variables que determinan nuestra práctica de la arquitectura.

En este curso proponemos que para cada edificación hay un proceso de diseño singular en el que se atienden algunas o todas las variables y se atienden con grados mayores o menores de importancia. Este ejercicio de diseño es análogo a un ejercicio de ecualización, en el que las variables se elevan unas sobre otras, dependiendo de los intereses particulares del diseñador o del carácter de la comisión, entre otros.

Durante los últimos 9 años he aplicado y perfeccionado este ejercicio de ecualización analizando, junto con estudiantes de arquitectura, más de mil edificaciones contemporáneas. En el curso veremos material bibliográfico, fotográfico, audiovisual y planimétrico, y someteremos algunas edificaciones destacadas a un riguroso análisis en el que le hacemos a la edificación siete preguntas por cada una de las variables. El resultado final es un ecualizador único para cada edificación y proyecto, y un mapa sistemático del panorama actual de la arquitectura en Latinoamérica.

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Desarrollar un mapa panorámico completo y estructurado de la arquitectura contemporánea latinoamericana.
  • Entender las intenciones y variables que hay detrás de una edificación.
  • Desarrollar estrategias para analizar un edificio, sus causas y su contexto.
  • Reconocer las principales firmas y tendencias que están configurando el panorama actual de la arquitectura en la región.


Módulo 0 Introducción
Contexto de la arquitectura
Módulo 1 Arquitectura regionalmente caracterizada
Tradición vernácula y sostenibilidad ambiental
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Módulo 2 Arquitectura socioeconómicamente recursiva
Arquitectura en condiciones adversas
Módulo 3 Arquitectura fenomenológica expresiva
Aproximación fenoménica y sensorial del espacio
Módulo 4 Arquitectura simbólica conceptual
Creación de obras simbólicas
Módulo 5 Arquitectura objetual
Exploraciones formales
Módulo 6 Arquitectura inmobiliaria
Construcciones con premisas comerciales
Módulo 7 Arquitectura racionalmente rigorista
Construcciones programáticas

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Desarrolla un mapa panorámico estructurado y completo de la arquitectura latinoamericana contemporánea
Explora las intenciones y variables detrás de una edificación
Enseña estrategias para analizar un edificio, sus causas y su contexto
Identifica las principales firmas y tendencias en la arquitectura contemporánea latinoamericana
Presenta casos de estudio y material audiovisual para ilustrar los conceptos
Proporciona un enfoque sistemático y riguroso para analizar la arquitectura

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Career center

Learners who complete Arquitectura latinoamericana contemporánea will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Architects design buildings, ensuring that they are functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing. This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of architectural design principles and practices, with a focus on contemporary trends in Latin America. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of design and problem-solving skills, will be essential for your success as an Architect.
Architecture Professor
Architecture Professors teach courses in architectural design, history, and theory at universities and colleges. This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of contemporary Latin American architecture, enabling you to effectively teach students about the field. The course's focus on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of research and communication skills, will be essential for your success as an Architecture Professor.
Interior designer
Interior Designers plan and furnish the interior spaces of buildings. This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of architectural design and interior design principles, with a focus on contemporary trends in Latin America. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of design and problem-solving skills, will be highly beneficial for your career as an Interior Designer.
Architectural Designer
Architectural Designers create blueprints and plans for buildings, ensuring that they are functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing. This course will enhance your ability to understand architectural concepts and styles, with a particular focus on contemporary trends in Latin America. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of design skills, will be highly relevant to your work as an Architectural Designer.
Building Surveyor
Building Surveyors inspect and assess buildings to ensure that they are safe and in good condition. This course will provide you with a detailed understanding of architectural design and construction practices, with a focus on contemporary trends in Latin America. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of problem-solving and reporting skills, will be invaluable for your success as a Building Surveyor.
Urban Planner
Urban Planners develop plans and policies that guide the growth and development of cities and towns. This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of urban design and planning principles, with a focus on contemporary trends in Latin America. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of critical thinking and policy-making skills, will be highly beneficial for your career as an Urban Planner.
Real Estate Developer
Real Estate Developers acquire land, finance, and construct buildings for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. This course will provide you with a solid foundation in architectural design and development practices, with a focus on contemporary trends in Latin America. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of business and finance skills, will be invaluable for your success as a Real Estate Developer.
Construction Manager
Construction Managers oversee the construction of buildings, ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and according to design specifications. This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of architectural design and construction practices, with a focus on contemporary trends in Latin America. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of leadership and project management skills, will be valuable for your success as a Construction Manager.
Structural Engineer
Structural Engineers design and analyze the structural integrity of buildings, ensuring that they can withstand various loads and forces. This course will provide you with a deeper understanding of the principles and practices of architectural design, enabling you to make informed decisions about the structural elements of buildings. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of problem-solving skills, will be highly beneficial for your career as a Structural Engineer.
Architectural Writer
Architectural Writers research, write, and edit articles, books, and other materials about architecture and design. This course will provide you with a comprehensive knowledge of contemporary Latin American architecture, enabling you to effectively communicate about the field to a wide range of audiences. The course's focus on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as developing writing and critical thinking skills, will be invaluable for success as an Architectural Writer.
Architectural Photographer
Architectural Photographers capture images of buildings and architectural details for a variety of purposes, including documentation, marketing, and artistic expression. This course will provide you with a deep understanding of architectural styles and movements in the Latin American region, enabling you to better understand the context and significance of the structures you photograph. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings will also be beneficial for developing a critical eye for capturing the essence of architectural designs.
Landscape Architect
Landscape Architects design outdoor spaces, such as parks, gardens, and plazas. This course will provide you with a strong foundation in architectural design and landscape planning, with a focus on contemporary trends in Latin America. The course's emphasis on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of design and problem-solving skills, will be valuable for your success as a Landscape Architect.
Museum curator
Museum Curators plan and organize exhibitions, care for artifacts, conduct research, and educate the public on art and history. Your comprehensive understanding of contemporary Latin American architecture will provide a strong foundation for designing exhibits on architectural topics in a museum setting. This course's focus on analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as its development of research and communication skills, will be invaluable in this career.
Architectural Historian
Architectural Historians study the history and evolution of architectural styles and practices. As an Architectural Historian, your understanding of traditional vernacular architecture and the history of contemporary movements in Latin American architecture will be valuable for providing context and perspective on architectural trends. This course will lay the groundwork for analyzing and interpreting buildings, as well as developing skills in research, writing, and critical thinking that are essential for success in the field.

Reading list

We've selected four books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Arquitectura latinoamericana contemporánea.
Este libro proporciona una visión general de la arquitectura latinoamericana contemporánea, destacando las principales tendencias, movimientos y arquitectos que han dado forma al panorama actual.
Este libro examina los desafíos y oportunidades de la planificación y la sostenibilidad en América Latina y el Caribe, abordando temas como la urbanización, el cambio climático y la justicia ambiental.
Este libro aborda la relación entre arquitectura y urbanismo en América Latina, analizando las interacciones entre el entorno construido y el contexto social, económico y político.
Este libro analiza el urbanismo latinoamericano desde una perspectiva histórica, socioeconómica y política, proporcionando un marco para comprender el desarrollo de las ciudades de la región.


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