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Clyde Matthew


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  • Master Asynchronous Requests: Learn how to make seamless HTTP requests with AJAX.

  • Explore Advanced Concepts: Dive into heavy topics such as HTTP Basic Auth, CORS, and RESTful APIs to understand how they integrate with AJAX.

  • RESTful API Project: Work with various tools like XMLHttpRequest, Fetch API, and Axios to implement AJAX in a real-world project.

  • Build Dynamic Applications: Discover how to effectively manage and manipulate data using AJAX for a smoother user experience.

  • Learn Advanced Techniques: Understand modules, error handling, and best practices for optimizing your AJAX calls.

This AJAX  advanced course will teach you how to use AJAX in different ways, and also teach you how to solve common issues you’ll face when working with AJAX. Real life practical training.

What This Course Covers

In this advanced course, we will cover a wide range of topics that are essential for mastering AJAX:

  • The fundamentals of making asynchronous requests

  • How to implement HTTP Basic Authentication and handle CORS issues

  • A thorough understanding of RESTful APIs and how they work with AJAX

  • Practical coding examples using XMLHttpRequest, Fetch API, and Axios

  • Techniques for error handling and debugging AJAX requests

  • Building projects that utilize AJAX for dynamic content updates

Even if you have little knowledge about AJAX, I’ve got you covered.

I do have a fundamentals AJAX course that provides a summary of AJAX. But in this advanced course, we start building projects together and from Section 4 we start digging into advanced concepts like Basic Auth, CORS and servers.

Knowing  advanced AJAX concepts is crucial if you want to become a serious fullstack developer, as it will allow you to make asynchronous HTTP requests and listen for incoming data from servers. AJAX can get tricky at times, and I don’t dispute this, but with correct training which includes explaining difficult concepts in a simple way, you will, like me, learn to master and love AJAX.

What is AJAX in one sentence

AJAX allows your users to add/delete/view/update content, post comments, submit reviews, submit forms and a ton more, without getting a page refresh.

Learn the (advanced) secrets of AJAX in this course

Understanding the fundamentals of AJAX is important. That's why I created the AJAX Fundamentals course. I assume that you have either (1) done my AJAX Fundamentals course, or (2) at the very least you've heard of AJAX and know about the XHR object and the Fetch API. 

AJAX BEYOND  It allows you to use AJAX to its fullest to advantage you best. It allows you to master AJAX and take your skills to the next level.

It will equip you to become a highly sought-after programmer.

  • Learn how to send authentication information using the XHR object and the Fetch API

  • Learn how to take user inputs, convert it into JSON data, and send that data to a server

  • Learn how to retrieve

Delivering an interactive, asynchronous web experience is challenging. In this AJAX BEYOND  Together, we will tackle questions like: How can you use Basic HTTP Authentication with AJAX? What do you do if you get a CORS issue using AJAX? What happens when an AJAX request reaches a server? What are RESTful APIs and how do you set them up? Answering these questions with confidence will propel you to being confident in AJAX and able to maximize performance.


This course is best done if you have at least a little understanding of AJAX.

If you have never heard of AJAX, I encourage you to first do my AJAX Fundamentals course. The reason I have done this is that my AJAX Fundamentals course provides everything you need to start using AJAX yourself. It gives you the sound fundamentals and practicals regarding AJAX. It will take you to the point where you will understand where AJAX came from, how to set up an AJAX request using the XHR object and the modern Fetch API.


What you will learn:

  • Understand how to use the XHR, Fetch API and Axios to make an AJAX request

  • How to set up Basic HTTP Auth using Apache, PHP and Node

  • How to solve CORS issues

  • How to define your own AJAX library

  • How to use Modules (ES Modules and CommonJS modules)

  • How to build an entire application that makes RESTful AJAX requests

  • How to use middleware (like cors(), express.urlencoded() and express.json()) on your server

  • How to set up Routes on your server and send responses back to a browser

  • How to become a better frontend programmer

  • And more.

In my

This simple application will use the power of RESTful AJAX APIs to speak to a server and perform tasks like adding/deleting/updating and viewing data that is stored on your server.

In building this application you will learn the following:

  • Set up a server to store all of your data

  • The server will be set up on a different port number than your frontend code

  • You will have to solve CORS errors

  • Listen for the DOMContentLoaded event to send an AJAX request to populate your table data

  • The users will be able to perform all CRUD operations (create/read/update/delete dog data)

  • All your AJAX code will be written in a module and will be RESTful compliant

  • And a ton more.

How amazing is that?

By the end of this We dig deeper in every lecture, and this course has a lot of additional content that will extend your knowledge base and test your skills.

Through practical examples, I help you understand AJAX piece by piece. And together we use the latest and best features of JavaScript and browsers along the way so you can confidently create what you like using AJAX and stay ahead of the pack.

One of the most advanced AJAX courses on Udemy

Successful programmers know more than the basics of AJAX. They also know how to solve CORS issues, how to implement authentication and how to set up servers . If you’re wanting to become a full stack developer, you need to know how to send JSON to a server via AJAX (i.e you need to know how to convert your JS objects to JSON), how to define modules and how to use the response data to update the page dynamically. You need to master CORS, and how to allow cross-domain requests, and more. Side by side I take you through all you need to know.

I want you to gain maximum benefit from this AJAX course, and I am here to help

I want you to be able to easily apply what I teach you in this course to any webpage or challenge of your choosing.

If AJAX is your interest, this course is perfect for you my dear student.

How is this course different?

There are lots of great courses that focus on web development. But they never get into the detail about AJAX related issues that will pop up when you start creating more complex sites.

In this AJAX BEYOND  This includes understanding why the XHR object allowed a username and password field, why you will sometimes want your frontend running a port number that is different to the server port, how to set up a server, how to implement Basic Auth, how to utilize the power of Modules, and more.

Practice makes perfect

Theory is theory … but there’s nothing like the real McCoy and getting behind your computer and typing in good code. That’s why we will be coding, laughing and pulling out our hair together as we code real life websites and exercises during this course. From Section 2 and beyond we start building AJAX projects together.

I love doing practical examples with my students, which is why this course has a number of them. My practical examples offer great lasting benefit to students and that is why I advocate them. My final course project that we will build together is a highlight, it is an application giving a user the ability to add, update, delete and fetch data from a server.

How much fun isn’t that?

Is This Course Right for You?

This course is perfect for anyone interested in enhancing their web development skills. If you find yourself in any of these categories, you’ll benefit greatly from this course:

  • You want to deepen your understanding of asynchronous programming.

  • You’re eager to learn how successful developers build dynamic web applications.

  • You wish to explore advanced concepts like CORS and RESTful APIs.

  • You’re looking for hands-on experience with real-world projects.

The demand for skilled web developers is growing rapidly. By mastering AJAX today, you'll position yourself ahead of the competition. This course offers memorable learning experiences, actionable insights, and practical examples that will empower you in your development journey.

What do you get?

  • Lifetime access to all tutorial videos.

  • No fees or monthly subscriptions.

  • Q&A support.

  • Quizzes and challenges to help you learn.

  • I’ve allowed you to download all of my lectures for offline viewing.

Let's get excited about becoming a professional web developer, and to be able to confidently apply it to your own websites.

See you in the lectures.

Let's get crackin'

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to use ajax with xhr, fetch and axios
  • Learn how to send authentication information using xhr and fetch
  • Understand single-origin-policy vs cors
  • Understand restful apis and how to use them
  • Basic http authentication using ajax
  • How to access json and text data from a server response
  • How to access xml data from a server response
  • What is apache and how it differs from node
  • How to set up an apache server, a php server and a node server
  • Preflight vs simple cors requests
  • How to allow cross-domain requests with ajax
  • What happens when an ajax request arrives at the server
  • How a server can handle an ajax request
  • How to use postman to test your server side routes
  • How to use nodemon to speed up your server side development process
  • Es modules vs commonjs modules
  • What are cors errors, and how you can fix them
  • Practical - build awesome dynamic front-end ajax examples with me
  • I am here to support you, step-by-step
  • From beginner to expert (advanced +)
  • You will emerge an expert
  • Gives you depth of knowledge to boost your ability and confidence to built dynamic websites
  • Show more
  • Show less


AJAX recap

An intro to this section

If you have done my AJAX Fundamentals course, feel free to skip this section

When you surf the web, what you're really doing is making requests to servers. AJAX allows us to do this in an asynchronous way.

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Many developers starting out get intimidated with AJAX.

But don't worry, it really is not a scary concept.

While the core principles of AJAX remain unchanged, the landscape of web development is constantly evolving. Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue have introduced new patterns and best practices for implementing AJAX functionality. Libraries such as Axios and Fetch have also become popular choices for making HTTP requests.Despite these advancements, AJAX remains a fundamental technique that every web developer should understand. It's the backbone of many modern web applications, enabling seamless user experiences and efficient data handling.

In this lecture I want to show you the differences between a traditional synchronous HTTP request versus a modern AJAX request. Pictures speak louder than 1000 words.


To make an AJAX request, you have 2 options: 

1. you can use the XMLHttpRequest object

2. you can use the fetch() API

There are 2 pure ways to make an AJAX request: the Fetch API and using the XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object.

The Fetch API is a newer and more modern way to make AJAX requests. It is a promise-based API, which means that it is easier to use and write code for. The Fetch API is also more flexible than the XHR object, and it supports more features, such as the ability to chain multiple requests together.

The XHR object is an older way to make AJAX requests.

In addition to the Fetch API and the XHR object, there are a number of JavaScript libraries that can be used to make AJAX requests, such as jQuery and Axios.


Back in the old days, when I was growing up, websites returned complete web pages when you visited a page. To reload any data, you had to reload the entire page.

This was an inefficient way of serving information to users and wasn't good for user experience. It also increased the load on servers and the bandwidth needed to serve data.

Something had to change.

Microsoft created the ActiveXObject, and in the early 2000's Google added functionality to Gmail that allowed data to be fetched in the background. They did the same thing for Google Maps.

Both Google's and Microsoft's techniques allowed developers to fetch data from a web server using JavaScript without a page reload.

This is AJAX.

Try your hand at these few questions.

Have fun, and I'll see you in the next section.

In this section I want to remind you what AJAX is, by doing a very simple example with you. We will fetch plain text, JSON, as well as data from a third party site.

An intro to what we're going to build together.

It's time to set up our first mini project.
In this lecture i'll tell you a little about VSC, why I use Live Server and also set up the HTML.

In this lecture we will turn our ugly ducking into a beautiful swan, by using CSS.

For the first time in this course, I want you to now use the XMLHttpRequest() object to fetch a .txt file, wait for a response, and then display that text on your HTML page.

In this lecture I will show you how to add HTML to the DOM dynamically, and I also want to refactor our code slightly to have our main business logic outside of the AJAX onload callback.

We've dealt with text data.

Now its time to recap how you can work with JSON data received from a server.

The responseType property allows you to (a) define the expected response type you receive back from the server and (b) convert whatever format is received from the server into your desired format.

But, do you think it works with JSON? The answer may surprise you.

In this lecture I'll show you what third party API we will be using, so you can attempt to write the fetch request by yourself.

Good luck.

Let's finish off our XHR example by grabbing data from a third party API.

Let's now refactor our XHR request into the modern Fetch API.

First we will perform a Fetch request to get / retrieve the contents of our internal text file.

It's time to finish off this entire example by completing our Fetch request to get JSON data.


In this section you have built a mini app with 3 buttons

1. GET text


3. GET API Data

Yes, it was rather basic.

We first used the XMLHttpRequest() object, and then refactored the code to use the modern Fetch API.

This project was a recap. It should have reminded you of some important skills that you'll need for the rest of this course.

Give this quiz a shot, and in the next section we'll tackle a simple, but slightly more advanced, example.

I can't wait.

In this section I want to perform an AJAX request, but this time I want us to write our own server side code to deal with the request and send a custom response. Pretty cool, huh?

A quick intro to this section

We are going to build a simple input field where a user types in a food item, and that items is sent to the server, and the server determines whether it is available. The appropriate message is then sent back to the client.

We will: 

1. create this example using a PHP server; and

2. create this example using a Node.js backend server

In this lecture I want us to build our HTML file.

We will approach this project in steps.

The first logical step is to grab what the user has typed in the <input> element, and then send this to the server.

In our example we are sending the data to a PHP server. Luckily for us, PHP has a superglobal $_GET method which makes it easy for us (on the server) to grab a query string.

That is why in this example we will insert the user input into the URL as a query parameter.

I want to finish off with completing our URL. You need to understand that when using a GET request, the data sent to the server will be done in key:value pairs. In other words, the data will be sent as a query string.

A quick word before you continue

This course is not about server side code.

However, I think its important that you understand how AJAX is used on the server side to grab data, process it, and send something back to the browser.

Usually when working with the XHR object we have to access data from the xhr.responseText property.

But things are different when we start working with XML.

I want to show you how you can retrieve the data received from our PHP server and display it into the <div> tag.

It's time to finish off our entire PHP / AJAX example.

In the previous lecture we finished off our PHP example.

It is now time to set up our Node server. In order to set up a server, we'll have to import the HTTP module. I will then show you how to define custom headers, and then send a response to a browser.

It can be daunting when first seeing a node.js file and coming across the concept of Modules.

But don't worry, let me break it down for you.

We have set up our Node server (using the HTTP module) but at this point we have not received the data from the browser.

Difference between xhr.responseText and xhr.response

In this lecture we will finish off our Node example to completion.


In this section, we created 2 variations of the same example.


1. we set up a PHP server on port 8000, and served our HTML file on the same port => no CORS policy required

2. we set up a Node server on port 8001, and served our HTML file on another port -> CORS policy was required

We set up custom headers in each example, and sent back appropriate responses.

Pretty cool huh? 

But don't get lost in all of the detail.

AJAX is really a front-end concept, and this means you don't need to understand server side code in order to master AJAX. However, understanding how servers pick up AJAX data is an important skill and puts a (rather large) feather in your cap. 

I can't wait for the next section.

HTTP provides a general framework for access control and authentication. HTTP authentication can be used by a server to challenge a client request, and by a client to provide authentication info.

Don't get lost in the detail.

The original AJAX object had the ability to pass in user credentials (username and password). This was done to utilize the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme.

This is precisely why I want you to understand the Basic Authentication Scheme.

It can be difficult to wrap your head around the concept of the Authentication. Hopefully this short article will help.

I want to show you how you can use the browser and also the command prompt (the CURL) to see HTTP request header information.

I will then show you a high level overview of how Basic HTTP Auth is working.

Don't get lost in all of the detail

If you will recall from my AJAX Fundamentals course, the XHR.open() method takes 5 arguments, the last 2 of which are username and password.

The reason the open() method took these arguments was to make your life easier if you wanted to utilize HTTP Basic Auth.

If anyone can decode the base64 username and password, then what is its purpose? 

Is base64 the same as encryption? 

Let's dive into it.

It wasn't until 1996 that the concept of authentication was introduced into the HTTP protocol. Before this, the internet was only public. You could not have private URLs.

Apache is a web server. It is one of the mostly used web-servers today (some sites I've seen say that Apache is being run on over 70% of websites today). 

This course is about AJAX.

But to really understand AJAX, you need to understand why the XHR object had the option for passing in a username and password.

But in order to understand this, you need to understand Basic Authentication.

And in order to understand Basic Authentication, you need to understand a little about server side code.

I know this may sound obvious, but in order to use or "run" a server on your own machine, you need to download it first.

For this, the most easy way is to install XAMPP.

From there, you have a few options in how you want to start the server. You can start it from the command prompt, and you can also start it from the XAMPP interface directly.

In this lecture I want to show you how to start an Apache server and server your first index.html file. I will also set up a config file for our root directory in a file called .htaccess.

Take a quick break, and don't forget what the .htaccess file is all about

You have to configure what type of authentication you are implementing on the server.

I will show you how this can easily be done with Apache.

By default the .htaccess file does not have any concept of sessions or logout functionality. This means once the correct user credentials have been entered, they will be saved in the browsers cache.

Wrapping your head around why the .htpasswd file exists is difficult.

I've been there.

That is why I've written this short page to help you understand why it is used.

This the project intro.

I want to build a simple HTML form where the user types a username and password and clicks on a button that will reveal the secret message.

We will use Basic Auth and AJAX to perform this request and authenticate the user.

I want to build a simple HTML form.

I will add an inline event listener to the form, listening for the "submit" event. When this event is fired, we will execute a function that will use AJAX to take the user input and send it to the server.

The default behaviour of a "submit" event inside of a <form> element is to refresh the entire page.

We don't want this.

Therefore, we can use the preventDefault() method. This method cancels the event if it is cancelable, meaning that the default action that belongs to the event (in our case, the page refresh) will not occur.

The preventDefault() method is give to you on the Event interface by the browser. It's pretty powerful.

In the previous lecture I showed you 2 ways of accessing the Event object. Which one is best? Read this short article to find out.

It's now time to finish off this example by using the XHR object to send the user credentials alongside a request to access the file protected secret.html file.

The browser displays you a popup asking for a username and password when you try and use Basic Auth.

Is there a way to stop this from happening? 

Let's find out.

The entire purpose of this section was to get you to this point - to understand that the original AJAX object allowed you to pass in a username and password, and AJAX would set all the required headers in the background.

If the user types incorrect user credentials, and hits cancel on the popup, we get sent back a generic Unauthorized Access message from Apache.

In this lecture I want to show you how you can send back a custom error message instead.

Today we typically use the Fetch API to perform AJAX requests. So this exercise would not be complete if I did not show you how to quickly convert our XHR object into a Fetch request.

In the previous example we used an Apache server to serve files to the browser.

In the next few lectures I want to show you how you can set up a Node server to do the same thing.

I don't want to concentrate on AJAX in this example. Rather, I want to introduce you to routes and how you can handle them on Node server.

If you want to code alongside me, you'll have to have Node installed on your machine.

In the upcoming lectures I will be using Express to help create routes.

Express is not a core module in Node, meaning that we have to install it separately.

There are 2 ways you can install Express: locally or globally. I will show you how to do both.

Remember, Node itself is a JavaScript environment. What I mean by this is that it is BIG. It can do different things like execute JavaScript, read files, etc. One of the things it can also do is set up an internal server.

In this lecture I want to show you how to set up a Node.js server. You can do this in one of 2 ways: 

  1. use the HTTP module; or

  2. use an express app

I will show you both ways.

The easiest way to set up a server in Node is to use Express. The reason why its easier is that Express also gives us the ability to create and define URL routes, very easily.

However, if your site is simple, you can just as easily use the HTTP module to create your server. The benefit with using the HTTP module is that you dont have to install it because it comes shipped with Node.

You may be curious how Node knows where and how to find a module that you require.

In our example we told Node that we want to use the express framework. Remember, our code looked like this: let express = require('express');

In this article I'll explain how node finds this framework on your machine.

The first step in implementing authorization to a webpage is for the server to tell the browser that it requires authentication.

In this lecture I want to show you how you can set this up on your server.

In this lecture I want to show you how you can extract grab the "Basic base64_string" containing the user credentials and then return the username and password in separate variables.

In order to do this, we need to use the Buffer.from() method, given to us by Node.

Remember what it is that we're trying to achieve.

  • we want to grab the username and place it in a variable

  • we want to grab the password and place it in a variable

  • we then want to compare whether these values match our system

In the previous lecture I used the Buffer.from() method, but if this is all I did then we would have a list of integers that are meaningless to us.

This is why I had to then use the toString() method to convert the buffer into a readable string.

Finally! In this lecture we will finish off our Node example of adding authentication to our /secret URL.

Basic Auth is not great when it comes to security.

In the previous lecture we used the next() function a few times. Sometimes, we passed in an error object. Sometimes, we passed in nothing.

In the previous video I went fast, and in doing so I missed a few errors.

So, in this lecture I want to explain more about the next() function and how you can use it. I also want to tidy up our code and improve the way it flows.

There are a few more important points I want you to understand about the next() function.

We have a slight issue here, because if the user types in the incorrect credentials we are redirecting the user to the /error page.

Only after we redirect the user here do we set the WWW-Authenticate header and the status code of 401. This will have the effect of telling the browser that we require user credentials to enter the /error page, when in fact we still want the request to be to /secret.

Let me show you how to fix this.

This course is about AJAX, so why did I then spend an entire section explaining how Basic Authentication works? 

It boils down to you really having a deep understanding on how the original XMLHttpRequest() object worked.

We've covered a lot in this section.

Well done.

W00T W00T!

A user's initial request to a URL is usually anonymous (think about when you land on a random webpage), so it doesn’t have any information to confirm that the user is who they say they are.

Sometimes this is fine.

But the flip side is that this can be dangerous if the URL contains sensitive data.

This is where authentication comes into the picture.

To filter user access, the server first denies the anonymous request and indicates that client authentication is required (it does this via the WWW-Authenticate header).

Usually, authentication by a server entails the use of a username and password.

HTTP supports the use of several authentication mechanisms. In this section we looked at one of the most common methods of authentication that HTTP gives us.

Before you continue to the next section, try these fun questions.


Modern web browsers provide many built-in security mechanisms to defend against attackers. One of these policies is the Same-Origin policy, but more recently we have CORS which works alongside it.

Before the web became complex, we did not have any concept of "origin".

In other words, the web did not envisage that cross-site requests would ever be made.

Fast-Forward to today, and cross-site requests are being made all the time. In fact, when you're dealing with AJAX, you are bound to come across CORS related issues all the time. That is why this section is so important.

CORS errors can occur when you are trying to do things like:

  • Make an AJAX request to an API from a different domain

  • Embed an image or video from a different domain

  • Use a third-party JavaScript library that makes requests to a different domain

The Same-Origin-Policy was given to us a long time ago, even before AJAX as we know it today was introduced.

SOP blocks all AJAX cross-origin requests.

A quick summary on why CORS was created

There are different types of CORS request that the browser can execute - SIMPLE and PREFLIGHT.

You have likely heard of common HTTP headers like GET, POST and DELETE. But did you know there is another method called HEAD?

The HEAD method is used to request HTTP headers from the server. This means that no body (in other words, no heavy resources) will be sent back by the server to the browser. This saves time compared to issuing a GET request. The reasons why you would want to use a HEAD request are numerous, for example if you want to determine whether a resource (such a PNG file) on the server exists, whether cached data needs to be updated or to check whether a file was last updated. 

When your browser makes and AJAX request to a third party website, this request will be governed by CORS.

There are 2 types of CORS requests, and in this lecture we will look at the SIMPLE request. To remind you, this will apply if the HTTP method is GET, POST or HEAD, and the Content-Type is text/plain, multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlendcoded

Any request that is using a method that isn't GET or POST or HEAD or uses a Content-Type that isn't

  • text/plain

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • multipart/form-data

will trigger a preflight request

It can get daunting learning about CORS. I've been there. And it only seems to add confusion when browsers decide to send a preflight request.

If you take a step back and try to understand the logic behind why it was introduced, things start to get easier.

Sometimes, before the main request is sent to a server, the browser decides to send a preflight request. Find out why in this lecture.

Don't get lost in all of the detail.

Remember that CORS (and Same-Origin-Policy) is only applicable when you are making a request from SITE1 to SITE2. In other words, its only applicable when you perform a cross-origin request.

Now, why don't I show you CORS and SOP in action. Let's navigate to Google.com and send a request to apple.com and see what happens.

You'll notice the error message in Chrome is not as good (or correct) as the error message shown in Firefox.

In the next few lectures I want to set up an example with you where we will see CORS errors and then fix them together.

I want to write up our (very) simple HTML code so that we are ready to execute our AJAX requests. I have attached the index.html file here if you don't feel like coding alongside me.

(remember, you need to set up your project in the xampp/htdocs directly in order for Apache to serve the appropriate files)

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Covers HTTP Basic Authentication, CORS, and RESTful APIs, which are essential for full-stack developers working with AJAX to handle authentication and data exchange securely
Teaches how to use the XHR, Fetch API, and Axios, which are core tools for frontend developers to make asynchronous requests and handle data efficiently
Explores techniques for error handling and debugging AJAX requests, which are crucial for web developers to ensure smooth and reliable application performance
Requires prior knowledge of AJAX fundamentals, so learners without this background may need to complete the instructor's introductory course first
Involves setting up servers using Apache, PHP, and Node, which may require learners to install and configure these tools on their local machines

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in AJAX Expert Course (Next Level) 2025 with these activities:
Review AJAX Fundamentals
Refresh your understanding of AJAX fundamentals to prepare for the advanced concepts covered in this course. This will ensure a solid foundation for grasping more complex topics.
Browse courses on Ajax
Show steps
  • Review the core concepts of AJAX, including XMLHttpRequest and the Fetch API.
  • Practice making simple AJAX requests to retrieve data from a server.
  • Familiarize yourself with handling different data formats like JSON and XML.
Read 'Eloquent JavaScript'
Solidify your JavaScript foundation with 'Eloquent JavaScript' to better understand the underlying language principles used in AJAX.
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  • Read the chapters on asynchronous programming and the DOM.
  • Complete the exercises at the end of each chapter to reinforce your learning.
Implement HTTP Basic Authentication
Practice implementing HTTP Basic Authentication using both XMLHttpRequest and the Fetch API. This will reinforce your understanding of authentication concepts and their implementation in AJAX.
Show steps
  • Set up a simple server that requires HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • Implement the client-side code to send authentication credentials with AJAX requests.
  • Test your implementation with different user credentials.
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Blog Post: CORS Deep Dive
Write a blog post explaining the intricacies of CORS, including preflight requests and different scenarios. This will solidify your understanding of CORS and help you communicate it effectively.
Show steps
  • Research the different aspects of CORS, including preflight requests and common scenarios.
  • Write a clear and concise blog post explaining CORS in detail.
  • Include code examples to illustrate different CORS scenarios.
  • Publish your blog post and share it with others.
RESTful API Client
Build a client-side application that interacts with a RESTful API using AJAX. This will provide hands-on experience with making API requests, handling responses, and updating the UI dynamically.
Show steps
  • Choose a public RESTful API to work with.
  • Design the UI for your application.
  • Implement the AJAX requests to interact with the API.
  • Handle the API responses and update the UI accordingly.
  • Add error handling to gracefully handle API errors.
Read 'HTTP: The Definitive Guide'
Deepen your understanding of the HTTP protocol with 'HTTP: The Definitive Guide' to gain a comprehensive perspective on AJAX interactions.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on authentication, caching, and request methods.
  • Take notes on key concepts and how they relate to AJAX.
Contribute to an AJAX Library
Contribute to an open-source AJAX library by fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving documentation. This will provide valuable experience working with real-world code and collaborating with other developers.
Show steps
  • Find an open-source AJAX library on GitHub or GitLab.
  • Review the library's documentation and code to understand its structure and functionality.
  • Identify a bug to fix or a feature to add.
  • Submit a pull request with your changes.
  • Respond to feedback from other contributors and revise your changes as needed.

Career center

Learners who complete AJAX Expert Course (Next Level) 2025 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Full-Stack Developer
A Full Stack Developer is a versatile role that involves both frontend and backend development, and AJAX is a critical technology for enabling communication between the two. This AJAX course is a great fit because it teaches concepts necessary for Full Stack Developers like authentication, CORS, setting up servers, and using RESTful APIs. The training in this course will allow a Full Stack Developer to implement asynchronous HTTP requests and manage data transfer effectively.
Frontend Developer
A Frontend Developer builds the user interface of websites and web applications, often working with dynamic content. This AJAX course helps a Frontend Developer understand how to make asynchronous requests to a server, manage data, and update the user interface dynamically without page reloads. This course is especially relevant because it dives into advanced AJAX concepts, including HTTP Authentication, CORS, and RESTful APIs, and provides practical coding examples to implement these techniques, all essential for a well-rounded Frontend Developer.
JavaScript Developer
A Javascript Developer often works on the front end of web applications, utilizing Javascript for client-side logic. This AJAX course is directly relevant to this career because it focuses on advanced AJAX techniques using JavaScript, covering the XHR object, Fetch API, and Axios. By taking this course, a Javascript Developer will enhance their skills in building dynamic and responsive web applications, mastering asynchronous data fetching, authentication, and handling CORS issues.
Web Application Developer
Web Application Developers create interactive web applications, often using AJAX for seamless data updates and user experiences. This advanced AJAX course is a key resource for a Web Application Developer as it teaches how to use AJAX with techniques for error handling, debugging, and building projects with dynamic content. The course's focus on real-world projects and the practical use of tools like XMLHttpRequest, Fetch API, and Axios provides a strong foundation for this career.
API Developer
An API Developer designs and implements Application Programming Interfaces, and AJAX is commonly used by client applications to interact with these APIs. This advanced AJAX course is relevant because it provides an understanding of RESTful APIs and how they work with AJAX. The course covers techniques to send and receive data using AJAX, including handling authentication and CORS issues, which are critical parts of API development.
UI Engineer
A UI Engineer focuses on the user interface of web applications, ensuring a smooth and interactive experience. This advanced AJAX course is directly applicable to this career because it teaches how to use AJAX to dynamically load content without page refreshes, thus improving user experience. Understanding advanced topics such as Basic HTTP Auth, CORS, and RESTful APIs will allow a UI Engineer to build more robust and interactive applications.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers need a deep understanding of client-server interactions, and AJAX is a fundamental technology for many web-based applications. This course provides Software Engineers with practical coding examples on using AJAX, as well as in-depth explanations of how to handle errors, solve CORS issues, and implement authentication. This course may be useful because it enhances a Software Engineer's abilities in creating robust web applications.
Mobile Application Developer
Mobile Application Developers can use AJAX in hybrid mobile apps to access data and resources remotely via HTTP requests. This course may be useful for a Mobile Application Developer because it provides practical training in how to make asynchronous requests, handle CORS, work with RESTful APIs, and manage data effectively. Understanding these concepts is valuable for mobile developers who utilize web technologies.
Web Designer
Web Designers create the visual layout of websites, but understanding how AJAX works is essential for creating interactive and dynamic user experiences. While a Web Designer does not need to code all aspects of AJAX, this course is highly relevant because it provides a comprehensive grasp of how data requests and responses are handled in modern websites. Knowing how AJAX is implemented can help a Web Designer create more informed designs.
Backend Developer
Backend Developers create and maintain the server side of web applications, yet a solid grasp of AJAX is very important. This AJAX course is relevant for a Backend Developer as it covers the integration of AJAX with server-side technologies, including setting up servers, understanding RESTful APIs, and managing how the server handles AJAX requests. This practical knowledge may be helpful to improve data handling and server interactions.
Webmasters oversee websites, ensuring they are working properly and are up to date. This advanced AJAX course may be helpful for a Webmaster as it provides a deeper understanding of how AJAX works, including the ability to troubleshoot issues related to asynchronous requests and server communication. This knowledge can facilitate effective management and maintenance of websites.
DevOps Engineer
A DevOps Engineer is involved in the software development lifecycle and needs a strong understanding of how applications interact. This advanced AJAX course will be helpful for a DevOps Engineer because it provides familiarity with how clients send requests to the server and handle responses. This deep understanding of client server interactions enables more seamless deployment and management of web applications. The knowledge of CORS, authentication, and RESTful APIs, as taught in this course, will enable a DevOps Engineer to streamline deployment processes.
Technical Consultant
Technical Consultants advise clients on technology-related issues, often needing familiarity with web development concepts. While a Technical Consultant might not directly code, an understanding of AJAX is beneficial because it's a core part of modern web apps. This course may be useful because it covers the fundamentals of AJAX, its complexities, and various problem-solving techniques related to servers and client side requests, which can enable a Technical Consultant to give more informed advice to their clients.
Web Content Manager
A Web Content Manager is responsible for updating content on a website and making sure it is displayed correctly however, advanced knowledge of AJAX and asynchronous data requests is not essential in this role. This course may be useful to a Web Content Manager as it provides insight into the underlying technology, and how content can be rendered and updated dynamically without full page refreshes. It may be useful to be a little familiar with these concepts, as it creates a more holistic grasp of web technology.
Technical Support Specialist
A Technical Support Specialist provides assistance to users experiencing technical issues related to web applications. Although not a core development role, understanding AJAX may be useful for this career as it helps to diagnose front-end problems related to data fetching and user interactions. This course may aid in troubleshooting errors by giving insight into how data requests are handled and how common issues like CORS are resolved.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in AJAX Expert Course (Next Level) 2025.
Provides an in-depth look at the HTTP protocol, covering everything from basic request/response cycles to advanced topics like authentication and caching. It valuable resource for understanding the underlying mechanisms of AJAX and how it interacts with the web server. This book is commonly used by industry professionals.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript programming. It covers the fundamentals of the language, including asynchronous programming and working with the DOM. It is particularly useful for solidifying your understanding of JavaScript concepts before diving into advanced AJAX topics. It is commonly used as a textbook in introductory JavaScript courses.


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