Introduction and Review of Concepts
In this module you learn about the models required to analyze different types of data and the difference between explanatory vs predictive modeling. Then you review fundamental statistical concepts, such as the sampling distribution of a mean, hypothesis testing, p-values, and confidence intervals. After reviewing these concepts, you apply one-sample and two-sample t tests to data to confirm or reject preconceived hypotheses.
ANOVA and Regression
In this module you learn to use graphical tools that can help determine which predictors are likely or unlikely to be useful. Then you learn to augment these graphical explorations with correlation analyses that describe linear relationships between potential predictors and our response variable. After you determine potential predictors, tools like ANOVA and regression help you assess the quality of the relationship between the response and predictors.
More Complex Linear Models
In this module you expand the one-way ANOVA model to a two-factor analysis of variance and then extend simple linear regression to multiple regression with two predictors. After you understand the concepts of two-way ANOVA and multiple linear regression with two predictors, you'll have the skills to fit and interpret models with many variables.
Model Building and Effect Selection
In this module you explore several tools for model selection. These tools help limit the number of candidate models so that you can choose an appropriate model that's based on your expertise and research priorities.
Model Post-Fitting for Inference
In this module you learn to verify the assumptions of the model and diagnose problems that you encounter in linear regression. You learn to examine residuals, identify outliers that are numerically distant from the bulk of the data, and identify influential observations that unduly affect the regression model. Finally, you learn to diagnose collinearity to avoid inflated standard errors and parameter instability in the model.
Model Building for Scoring and Prediction
In this module you learn how to transition from inferential statistics to predictive modeling. Instead of using p-values, you learn about assessing models using honest assessment. After you choose the best performing model, you learn about ways to deploy the model to predict new data.
Categorical Data Analysis
In this module you look for associations between predictors and a binary response using hypothesis tests. Then you build a logistic regression model and learn about how to characterize the relationship between the response and predictors. Finally, you learn how to use logistic regression to build a model, or classifier, to predict unknown cases.