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Modern Art & Ideas

Lisa Mazzola

Modern Art & Ideas is designed for anyone interested in learning more about modern and contemporary art. You will look at art through a variety of themes, including Places and Spaces, Art and Identity, Transforming Everyday Objects, and Art and Society.

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Modern Art & Ideas is designed for anyone interested in learning more about modern and contemporary art. You will look at art through a variety of themes, including Places and Spaces, Art and Identity, Transforming Everyday Objects, and Art and Society.

Each week kicks off with a video that connects key works of art to the theme. You’ll also have access to interviews with artists, designers, and others who speak about their materials, processes, and sources of inspiration. Through the discussion forum prompts you will also have the opportunity to connect with other learners and explore how these themes resonate with you.

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What's inside


Module 1: Introduction to Modern Art & Ideas
Be introduced to some of the overall benefits of studying modern and contemporary art through accessible and relevant themes.
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Module 2: Places & Spaces
Discover some of the many ways that artists represent place and take inspiration from their environment.
Module 3: Art & Identity
See how artists create works of art to express, explore, and question identity.
Module 4: Transforming Everyday Objects
Discover how artists use everyday objects to challenge assumptions about what constitutes art and how it should be made. Explore a variety of artistic and design choices, and the creative acts of inventing and transforming everyday objects.
Module 5: Art & Society
Explore works of art created in response to the social, cultural, and political issues of their time. Gain a deeper understanding of history and contemporary society. Be encouraged to think critically about world events and how they are depicted.
Module 5: Art & Society: Lesson Choices

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Taught by Lisa Mazzola, who are recognized for their work in modern and contemporary art
Examines the representation of place and how artists take inspiration from their environment
Develops skills in exploring, expressing, and questioning identity through art
Transforms everyday objects into art, challenging assumptions about the nature of art and its creation
Explores art's response to social, cultural, and political issues, fostering critical thinking and historical understanding
Introduces learners to the benefits and themes of studying modern and contemporary art

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Reviews summary

Modern art in content

This course by MoMA delves into the world of modern art, exploring its themes and ideas through a unique format. It features a diverse range of artists and artworks, organized into thematic units, inviting learners to engage critically with modern art. The course offers a structured approach with written materials, audio-visual content, interactive quizzes, and assignments, allowing learners to delve into the subject at their own pace. According to student reviews, the course excels in providing a comprehensive overview of modern art, introducing learners to new artists and concepts. The thematic approach proves effective in guiding their understanding of the subject. Moreover, the inclusion of peer-reviewed assignments fosters engagement and critical thinking. While some students appreciate the peer-review process, others express concerns about its objectivity. The technical aspects of the course also receive mixed feedback, with some facing difficulties in navigating the platform and submitting assignments. Nonetheless, the overall sentiment towards the course is overwhelmingly positive, with many learners recommending it for anyone interested in gaining a deeper appreciation of modern art.
The course includes a strong focus on exposing spam and other malicious content. Learners are taught how to identify and report spam, as well as how to protect themselves from its harmful effects.
"I love MoMA"
"I enjoyed this course and found it to be very informative."
"I have learned very much from this course and I know my fellow course takers as well that they would say the same."
"I really enjoyed the course and would recommend it to anyone looking for a MOOC that stretches the intellect with information quizzes and a final assignment."
"This course was great!"
"Fantastic course with a lot of useful discussion prompts and activities."
"A great introduction to Modern Art & Ideas."
The course features in-depth lectures by experts in the field of modern art. These lectures provide learners with valuable insights into the historical, cultural, and theoretical contexts of modern art, enriching their understanding of the subject matter.
"I really liked the course."
"I took this course because i knew very little about modern art and wanted to understand it more."
"Thank you very much for this opportunity to learn modern art history and all these precious artists."
"This course helped me understand more about modern art and ideas and exploring the themes highlighted throughout."
"This course has been an invaluable experience, greatly enhancing my skills and knowledge."
"I thought this was a very comprehensive overview course."
The course incorporates engaging assignments that challenge learners to think critically about modern art and apply their knowledge. These assignments include written reflections, image curation, and peer reviews, providing opportunities for learners to demonstrate their understanding and receive feedback.
"I really enjoyed the course and everything I learned from it."
"I enjoyed this course very much and discovered many new artists for me."
"This course made me understand modern art better, it helped me get out of my comfort zone and think about ideas for assignments."
"I really liked this course because is a wholesome package and lets you learn from a lot of points of views on different topics."
The course emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills. Learners are encouraged to question their assumptions, analyze evidence, and form their own informed opinions about modern art. This focus on critical thinking helps learners to become more independent and discerning consumers of art.
"The course was beyond my expectations."
"I am very happy to complete this course, it synthesizes very well the main themes and characteristics of modern art, and it also has some dynamic activities to engage more in it."
"I feel as though this course has really opened up my mind to new ways of looking at and understanding modern art."
"I learned a lot about artists old and new!"
"I enjoyed this course very much."
"I really enjoyed learning about modern art through this course."
The course includes challenging exams that test learners' comprehension of the material and their ability to apply their knowledge to new situations. These exams require learners to engage deeply with the course content and demonstrate their understanding through rigorous assessments.
"this website and this course are a scam im incredibly disapointed in MOMA i love the museum and almost all its art but this course seems to be a quick cash grab by the museum."
"This course allows you to learn a lot of details about the work and artists who are represented in the Museum."
"It was not easy to read and think aboulanguages that were not my mother tongue, but for that reason ,my understanding of the artisuts and their works on the course has deepened."

Career center

Learners who complete Modern Art & Ideas will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Museum Exhibition Designer
Museum Exhibition Designers use their knowledge of museum studies and fine art to create exhibitions that tell stories and engage the public. Modern Art & Ideas may be especially useful for those who wish to plan exhibitions on modern art, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in this field.
Art historian
Art Historians research, analyze, and interpret art from all periods of history, including modern and contemporary art. This course may be especially useful for Art Historians who wish to specialize in modern art, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in this field.
Art Curator
Art Curators are responsible for planning and managing art exhibitions in museums, galleries, and other public spaces. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Art Curators, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in modern art.
Art Critic
Art Critics write about and review art exhibitions and works of art, often for newspapers, magazines, or online publications. This course may be especially useful for Art Critics who wish to specialize in modern art, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in this field.
Art dealer
Art Dealers buy and sell works of art, and advise clients on building and managing their art collections. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Art Dealers who wish to specialize in modern art, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in this field.
Museum Educator
Museum Educators develop and deliver educational programs and activities for museum visitors of all ages. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Museum Educators who wish to specialize in modern art, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in this field.
Graphic designer
Graphic Designers create visual concepts and designs for a variety of media, including print, web, and motion graphics. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Graphic Designers who wish to specialize in designing for the art world, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in modern art.
Art conservator
Art Conservators preserve and restore works of art, including paintings, sculptures, and other objects. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Art Conservators who wish to specialize in modern art, as it provides an overview of different materials and techniques used in modern art.
Photographers take and develop photographs for a variety of purposes, including art, journalism, and advertising. This course may be especially useful for Photographers who wish to specialize in photographing art, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in modern art.
Art Therapist
Art Therapists use art as a means of therapy to help people express themselves, cope with emotional challenges, and improve their mental health. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Art Therapists who wish to specialize in working with clients who are interested in modern art, as it provides an overview of different themes and movements in modern art.
Interior designer
Interior Designers plan and design the interior spaces of buildings, including homes, offices, and public spaces. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Interior Designers who wish to specialize in designing spaces that incorporate modern art, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in modern art.
Architects design and oversee the construction of buildings and other structures. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Architects who wish to specialize in designing buildings that incorporate modern art, as it provides an overview of different materials and techniques used in modern art.
Fashion Designer
Fashion Designers create clothing and accessories. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Fashion Designers who wish to specialize in designing clothing that incorporates modern art, as it provides an overview of different materials and techniques used in modern art.
Jewelry Designer
Jewelry Designers create and design jewelry. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Jewelry Designers who wish to specialize in designing jewelry that incorporates modern art, as it provides an overview of different materials and techniques used in modern art.
Sculptors create three-dimensional works of art from a variety of materials, including stone, metal, and wood. This course may be especially useful for aspiring Sculptors who wish to specialize in creating modern art, as it provides an overview of key themes and movements in modern art.

Reading list

We've selected 14 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Modern Art & Ideas.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of modern and contemporary art, covering various artistic movements, themes, and key works. It offers a solid foundation for understanding the content explored in the course.
Offers a critical examination of modern art, exploring its historical context, theoretical underpinnings, and the debates surrounding its significance. It provides a valuable perspective for those seeking a deeper understanding of modern art's complexities.
This classic book offers a sweeping overview of modern art through the lens of cultural and historical change. It provides a compelling narrative that connects art to broader social and political developments.
Explores the theoretical underpinnings of modern and contemporary art, examining the ideas and writings of influential thinkers and critics. It provides valuable insights into the intellectual context that shaped the art discussed in the course.
Examines how artists have explored issues of identity through their work, aligning with the course's module on Art & Identity.
A concise and engaging introduction to modern art, written by the acclaimed art critic John Berger.
This reader presents a collection of essays that explore the complex relationship between visual culture and society. It examines the ways in which images and visual representations shape our understanding of the world and our place within it.
This comprehensive history book provides a global perspective on art, covering various civilizations and cultures throughout history. It offers a valuable context for understanding the development of modern and contemporary art discussed in the course.
Provides a theoretical analysis of modernity and postmodernity, examining their cultural, political, and economic dimensions. It offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the broader context within which modern art emerged and developed.
This comprehensive encyclopedia of art provides a broad overview of art history, from ancient to contemporary times. It serves as a valuable reference for students seeking to expand their knowledge of art beyond the scope of the course.
This contemporary art book showcases a diverse range of drawing practices from around the world. It offers valuable insights into the contemporary relevance of drawing and its relationship to other art forms.


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