This course is the ultimate comprehensive resource for learning the Go Programming Language.
This course is perfect for both beginners and experienced developers. The course is full of examples, hands-on exercises, solutions to the hands-on exercises, and an amazing code repository.
This course is the ultimate comprehensive resource for learning the Go Programming Language.
This course is perfect for both beginners and experienced developers. The course is full of examples, hands-on exercises, solutions to the hands-on exercises, and an amazing code repository.
This course is taught by one of the world's leading Go Programming Trainers, Todd McLeod. Todd was the first university professor in America to teach Go at the university level. Todd has taught over 3.25 Million students how to use the Go Programming Language. This course is tried, tested, and proven to train beginners and experienced developers how to use Go.
This course has a tremendous amount of content and resources so that you can learn everything you need to know - whatever is appropriate for your ability level.
When you enroll in this course, you will have lifetime access to the course. You will be able to learn at your own pace. You will always be able to come back to the content to review it, or learn additional concepts when you are ready for them.
This course also comes with a 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee.
I know that this is absolutely the best course in the entire world for learning the Go Programming Language.
I know that you are going to be completely satisfied with the course.
And, if for any reason the course does not work for you, then within the first 14 days, you can receive a full refund.
So enroll now.
You will get great value from this course and, more importantly, you will have a great time learning the greatest programming language every made - The Go Programming Language - The fastest growing, highest paying programming language in America.
Join me on this incredible journey. Sign-up Today.
Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
Go is an amazing choice for a language as it was developed by some of the same individuals who created the C programming language, Unix, and UTF-8 - some of the most influential contributions to computer science. Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created Go to be a modern language that easily uses multiple cores, easily implements concurrency, easily works in distributed environments, and easily allows the programmer to write programs - it has a very lean and user-friendly syntax.
Go was created by luminaries in computer science at one of the best, if not the very best, software engineering firm to have ever existed - Google.
The credentials of Go are unsurpassed.
But why did Google create a new language?
In Google’s words, “Go was born out of frustration with existing languages and environments for systems programming. Programming had become too difficult and the choice of languages was partly to blame. One had to choose either efficient compilation, efficient execution, or ease of programming; all three were not available in the same mainstream language. Programmers who could were choosing ease over safety and efficiency by moving to dynamically typed languages such as Python and JavaScript rather than C++ or, to a lesser extent, Java. Go is an attempt to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language. It also aims to be modern, with support for networked and multicore computing. Finally, working with Go is intended to be fast: it should take at most a few seconds to build a large executable on a single computer. To meet these goals required addressing a number of linguistic issues: an expressive but lightweight type system; concurrency and garbage collection; rigid dependency specification; and so on. These cannot be addressed well by libraries or tools; a new language was called for.”
In my opinion, Go is the best programming language that you can be learning today. I began programming in 1982 with Go is also the top-paid programming language in America today.
Come learn about the greatest programming language ever created. You will leave with resources and code samples to start making all of your software and apps really go.
Getting resources
next to every video
“course resources” in this section
link in every video of this section that is not a preview video
Be an adventurer
spirit of exploration
don't fear computers - fear ignorance
practice leads to progress
drop by drop …
persistently patiently …
every day I take consistent action …
grit … - Angela Duckworth
as you think and act …
henry ford, whether you think you can …
bill gates, 1 year vs 10 years …
education can transform your life
my life, the lives of others
next video might potentially be the Udemy & Atlassian video
or I will try to link to it in this video and all of the videos in this section
Imposter syndrome
50 - 80% of programmers feel this
we are always operating on the edge of understanding
we don't have to know the answer, we have to know how to find the answer.
if you don’t believe in yourself, move forward regardless
the belief will come
Band together
we’re in this together
beginners, intermediate, & advanced
be a teacher and a student
we can all learn from each other
let’s help each other and be kind
post questions; answer questions
it will help you learn
Resources will be added here for the course
built by Google
Rob Pike
Unix, UTF-8
Robert Griesemer
Studied under the creator of Pascal
Ken Thompson
solely responsible for designing and implementing the original Unix operating system
invented the B programming language, the direct predecessor to the C programming language.
helped invent the C programming language
2005 - first dual core processors
2006 - Go development started
2009 - open sourced (november)
2012 - version 1 (march) - go blog link
Why Go
efficient compilation
Go creates compiled programs
there is a garbage collector (GC)
there is no virtual machine
fast compilation → fast development
compiles to a static executable
static linking - compiles libraries into your program.
dynamic linking loads libraries into memory when program runs
cross compiles to different OS’s
efficient execution
ease of programming
the purpose of Go
What Go is good for
what Google does / web services at scale
http, tcp, udp
concurrency / parallelism
automation, command-line tools
robust and mature standard library
third party packages
stack overflow developer survey
Guiding principles of design
expressive, comprehensible, sophisticated
clean, clear, easy to read
friendly and welcoming community!
open source
go is written in go
backward compatibility promise
from version 1 onward
built in HTTP server that is production ready
static types (not dynamic)
a VALUE of a certain TYPE
garbage collector - fast!
memory is managed by go, and not by you
the go tool
modules & dependency management
great documentation
written by the masters
golang documentation
golang specification
effective go
golang user manual
standard library
golang blog
golang modules
go help at command line
mechanical sympathy
The language is “GO”
as in, go fast
as in, GOOGLE
but when google about Go, use golang
Super cute mascot
The Gopher
Go, also known as Golang, is a modern programming language developed by Google in 2007. It has quickly become popular among developers for its simplicity, efficiency, and powerful features.
One of the key features of Go is its simplicity. The language has a clean syntax that is easy to read and write, making it an ideal choice for beginners who are just starting to learn programming. Despite its simplicity, Go is a powerful language that can handle complex tasks and scale well, making it an excellent choice for building large-scale software projects.
Another advantage of Go is its performance. Go is a compiled language, which means that it can produce highly optimized machine code that runs very quickly. This makes Go an ideal choice for building high-performance applications, such as network servers, web applications, and real-time systems.
Go also comes with a built-in concurrency model that makes it easy to write highly concurrent and parallel programs. This makes it an ideal choice for building applications that need to handle a large number of concurrent requests or perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
Go is also an open-source language, which means that it is constantly evolving and improving with contributions from a large and active community of developers. This ensures that Go will remain relevant and up-to-date with the latest developments in technology.
Overall, Go is a great language to learn today because it is simple, powerful, fast, concurrent, and constantly evolving. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, Go is a language that can help you build great software projects efficiently and effectively.
golang documentation
golang user manual
golang specification
effective go
standard library
golang blog
golang modules
How to Write Go Code
Tutorial: Create a Go module
also great
digital ocean tutorial go modules
practical go lessons chapter 17 - go modules
go help at command line
go proverbs
Example code
golang by example
we’ll learn how to run code on our machines soon
install go
install git-scm
install vs code
installing go plugin
built and maintained by google
updating tooling
command palette / go install update tools
go modules
go mod init <AnyNameYouWant>
managing dependencies
golang modules
(these are the same resources as above in previous lecture)
How to Write Go Code
Tutorial: Create a Go module
also great
digital ocean tutorial go modules
practical go lessons chapter 17 - go modules
semicolons are inserted by compiler
documentation – the truth, written by geniuses
variadic parameters
the “...<some type>” is how we signify a variadic parameter
the type “interface{}” is the empty interface
every value is also of type “interface{}”
“any” is of type interface
parameter “...any”
means give me as many arguments of any type as you’d like
throwing away returns
use the “_” underscore character to throw away returns
this is called “the blank identifier”
we use this notation in Go
ex: fmt.Println()
we would read that: “from package fmt I am using the Println func”
an identifier is the name of the variable, constant, func
code that is already written which you can use
computers run on electricity
electricity has two discrete states: ON and OFF
we can create coding schemes for “on” or “off” states
examples: morse code, halloween
documentation - know the truth, written by genius
print out a some text with emojis
print out a raw string literal
Declaration, assignment, initialization
general guideline
var for zero value
short declaration operator
var when specificity is required
multiple initializations
go is statically typed, not dynamic
a VARIABLE holds a VALUE of a specific TYPE
you can’t have unused variables in your code
this is “code pollution”
the compiler doesn’t allow it
zero values
false boolean
0 int
0.0 float
“” string
base 10
base 2
base 16
license plate on a Porsche 911 → 38F
documentation - know the truth, written by genius
A conversion changes the type of an expression to the type specified by the conversion.
A conversion may appear literally in the source, or it may be implied by the context in which an expression appears.
An explicit conversion is an expression of the form T(x) where T is a type and x is an expression that can be converted to type T.
An expression specifies the computation of a value by applying operators and functions to operands.
constants (effective go)
Constants in Go are just that—constant. They are created at compile time, even when defined as locals in functions, and can only be numbers, characters (runes), strings or booleans. Because of the compile-time restriction, the expressions that define them must be constant expressions, evaluatable by the compiler. For instance, 1<<3 is a constant expression, while math.Sin(math.Pi/4) is not because the function call to math.Sin needs to happen at run time.
constants (language specification)
Constants may be typed or untyped.
A constant may be given a type explicitly by a constant declaration or conversion, or implicitly when used in a variable declaration or an assignment statement or as an operand in an expression. It is an error if the constant value cannot be represented as a value of the respective type.
An untyped constant has a default type which is the type to which the constant is implicitly converted in contexts where a typed value is required, for instance, in a short variable declaration such as i := 0 where there is no explicit type. The default type of an untyped constant is bool, rune, int, float64, complex128 or string respectively, depending on whether it is a boolean, rune, integer, floating-point, complex, or string constant.
constants (go blog - ROB PIKE!!)
Go is a statically typed language that does not permit operations that mix numeric types. You can’t add a float64 to an int, or even an int32 to an int. Yet it is legal to write 1e6*time.Second or math.Exp(1) or even 1<<(' '+2.0). In Go, constants, unlike variables, behave pretty much like regular numbers. This post explains why that is and what it means.
In the early days of thinking about Go, we talked about a number of problems caused by the way C and its descendants let you mix and match numeric types. Many mysterious bugs, crashes, and portability problems are caused by expressions that combine integers of different sizes and “signedness”.
declarations and scope
The scope of a declared identifier is the extent of source text in which the identifier denotes the specified constant, type, variable, function, label, or package.
Go is lexically scoped using blocks:
The scope of a predeclared identifier is the universe block.
The scope of an identifier denoting a constant, type, variable, or function (but not method) declared at top level (outside any function) is the package block.
The scope of the package name of an imported package is the file block of the file containing the import declaration.
The scope of an identifier denoting a method receiver, function parameter, or result variable is the function body.
The scope of an identifier denoting a type parameter of a function or declared by a method receiver begins after the name of the function and ends at the end of the function body.
The scope of an identifier denoting a type parameter of a type begins after the name of the type and ends at the end of the TypeSpec.
The scope of a constant or variable identifier declared inside a function begins at the end of the ConstSpec or VarSpec (ShortVarDecl for short variable declarations) and ends at the end of the innermost containing block.
The scope of a type identifier declared inside a function begins at the identifier in the TypeSpec and ends at the end of the innermost containing block.
if statements
if x := f(); x < y {
return x
} else if x > z {
return z
} else {
return y
unused imports, variables, & the blank identifier (effective go)
It is an error to import a package or to declare a variable without using it. Unused imports bloat the program and slow compilation, while a variable that is initialized but not used is at least a wasted computation and perhaps indicative of a larger bug. When a program is under active development, however, unused imports and variables often arise and it can be annoying to delete them just to have the compilation proceed, only to have them be needed again later. The blank identifier provides a workaround.
language spec (ctrl+f “cast” & ctrl+f “conversion”)
it can only hold VALUES of that TYPE
go is statically typed
basic type / built-in type / primitive type
data type provided by a programming language as a basic building block. Most languages allow more complicated composite types to be constructed starting from basic types.
data type for which the programming language provides built-in support.
In most programming languages, all basic data types are built-in.
standard library / builtin -
aggregate type
aggregates many values together
example: array, slice, struct
composite / compound / structure / struct type
include values of different types
example: struct
The act of constructing a STRUCT which is a composite type is known as composition
many different types into one structure which composes all of those different types together into that one data structure - it's a data STRUCTURE which holds VALUES of many different TYPES
combining multiple smaller types into a larger type.
embedding types and inner-type promotion
(inheriting fields and methods of embedded type)
Golang specification - types
typed & untyped constants
avoids subtle bugs
constants (go blog - rob pike)
Go is a statically typed language that does not permit operations that mix numeric types. You can’t add a float64 to an int, or even an int32 to an int. Yet it is legal to write 1e6*time.Second or math.Exp(1) or even 1<<(' '+2.0). In Go, constants, unlike variables, behave pretty much like regular numbers. This post explains why that is and what it means.
In the early days of thinking about Go, we talked about a number of problems caused by the way C and its descendants let you mix and match numeric types. Many mysterious bugs, crashes, and portability problems are caused by expressions that combine integers of different sizes and “signedness”.
We learned about bitwise operations in the last video. Now let's learn about "iota" and use it in a program
to learn about iota
golang spec
effective go
modify a program to use iota
(note how iota only needs to be mentioned at the top of a block of code)
create a program that uses iota to calculate the size of each measurement of bytes
KB 1024 bytes
MB 1024 KB
GB 1024 MB
TB 1024 GB
PB 1024 TB
EB 1024 EB
show the sizes of each in DECIMAL and BINARY using fmt.Printf
hint: use int and not float64 as shown in effective go (we aren't going up to the larger values of ZB and YB so we don't need to capacity of float64)
hint: the starting code for this is already in effective go
write a program that uses the following:
var for zero value
short declaration operator
multiple initializations
var when specificity is required
blank identifier
print items as necessary to make the program interesting
write a program that uses the following:
for a VARIABLE storing a VALUE of TYPE
use print verbs to show
write a program that uses print verbs to show the following numbers
write a program that declares two variables
one variable to store a VALUE of TYPE int8
assign to it the largest number possible, then print it
one variable to store a VALUE of TYPE uint8
assign to it the largest number possible, then print it
good stuff coming!
code preview of scope
We are riding a rocket ship of a mystery!
Earth is traveling through space at 67,000 mph
Earth is spinning at 1,000 mph
Earth is circling a ball of fire in the sky (the sun)
the sun is 1.3 million times larger than earth
declare a variable to hold a VALUE of a certain TYPE
var x int
assign a value to a variable
var x int = 42
declare & assign
assign an initial value to a variable
var x int = 42
var y int
y = 43
the name of a variable
examples: x, fName
these are words that a reserved for use by the Go programming language
they are sometimes called “reserved words”
you can’t use a keyword for anything other than its purpose
in “2 + 2” the “+” is the OPERATOR
an operator is a character that represents an action, as for example “+” is an arithmetic OPERATOR that represents addition
in “2 + 2” the “2”s are OPERANDS
the smallest standalone element of a program that expresses some action to be carried out. It is an instruction that commands the computer to perform a specified action.
A program is formed by a sequence of one or more statements.
x := 2+7
a value, or operations (operands and operators) that express a value
a combination of one or more explicit values, constants, variables, operators, and functions that the programming language interprets and computes to produce another value. For example, 2+7 is an expression which evaluates to 9. For example, 42 is an expression as it's a value.
x := 2+7
y := 42
( )
curly braces “curlies”
{ }
[ ]
where a variable exists and is accessible
best practice: keep scope as “narrow” as possible
exploring scope
GUI = graphical user interface
CLI = command line interface
unix / linux / mac
shell / bash / terminal
command prompt / windows command / cmd / dos prompt
start / bash
an introduction and overview
shell / bash commands
ls -la
owner, group, world
r, w, x
4, 2, 1
d = directory
rwxrwxrwx = owner, group, world
owner group bytes last modification hidden & name
cd ..
touch temp.txt
nano temp.txt
cat temp.txt
command + k
chmod options permissions filename
chmod 777 temp.txt
go version
go env
rm <file or folder name>
rm -rf <file or folder name>
shell / bash commands
ls -la
owner, group, world
r, w, x
4, 2, 1
d = directory
rwxrwxrwx = owner, group, world
owner group bytes last modification hidden & name
cd ..
touch temp.txt
nano temp.txt
cat temp.txt
command + k
chmod options permissions filename
chmod 777 temp.txt
go version
go env
rm <file or folder name>
rm -rf <file or folder name>
This changes over time, so google for current best practice: “ssh authentication github”
creating a repo
create a repo on
create a folder with the same name on your computer
follow the instructions from github, from when you created your repo to connect the repo ON YOUR COMPUTER with the repo on GITHUB
git commands
git status
git add --all
git commit -m “some message”
git push
A checksum in programming is a technique used to ensure the integrity of data that is being transmitted or stored. It is a mathematical algorithm that calculates a fixed-size value based on the content of a file or data stream. This value is then compared to the expected value to ensure that the data has not been altered or corrupted during transmission or storage.
Checksums are commonly used in network protocols such as TCP/IP, as well as in file transfer protocols such as FTP and HTTP. They are also used in computer storage systems, such as hard drives and solid-state drives, to detect errors in data storage.
The most commonly used checksum algorithms include MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check). Each algorithm produces a unique checksum value based on the input data, which can be used to verify the integrity of the data.
In summary, checksums are an important tool in programming to ensure the accuracy and security of data transmission and storage.
installing go
installing git-scm
go uses git when fetching external packages
installing vs code
installing go plugin
built and maintained by google
updating tooling
command palette / go install update tools
open a folder
create folder
go mod init <some name>
create go file
package main
folders are packages
every file in a folder/package must have the same package name
func main
dot notation
Visible outside package
notVisible outside package
added by compiler
running code
vs code / run
view / debug console
command line
go run main.go
go run ./…
builds executable and runs it
go build
builds executable
cross build/compile
see environment variables
run one of these at the command line to build to a certain OS:
GOOS=darwin go build
GOOS=linux go build
GOOS=windows go build
go help
go help env
go help environment
go env
bin folder
go version
go install drops a binary into your $GOPATH bin folder
The go install command in the Go programming language is used to compile and install a package or a set of packages. When you execute go install in a directory containing Go code, it compiles the Go package and installs the resulting binary executable file in the bin directory of your Go workspace.
Specifically, go install does the following:
It compiles the Go package(s) in the current directory and its subdirectories, if any.
It links the compiled object files into a single binary executable file.
It installs the binary executable file in the bin directory of your Go workspace, which is usually located at $GOPATH/bin.
After executing go install, you can run the resulting binary executable file directly from the command line, assuming the $GOPATH/bin directory is included in your system's PATH environment variable.
Dependency management is the process of identifying, organizing, and resolving the external code libraries and packages that a software application or project depends upon. Most software applications depend on a large number of external code libraries or packages, which are typically maintained by third-party developers. Dependency management is important because it ensures that all required libraries and packages are available and compatible with each other, and that any updates or changes to those dependencies are managed and controlled to prevent issues that could arise due to conflicting versions or changes. There are various tools and techniques for managing dependencies in programming, including package managers such as npm for Node.js, pip for Python, and Maven for Java. These tools allow developers to easily install, update, and remove external dependencies for their projects, and also provide features like version control, dependency resolution, and automatic updates.
structured programming
spaghetti code
modular code
your code depends upon other code
third-party packages
go get
using the "go get" tool to
get third-party packages
update third-party packages
use a certain version / commit hash of a third-party package
code base 1
code base 2
code base 3
Using the code base for our course
modules & packages
in go we create modules
modules have packages
we often push these modules to a code repository
name spacing
semantic versioning
tagging our git commits with versions
being able to "go get" a specific
audience specifics
beginners & experienced in this course
primary takeaway
the concepts
go mod init <some-module-name>
spirit of adventure & exploration
@latest doesn't work once
we'll see how to force it with @<commit hash>
my proficiencies
I don't use all of this in my day-to-day, teaching intro programming, so I'm not 100% fluid with the commands, but I understand it, and we'll get it working!
blacksmith analogy
we write the code with errors before we write the code without errors
dependency management problem
Russ Cox
Why now?
we've gotten a taste of coding in go
now "go mod init <module-name>" is essential to coding on your machine
let's understand it
this is not explained well anywhere else
modular code
spaghetti code
Spaghetti code refers to a programming code that is complex, tangled, and difficult to understand and maintain. The term "spaghetti code" is often used to describe code that has been written in a haphazard and unstructured manner, making it difficult for other programmers to understand and modify the code. Spaghetti code typically arises when the programmer does not follow a structured approach to software development and fails to organize the code into modular, reusable components. This can lead to code that is difficult to read, debug, and maintain over time, which can result in software that is unreliable, inefficient, and prone to errors. The term "spaghetti code" is derived from the visual appearance of the code, which resembles a tangled mess of lines that are difficult to trace and follow, similar to a plate of spaghetti. To avoid spaghetti code, it is important for programmers to follow best practices for software development, such as using a structured approach, creating modular components, and documenting their code thoroughly.
modular code / structured programming
A structured approach to software development is a methodical and organized approach to writing software code. It involves breaking down a large software project into smaller, manageable tasks, and designing and implementing each task in a logical and coherent manner. The goal of a structured approach is to make the code more readable, maintainable, and scalable, which helps to reduce errors and improve software quality. Modular code is an essential aspect of a structured approach to software development. Modular code refers to a programming technique where a large program is divided into smaller, independent modules or components. Each module performs a specific task, and these modules are designed to work together to achieve the overall functionality of the program. By breaking down a large program into smaller modules, it becomes easier to manage, test, and maintain the code. Each module can be developed and tested independently, making it easier to debug and modify the code. Additionally, modular code can be reused in other projects, saving time and effort in future software development. A structured approach to software development involves using best practices such as defining requirements, creating a detailed design, and breaking down the project into smaller, manageable tasks. This approach is intended to help developers produce more reliable, efficient, and scalable code, which is easier to maintain and modify over time. By using modular code, developers can create more structured and maintainable software applications, which are essential for large and complex software projects.
code you code depends upon
a dependency which your code directly imports.
a dependency not directly used in your code
dependency used by your direct dependencies
go mod
configures our go workspace
go mod init mymodule
go mod init <name space>
helps us manage dependencies
dependencies = other code our project depends on
dependencies & security considerations
Russ Cox - Our Software Dependency Problem (01/23/2019)
go get
allows to go get a third-party package dependency to use in our code
go mod tidy is a command used in Go programming language to manage dependencies in a project. When you create a Go module, you may add dependencies to your project using third-party packages. These packages can be installed automatically when you run your code or explicitly by using the go get command.
The go mod tidy command checks the go.mod file in your project, and it ensures that it includes all the necessary dependencies for the project to build and run correctly. It also removes any unused dependencies that are no longer required by the project.
In more detail, when you run the go mod tidy command, it performs the following steps:
It reads the go.mod file and identifies all the dependencies listed in it.
It checks if all the dependencies listed in the go.mod file are required for the project. If any of the dependencies are not required, it removes them from the go.mod file.
It adds any missing dependencies to the go.mod file that are required by the project.
It verifies that all the dependencies have the correct versions specified in the go.mod file.
It updates the go.sum file to include the hashes of the downloaded dependencies.
Overall, the go mod tidy command helps to ensure that your Go project has the correct dependencies specified, and it removes any unused dependencies that may slow down your project or cause compatibility issues.
naming packages
go blog package-names
package puppy
add functions
use functions from puppy
learn-to-code-go-version-03 ← puppy ← dog
In Go, modular code refers to breaking up a program into smaller, reusable modules that can be easily managed and maintained. This approach helps developers write more organized and maintainable code by focusing on building independent modules that perform a specific task or have a specific functionality.
Dependency management is the process of handling external libraries and packages that a Go program relies on. When developing a Go program, developers often use third-party libraries to speed up development or add specific features. Dependency management refers to managing these external libraries to ensure that the program runs as expected, and updates to the libraries don't break the program's functionality.
The Go programming language has a built-in package manager called "go modules." The module system provides a way to manage dependencies at the module level, allowing developers to specify the exact version of a dependency that their program requires. The module system also provides a way to easily download and manage dependencies for a Go project, making it easy to build modular and maintainable code in Go.
create another package dog
language spec arithmetic_operators
standard library strings pkg
in puppy
import dog
create a new function
uses the dog
in learn-to-code-go-version-03
use puppy package again
not capitalization being used
Capitalized/exported/visible & lowercase/not-exported/not-visible
Git is a version control system that allows developers to track changes in their codebase and collaborate on projects with ease. One important feature of Git is the ability to tag specific versions of a project.
To tag a version in Git, follow these steps:
Make sure you're in the branch you want to tag. You can use the command git branch to see which branch you're currently in and git checkout <branch> to switch to another branch if necessary.
Decide on a version number for your tag. This can be any alphanumeric string, but it's common to use a format like "v1.0" or "v1.1.2".
Use the git tag command to create a new tag. The basic syntax for creating a tag is git tag <tagname>, so if you wanted to create a tag called "v1.0", you would run git tag v1.0.
If you want to include additional information in your tag, you can use the -a option to create an annotated tag. An annotated tag includes a message that describes the tag and can include information like who created the tag and when it was created. To create an annotated tag, use the syntax git tag -a <tagname> -m <message>.
If you want to tag a specific commit instead of the current HEAD, use the git tag <tagname> <commit> syntax. This creates a tag at the specified commit.
Push your tags to the remote repository using git push --tags. This will push all your local tags to the remote repository.
With these steps, you can easily create tags for specific versions of your codebase, making it easier to track changes and collaborate with others.
two types of tags
tags a certain commit
git tag v1.4
checksummed; contain the tagger name, email, and date; have a tagging message; and can be signed and verified with GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).
git tag -a v1.4 -m "my version 1.4"
-m specifies a tagging message, which is stored with the tag. If you don’t specify a message for an annotated tag, Git launches your editor so you can type it in.
pushing tags
By default, the git push command doesn’t transfer tags to remote servers.
You have to explicitly push tags to a shared server after you have created them.
When you push your tags, when someone else clones or pulls from your repository, they will get all your tags as well.
two ways to do this
git push origin <tagname>.
git push origin v1.5
git push origin --tags
pushes all tags
git push origin --tags
listing the tags (seeing all of your tags)
git tag (with optional -l or --list)
git tag
git tag -l "v1.8.5*"
for our purposes
git tag
git tag vN.N.N
git push origin --tags
git show
see the tag data along with the commit that was tagged
git show v1.4
semantic versioning
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR changes, not backwards compatible
MINOR changes, backwards compatible
PATCH big fixes, backwards compatible
For our purposes
git tag
git tag vN.N.N
git push origin --tags
git tag
git show v1.0.0
Are there already tags
git tag
add something new to our code
func From10(){fmt.Println("I'm from version 1.0.0"}
commit & tag
git add –all
git commit -m "some commit message"
git tag v1.0.0
git push origin –tags
add something new to our code
func From11(){fmt.Println("I'm from version 1.2.0"}
commit & tag
git add –all
git commit -m "some commit message"
git tag v1.0.0
git push origin –tags
add something new to our code
func From12(){fmt.Println("I'm from version 1.3.0"}
commit & tag
git add –all
git commit -m "some commit message"
git tag v1.0.0
git push origin –tags
Golang hands-on exercise #9
create the following variables with the following scopes:
package level
create outside of func main
use the
var keyword
const keyword
block level
inside func main
use the short declaration operator
use the variables in func main
Golang Hands-on exercise #10
use the terminal to make a go workspace
mkdir <name>
cd <name>
go mod init <somename>
write a hello world program
nano main.go
(if this doesn't work on your machine, use an IDE)
write go code
run your program
go run main.go
Golang Hands-on exercise #11
Using the code you wrote in the previous hands-on exercise:
look at the contents in the folder of your module
ls -la
build your program
any of these
go build main.go
go build .
go build ./…
run your executable
./<name of executable>
this could vary on your machine, if so, google how to do it on your machine, for example, "on a mac, run executable at the terminal" or "run executable from terminal mac"
Golang Hands-on exercise #12
Using the code you wrote in the previous hands-on exercise:
build your program for windows
GOOS=windows go build
build your program for mac
GOOS=darwin go build
build your program for linux
GOOS=linux go build
Golang Hands-on exercise #13
Using the code from the previous hands-on exercise:
look in the $GOPATH/bin
launch another terminal
see the "go path" environment variable - either of these
go env
navigate to the $GOPATH/bin folder
ls -la
"go install" your program (on the other terminal)
look at the executable $GOPATH/bin
ls -la
run the executable in the $GOPATH/bin
remove the executable in the $GOPATH/bin
if you accidentally delete everything, you will need to reinstall your tooling in VS code
if you messed it all up, reinstall go
Golang Hands-on exercise #14
Using the code from the previous hands-on exercise:
use a function from the package found at github GoesToEleven/puppy
inspect your go.mod file
run go mod tidy
what does go mod tidy do?
Golang Hands-on exercise #15
Using the code from the previous hands-on exercise:
use a function from the package found at github GoesToEleven/puppy but make your code depend on v1.2.0
inspect your go.mod file
Golang Hands-on exercise #16
Create a github repo for you code
push your code
add a version tag to your code of v1.0.0
git tag
git tag v1.0.0
git push origin –tags
add a temp.txt file to your code
push your code
add a version tag to your code of v1.1.0
look at your versions in github
optional: delete your repo
Golang Hands-on exercise #17 & git clone
At the terminal
go to your go workspace where you wrote your code
remove the folder you created to write your go code
rm -rf <folder name>
A hash algorithm is a mathematical function that takes in a variable-sized input, such as a file or message, and produces a fixed-size output, known as a hash or digest. The output is a unique representation of the input data, and even a small change to the input data will produce a completely different hash value. Hash algorithms are used in a variety of applications such as data integrity checks, message authentication, password storage, and digital signatures. For example, when a user sets a password, the password is hashed and stored in a database. When the user logs in, the password they enter is hashed again and compared to the stored hash to verify their identity. Hash algorithms are designed to be one-way functions, meaning it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to reconstruct the original input data from the hash value. This makes them useful for securely storing passwords or sensitive information. Common examples of hash algorithms include MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3. However, it is important to note that some of these algorithms, particularly MD5 and SHA-1, are considered insecure and should not be used for new applications.
synchronous / symmetric encryption
single key
asynchronous encryption
public / private key
Synchronous encryption and asynchronous encryption are two different approaches to encrypting data. Synchronous encryption, also known as symmetric encryption, uses a single key to both encrypt and decrypt data. This means that the same key is used to encrypt the data and to decrypt it. The encryption and decryption processes are fast and efficient, making synchronous encryption a popular choice for encrypting large amounts of data. Examples of synchronous encryption algorithms include Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES). Asynchronous encryption, also known as public-key encryption, uses a pair of keys: a public key and a private key. The public key is used to encrypt the data, while the private key is used to decrypt it. As a result, anyone can encrypt the data using the public key, but only the holder of the private key can decrypt it. Asynchronous encryption is often used for secure communication over insecure channels, such as the internet. Examples of asynchronous encryption algorithms include RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Both synchronous and asynchronous encryption have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which to use depends on the specific needs of the application. Synchronous encryption is typically faster and more efficient for encrypting large amounts of data, while asynchronous encryption provides better security for secure communication over insecure channels.
simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex
Simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex are terms used to describe different types of communication modes in telecommunications.
Simplex Communication: In simplex communication, information flows in only one direction. This means that the sender can transmit data to the receiver, but the receiver cannot send data back to the sender. Examples of simplex communication include TV broadcasting and most remote control devices.
Half-Duplex Communication: In half-duplex communication, information can flow in both directions, but not at the same time. When one party is transmitting data, the other party must wait for the transmission to end before sending their own data. Examples of half-duplex communication include walkie-talkies and CB radios.
Full-Duplex Communication: In full-duplex communication, information can flow in both directions simultaneously. This means that both the sender and receiver can send and receive data at the same time. Examples of full-duplex communication include telephone conversations, video conferencing, and internet chat.
In summary, simplex communication is one-way, half-duplex communication is two-way but not at the same time, and full-duplex communication is two-way and simultaneous.
A preview of this section's code
control flow
Control flow refers to the order in which statements, instructions, and operations are executed in a computer program. It determines the sequence in which the instructions are executed and the conditions that determine whether or not certain instructions are executed. In other words, control flow governs the flow of execution in a program. It is typically controlled by conditional statements (e.g., if/else statements), loops (e.g., for loops, while loops), and function calls. These constructs allow programmers to control the flow of their programs and make decisions based on various conditions. For example, in an if/else statement, the program executes a certain block of code if a particular condition is met and a different block of code if the condition is not met. Similarly, in a loop, the program repeats a certain block of code until a particular condition is met. Overall, control flow is essential in programming because it enables programmers to create complex logic and algorithms that can perform a wide range of tasks.
The Go runtime system is a component of the Go programming language that manages and schedules the execution of Go programs. It includes a number of features that make it easy to write concurrent and parallel programs in Go.
The Go runtime system is responsible for the following:
Goroutine management: Goroutines are lightweight threads that enable concurrent execution of Go programs. The runtime system manages the creation and destruction of goroutines, and schedules them for execution on available processors.
Garbage collection: The runtime system includes a garbage collector that automatically frees memory that is no longer needed by a program. This makes it easier to write complex programs without worrying about manual memory management.
Memory management: The runtime system includes a memory allocator that manages the allocation and deallocation of memory used by a program.
Channel management: Channels are used in Go to communicate between goroutines. The runtime system manages the creation and destruction of channels, and ensures that messages are delivered in the correct order.
Stack management: Each goroutine has its own stack, which is used to store local variables and function arguments. The runtime system manages the allocation and deallocation of stack space for each goroutine.
Overall, the Go runtime system is a key component of the Go programming language that makes it easy to write concurrent and parallel programs. It provides a number of powerful features that simplify the process of managing threads, memory, and communication between concurrent processes.
The Stack & The Heap
In Go, the stack and heap are two regions of memory used for storing variables and data during program execution.
The stack is a region of memory used for storing variables that are local to a function or a goroutine. When a function is called or a goroutine is created, a new stack frame is created on the stack to store the function arguments, local variables, and other data. The stack is a LIFO (last-in-first-out) data structure, which means that the most recently added data is the first to be removed. The stack is generally faster than the heap because it is managed automatically by the Go runtime system, and memory allocation and deallocation is relatively fast.
The heap is a region of memory used for storing variables that have a longer lifetime than those stored on the stack. When a variable is allocated on the heap, it remains there until it is explicitly deallocated by the program or until the program exits. The heap is a more flexible data structure than the stack, but it is generally slower because it requires more overhead for memory allocation and deallocation. In Go, the heap is managed automatically by the garbage collector, which frees up memory that is no longer being used by the program.
In general, Go programs try to allocate as much memory as possible on the stack because it is faster and requires less overhead. However, when a program needs to store large amounts of data or data with a longer lifetime than the stack, it must use the heap. The Go runtime system provides automatic memory management for both the stack and the heap, making it easy to write efficient and scalable concurrent programs.
The Go compiler is a program that translates Go source code into machine-readable binary code that can be executed by a computer. In other words, the Go compiler takes the human-readable code that a programmer writes in Go and converts it into instructions that a computer can understand and execute.
The Go compiler is responsible for several important tasks, including:
Parsing: The compiler reads the source code and breaks it down into a series of tokens, which are then analyzed for syntax errors.
Type checking: The compiler checks that the types of variables and expressions in the code are consistent and correct according to the rules of the Go language.
Optimization: The compiler performs various optimizations to the code to make it run more efficiently on the target machine.
Code generation: The compiler generates machine-readable binary code that can be executed by the target machine.
In Go, the standard compiler is called "gc" (short for "Go Compiler"). It is a highly optimized and efficient compiler that generates fast and efficient code.
Program execution
A complete program is created by linking a single, unimported package called the main package with all the packages it imports, transitively. The main package must have package name main and declare a function main that takes no arguments and returns no value.
func main() { … }
Program execution begins by initializing the main package and then invoking the function main. When that function invocation returns, the program exits. It does not wait for other (non-main) goroutines to complete.
An if statement is a programming construct used to control the flow of execution in a program based on a condition. The basic syntax of an if statement is:
if (condition) {
// Code to execute if the condition is true
In this syntax, condition is an expression that evaluates to either true or false. If the condition is true, the code inside the curly braces will be executed. If the condition is false, the code inside the curly braces will be skipped and execution will continue with the next statement following the if statement.
Comparison operators compare two operands and yield an untyped boolean value.
== equal
!= not equal
< less
<= less or equal
> greater
>= greater or equal
language spec Comparison_operators
Understanding & using Logical operators
In an "if" statement
The expression may be preceded by a simple statement, which executes before the expression is evaluated.
this is also like the "comma ok idiom"
declare and assign; condition {}
limits scope
A switch statement is a control flow statement in programming that allows a program to evaluate an expression or variable and then selectively execute different blocks of code based on the value of the expression or variable. It provides a convenient way to write code that performs different actions based on a single variable or expression without having to use multiple if/else statements. The switch statement typically consists of a single expression or variable followed by a series of case statements that specify the different values that the expression or variable can take and the corresponding blocks of code to execute in each case. If the expression or variable matches one of the specified case values, the corresponding block of code is executed, and if none of the cases match, an optional default case can be used to execute a fallback block of code.
Concurrency and parallelism are related but distinct concepts in programming, including in the Go programming language.
Concurrency refers to code that is written in a concurrent design pattern. This means that the code has the potential ability to execute multiple tasks simultaneously, where each task may make progress independently of the others.
In Go, concurrency is achieved using goroutines, lightweight threads of execution that are managed by the Go runtime.
A Go program can create many goroutines that run concurrently, each performing a different task.
The communication and synchronization of these goroutines is typically done using channels, which provide a way for goroutines to exchange data and coordinate their execution.
Parallelism, on the other hand, refers to the ability of a program to execute multiple tasks simultaneously by utilizing multiple CPUs or cores.
Parallelism can often speed up the execution of a program by allowing multiple parts of the program to run in parallel on different processors. In Go, parallelism can be achieved by running multiple goroutines on different processors using the go keyword.
serial / sequential execution
the opposite of parallel computing
The opposite of code running in parallel is code running serially or sequentially. In sequential execution, each instruction or task is executed one after the other in a predefined order, so that each instruction must wait for the previous one to finish before it can start. This differs from parallel execution, where multiple instructions or tasks can be executed simultaneously. Sequential execution is typically used when the instructions or tasks are dependent on each other, or when the resources required to execute the code are limited. Parallel execution, on the other hand, is used to speed up the execution of code by running multiple instructions or tasks at the same time, often on multiple processors or cores.
Go makes it easy to write concurrent code using goroutines and channels.
There are three ways you can do loops in Go - they all just use the for keyword
for init; condition; post { }
for condition { }
for { }
Nested loops are a type of control structure used in programming to repeat a set of instructions multiple times.
As the name suggests, nested loops consist of one loop inside another loop.
The outer loop is executed first,
and for each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop is executed completely.
This means that the inner loop executes its set of instructions for every iteration of the outer loop.
Nested loops are commonly used when working with multi-dimensional data structures such as arrays or matrices. They can also be used for tasks that require performing a specific action for every combination of two or more variables.
The for range loop allows iterating over the elements of an array, slice, string, map or channel.
finding a remainder, also known as a modulus
In programming, the modulus (or modulo) operator is a mathematical operation that returns the remainder after division of one number by another. The modulus operator is denoted by the percent sign (%).
For example, in the expression 11 % 3, the modulus operator would return 2, because 11 divided by 3 leaves a remainder of 2.
The modulus operator is commonly used in programming for tasks such as checking if a number is even or odd, or for calculating the position of elements in an array.
This hands-on exercise has a text file associated with it.
When I ran a SHA-256 checksum on this text file, I got this hash:
Download the text file associated with this hands-on exercise. Run a SHA-256 checksum on it. Do you get the same hash?
shasum -a 256 /path/to/file
. is the current directory
if you're in the directory with the file
shasum -a 256 ./file
change the file by one character, then run SHA-256 again
create a program that uses both SEQUENTIAL and CONDITIONAL control flow. Your program should do the following
create a random int between 0 and 250
store the value of that int in a variable with the identifier of x
func Intn(n int) int
print out the name and value of the variable
use an if statement to do the following
if the value is between 0 and 100
print between 0 and 100
if the value is between 101 and 200
print between 101 and 200
if the value is between 201 and 250
print between 201 and 250
re: inclusive, exclusive – does rand.Intn()
include zero in its output?
include 250 in its output?
show this in code using the numbers 0 - 3
Modify the previous program to use one of these conditional logic statements
a switch statement
a select statement
Which of the above conditional logic statements did you choose and why?
Modify the previous program to have your program use the init func to print
"This is where initialization for my program occurs"
read about the init function in effective go
What does niladic mean?
Create 2 random ints between 0 inclusive and 10 exclusive
assign them to variables with the identifiers x and y
Print their values
use an if statement to print the correct description
x and y are both less than 4
x and y are both greater than 6
x is greater than or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 6
y is not 5
none of the previous cases were met
Modify the previous program to use a switch statement
there are two parts ot this hands on exercise
create a program that has a loop that prints every number from 0 to 99
modify the program from the previous hands on exercise to run 100 times
Create one random int between 0 inclusive and 5 exclusive
assign the value to a variable with the identifier x
Use a switch statement to print a description of the variable and value
run the code 42 times and print the iteration number
create a for loop using only a condition
increment or decrement the variable being checked in the condition
create a for loop that uses break statement
increment or decrement the variable being checked as a condition in the loop
use modulus and the continue statement in a loop to print all ODD numbers
joke about the programmer and infinite loops
create a loop that runs 5 times
nest a loop within the first loop that also prints 5 times
print something in each loop to illustrate what is occuring
below is the code to create a data structure called a slice of ints
put this code into a program
xi := []int{42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47}
use a for range loop to print each value and the index position of each value
below is the code to create a data structure called a map
put this code into a program
m := map[string]int{
"James": 42,
"Moneypenny": 32,
use a for range loop to print each value and the key associated with each value
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