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Edouard Renard

You want to learn Arduino programming from the beginning ?

You want to write Arduino code that works, and that you can understand ?

You want to really do things by yourself, instead of reading theory and copying/pasting some code ?

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You want to learn Arduino programming from the beginning ?

You want to write Arduino code that works, and that you can understand ?

You want to really do things by yourself, instead of reading theory and copying/pasting some code ?

Then you are in the right place.

The goal of this course is to give you, step by step, the Arduino programming foundation that you need, along with a ton of practice, so you will be more confident to create much more complex and nice Arduino programs in the future.

You don’t need any special knowledge or programming experience to start this course, I will explain everything in details.

Every line of code that you see in this course will be written in front of you. I will write code, and you will also write code. No copy and paste.

For every important step on this course, you will do a programming activity to practice and get a better understanding.

Along the different activities, I’ll also give you some programming best practices that I’ve learned myself, so you’ll improve much faster than if you were just alone.

Why this course ?

Because I found that it’s hard to find a tutorial or course online that is mainly focused on Arduino programming.

I recognize that plugging out-of-the-box components can be cool, because you feel that you are making complex things, but for real, you are just using easy-to-plug blocks that work by themselves. And now, when you need to make something more complex by yourself, or even a basic thing that has no “fancy” component doing it for you, then at this point, you feel lost, and need to go back to the basics. Or you find some random code from the Internet that you can copy and paste, and hope that this code will just work out of the box.

I personally come from a programming background. So, when I first started to program on Arduino, I quickly noticed how limited most people are, just because they don’t have the required programming basics.

What I found is that most people are limited by the programming side. When you use Arduino, OK this is a hardware board, but the true value you add to your circuit, robot, or anything else, comes from the programming side. You can’t skip that if you want to become an advanced Arduino Maker.

So… Start your learning today and unleash your programming creativity .

Here is an overview of what you will learn through the course:

  • Install the Arduino IDE and upload a program to your Arduino board

  • C programming in the Arduino environment

  • Setup a basic Arduino circuit

  • Use digital and analog pins to control external hardware components

  • Communicate with the outside

  • Store values on your Arduino board

  • Create a multitask program

  • Separate your program into reusable blocks of code

  • … and much more .

Please make sure to read the following. This course is NOT for you if :

  • You want an Arduino course specialized in hardware

  • You just want to quickly plug components, copy and paste some code

  • You are not interested in software development

  • You already have strong basics in Arduino programming

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Create structured and efficient arduino programs
  • C and arduino programming (+best practices)
  • Become more autonomous when programming on arduino, and rely less on copying/pasting
  • Write code and practice instead of just sitting and watching
  • Build a very basic arduino circuit
  • Get more confidence for your next arduino projects


Course Introduction
Welcome !
Hardware components used in this course
How to get the most out of this course
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Install everything you need and Run your first program in less than 30 minutes
Install the Arduino IDE
Connect your Arduino board
Arduino Program Architecture
Upload Your First Program !
First Activity : It's Time to Practice
First Activity - Solution
Debug Your Program
Reset the Arduino Program Without Uploading it Again
Section Conclusion
Create programs with all the C programming basics that you need
Variables - Data Types
Activity 2 : Write a New Function and Print the Result on the Serial Monitor
Activity 2 - Solution
C Programming for Arduino - Part 2
Conditional Operators
Switch Statement
Activity 3 : Practice on Conditions
Activity 3 - Solution
C Programming for Arduino - Part 3
Activity 4 : Compute the Max Value From an Array of Numbers
Activity 4 - Solution
C programming for Arduino - Conclusion
Build a Simple Arduino Circuit Step by Step
Understand How a Breadboard Works
Pick the Right Resistors
Build Your First Small Circuit
Use Digital Pins to Control Hardware Components
Hardware Setup : Add 3 LEDs
pinMode() function
digitalWrite() function
Activity 5 : Blink 4 LEDs for your next Christmas Tree
Activity 5 - Solution
Activity 6 - Optimize Your Code With Arrays
Activity 6 - Solution
Hardware Setup : Add a Push Button
digitalRead() function
Activity 7 : Stop Blinking the LEDs When You Press the Button
Activity 7 - Solution
analogWrite() function
Communicate With The User - Make Your Programs More Dynamic
Read Data From Serial
Activity 8 : Let The User Choose Which LED to Power ON
Activity 8 - Solution
Use the EEPROM memory
Activity 9 : Keep the User Choice For The Next Boot
Activity 9 - Solution
Use Analog Pins
Hardware Setup : Add a Potentiometer
analogRead() function
Activity 10 : Choose Which LED to Power ON With The Potentiometer
Activity 10 - Solution
Use an Analog Pin as a Digital Pin
Create Multitask Programs
Get the Current Time with millis()
Blink a LED Without delay()
Blink 2 LEDs With a Different Blink Rate
Activity 11 : Blink 4 LEDS With 4 Different Rates, Using Arrays and Functions
Activity 11 - Solution
micros() and delayMicroseconds() functions
Activity 12 : Create a Complete Multitask Program !
Activity 12 - Solution
What You've Learned
What to Do Next
Write Object Oriented Code with Arduino
Bonus Lecture

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Suitable for total beginners who want to pick up Arduino programming from scratch, with no prior programming or hardware experience
Focuses primarily on Arduino programming, emphasizing the importance of a solid software foundation for advanced Arduino projects
Covers the fundamentals of C programming in the Arduino environment, including variables, functions, loops, arrays, and more
Provides hands-on practice with practical examples and activities to reinforce learning
Emphasizes the importance of coding and writing original code rather than relying on copy-pasting
May not be suitable for those seeking a comprehensive hardware-oriented Arduino course

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Reviews summary

Arduino starter course

According to students, this beginner-friendly Arduino starter course delivers a solid foundation for those new to microcontrollers. They appreciate the clear explanations and practical examples. Many learners look forward to more advanced Arduino courses from the instructor.
Course includes useful hands-on examples
"...as técnicas de simplificação de programação que ele ensinou!..."
Instructor explains concepts well
"...fiquei impressionado com a didática do prof. Edouard Renard..."
Good for those new to Arduino
"Como esse foi meu primeiro contato com microcontrolador Arduino..."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Programming the Arduino - Getting Started with these activities:
Join an Arduino Community
Joining an Arduino community will allow you to connect with other Arduino enthusiasts, ask questions, and share your projects.
Browse courses on Arduino
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  • Find an Arduino community online or in your local area.
  • Join the community and introduce yourself.
  • Participate in discussions and ask questions.
  • Share your own projects and help others with theirs.
Review the Basics of Electronics
Reviewing the fundamentals of electronics will help you understand the concepts covered in this course more easily.
Browse courses on Electronics Fundamentals
Show steps
  • Read through your notes from a previous electronics course or textbook.
  • Watch online tutorials or videos on basic electronics concepts.
  • Practice solving simple electronics problems.
Review Python Programming
Reviewing Python programming will help you recall and retain the basics of Python programming language, which will be useful for understanding the Arduino programming language.
Browse courses on Python Programming
Show steps
  • Review the basics of Python syntax and data types.
  • Practice writing simple Python programs to reinforce your understanding.
  • Complete a Python programming exercise or tutorial to test your skills.
Nine other activities
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Show all 12 activities
Follow Arduino Tutorials
Following Arduino tutorials will help you learn new concepts and techniques in a structured way.
Browse courses on Arduino
Show steps
  • Search for Arduino tutorials on specific topics that you want to learn more about.
  • Follow the steps in the tutorials and build the projects yourself.
  • Troubleshoot any problems you encounter and ask for help if needed.
  • Review the concepts covered in the tutorials and try to apply them to your own projects.
Code Arduino Programs
Writing and testing Arduino programs will help you practice the concepts you learn in this course and improve your programming skills.
Show steps
  • Find online resources or books with Arduino programming exercises.
  • Type out the code for each exercise and test it on your Arduino board.
  • Debug any errors that you encounter.
Solve Arduino Programming Exercises
Solving Arduino programming exercises will help you apply the programming concepts you are learning in the course to practical scenarios, reinforcing your understanding.
Show steps
  • Search for Arduino programming exercises or problems online.
  • Attempt to solve the exercises on your own, using the Arduino IDE and documentation.
  • Debug your solutions and fix any errors you encounter.
  • Review your solutions and identify areas for improvement.
Build a Simple Arduino Project
Building a simple Arduino project will allow you to apply your programming knowledge and gain practical experience with Arduino.
Browse courses on Arduino
Show steps
  • Plan your project and gather the necessary components.
  • Write the Arduino code and upload it to your board.
  • Assemble the hardware and connect it to your Arduino board.
  • Test your project and troubleshoot any issues.
  • Document your project and share it with others.
Write a Blog Post About Arduino Projects
Writing a blog post about Arduino projects will help you consolidate your understanding of the concepts you learn in this course and share your knowledge with others.
Browse courses on Embedded Systems
Show steps
  • Choose a topic for your blog post related to Arduino projects.
  • Research the topic and gather information from various sources.
  • Write a draft of your blog post, including step-by-step instructions, diagrams, and code examples.
  • Edit and proofread your blog post.
  • Publish your blog post on your own blog or a relevant online platform.
Build an Arduino-Based Home Automation System
Building an Arduino-based home automation system will allow you to apply the concepts you learn in this course to a real-world project and develop your practical skills.
Browse courses on Home Automation
Show steps
  • Plan and design your home automation system, including the hardware components and software functionality.
  • Purchase the necessary components and assemble the hardware.
  • Write the Arduino code for the system, including code for controlling sensors, actuators, and communication.
  • Test and debug the system to ensure that it works as intended.
  • Deploy the system in your home and monitor its performance.
Participate in an Arduino Programming Competition
Participating in an Arduino programming competition will challenge you to push your skills to the limit and learn from other participants.
Show steps
  • Find an Arduino programming competition that aligns with your interests.
  • Form a team or work independently to develop a solution for the competition.
  • Submit your solution to the competition and present it to a panel of judges.
Mentor a Beginner Arduino User
Mentoring a beginner Arduino user will help you reinforce your understanding of the concepts you learn in this course while also giving back to the community.
Browse courses on Embedded Systems
Show steps
  • Find a beginner Arduino user who is looking for guidance.
  • Provide support and advice on Arduino programming and hardware.
  • Help the beginner troubleshoot problems and overcome challenges.
Contribute to an Open-Source Arduino Project
Contributing to an open-source Arduino project will allow you to learn from others, improve your coding skills, and make a meaningful contribution to the community.
Browse courses on Open Source Software
Show steps
  • Find an open-source Arduino project that aligns with your interests.
  • Review the project's codebase and documentation.
  • Identify an area where you can make a contribution.
  • Write code, fix bugs, or improve documentation for the project.
  • Submit your contributions to the project's repository.

Career center

Learners who complete Programming the Arduino - Getting Started will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Business Analyst
Business analysts identify and analyze business needs to help organizations improve their operations. A background in Arduino programming may be useful for this role as it provides a foundation in business analysis.
Data Scientist
Data scientists collect, analyze, and interpret data to help businesses make informed decisions. A background in Arduino programming may be useful for this role as it provides a foundation in data analysis and visualization.
Technical Writer
Technical writers create and maintain technical documentation. A background in Arduino programming may be useful for this role as it provides a foundation in technical writing.
Project Manager
Project managers plan, execute, and close projects. A background in Arduino programming may be useful for this role as it provides a foundation in project management.
Product Manager
Product managers oversee the development and launch of new products. A background in Arduino programming may be useful for this role as it provides a foundation in product development.
Quality Assurance Engineer
Quality assurance engineers ensure that products meet quality standards. Arduino programming may be useful for this role as it provides a foundation in software quality assurance.
Test Engineer
Test engineers design, develop, and execute tests to ensure that products meet specifications. A background in Arduino programming may be useful as it provides a foundation in software testing.
Systems Engineer
Systems engineers design, develop, and maintain complex systems, such as computer networks or telecommunications systems. Arduino programming may be useful for this role as it helps build a foundation in system design and programming.
Software Engineer
Software engineers design, develop, and maintain software systems. Arduino programming can provide a foundation in software development, as it introduces concepts such as variables, functions, and data types.
Robotics Engineer
Robotics engineers design, build, and maintain robots. Arduino programming is a useful skill for this career as it allows engineers to program and control robotic systems.
Embedded Systems Engineer
Embedded systems engineers design and develop computer systems that are embedded within other devices, such as cars or medical equipment. A background in Arduino programming may be useful as it provides a foundation in embedded systems programming.
Electronics Engineer
Electronics engineers design, develop, and test electronic circuits and devices. Arduino programming can be useful for this role as it allows engineers to understand how electronic components interact and how to program them to perform specific tasks.
Electrical Engineer
Electrical engineers design, develop, and test electrical systems and components. An understanding of Arduino programming can be helpful because it allows engineers to interact with electrical circuits and control them using code.
Computer Hardware Engineer
A computer hardware engineer designs, develops, and tests computer hardware components, such as processors, memory, and storage devices. An understanding of Arduino programming may be useful as it allows engineers to interact with hardware devices and understand how they function.
Computer Programmer
Computer programmers write code that automates processes, manipulates data, and controls devices. A background in Arduino programming may be useful for this career path, as it provides a foundation in the fundamentals of programming like C, variables, functions, and data types.

Reading list

We've selected 13 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Programming the Arduino - Getting Started.
Provides over 200 recipes that show you how to use Arduino to do a variety of tasks.
Classic in the field of electronics. It provides a comprehensive overview of electronic components and circuits.
Good choice for intermediate Arduino users who want to learn more about programming the Arduino.
Provides a comprehensive overview of AVR programming, which is the language used to program Arduino.
Provides a comprehensive overview of embedded C programming, which is the language used to program Arduino.
Provides a comprehensive overview of ARM assembly language programming, which is the language used to program Arduino.


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