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Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Alaka Holla

Identifying effective policies is a process of trial and error, innovation and experimentation, success and failure. This course provides the basic scientific and statistical tools needed to identify whether a policy or program is generating impact. Organized into modules, the course covers topics ranging from the attribution problem to what is meant by statistical significance (margin of error) to the analysis of data generated by a randomized control trial. The course also helps answer practical questions related to impact evaluation, such as how large of a sample is needed and what can be done when compliance with an experimental design is imperfect or when data is missing for part of the sample.

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Identifying effective policies is a process of trial and error, innovation and experimentation, success and failure. This course provides the basic scientific and statistical tools needed to identify whether a policy or program is generating impact. Organized into modules, the course covers topics ranging from the attribution problem to what is meant by statistical significance (margin of error) to the analysis of data generated by a randomized control trial. The course also helps answer practical questions related to impact evaluation, such as how large of a sample is needed and what can be done when compliance with an experimental design is imperfect or when data is missing for part of the sample.

This course was created collaboratively by Georgetown University and the World Bank's Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund with support from the Georgetown Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, Georgetown University Initiative of Innovation, Development and Evaluation (gui2de), and The Open Learning Campus of the World Bank Group.

What you'll learn

  • Define impact evaluation and recognize its importance.
  • Describe the importance of randomization and the problems that can arise in randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
  • Identify statistical concepts and tools for program evaluation.
  • Interpret the concept of regression and how it informs RCT results.
  • Illustrate the balance between sample size and cost of trial.
  • Explain the value and application of quasi experimental methods

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Define impact evaluation and recognize its importance.
  • Describe the importance of randomization and the problems that can arise in randomized controlled trials (rcts).
  • Identify statistical concepts and tools for program evaluation.
  • Interpret the concept of regression and how it informs rct results.
  • Illustrate the balance between sample size and cost of trial.
  • Explain the value and application of quasi experimental methods

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides foundational grounding in the application of statistical concepts for evaluating program impact
Emphasizes the use of randomized controlled trials as a key methodology for impact evaluation
Guides learners through the identification of obstacles and measurement issues that may arise in conducting impact evaluations
Offers practical advice on strategies for navigating ethical dilemmas that may arise during impact evaluations

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Career center

Learners who complete Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Impact Evaluation Specialist
Impact Evaluation Specialists design and implement impact evaluations to assess the effectiveness of programs and policies. They use statistical methods to analyze data and provide evidence-based recommendations. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, was specifically designed for this career role. It provides training in the design and implementation of impact evaluations, including the use of randomized controlled trials.
Statisticians use statistical methods to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data. They work in a variety of fields, including healthcare, finance, and marketing. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the core statistical methods used by statisticians in all fields.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists apply scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data. They analyze and interpret large volumes of data to find correlations between data points. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides a solid foundation in statistical modeling, econometrics and causal inference, all of which are core scientific methods used in data science. Anyone who wishes to be a Data Scientist would benefit from taking this course.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts use data to analyze business processes and make recommendations for improvement. They work in a variety of industries, including consulting and finance. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the data analysis methods used by business analysts.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts use data to solve business problems. They collect, clean, and analyze data to identify trends and patterns. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the data analysis methods used by data analysts.
Policy Analyst
Policy Analysts develop and evaluate policies to address public issues. They use research methods to collect and analyze data to inform policy decisions. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the methods used by policy analysts, such as data analysis and statistical modeling.
Program Evaluator
Program Evaluators assess the effectiveness of programs and policies. They use research methods to collect and analyze data to determine whether programs are achieving their objectives. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, while not specifically tailored to program evaluation, does help to develop the core skills that are necessary for success in this role, such as data analysis and statistical modeling.
Risk Analyst
Risk Analysts use statistical methods to assess risk and uncertainty. They work in a variety of industries, including finance and insurance. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the statistical methods used by risk analysts.
Actuaries use mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk and uncertainty. They work in a variety of industries, including insurance and finance. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the statistical methods used by actuaries to assess risk.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts use mathematical and statistical methods to solve problems in business and industry. They work in a variety of industries, including manufacturing and logistics. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the statistical methods used by operations research analysts.
Quantitative Analyst
Quantitative Analysts use mathematical and statistical methods to analyze data and make predictions. They work in a variety of fields, including finance and trading. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the statistical methods used by quantitative analysts.
Research Scientist
Research Scientists conduct research to advance knowledge in various scientific fields. They use scientific methods to design and conduct experiments, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, builds a foundation in statistical methods and causal inference, which are used by Research Scientists in a variety of fields.
Health Economist
Health Economists use economic principles to analyze the healthcare system. They work in a variety of settings, including government and academia. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the statistical methods used by health economists.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts use financial data to make investment recommendations. They work in a variety of industries, including banking and investment management. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, provides training in the statistical methods used by financial analysts.
Market Research Analyst
Market Research Analysts gather data on marketing campaigns to determine the effectiveness of campaigns and make improvements in the future. They rely on statistical data and analysis to understand marketing data. The course, Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, may be useful for those in this role, because it provides training in statistical analysis, which would aid the analyst in working with complex datasets.

Reading list

We've selected four books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Popular textbook on econometrics. It provides a clear and concise introduction to the econometric methods used in impact evaluation.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to causal inference. It valuable resource for learners who want to learn more about the theoretical foundations of impact evaluation.
Provides an accessible introduction to research design and causality. It valuable resource for learners who are new to impact evaluation.
Provides a concise overview of impact evaluation for development. It valuable resource for learners who are new to impact evaluation and who are interested in learning more about the different methods and approaches used in impact evaluation.


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