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Junaid Ahmed

Imagine a world of connected "things" (devices, vehicles, buildings) able to talk to a network, internet, to themselves and be able to take actions ?

Welcome to the IOT(Internet of Things) space, a new revolution, which will have 212 Billion Installed things, 30 Billion autonomously connected things, 3 Million Peta Bytes off Embedded Systems Data by 2020, spanning across all verticals estimated at a value of $8.9 trillion.

Read more

Imagine a world of connected "things" (devices, vehicles, buildings) able to talk to a network, internet, to themselves and be able to take actions ?

Welcome to the IOT(Internet of Things) space, a new revolution, which will have 212 Billion Installed things, 30 Billion autonomously connected things, 3 Million Peta Bytes off Embedded Systems Data by 2020, spanning across all verticals estimated at a value of $8.9 trillion.

Those are some good reasons to look in this direction, Personally it is a truly unique space, as you get to work on both the hardware and the software side of things, be able to connect to the internet and create spectacular devices and solutions.

This course is designed to enable "YOU" to  create amazing IOT products and solutions from scratch all the way to the market.Learn it by creating 3 IOT devices from scratch for Home Automation, Building Security and Assisted Living use cases.

The focus in this course it to enable and equip the audience to immediately start building IOT products. We touch all the necessary software, hardware, platform, protocols, everything in between to the point it is required. Additional study material is provided for a deep dive.

Soon there will be more apples coming out of the garage. imagination will be the only limitation.

Key Course Subject Highlight's :

1) 70 + Professionally authored lectures with supporting content

2) Understand what is an IOT thing, IOT Ecosystem, big picture, Use cases, layers and communication protocols

3) Learn how to work  Arduino UNO, Arduino Nano,Sensors, Displays, Keypads, Relays, Power converters the whole nine yards.4) Learn how to connect your IOT devices to the internet over Ethernet or Wifi. Learn how to work with Ethernet Shield, Wifi chip ESP8266 and  Development kit like NodeMCU.

5) Understanding software ecosystem, working with Arduino IDE.

6) Learn how to write code (sketch) for your devices, from basics.

7) Understand the different options to Connect your device to a IOT Cloud platfrom, DB's.

8) Learn how to persist data to the cloud platform using an API and HTTP methods.

9) Learn how to program triggers in the IOT platform like making a call, send an email, sending a text and more.

10) Learn how to use a Mobile APP service to create Android APP's in no time and be able to control your IOT device with it over the internet.

11) Learn PCB designing using Fritzing, Casing, Soldering and more.

12) Learn about Manufacturing, Certification, Angels, VC and more.

IOT devices You will Create in the Course :

Product 1 - Smart lights and devices Home Automation

Product 2 - Motion detector with email notification - Building Safety

Product 3 - Panic Alarm for the Elderly - - Healthcare Industry

Teaching Methodology Highlights:

1) Professionally authored and edited lectures for serious and easy learning

2) Easy presentation style, with NO power points .

3) Generous use of technology enabled teaching products to enhance learning outcome

4) Carefully planned and sequenced small lectures most of them under 7 min many under 5 min.

5) Guaranteed learning in every minute.

6) Generous descriptions for each lecture and Section

7) All necessary codes, libraries, supporting documentation are uploaded

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Learn how to independently design, code and build iot products.
  • Learn to work with micro controllers (arduino uno, nano, nodemcu), sensors , relays, displays, keypads, work with main (220/110) and more
  • Learn to code using arduino ide from basics
  • Learn how to use ethernet and wifi shields
  • Learn how to connect to cloud iot platforms, persist data, program triggers and more
  • Build 3 iot products in the course
  • Learn pcb designing using fritzing
  • Learn designing, casing, soldering and more
  • Learn about manufacturing, marketing, certification, angels, vc and more.
  • Professionally authored, edited, carefully planned and sequenced small lectures most of them under 7 min many under 5 min.
  • Guaranteed learning in every minute!
  • Show more
  • Show less


Understand what is an IOT thing, IOT big picture, Use cases, what we will do in the course and get excited about it!

Hello There!!!

I am excited to see you in the first video of this course !!! Awesome.

Now there is a point we wonder what exactly is IOT, and what are IOT things ?

Well in this lecture we will de-mystify that notion and add more clarity to that question mark.

A few main points we will address - getting some coordinates !

  • What is IOT ?
  • What are IOT things ?
  • Why IOT ?
  • IOT use cases
  • Business Impact
  • Target market
  • $$$$ figure value by market segmentation
  • What opportunities we have in the market

Getting excited of course !!

Read more

Let's get down to business.In this lecture I will walk you through the entire course structure, how its laid out what we will do , the motivation behind the sequence and you will get to understand the products we will make in this course !!

How many eggs do we have(pointers)

  • The goals of the course
  • What you should be able to do at the end of this course
  • The chapter and the contents of it
  • The products
  • Some helpful tips

List of all the components required
Understand the Ecosystem and basics of IOT, Understand Layers, Protocols, Hardware, Software and how they work together to create IOT magicwear

This lecture breaks down the IOT components to basics and uses a simple example to explain the building blocks.

How many chickens do we have(Pointers)

  • Understand the IOT scenario with a simple application
  • Understand the hardware components
  • Understand the software components
  • And everything in between.

So what language do these guys speak and how do they connect from a small device to the entire internet world ??

  • How many pizza slices did you have(pointers)
  • De-mystify the internet story
  • See the different layers in the TCP/IP stack
  • Understand IP allocation
  • See how it works with an example

Have you ever wondered how the internet works common in lets take a look. ?

  • De-mystify the internet story
  • See how it works with an example

** IPV6 = 128 bit ...

The other main component of an IOT device is the capability to Program it !!

In this lecture we will see how that's made possible by using the Arduino IDE, we will take it step by step.


  • Understand what Arduino language is
  • Understand what is an Arduino IDE
  • Download, Install
  • Drivers, Cables
  • Understand what is a Sketch
  • Getting Comfortable

This the moment you have been waiting for to see how all this really works !

You will light an LED using the Arduino by running a program or lets say Sketch in it !

Bravo, Welcome to the world of IOT.

Somebody said if you can control an LED you can pretty much control anything !! I feel that's quite true.

Exciting times!

Arduino IDE Cloud Latest Version
We will get Introduced to the boards and shields used in this course
What are the General Components in a IoT Board?
Arduino UNO and Nano
Arduino Ethernet Shield
Particle Photo 1 and 2
Connecting to the Internet with multiple Boards - Exciting
Working with Particle hardware and software platform
Particle - Photon Wifi dev board
Particle - Pairing Photon with cloud platform using your phone

The capability of an device to talk to a network and the internet is what makes it an IOT device. The Ethernet board brings in that capability.

The Arduino Ethernet Shield connects your Arduino to the internet in mere minutes. Just plug this module onto your Arduino board, connect it to your network with an RJ45 cable (not included) and follow a few simple instructions to start controlling your world through the internet.


  • Understand the how the shield works
  • The Protocols it uses
  • The necessary libraries
  • How to use examples provided by the libraries
  • Test the Shield and connect to the Internet!

Go ahead connect to the world

The capability of an device to talk to a network and the internet with out any wires/cables makes it applicable in any use case and makes it a true IOT device.The WIFI chip brings in this capability.


  • Understand the how the shield works
  • The Protocols it uses
  • The necessary libraries
  • How to use examples provided by the libraries
  • Test the Shield and connect to the Internet!

ESP Library.

Please the direction carefully in the below link.


Understanding software ecosystem, Getting working and up to speed with using software to build IOT products
Working with Arduino IDE Cloud

The Arduino Guys - David Cuartielles, Gianluca Martino, Tom Igoe, David Mellis, and Massimo Banzi a Big thank you and hats Off to them!!!

These guy have made it possible for anybody to unleash there imagination and create truly amazing and useful IOT products.

In this lecture we will understand

  • Arduino Ecosystem
  • what is the Arduino language,
  • how it works and what are the background layers.
  • Sketch format

The same respect goes to all the people are involved in creating anything which makes our life easy in making IOT products, whether hardware or software.

A beautiful and sometime painful aspect of writing a sketch or any piece or code or instruction is syntax.

I personally had issues with it earlier on.

If you are in france you want to get some where you must be able to speak there language ...

Comment allez-vous
  • Understand how the Arduino syntax works
  • Understand default program structure
  • What goes where

Have you ever wondered what is memory how can you store GB of pictures and text in electronic devices, I always did.

What is it (Pointers)

  • Learn how a computer memory works
  • Understand ASCII encoding
  • Understand How to convert binary and map to ASCII

phew thats that...

The arabs invented algebra to ease the calculation of how much charity each person should give in a given year. Today algebra is every where, any number manipulation uses algebra.

Well don't worry we are not going to learn Algebra but we will learn about variables, how to use them. They form an integral part of programming and dealing with known and unknown values.

How many types are there(Pointers)

  • Understand what are variables.
  • Understand the different types of variables
  • The amount of space each takes
  • DEMO with examples.Work that math!

We will also see what are keywords and it characteristics.

Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

We all must have seen if and else, while, do while and more

These are the control structures which we use in the sketch(program) to bring the capability of decision making and capability to analyze, different scenarios and react differently.

We will see if and else, while, do while and switch statements

How many are there(Pointers)

  • Understand the structure
  • How to use them
  • Run some examples
    Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

Just like a telephone operator in the olden days we have arithmetic, comparison and Boolean operators.

An smooth Operator gets a specific task done. For e.g. addition, multiplication. looping for 10 times, Comparing two values for specific condition and more.

How many are there(Pointers)

  • Understand the structure
  • How to use them
  • Run some examples

Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

Functions are a piece of code which do a certain kind of activity, it takes some inputs and gives out some outputs or sometimes calls something else or returns nothing.

for example lets say you have an ice cream machine. It takes milk, sugar, essence, milk solids and more. It gives out delicious ice cream. 4 or more inputs and makes the ice and gives 1 output the ice cream

Lets have a function(Pointers)

  • Understand what a function is
  • Ho to call a function
  • see some examples
  • run some examples

Knowing how to use libraries forms an important part of the learning and future development. Whether you want to use a pure play software library or to control or interpret a hardware.

There are a great deal of products and services. Its impossible to learn everything and be able to program them ground up. In some cases only the makers/developers will be able to since they are the ones who created it and understand how it works.

It most cases. the company or creator or some really smart guys release libraries to make our life easy and fun.

How many are there (Pointers)

  • How to use them
  • How to import them
  • How to call them

We will using a lot of libraries through out this course, spend some time practicing this lecture

Understand the principles, mechanism and science on how these products work and be able to use it effectively

Lets start the sensor journey with the LDR (Light dependent Resistor). It is a light-controlled variable resistor. The resistance of a photoresistor decreases with increasing incident light intensity and vice versa.

Light dependent what !! (Pointers)

  • Understand the component its make
  • Understand the science and math on how it works
  • Understand the output and its interpretation
  • Write code in Arduino IDE to use this component
  • Test this component.

Be amazed !! take to treat yourself with a nice cup of coffee, Starbucks perhaps !

Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

Working with sensors - LDR - Circuit and Code
Working with sensors - LDR - Code and Test
Working with sensors - Push Button
Working with sensors - Force Sensor

One of the most used sensor is the Temperature sensor, its found in a lot places. Like you A/c. Say Hi to LM45.

The LM45 series are precision integrated-circuit, Calibrated Directly in ° Celsius (Centigrade) temperature.

  • Understand the component its make
  • Understand the science and math on how it works
  • Understand the output and its interpretation
  • Covert Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • Write code in Arduino IDE to use this component
  • Test this component.

If you are curious how hot you are, time to test. You should be around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees Celsius.

I am attaching a data sheet from Texas Instruments just in case you want to take a deep dive.

Curious how many animals pass you backyard in the night ? or may be not just animals !

The PIR sensor will help you detect any motion around its sensing range.The PIR (Passive Infra-Red) Sensor is a pyroelectric device that detects motion by measuring changes in the infrared levels emitted by surrounding objects. This motion can be detected by checking for a high signal on a single I/O pin.Its certainly is one of the complicated sensors and a bit challenging to work with. Well I am here to help.

You can't be as complicated as you sound(pointers)

  • Understand the component its make
  • Understand the science and math on how it works
  • Understand the Output and its interpretation
  • Write code in Arduino IDE to use this component
  • Try different code logics
  • Test this component.

Man we got a lot going on.

Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

Attaching a Data sheet from a manufacturer - Parallax - Dig deep

What can I say about a Relay. Its probably the most important component to communicate(Turn ON and OFF) with the hardware end point like a light or a motor or gigantic pump (use appropriately rated relays!).

Relays are electro-mechanical switches, extremely useful when we have a need to control a device which has a large amount of current and/or voltage with a small electrical signal.

Whats the rating on it (Pointers)

  • Understand the component and its make
  • Understand the science and math on how it works
  • Understand the Output and its interpretation
  • Write code in Arduino IDE to use this component
  • Test this component.

Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

I have attached some text on enabling the opto-isolater

Ah sound sensor, at some point you will find a use case when you want to detect a sound and use it as a trigger to do something interesting.

What are you able to hear(Pointers)

  • Understand the component and its make
  • Understand the science and math on how it works
  • Understand the Output and its interpretation
  • Write code in Arduino IDE to use this component
  • Test this component.

Want to interact with the user or display some information ?

The 4 digit 7 segment display is a good start.

digits what are those(pointers)

  • Understand the component and its make
  • Understand how it works
  • Understand the pin structure and mapping
  • Learn to use the necessary libraries
  • Write code or use an example in Arduino IDE
  • Test this component.

I am attaching the required library in the resources.

Have fun display something interesting.

Want to take some user input ?

Keypad comes to your rescue, these are present everywhere. Knowing how to work with them will enable you to build IOT devices which can interact with a user.

How many keys are there(Pointers)

  • Understand the component and its make
  • Understand how it works
  • Understand the Output and its interpretation
  • Write code in Arduino IDE to use this component
  • Test this component.
  • Use it to get a passcode from a user and validate it.

I have attached the library in the resources.

To make a working IOT device and understand the true nature of it. You will need to solder at some point.

How many solders do I need(Pointers)

  • See what are all the parts you need to make a solder
  • How to use
  • Make a solder
  • remove a solder
  • have lots of fun

Please be careful the soldering iron get real HOT.

Courtesy: UCSD

Courtesy: UIUC.

Understanding different options to Connect your device to a IOT Cloud platfrom, DB's make a call, send an email and more

The IOT devices are generally small and scarce in resources. We have to connect a cloud Platform or a DB to persist data, to take an action on it or analyzing the values. That's one part.

We also need functionality to create triggers and do a specific task like send an email or talk to another service like to make a phone call.

In this lecture we will see what is a cloud platform and its functionalities

There are many startup's in this space, and also the enterprise guys like SAP, IBM, INTEL have jumped in with there own integration to their existing solutions.

In this lecture we will see the different options listed below and how to setup an account and to work with them. We will just touch base with SAP HANA Platform.

  • Carriots (Platform)
  • Spark(DB service) 
  • ThinkSpeak(Platform)
  • SAP HANA( Enterprise Platform)

We will understand

  • Creating an account
  • Getting the API Key
  • Creating a service and more

This is an exciting lecture, here we discuss how to make a phone call from your device, get an user input, validate and take an action based on it. !!

In this lecture we introduce Temboo to create a choreo . Wait now what is a choreo, well its a pre written code for you based on your requirement. Yes somebody does write the code instantaneously !

We are using the Temboo to whip out the code for us and Nexmo to make a phone call.

Its time prank all your friends. call from a 0+ number , way to go.

This lecture is an extension of all the wonderful features temboo has.

We will learn how to setup a email choreo for Gmail and use this in your code to send an email.

Sweet, this is useful.

Bring in life to your device, connect to the Internet, Platform, Persist data, use a Mobile APP to control Light, Yahooo!!
**NEW** Particle - Push LDR values to the Particle IoT platform
**NEW** Particle - Photon - Control pins with APP

In this lecture we work with Arduino the Ethernet shield.

Tell me more(Pointers)

  • Work with Arduino and Ethernet Shield to connect to the internet
  • Install Necessary libraries
  • Write a sketch to talk to carriots
  • Read values from an LDR
  • Post these values to the Carriots platform
    Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

Say Hi to NodeMCU this amazing chip has the ESP8266(WIFI Capability) and provides extra pins and ability to program it using the Arduino IDE.

Tell me more(Pointers)

  • Learn how to use the NodeMCU with the arduino IDE.
  • Select board, port and stuff
  • Learn how to setup the spark service
  • Write the code and push values from the nodeMCU using the WIFI to the spark service. Whaaatt !!

We will be using a lot of Nodemcu in out projects.

Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

Want to watch it another time ?

Say Hi to NodeMCU this amazing chip has the ESP8266(WIFI Capability) and provides extra pins and ability to program it using the Arduino IDE.

Tell me more(Pointers)

  • Learn how to use the NodeMCU with the arduino IDE.
  • Select board, port and stuff
  • Learn how to setup the spark service
  • Write the code and push values from the nodeMCU using the WIFI to the Adafruit.io. Whaaatt !!

We will be using a lot of Nodemcu in out projects.

  • Want to watch it another time ?

We get introduced to the BLYNK service. Its an amazing solution to virtualize your IOT device and then control it using a pre built APP. Trend setting indeed.

Hola (Pointers)

  • Understand how the BLYNK service works
  • Setup the BLYNK service
  • Install the necessary libraries
  • run some sample sketches

Guaranteed Fun!

Controlling an actual Light using an Android APP over WIFI will qualify for a LEVEL 2/3 IOT device without storing any data. Real exciting !!

What all we will see

  • Setup up the nodeMCU
  • Setup the relay to the wall and a bulb (220v)
  • Go through the sketch
  • Control the light

Have lots of Fun and show off to your friends and family

You should be able to use NodeMCU,LDR with BLYNK APP, design, build, code, produce and install Smart controller for lights, fans and other devices

The idea in the lecture is to simulate the mental process of ideation. To be able to put your thoughts on to a paper and give it shape.

In this lecture we will go through the idea behind the first IOT device we will create together, this IOT device fits right in middle of the Home Automation use case which stands at around $350 Billion by 2020. There is enough for everybody.

The theme it revolves around is convenience and saving energy.

In a nutshell(pointers)

  • The idea

  • Conceptual design

  • Usage ideas

  • Benefits

CAUTION: This project Involves handling high voltage which can result in fatal injury . If you are not comfortable Please DO NOT TRY this. We are not responsible for any damage

A list of hardware you will need to execute this project. Feel free to buy it from anywhere you like . The attached document has links to popular sellers.

Make sure you buy similar products, to be able to avoid glitches during project execution.

I see that you are all pumped up and you want to get started making this product already. Me too.

Before we get our hands dirty in the workshop or lab or the basement or in your room where ever ...

We need to build the circuit diagram, kind of like the building layout.

We will use Fritzing to do create the circuit diagram, lecture No 63 walks you through how to use Fritzing may be you wanna stop by there first if you are new to this.

We will also look at the PCB layout using Fritzing, what we will do

  • Create a PCB layout
  • Use Auto routing
  • Run the DRC check
  • Generate files to be shipped to your nearest of easiest PCB manufacturer

Well I see you have come far, you have an idea about hardware, the circuit diagram and the PCB. Let's now look at the intangible magic which makes all this work.

Show me the money(Pointers)

  • Use Arduino IDE to program NodeMCU
  • Run through the sketch
  • See how to call The BLYNK Functions
  • Test test

The sketch is part of the BLYNK examples with minor changes. that's why you don't see any code uploaded.

What this video will exhibit(Pointers)

  • See how I have assembled the IOT device
  • See the PCB Layout
  • See how I have cased it.(more in the following video)
  • Go through the solders

I have used a generic PCB with bus lines, you are welcome to print the PCB if time lines are good and if the cost is reasonable with shipping and all.

This will work out great for a Pre-Product to show case anybody you customers, company, angel, VC, Kickstarter who ever.

Just make sure you case it well and print your logo, make one if you don't have, that will add a lot of brownie points.

Once you are ready with this and you have customer interest, hire a design company and you can source a contract manufacturer to mass produce this device. More about this in lecture 65

This text will take you to set up this awesome service.

Stuff you will learn(Ponters)

  • Setup an BLYNK Account
  • How to create a Project
  • How to get the Auth Key
  • How to plug it in your code.

The 'The' time has come and you want to see if all these ingredients work together. Wohooo .... you are all set to create this IOT device, for some this might be there first IOT product you must be stoked !!! and ready to exhibit your talents to your nearest and dearest / Boss / Professor / Alpacino whoever ..

How many red bulls did you drink(Pointers)

See the final device

  • Power it , push that button its time.
  • Control Actual lights from your BLYNK APP (Switch on and OFF)
  • Validate it by monitoring the light intensity in the room using the LDR, represented on a cool dial in the APP
You should be able to use NodeMCU,PIR Motion sensor, Carriots to design, build, code, produce and install Smart Motion detector for commercial and Home use cases

Welcome to the IOT device 2 this becomes a part of the building security use case. This use case is valued at $210 billion by 2020. Enough for all players small and big.

The theme it revolves around is Security of a building or Home or a restricted area.

This IOT device picks up a couple of notches with casing and the complexity of the code.

In a nutshell(pointers)

  • The idea
  • Conceptual design
  • Usage ideas
  • Benefits

Enclosed is a copy with a list of hardware you will need to execute this project. Feel free to buy it from anywhere you like .

Make sure you are close enough in what you buy, to be able to avoid glitches during project execution.

Also, be advised. As this solution deals with high voltage, Instead of converting AC to DC you can directly use a 9v DC battery. As advised in the course, We strongly advise against handling voltage converters and other high-voltage devices, unless you have the required experience. At your own risk.

I am sure you are excited with this product.

Before we get our hands dirty in the workshop or lab or the basement or in your room where ever ...

We need to build the circuit diagram, kind of like the building layout.

We will use Fritzing to do create the circuit diagram, lecture No 63 walks you through how to use Fritzing may be you wanna stop by there first if you are new to this.

PCB is a technique and a product which you will have to eventually use in a mass production situation, or even if it for small numbers. Its a one time activity and gives you the freedom to replicate your product number of times.

I have used a generic PCB with bus lines, you are welcome to print the PCB if time lines are good and if the cost is reasonable with shipping and all.

We will look at the PCB layout using Fritzing, what we will do

  • Create a PCB layout
  • Use Auto routing
  • Run the DRC check
  • Generate files to be shipped to your nearest of easiest PCB manufacturer

What the show about(Pointers)

  • See the equipment I am using for this IOT device
  • See how I have assembled the IOT device
  • See how I have cased it.

This will work out great for a Pre-Product to show case anybody you customers, company, angel, VC, Kickstarter who ever.

Just make sure you case it well and print your logo, make one if you don't have, that will add a lot of brownie points.

Once you are ready with this and you have customer interest, hire a design company and you can source a contract manufacturer to mass produce this device. More about this in lecture 65

Well I see you have come far, you have an idea about hardware, the circuit diagram and the PCB, how to case it nicely. Let's now look at the intangible magic which makes all this work.

Show me the money(Pointers)

  • Use Arduino IDE to program NodeMCU
  • Run through the sketch
  • See how to post data to Carriots Platform
  • Test test

Attaching the code is a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

Guys I spent a long time trouble shooting with this project. there were various issues. I am going to list some of them to help you skip burning the midnight oil.

1) Check the NodeMCU pins if they are giving the correct i/o as you are assuming, for e.g. lets say that you are taking the pin no 4 (GPIO) as an input pin. Now by default this pin should read ........ low that't right but for some reason it reads high even after initializing the pin to input. test it!! the consequences of not testing are long and not so fun.

2) Using a direct HTTP get/post method instead of using a visualizing function provided by BLYNK or Thinger.io. My deep respect to these guys for building amazing services and platforms.

My 2 cents :The reason being that the PIR output stays high for a couple of sends and you need to bring in necessary delay to avoid sending multiple emails. with some services like BLYNK this delay causes an issue. as it is required to call that function once is 6 or 7 sec. This is my experience I could be wrong.

3) Once it satisfies the condition from the if loop, call a function, instead of writing everything with the loop. This brings clarity to the code and help in trouble shooting. Again this is my feeling.

You could adjust the sensitivity of the PIR to reduce the time it stays high. something you could consider..

Have fun making this IOT device..

The ability to trigger an email is programmed or setup at the IOT platform for this product we are using the Carriots IOT platform. Its quite a mature platform with many features. spend some time in the platform to acquaint yourself with the functionalities and how to use them

All the hard work has paid off. You have a working IOT device to sense motion and alert the user with an email over wifi. Pretty darn good!!!

Obviously this could be programmed to call, or a text or a alarm to the cops or whoever, the apllications a re numerous.

We will go through the demo and see this IOT device in action.

Time to call all your folks and arrange some popcorn.

If you are able to pull this off, you are well beyond the beginner level and now the world is your oyster, you have understood the fundamental aspects of working with Micro controllers, Wifi, Ethernet chips, relays, IOT platforms and also hooking up actual devices.

Nice work !!!!

You should be able to use NodeMCU,Buttons, LED, Wearble casing, design, build, code, produce Panic Alarm

Welcome to the IOT device 3 this becomes a part of the Assisted Living use case. This use case is valued at $270 billion by 2020. what say ? shall we

The core functionality is to call for help with one click, to give a very simple interface for elders which they can wear at all times.

This IOT device lands up in the wearable category, kinda cool.

In a nutshell(pointers)

  • The idea
  • Conceptual design
  • Usage ideas
  • Benefits

The video goes through the list of hardware you will need to execute this project. Feel free to buy it from anywhere you like .

Make sure you are close enough in what you buy, to be able to avoid glitches during project execution.

HINT: For the prototype, Go to a kids toy store and get a fancy looking watch toy, I remember swat cats back in the day had cool wearable gadgets. Replace the stuff inside with your stuff.

Me and my cousin used to make them out of Thermocol with ink fillers as water guns when we were kids. Way back in the day.

There is about 10 - 15 sec where I am too far from the mic, please see the list below for any clarification.

Node MCU -- 1

LED --1

Digital Button ---1

4.5v battery pack

3 batteries of 1.5v each

Casing to fit all (wearable)

You must be feeling a bit nostalgic, remembering the child hood. This is for folks who are above 15 years of age!!

Before we get our hands dirty in the workshop or lab or the basement or in your room where ever ...

We need to build the circuit diagram, kind of like the building layout.

We will use Fritzing to do create the circuit diagram, lecture No 63 walks you through how to use Fritzing may be you wanna stop by there first if you are new to this.

We will also look at the PCB layout using Fritzing, what we will do

  • Create a PCB layout
  • Use Auto routing
  • Run the DRC check
  • Generate files to be shipped to your nearest of easiest PCB manufacturer

How many teeth did you loose to candy(Pointers)

  • See how I have assembled the IOT device
  • See how I have cased it.(more in the following video)
  • Go through the solders

This will work out great for a Pre-Product to show case anybody you customers, company, angel, VC, Kickstarter who ever.

Just make sure you case it well and print your logo, make one if you don't have, that will add a lot of brownie points.

Once you are ready with this and you have customer interest, hire a design company and you can source a contract manufacturer to mass produce this device. More about this in lecture 65

We are using the Thinger.IO platform for this IOT device.

This platform gives you free 100 MB of activity for a month.

Its very clean and easy to use.

The simplicity in this platform for starter uses cases is compelling.

Lets see how to setup and get working with Thinger.io

Well I see you have come far, you have an idea about hardware, the circuit diagram and the PCB, how to case it nicely. Let's now look at the intangible magic which makes all this work.

Show me the money(Pointers)

  • Use Arduino IDE to program NodeMCU
  • Run through the sketch
  • See the thinger function calls
  • Test test

Attaching the code in a txt file as Udemy is yet to accept .ino files.

This is exciting guys, you have created an IOT wearable device, that on one click triggers an email over wifi. Completely mobile with battery back. wallah .....

Lets see this IOT wearable device in action.

I showed to me old folks and they loved and found it useful. you could start there.

You've finished your hardware and software development, and now lets get ready to start manufacturing.

So you've got a prototype in a breadboard. It's probably a mess of wires !!

Your first step towards a manufacturable product is to design your PCB

Lets go through some basics and see how to do it.

Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative, that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone. They offer a software tool, a community website and services in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, fostering a creative ecosystem that allows users to document their prototypes, share them with others, teach electronics in a classroom, and layout and manufacture professional pcb's.

Fritzing is really easy to use and quick.

What difficult is making your own parts. I have uploaded a few important libraries for most of the custom parts you will need.!

Hey at the end some of us would want to sell products on your own.

We will look at 2 providers.

Alibaba - to find your CM( Contract Manufacturer)

Shopify - Setup an online shop in minutes and start selling

You might want to do some more research on finding the right CM.

There are more options like shopify, a quick google search would help.

Want to launch your product at a global level to a wide customer base? -- wait do you have Certification ?

Connected devices nearly always require certifications that ensure they operate within the wireless transmission specifications determined by international regulatory bodies like the FCC and CE.-- Particle.IO

This lecture will introduce us to the different certifications around the globe, requirement, cost, timelines.

This information is to get you started, next lecture has the detailed guide for FCC, IC and Cellular

Go over these guides early on in your development process, and try to comply from the start phase. to avoid bottlenecks later.

Kicstarter + Meet the Angels + College Grads + Trouble Shooting

Kickstarter helps artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators find the resources and support they need to make their ideas a reality. To date, tens of thousands of creative projects — big and small — have come to life with the support of the Kickstarter community. -- www.Kickstarter.com

Give it shot if you have an exciting product idea, or working prototype and you need capital to move forward.

Nice to see you are curious about this lecture.

Bing ! you have a great idea, you have validated the idea, with research, built your prototype and talked to folks with knowledge in this space or you want to go with your gut(Provided you have the back ground and the contect to trust your gut !!)

To start work on your IOT device, if you are so excited that you are going to quit work, sell the last best thing you purchased, settled all your bills and planning to dedicate the near future to this idea. I feel you!

We all still need to pay our bills and need an comfortable environment and some kind of Yoda guy(respect) to guide us.. We all know who is yoda.

Meet the angels -- these are experts and most likely have extra cash to invest and are also interested in the ideation and the whole life cycle of a startup. What do they get, apart from the positivism, enthusiasm and short term euphoria, the big pay off when a VC enters the scene. Obviously this is a High risk stake as only a very few turtles will cross this stage.

VC - you must have seen Swimming with the sharks. These are professional grade Investors and most likely funds of funds and such.

Take a look. Beware !!

There are millions of engineering graduates around the globe who pass out every. This lecture is designed to motivate them to look into the IOT(Internet of Things), as a viable career.

All Major, medium, minor firms and startups have started hiring this space. Early stage though but surely has begun.

This space is exciting as it involves, Hardware, software, design, internet, UI and much more.

Have fun!

You have entered the 4th year of your college, its project time and you guys are getting nervous.

I see a trend that some of them "BUY" in part or pieces or copy projects and they learn the working to present as their project.

I do know that we are going to take a lot of help from the internet and other folks, your project guide, your team mates and so on.

I want to motivate you guys to take it up upon yourself to come up with an idea and execute it. There is tons of help out there, at the end when you finish it, you will feel good and feel capable. This will increase your confidence and make you ready for a job or entrepreneurship or even higher studies, it will look stellar in your SOP(Statement of purpose)

I think that is the purpose of doing the project. God Speed!

I am willing to help and guide you with reasonable limits.

reach out to me at junaid.udemy@gmail.com

Well its the last lecture but definitely not the least.

This guide helps you to avoid some common mistakes and over come common hurdles all of us face.

This is a work in progress and will be updated as and we see more issues.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides a comprehensive overview of the IoT ecosystem, including use cases, layers, and communication protocols, which is essential for understanding the big picture and identifying opportunities
Covers a wide range of hardware components, such as Arduino UNO, Nano, ESP8266, sensors, and shields, which allows learners to experiment and build diverse IoT projects
Includes guidance on manufacturing, certification, and fundraising (Angels, VC), which is valuable for learners who want to bring their IoT products to market
Teaches coding using the Arduino IDE from the basics, which makes it accessible for beginners to start programming their IoT devices
Involves building three IoT products from scratch (smart lights, motion detector, panic alarm), which provides practical experience and reinforces learning
Includes PCB designing using Fritzing, along with casing and soldering, which are valuable skills for creating professional-looking IoT devices

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Complete Guide to Build IOT Things from Scratch to Market with these activities:
Review Arduino Fundamentals
Solidify your understanding of Arduino programming basics before diving into IoT-specific applications.
Show steps
  • Review the basics of C++ programming.
  • Practice writing simple Arduino sketches.
  • Familiarize yourself with common Arduino libraries.
Read 'Internet of Things: From Hype to Reality'
Gain a broader understanding of the IoT ecosystem and its potential applications.
Show steps
  • Read the book cover to cover.
  • Take notes on key concepts and technologies.
  • Reflect on how these concepts apply to your projects.
Read 'Building Internet of Things with the Arduino'
Gain practical experience in building IoT projects using Arduino.
Show steps
  • Read the book chapter by chapter.
  • Follow the examples and build the projects.
  • Experiment with different sensors and actuators.
Four other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all seven activities
Build a Simple Sensor Data Logger
Apply your knowledge by building a project that collects and logs sensor data to a local file or database.
Show steps
  • Choose a sensor (temperature, humidity, etc.).
  • Connect the sensor to your Arduino or NodeMCU.
  • Write code to read and log the sensor data.
  • Store the data in a file or database.
Document Your IoT Project
Reinforce your learning by creating a detailed documentation of one of your IoT projects.
Show steps
  • Describe the project's purpose and functionality.
  • Explain the hardware and software components used.
  • Provide clear instructions on how to build the project.
  • Include diagrams, code snippets, and photos.
Contribute to an IoT Open Source Project
Deepen your understanding by contributing to an existing open-source IoT project.
Show steps
  • Find an IoT open-source project on GitHub.
  • Identify a bug or feature to work on.
  • Fork the repository and make your changes.
  • Submit a pull request with your contributions.
Design a PCB for Your IoT Project
Enhance your skills by designing a custom PCB for one of your IoT projects.
Show steps
  • Choose a PCB design software (e.g., Fritzing, Eagle).
  • Create a schematic diagram of your circuit.
  • Design the PCB layout, placing components and routing traces.
  • Generate Gerber files and order your PCB.

Career center

Learners who complete Complete Guide to Build IOT Things from Scratch to Market will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Internet of Things Developer
An Internet of Things Developer designs, develops, and implements IOT solutions. This role involves both hardware and software, aligning perfectly with this course, which emphasizes creating IOT products from scratch. The course covers essential skills, such as working with microcontrollers, sensors, and cloud platforms, all of which are vital for an IOT Developer. The course’s projects, like home automation, building security, and assisted living devices, are directly relevant to this career. Further, it provides hands-on experience with hardware, software, communication protocols, and cloud connectivity. This course provides a crucial foundation for anyone looking to excel as an Internet of Things developer. The course provides skills that are directly transferable to this job.
Embedded Systems Engineer
An Embedded Systems Engineer works on the hardware and software that control devices, including IOT devices. This course aligns well with an Embedded Systems Engineer's role by focusing on the practical development of IOT products. A key part of the course is working with microcontrollers, sensors, and communication protocols, all central to embedded systems work. This course helps build a foundation in both hardware and software, which are critical for an engineer in this field. The projects in the course, specifically the smart lights, motion detector, and panic alarm, offer hands-on experience directly applicable to real-world embedded systems. The course provides skills that are directly transferable to this job.
Hardware Engineer
A Hardware Engineer designs, develops, and tests physical hardware components and systems, and this course provides a direct link to the practical side of it by teaching how to build IOT devices from the ground up. The course teaches about microcontrollers, sensors, and other electronic components, all of which a hardware engineer will use. The course includes PCB design and soldering, essential skills in hardware engineering. By taking this course, aspiring hardware engineers gain hands-on experience with IOT hardware. The experience gained in building devices is directly relevant to this role. The course provides skills that are directly transferable to this job.
Software Engineer
A Software Engineer develops software applications which also includes software for IOT devices. This course helps software engineers get deeper insight in how technology works in a physical sense. This course teaches how to code using Arduino IDE, connect to IOT platforms, and program triggers, all which are useful skills for a software engineer working with IOT projects. The course also delves into areas such as data persistence to the cloud. The hands on approach to the course is particularly helpful for engineers wishing to get practical experience with full stack IOT solutions. This course may be useful for software engineers who plan on entering the field of IOT.
Product Designer
A Product Designer is responsible for the design and development of new products, and this course helps product designers learn to design and develop new IOT products. This course introduces the process of creating IOT devices from scratch, covering both hardware and software aspects. The course focuses on practical product development, including PCB design, casing, and soldering, all useful skills for product design. This course provides the practical knowledge necessary to understand product development in a new and fast-growing industry. This course presents crucial background information that may be helpful to product designers.
Electronics Technician
An Electronics Technician builds, tests, and repairs electronic equipment, and this course gives technicians a practical understanding of building IOT systems. A key focus of this course is working with components, building circuits, and understanding the hardware and software involved in the devices it produces. The hands-on experience, especially in soldering, circuit design, and testing, is directly relevant to this career. The skills gained from taking this course can help technicians advance into the IOT space. This course may be useful for electronics technicians.
Automation Engineer
An Automation Engineer designs and implements automated systems. This course emphasizes working with microcontrollers, sensors, and connecting devices to the internet, all of which is useful to an automation engineer. The course's focus on creating IOT devices for home automation and building security provides a good introduction to connected automation systems. Also, learning to program triggers and persist data with cloud platforms is beneficial. The skills picked up in this course can be used by an automation engineer. This course may be useful for an automation engineer.
Robotics Engineer
A Robotics Engineer designs, builds, and tests robots and automated systems. By teaching how to build IOT devices, this course may serve as a stepping stone for those interested in robotics. A critical component of this course involves working with microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, and communication protocols, which are all essential in robotics. This course provides hands-on experience with the hardware and software aspects of IOT, which are also applicable to robotics projects. The course may be helpful for robotics engineers to gain some extra experience.
Technology Consultant
A Technology Consultant provides expert advice on technology solutions. This course offers a broad introduction to the Internet of Things, and helps a consultant gain insight into how IOT products are developed. This could be useful as the technology consultant may be called upon to provide expertise in IOT, particularly as this field continues to expand. By understanding the creation of IOT devices, they are better equipped to advise clients. The course serves as a helpful introduction. This course may be useful for a technology consultant.
Research and Development Engineer
A Research and Development Engineer explores new technologies, and this course may help those working in IOT research settings learn about the practical side of the field. This course teaches the practical aspects of building IOT devices, which can be beneficial for research work. The hands on elements of the course are most helpful here. By working with hardware, software, platforms, and sensors, an R and D engineer can explore possibilities in a pragmatic fashion. The course may be helpful for research engineers.
Technical Trainer
A Technical Trainer conducts training sessions on technical topics, and this course provides those trainers with experience in a rapidly changing field. This course offers a complete guide to building IOT products from scratch, therefore helping trainers gain practical knowledge. This course also teaches several hands-on skills in hardware and software needed to build the devices presented in the course. The course provides useful background information to technical trainers. This course may be helpful for technical trainers.
Technical Sales Representative
A Technical Sales Representative sells technical products and services. This course provides useful background for sales representatives interested in the IOT sector. This course covers the practical aspects of building IOT devices, giving sales staff a better understanding of what goes into the products they sell. The knowledge on microcontrollers, sensors, cloud connectivity, and the process of building these devices, can help a sales professional communicate better with potential clients. This course may be useful for a technical sales representative.
Start-up Entrepreneur
A Start-up Entrepreneur launches a new business. This course could be particularly helpful for those interested in starting an IOT company. The course teaches the practical steps to building IOT devices. The course includes sections on manufacturing, marketing, certification, venture capital, and more, all of which is useful for entrepreneurs. The course’s hands-on approach, combined with real-world project examples, provides an entrepreneur with an understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the IOT sector. The course may be helpful for start-up entrepreneurs.
Project Manager
A Project Manager is responsible for planning, executing, and closing projects. This course which focuses on designing IOT devices and bringing them to market gives a project manager an insight into the difficulties of an IOT project. The course covers both hardware and software aspects associated with IOT, and this broad understanding may be useful to a project manager looking to manage an IOT project. The course also covers PCB design, programming, and cloud integration, all of which are facets of IOT projects. This course may be useful to a project manager.
Manufacturing Engineer
A Manufacturing Engineer is responsible for the production and manufacturing process of a particular product. This course is directly related to understanding the design and hardware of a product, in particular an IOT product. This course gives a manufacturing engineer insight into how IOT products are designed and produced, since it covers the entire process from start to finish including PCB design, casing, and the selection of materials. This course may be useful for a manufacturing engineer.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Complete Guide to Build IOT Things from Scratch to Market.
Provides a practical guide to building IoT projects using the Arduino platform. It covers various aspects of IoT development, including sensor integration, data communication, and cloud connectivity. This book is particularly useful for hands-on learners who want to build real-world IoT applications. It is commonly used as a textbook at academic institutions.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the IoT landscape, covering its history, current state, and future trends. It explores the various technologies, protocols, and applications that make up the IoT ecosystem. Reading this book will give you a broader understanding of the context in which your IoT projects will exist. It is useful as additional reading to provide more depth to the course.


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