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Chemicals and Health

Dr. Megan Weil Latshaw, PhD and Beth A. Resnick, MPH

This course covers chemicals in our environment and in our bodies and how they impact our health. It addresses policies and practices related to chemicals, particularly related to how they get into our bodies (exposures), what they do when they get there (toxicology), how we measure them (biomonitoring) and their impact on our health. Most examples are drawn from the US.

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Week 1: Welcome & Introduction
Start off this week with the peer assessment (we know, we know. . .how can we have an assessment before the course even starts, right?). We simply hope to gauge your initial understanding of the topics that we’ll cover (so grade easy). Then we get into a quick overview of the course, a discussion of chemicals & how we are exposed (in three parts) and an introduction to chemical production & regulation. The module ends with a fun homework assignment: watch an eight-minute video and discuss amongst yourselves (and with us too).
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Week 2 - Toxicology: What do chemicals do in our bodies?
Now that you have a sense of what a chemical is, and how we are exposed to them, we dive into the science of how chemicals impact our health, starting with toxicology. But before you dive into the study of poisons, please review, evaluate, and grade at least four of your classmates' submissions from last week. After you listen to the lectures by Professor Trush, take the ten-question/multiple-choice quiz that covers weeks 1 & 2. Feel free to go back and use the lectures to help you answer the questions.
Week 3 - Biomonitoring: How do we measure these chemicals in our bodies and why?
Start by watching a two-minute video and a five-minute news report. Post your reactions not only to the video and audio files, but also to your peers’ thoughts! Next you’ll hear from a CDC scientist about the US’ National Biomonitoring Program, then you’ll hear how that program translates to the local level. Be sure to keep in mind the relationship of communities to their government! This week is pretty light – so enjoy!
Week 4 - Health effects of chemicals: How do we figure out how chemicals affect our health?
Finally we get to one of the main questions presented in this course - how do scientists assess the impact of chemicals on our health? You’ll hear from a physician who specializes in environmental & occupational medicine and epidemiology. Then you’ll hear how policymakers use the knowledge that we do have (about chemicals & health) to assess risk and drive policy. Once you’ve viewed the two lectures, another ten-question/multiple-choice quiz will assess how much information you absorbed from weeks 3 and 4. Feel free to go back and use the lectures to help you answer the questions.
Week 5 - Chemicals Policy: What do we do about chemicals & health?
So far we’ve covered: how chemicals get into our bodies and how we measure them, what our bodies do with them and what they do to our bodies, and how that ultimately impacts our health. Now we turn to policy and how society addresses the impact of chemicals on health. We will hear from a non-profit group that works to change policies such as laws & regulations related to this area. Then we’ll hear how such changes have impacted our health and environment historically, looking specifically at air quality regulation in the US. After you view the lectures in Module 5, there is a second peer-reviewed writing assessment that aims to gauge your shift in understanding the complex relationship between chemicals and health (again grade each other generously).
Week 6: Case Studies
At this point you may be wondering: so how do all these pieces fit together? From chemicals in our natural world to production on a large scale, through exposure to health effects and policy . . . this module provides real world examples of how the general public, scientists, industry, governments and non-profit groups come together to effect change. Specifically, we’ll hear about tobacco, contaminated food, drinking water, nanotechnology & worker health. At some point this week (either before, after or in-between listening to the case studies), you’ll need to review, evaluate, and grade at least four of your classmates' submissions from last week. The final lecture offers a summary & conclusion, hopefully providing ideas for next steps for those of you interested in learning or doing more related to chemicals & health. Please let us know how we did and how we can improve!

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Suitable for non-sciency professionals curious about the health and environmental impact of chemicals
Ideally offered for anyone living in the United States due to the particular focus on US policies and practices
Toxicology and chemical measurements are complex topics, making it unsuitable for learners without a science background

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Reviews summary

Informed decisions on chemicals and health

Learners say this course provides a positive overview of the impact of chemicals on our health and the environment. The course is well received with reviews indicating that the lectures are clear and informative. While the course is challenging, learners felt that they gained a lot of knowledge and skills. The interactive assignments, such as case studies and peer reviews, aid in learning and critical thinking development. While some learners critiqued the length of the videos, the expertise of the instructors and the practical nature of the course were well received.
Clear and simple language makes the course accessible to learners of all backgrounds.
"The course is good at all, i learn something new and another point of view abou chemical. especially about the relation between chemical and health"
"The first course and certificate I took from Coursera. It will contribute to me and my profession, progress in the profession will be enormous. Lessons, content, lecturers It was great in one word. I am very happy. Thank you very much to everyone."
"This is a very good course especially on the field concerning nutrition, chemistry, exposure assessment, and for general knowledge."
Assignments such as case studies, peer-reviews, and discussions foster deep learning, critical thinking, and knowledge retention.
"I have learnt many things that I have not learnt these years"
"This course help me to better understand what chemicals are and how to deal with them"
"This course is good for a general understanding. But is discusses public health labs and government policies of USA. So the course might be somewhat irrelevant to non-Americans."
"The professors were very competent and straightforward, first of all. Lastly, the course was worth doing since it made me understand what chemicals really are and how they intertwine with health and well-being."
Engaging lectures from experts, informative case studies, timely presentations, practical lessons, and current research keep learning interesting.
"This course has strongly deepened my knowledge on toxicology and the study of chemicals. I am so glad that I have taken this course!"
"This course was full of amazing information. great video lectures, case studies, research, Great professors."
"This course is very useful and interesting. It tells me a lot on toxicology and different environmental assessments, making me to learn more."
A wide variety of knowledgeable instructors, all experts in their fields, deliver engaging and informative lectures. This lends credibility to the material.
"I loved this course, it thought me about the risks are outside our houses or inside of them."
"The professors were very competent and straightforward, first of all. Lastly, the course was worth doing since it made me understand what chemicals really are and how they intertwine with health and well-being."
"This course is really good. The lectures are precise and nicely explained. From this course I gained knowledge about toxicity of chemicals, impact of chemicals to human health etc."
"All the videos had experts explaining the complexities associated with chemicals at all levels eloquently and wonderfully compiled information."
The course focuses heavily on public health labs and government policies specific to the USA, which may be less relevant to learners in other countries.
"Course is good for a general understanding. But is discusses public health labs and government policies of USA. So the course might be somewhat irrelevant to non-Americans."
Peer grading can be unreliable, with some learners receiving lower scores even when their answers meet the rubric.
"I might have to shift to public health after attending this course ;-)I like that the subjects really fit "beginners"; how it tried to explain the information as simple as possible as I could just imagine those without background in hard science to comprehend some details. The lecturers were all credible and gave their best to explain topics in the most comprehensive way. My 1 missing star goes to the kinda' outdated information presented in most of the discussions. Some go back as far as 2000s. The course might need some refreshing or revision to be updated."

Career center

Learners who complete Chemicals and Health will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Chemical Engineer
Chemical Engineers apply the principles of chemistry to solve technical problems. They design and construct plants and equipment to manufacture chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, and other products. A deep understanding of chemicals such as the one learned in this course is critical to the success of a Chemical Engineer.
Environmental Scientist
Environmental Scientists study the environment and how human activities affect it. They develop and implement solutions to environmental problems, such as pollution and climate change. Since chemicals can have a significant impact on the environment, this course would provide a strong foundation for an Environmental Scientist.
Toxicologists study the effects of chemicals on living organisms. They develop and conduct tests to assess the safety of chemicals and to understand how they can cause harm. This course would provide a strong foundation for a Toxicologist, as it covers the health effects of chemicals and how they are measured.
Epidemiologists study the patterns and causes of disease in populations. They use this information to develop strategies to prevent and control disease. This course would be helpful for an Epidemiologist, as it covers the health effects of chemicals and how they are measured.
Public Health Nurse
Public Health Nurses provide care and support to individuals and communities to improve their health. They may work in a variety of settings, such as schools, clinics, or community centers. This course would be helpful for a Public Health Nurse, as it covers the health effects of chemicals and how they are measured.
Environmental Lawyer
Environmental Lawyers specialize in the legal aspects of environmental protection. They may work for government agencies, non-profit organizations, or private companies. This course would be helpful for an Environmental Lawyer, as it covers the policies and regulations related to chemicals.
Science Writer
Science Writers communicate complex scientific information to the public. They may write for newspapers, magazines, websites, or other media outlets. This course would be helpful for a Science Writer, as it provides a strong foundation in the science of chemicals and their health effects.
Policy Analyst
Policy Analysts research and analyze public policy issues. They develop and recommend policy solutions to address a variety of problems, such as environmental pollution. This course would be helpful for a Policy Analyst, as it covers the policies and regulations related to chemicals.
Lobbyists represent the interests of their clients before government officials. They may work for businesses, non-profit organizations, or other groups. This course would be helpful for a Lobbyist, as it covers the policies and regulations related to chemicals.
Community Organizer
Community Organizers work with communities to identify and address their needs. They may organize campaigns, develop programs, or provide support to local residents. This course would be helpful for a Community Organizer, as it covers the health effects of chemicals and how they impact communities.
Health Educator
Health Educators provide education and support to individuals and communities to help them make healthy choices. They may work in a variety of settings, such as schools, clinics, or community centers. This course would be helpful for a Health Educator, as it covers the health effects of chemicals and how they can be prevented.
Risk Assessor
Risk Assessors evaluate the potential risks of chemicals and other hazards to human health and the environment. They may work for government agencies, private companies, or non-profit organizations. This course would be helpful for a Risk Assessor, as it covers the toxicology of chemicals and how they are measured.
Chemists study the properties and reactions of chemicals. They may work in a variety of settings, such as research laboratories, universities, or manufacturing plants. This course would provide a strong foundation for a Chemist, as it covers the chemistry of chemicals and their health effects.
Biologists study the structure, function, and behavior of living organisms. They may work in a variety of settings, such as research laboratories, universities, or environmental agencies. This course would provide a strong foundation for a Biologist, as it covers the health effects of chemicals and how they are measured.
Safety Inspector
Safety Inspectors ensure that workplaces and products meet safety regulations. They may work for government agencies, private companies, or insurance companies. This course would be helpful for a Safety Inspector, as it covers the policies and regulations related to chemicals.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Chemicals and Health.
Comprehensive textbook of toxicology, covering the principles of toxicology, the mechanisms of toxic action, and the effects of toxicants on different organ systems. It valuable reference for students and professionals in the field of toxicology.
This journal publishes original research on the health effects of environmental exposures. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field of environmental health.
Provides an overview of environmental toxicology, covering the molecular mechanisms of toxicity, the environmental agents that cause toxicity, and the biological consequences of exposure to environmental toxicants. It useful resource for students and professionals in the field of toxicology.
Provides an overview of environmental health, covering the environmental factors that affect human health, the health effects of environmental pollution, and the policies and interventions that can be used to improve environmental health. It useful resource for students and professionals in the field of environmental health.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of air pollution and its effects on human health, covering both outdoor and indoor air pollution.
This introductory textbook provides students with the foundational principles of toxicology. It covers fundamental concepts, target organs, and risk assessment. Useful as a supplementary textbook.
Provides an overview of pollution, covering the causes, effects, and control of air, water, and soil pollution. It useful resource for students and professionals in the field of environmental science.
Provides a comprehensive overview of hazardous chemicals, covering the properties, uses, and health effects of a wide range of hazardous chemicals. It useful reference for students and professionals in the field of hazardous materials management.
Provides an overview of chemical safety, covering the principles of chemical safety, the hazards of chemicals, and the safe handling and storage of chemicals. It useful resource for students and professionals in the field of chemical safety.
This toxicological profile provides a summary of information on the health effects of chromium, a metal that is used in a variety of industrial processes.
This toxicological profile provides a summary of information on the health effects of lead, a metal that is used in a variety of products, including batteries, paint, and gasoline.


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