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Patrick Eagan

It took us years of hard work, over $50,000 of training / coach programs, and we still had to learn most of the lessons the hard way in our agency.

This program is designed to give you the absolute best methods for attracting clients, keeping clients, and scaling your agency for freedom.

Each module of the program is designed to actually move the needle in your business so that at the end of the training you'll have a profitable automated agency that is capable of generating tens of thousands of dollar per month.

Read more

It took us years of hard work, over $50,000 of training / coach programs, and we still had to learn most of the lessons the hard way in our agency.

This program is designed to give you the absolute best methods for attracting clients, keeping clients, and scaling your agency for freedom.

Each module of the program is designed to actually move the needle in your business so that at the end of the training you'll have a profitable automated agency that is capable of generating tens of thousands of dollar per month.

With over 50 hours of recording trainings in precisely the order required to get the most out of them this is the most comprehensive program on agency growth that we've ever encountered.

Learn how to create valuable digital marketing clients even if you don't feel like a natural sales person.

Our flagship program that represents over 15 combined years in the digital marketing and advertising world. You'll learn everything you need to know about attracting clients, scaling your agency, and creating a life that will be the envy of everyone you know.

This program contains over 50 hours of content in the core program alone and has strategies for everything from market selection to advanced client attraction. We've designed this program to be a complete roadmap to agency growth.

PHASE ONE: The Foundations, Setting Your Direction, and Mindset

In phase one you're going to get the big picture of how the program works to systematically build you the agency of your dreams fast.

You'll discover how to start generating deals in your first week that will completely cover the cost of the program multiple times.

We've even included a complete Agency Quickstart Program as a bonus this week to make sure that you're able to rapidly attract clients.

PHASE TWO: Selecting Your Profitable Market and Advanced Recon

In phase two we're going to share our exact method for uncovering the most profitable niche market for you to develop your agency in.

We're going to share with you advanced tactics that we've developed over years for uncovering powerful selling information on that market.

After this phase you'll have found the perfect market for your agency and discovered exactly how to sell to this market for rapid client generation.

We're going to walk you step by step through the process of creating a powerful videos sales letter that can convert prospects on autopilot.

After this phase you'll have productized your services into a highly marketable service and developed the tools to effortlessly sell it.

We're going to share how to create a fast and effective agency website as well as provide FIVE different methods for attracting quality clients fast.

BONUS: This phase includes our Agency Sales Mastery program that contains 14 modules on how to close high value clients with ease.

By leveraging the revenue from your first deals to set up paid advertising for your agency you unlock a source of unbelievably fast growth.

At the end of this phase you'll be ready to completely harness the power of paid client attraction for total control over the growth of you agency.

PHASE SIX: Launching Your Profitable Advertising Campaign

In phase six you're going to launch your paid advertising campaign to automate your client attraction process and unlock massive scale.

We're going to walk you step by step through the entire process of installing your paid advertising campaign including writing ads.

At the end of this phase you'll have launched your paid advertising campaign and will be able to start generating clients 24/7 on autopilot.

Using this training you'll be able to guarantee that your advertising campaign is massively profitable and hyper competitive in any market.

At the end of this phase you should have a fully optimized campaign that is capable of producing dozens of clients per month with ease.

You'll learn how to hire a rockstar team, how to magnify your advertising efforts, and automate your service delivery entirely.

At the end of this phase you'll have everything required to remove yourself from the agency machine that you've built to have total freedom.

The Agency Growth Program is an eight-week online education program that is designed to help you rapidly build a profitable digital marketing agency.

You'll discover how to select a profitable market, how to productize your services to make selling easy, how to "Reverse Polarity" and have clients chasing you, how to implement our proven 7-Stage Client Attraction Campaign, how to close high value deals, how to automate service deliver, how to hire a rockstar team, how to recruit and army of sales people, how to generate client referrals, and much more.

The program includes over 105 detailed trainings and over 50 hours of content to guide you through the process of building your agency step by step.

You'll get the exact proven scripts, templates, and systems that we used to grow our agency profitable machine that provides us financial and time freedom.

Alongside the program we provide personalized coach that ensures you don't just get the information but that you understand specifically how to apply it.

This approach ensures that you have zero excuses to not create the profitable agency your desire regardless of your experience level or any other constraint.

We've designed the entire program to systematically walk you through each of the steps required to building a profitable agency in the correct order and in record time.

Notice: As agency owners ourselves we are constantly updating the program to include the most up to date systems and methods that are working for us right now.

You'll learn everything you need to know about attracting clients, scaling your agency, and creating a life that will be the envy of everyone you know.

This program will provide a proven plan for attracting clients fast that you can use while developing your campaign.

This program will help you close deals with total ease regardless of experience and give you the confidence to market hard.

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to identify your untapped hyper profitable niche market!
  • How to attract high value digital marketing clients each week!
  • How to close your prospects on 5-figure per month contracts!
  • How to automate and run our proven client generation campaign!
  • How to hire your team and outsource your results delivery!
  • How to scale your agency fast and create total freedom!


PHASE ONE: The Foundations, Setting Your Direction, and Mindset In phase one you're going to get the big picture of how the program works to systematically build you the agency of your dreams fast!
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In this training you'll discover our exact formula for rapid agency success. We've used this process countless times with our agency partners to help them build a massive agency in as little as one month! We'll share with you the necessary steps to building a profitable agency fast that attracts high value clients. You'll discover the stages of agency growth and the exact order of steps to focus on to move quickly through them. Many agency owners get this wrong and miss a stage... this results in them struggling as a small agency for far longer than required!

In this training we're going to start helping your formulate the foundations for your agency! We will share with you how to virtually guarantee your success with the program and how simple it can be to start attracting high value clients fast. We'll help you put together the exact goals and targets for your agency and give you the confidence to know that you can hit them. By the end of this training you'll understand the three factors that drive agency success that you must focus on to succeed AND have a personalized plan to achieve them in record time!

Next we're going to help you formulate an exact breakdown the numbers you need to hit to achieve your agency goals within 3-6 months. We've helped agency owners add over 25k/month in revenue to their business in as little as 29 days! One of our students even added 60k to his business in just 9 days of implementing the strategies you'll learn in this program. In order to achieve these kind of results however it is critical to know have a clear map of the milestones you'll need to hit and the daily actions required to achieve those targets!

Question Form:


Answers Document:


The plan we recommend to generate a few high value clients quickly is completely different than the plan we recommend to build a long term hyper profitable agency machine.

That's why we included our Agency Quickstart Program to help you find and attract high value clients to your agency in as little as one week in the program!

This can enable you to more than recover your investment and focus on developing your long term agency client generation campaigns with the freedom and stability of an agency that is already cashflow positive!

In this training you'll get an overview of the program and complete clarity on your path to generating multiple clients this month! Our students have generated dozens of appointments within their first week of the program and many even land clients their first week! We'll help you set your targets and reveal just how achievable they are with the right strategy!

In this training you'll learn how to transform your relationship with success and guarantee you never fail to achieve your goals again. If right now adding 15-30K per month in recurring revenue to you agency seems like an impossible task... this training will help automatically unlock your ability to attract clients fast and with far less stress!

In this training we're going to rapidly identify the ideal market for you to rapidly generate clients from. By leveraging our proven list of profitable markets you'll be able to quickly select the ideal market for your agency using our simple market selection tool. You'll have the confidence to know you can get clients in the market and be ready to get started!


In this training we dive right into starting the process of generating opportunity calls with high value potential prospects. We will walk you through step by step the entire process we've used to generate as many as 45 strategy sessions for our agency in the very first week implementing it. This training alone could help you start consistently generating high value deals!

In this training we're going to share a proven sales process that will help you close massive digital marketing deals regardless of your sales experience. This training will teach you a method for closing deals that can virtually guarantee you land a client from your very first calls! You'll have ultimate clarity and control on calls to create clients and deal flow!

In this training we're going to review the major digital marketing products and how to sell them. We will cover the benefits of each for particular clients and how to "prescribe" the ideal solution to your prospects problems so that signing up with you becomes an obvious next step. In this training you'll also learn how to price your services and create powerful offers!

This final training will share with you our top secrets for achieving breakthrough results for clients. If you can't keep clients in this business you'll never be able to grow your agency. This training will share with you the exact methods and techniques that we use to build and develop hyper profitable marketing campaigns for clients in virtually every industry!

PHASE TWO: Selecting Your Profitable Market In phase two you're going to learn exactly how to select the perfect market for you to grow YOUR agency. Most people struggle to select a market because

In this training you'll discover why selecting a niche is critical to your success in building your agency. You'll learn the core benefits of selecting a market and how to know you've selected the right one for you. Most people select a market based on purely financial considerations and this leads to certain failure. We designed our entire process of selecting the perfect market for your agency around not only the financial components but also the other requirements for long term profitability and success.

In this training we will walk you step by step through a process that has helped our agency partners uncover unique markets for them to serve. When you discover your hyper profitable market you'll have a shortcut to massive revenue with your agency. Many agency owners struggle not because they have the wrong marketing or tactics to get clients... but because they have selected the wrong market which will allow them to quickly and easily attract high value clients that strongly desire their help and services!

In this training you'll discover how to start researching your market. Understanding your market is the foundation of creating powerful messaging and powerful offers. When you can speak your markets language you'll have the ability to attract clients to work with you regardless of the channel you use. Many agency owners struggle to even schedule appointments with potential clients. This training will help you start to uncover the exact messaging and offers you'll need to make to ensure growing your agency is rapid and profitable!

Over the years we've used a secret tactic to virtually steal tens of thousands of dollars of high power marketing data from our competitors and market. Using this training you'll be able to shortcut the process of understanding your market and positioning your agency. In less than a few hours you'll be able to multiply the effectiveness of your advertising and set up your agency to be the obvious choice in the marketplace. You'll discover how thinking strategically can separate you from the pack and ensure you land clients with ease.

Once you've collected a solid understand of the market on your own it's time to start engaging with the market. We're going to share with you a proven process that has worked time and time again to generate hundreds of calls with virtually every market. This strategy will enable you to make connections in your market fast to uncover more priceless insights that will enable you to sell you services with ease. Not to mention we've had multiple students convert conversations at this stage into deals and cashflow out of the gate!

In this training we're going to share with you our exact method for generating dozens of calls with prospects in your market each week. This method will enable you to engage with your market even if you have zero experience generating calls. You'll be able to rapidly and comfortably attract a high volume of calls with your market without appearing spammy or needy. Then we're going to share with you exactly how to structure your calls to get the absolute most out of them and translate your learnings into profits.

In this training you'll discover how to sort the data you've collected and turn it into a powerful plan to attract clients. When attempting to build a profitable agency the majority of people fail to think strategically and build a strong foundation. This is why many people fail or struggle to attract clients with ease. When you've positioned your agency in the market and collected right information to understand them you can leverage that information to create advertising so effective that it punishes your competition.

Click here to download and make your copy of the Market Intelligence call data collection sheet:


The final training in this phase will walk you through a simple process of organizing and documenting your primary finds of the research phase. You will have a complete map of the market unlike anything your competitors will. This map will enable you to move rapidly to develop marketing campaigns and service offerings that tear sales and clients away from your competitors. It will make selling your services a breeze regardless of marketing or sales experience. (Do not proceed until you've mastered these foundations.)

PHASE THREE:Your Powerful Sales Tool For Client Generation In the third phase of the training we're going to help you create the core of your client generation campaign... your video sales letter.

In the first module you'll discover exactly how we map out designing the perfect sales tool for your marketing campaign. Creating a powerful sales video enables you to duplicate your absolute best sales presentation so that you can then share it repeatedly with prospects at scale. By following this process at the end of phase three you'll have not only structured the perfect offer for your market but also created a powerful sales tool to help delilver that offer to the market!

Most agency owners completely miss the importance of strategy. When you have the right strategy for your agency everything becomes easier. You'll attract clients faster, you'll close more deals, and prospects will generally show less resistance to signing up with you. That's why we created an entire training (and based this program) on using strategy to out smart you competition. With this module you'll learn how to create a unique angle for pitching your marketing services that will make you stand out from your competition!

Once you've designed your agency to stand out from the competition it's time to build your irresistible offer. In order to generate clients rapidly you need an offer that stands out and is completely irresistible. When you combine this with and agency that is designed to stand out you have the perfect combination for rapid growth! In this training you'll learn the exact method we use to create powerful offers from scratch in each new market we enter. This module will give you multiple different types of offers to leverage and help you select the perfect one!

In this training you'll discover how to rethink selling your advertising and marketing services completely. By shifting the way you think about packaging your services for clients you'll from a fundamental level reduce sales resistance and increase the desirability of your services! When we made this shift in our agency it nearly quadrupled our revenue within three months... unfortunately it took us years to get to the point that we figured it out! You're going to get the benefit of starting your agency with this already in place from day one!

Now we finally get to dive into creating your marketing conversion content. We've worked for years to engineer the ideal videos sales letter formula for selling high ticket advertising services! With this training you'll learn the formula that we use for all of our most successful video sales letters and how to implement it yourself. Once you complete this training you'll be able to confident produce effective sales materials for any market you decide to enter. We've created this entire training and process to make certain that you are walked step by step through the process!

Once you understand the videos sale letter process at a high level we will walk you through the exact 42 step conversion script that we use to attract high value clients. Even if you've never created a video sales letter in the past this training will make the process dead simple. You'll learn step by step why we've included each of the 42 steps in the script and get direction on how to fill in each stage with information relevant to your market. Regardless of your experience at the end of this training you will have everything you need to write your script.

Once the script has been created the next step is to produce attention grabbing slides to pair with it! You'll discover in this training how we go about creating powerful slides that grab attention and help build trust. We've provided templates and examples in this module so that you can breeze through developing your presentation and start generating clients! You'll learn how to source images, structure your slide deck, and how to provide examples of evidence and proof to boost the selling power of your sales presentation!

Finally we will walk you through our exact process for creating and recording your sales video. Even if you have zero experience with video recording or editing you'll find this process simple and easy. We're not experts in this department either but we've been able to create simple videos for years! These simple videos have gone on to generate as much as $250,000 for our agency... from a single video properly deployed! Once you've mastered the art of creating effective sales videos you'll never have to worry about converting prospects to clients again!

Week 4 - Getting Quality Clients Fast

Results Tracking Sheet:


Organic Client Generation - Reversing Polarity
The Organic Outbound Principles

Here are the recommended resources for assisting with your organic client generation.

We've tested hundreds of different software applications, tools, and resources to find these and only use what works.

Organic Client Generation CRM
For tracking results and optimizing systematically.

Finding email addresses of qualified leads.

Finding emails, getting business information.

Creating Your Niche Agency Website
ORGANIC - Facebook
Facebook - Prospecting
Facebook - Messaging
Facebook - Replying
Facebook - Follow Up
ORGANIC - LinkedIn
LinkedIn - Prospecting
LinkedIn - Connecting
LinkedIn - Messaging
LinkedIn - Follow Up
LinkedIn - Replying
LinkedIn - Reply (Pass Off)
ORGANIC - Cold Email
Cold Email - Prospecting
Cold Email - Messaging
Cold Email - Follow Up
Cold Email - Responding
Cold Email - Scheduling
The Hidden Goldmine Of Clients
Resources & Contracts
The Agency Sales Mastery Program is exactly what I wanted when I started out in this business. It details exactly how to go about closing high value marketing clients without pressure, sleazy tactics,

You'll see how you can go from zero to selling marketing/ advertising packages at $2,000 to $20,000 a month and up at nearly 100% profit.

As Jim Rohn says, "It's not the blowing of the wind, but the setting of the sails that will determine our direction in life." Your mindset is the set of your sails, and will determine where you go in life. This training is not some generic "motivational hype", but instead goes deep into the mindset you need to be successful and thrive when it comes to selling marketing and advertising services.

In this module we look at what kind of "Positioning" gives you the power to make sales faster, easier, and have more fun doing it. This is the difference between doing "all the right things" and failing, and being able to succeed in selling your services even if you mess up a bunch of things along the way.

Understanding your prospect allows you to come in as a partner or a guide, helping them to achieve their goals, instead of as an intruder trying to sell them something. Master the contents in this training and watch your sales become more and more effortless.

How do you get yourself mentally and physically ready to close marketing/ advertising deals for $2,000 to $20,000 a month? Well, it's not that complicated, but there are a few critical steps to ensure you're ready and that you come across professional, and that you're in the right frame of mind for success.

You only get one chance at a first impression. How this initial introduction goes will set the tone and mood for the entire call. In this module I show you some simple, yet specific ways to ensure the call get started on the right foot, positioning you as the expert, the leader, and starting the wheels of rapport with your prospect.

In this module you'll see how to set the frame of the call on your terms, so the prospect is comfortable following your lead through the entire process. This is a critical step in a successful call and will set the groundwork for an easy sale and a happy long term client.

This is where things get even more exciting. Fact finding isn't just about asking your prospects to get the information you need... It's about asking them specific questions that have them realizing they want and need your services, without doing any promoting on your part. You'll see the specific questions to ask that walk your prospects through selling themselves.

By the time you get to this part of the call, your prospects are hungry for you to provide a solution, and the best part is, you will be showing them the exact solution they told you they want and need. You'll see how to match up your services perfectly to their biggest wants and desires, and how to present it in a way where it's a no-brainer for them to say yes.

Your prospects are going to have questions, and knowing how to answer them effectively... even if you don't know the answer... is crucial to closing the deal. You'll see how to turn even a "negative" question into a great thing that actually makes your prospects want to buy even more.

Now, if you've been in sales before, you've probably heard of a test close, but I've created specific test closes that can virtually guarantee a sale, provided you're talking with a qualified prospect. These test closes let you know whether your prospect will say yes BEFORE you ask, and get strong commitment from your prospect beforehand, making it possible to assume the sale.

In this section, you'll learn how to close the deal effortlessly by letting your prospect decide. One of the great things about this sales process, is that no pressure is required during the close. You've already laid the foundation so a qualified prospect will naturally buy at this point, often asking you how to get started before you even offer to work with them.

Follow up doesn't have to be difficult at all, and this training proves that definitively. Since a good portion of sales will be closed through some sort of follow up, it's important to know how to do it quickly and efficiently. The methods in this training are so simple and effective... most people never think of them, and your prospects will actually be excited to hear from you.

See Resources in Downloads Section


For the Audio Training, I recommend using Google Play Music, you can upload albums there and get the app on your phone, and it's free.

For the PDF Training Outline, you can print it in portrait mode, (making sure it's not rotated) and that will give you room to take notes on the top and bottom while you go through the training.

For the Sales Call Outline, you need to customize it for your agency, I've included a PDF for note taking as well as an editable version in .docx format for editing it to make your own.

In phase five you'll discover how to start generating clients on autopilot! You'll leverage your revenue generated so far to take your agency to the next level and start ramping up for scale. You'll

In the first training of this phase we will uncover the three major stages of agency growth. It is critical that you time the growth of your agency around these stages and not skip steps. Just understanding these stages will keep ensure that you don't make progress only to have to drop back to a lower level later to correct missed steps. You'll learn when and how to think about transitioning to paid advertising to generate clients for your agency. Once you're ready you'll have everything you need to flip the switch and start generating clients on autopilot fast!

In this module we're going to reveal the exact seven stage campaign that we've used for over five years now to profitably attract hundreds of high value clients to our agency. We've used this campaign to book at least 6-8 calls per day with highly qualified prospects for each our sales team members. You'll learn each of the stages, why we designed it this way after years of testing, and get the exact templates to design your own campaign. This training will give you a campaign you can be confident will generate clients and produce and ROI for your agency!

In the first step of developing your campaign we will help walk you through the exact process of installing each of the primary stages of your campaign. We will give you access to different campaign templates that you can use to shortcut you path to a profitable campaign immensely. We will give you step by step instruction on creating each page so that it has the highest conversion for your market. By the end of this training you will have the entire seven stages of your campaign installed and filled with the copywriting and content relevant to your market.

In the second step of building out your campaign we will walk you through the process of selecting, purchasing, and installing your domain. This will enable you to link your pages together.

We've given step by step instructions for this training so that even if you have zero technology experience you'll be able to quickly and simply get your campaign ready for launch!

In this video we will share how to link the pages in the correct order and make sure that your tracking is set up properly for each stage inside the landing page software.

You'll learn how to name each of the pages and link them to pass information from one page to the next. This process will improve conversion and decrease your costs per lead and booked call!

Once you've installed and linked all of the pages it is time to test everything and make sure it work properly. In this video we will walk you through our process for double checking that you campaign will work with paid traffic.

We always want to check each stage of the campaign development process before we move on. Before you start spending your revenue on advertising it's critical to make sure you don't miss deals for simple issues!

In this training we will share how to set up notifications for each new lead that gets generated by your paid advertising campaign.

You'll be able to structure where your leads and applications get delivered for your review.

In this training we will help you setup and install the various tools we use for tracking the results and engagement with videos sales letters.

This is critical to interpreting the results and isolating where you may have prospect "drop off" in the future to be able to improve you campaign and video at the highest levels!

In this training we will walk you through how to set up your booking system to ensure the maximum amount of prospects book a call with you and show up prepared.

We've tested dozens of booking software and options for scheduling calls over the last five years and this training will share the exact formula we've found works best after spending over a million dollars booking calls!

In this training you learn how to make sure that you campaign is compliant with the regulations and standards that most advertising platforms demand.

By setting these elements up from the start you'll prevent yourself from experiencing the massive headache of having your account shut down and having to restart from scratch later!

Once you've installed the pages of the campaign we will help you implement our proven dynamic email follow up sequences that help convert leads into quality booked calls.

This training will share with you our exact template for dynamic email follow up that responds to each action you lead takes. We've seen this sequence more than quadruple the volume of calls generated and lower costs!

ActiveCampaign Template:


Finally we will reveal how we structure and install our automation sequences that maximize return on investment.

You've created your email follow up sequence and developed the pages so now we just need to make certain that everything integrates to produces the lowest possible cost leads and booked calls!

Now that you've developed your campaign it is time to prepare yourself for your paid advertising launch! Shifting to paid advertising will free up your time and help you generate dozens of new clients

In this training you'll discover what you must know before making the transition to paid advertising with your agency. You will learn the different types of advertising and how we leverage each of them for profitable client generation results. We will share how minimize risk and increase the profitability of our campaigns. By the end of this training you'll have massive confidence in your ability to implement paid advertising for your agency and only need to get started implementing the steps!

We've discovered three factors that drive virtually all of the results when advertising on Facebook. By isolating these different variable and then systematically testing them in the correct order you'll virtually guarantee that your campaign is highly successful in the shortest period of time possible. In this training you'll learn what each of these three variables are and how we structure our testing process to ensure you reduce your risk and improve results. Armed with the power of 10X Testing and Staged Split Testing you'll be ready to affordable generate clients!

Over the last seven years of helping our clients online we've been obsessed with reducing the risk of advertising. Every advertising campaign inherently includes risk and the possibility of reward! Our goal for ourselves and our clients has always been to maximize the profitable return from the campaign while significantly reducing the risk of advertising online. To do this we created a systematic method for scientifically testing each key variable of a profitable campaign in the ideal order. In this training we will reveal the entire process for the first time!

The single greatest factor for a profitable advertising campaign on Facebook is the audience targeting that you use. If you have an incredible offer but it goes to the wrong person at the wrong time virtually now one is going to buy. That's why we've designed and entire phase of our proven testing method to systematically isolate the exact audience that produce profitable results for your agency. This training will help you isolate the audiences and targeting that it makes the most sense for you to testing during your first phase of advertising!

In this training we cover how to select and identify the highest converting audiences for your campaign.

Audience selection is critical to campaign success and is easily the single biggest factor in ad performance.

Make sure you invest time in carefully selecting the ideal audiences for your campaign.


Audience Insights

Once you've selected the ideal audiences to target during your audience testing phase, it is time to understand how we technically structure the test within Facebook to ensure we get the best possible results.

In this training you'll learn how we implement this phase of testing and how to make sure you campaign produces leads and qualified booked calls from day one!

In this training we will share the process for creating a Facebook advertising account and business manager. If you already have a Facebook account you can skip this training and jump right to installing your pixel!

In this training you will learn how to properly install your Facebook advertising pixel to get perfect tracking on each of your core campaign metrics.

In this training you will learn how to set up conversion tracking points to monitor campaign profitability. These tracking points will help you guide the campaign to a positive ROI.

In this training you'll learn how to create your audiences for future retargeting efforts. This will ensure that every dollar you spend on advertising generates the maximum number of clients!

In this training you will learn how to finalize and install your entire advertising campaign. At the end of this training all you will need to do is press the publish button to start generating your first leads and calls on autopilot!

Once you've launched your campaign you'll need to dial the campaign in to produce maximum profits and results. Following the rest of our proven Loaded Dice Method for campaign optimization you can i

In this training you'll learn the secrets of turning a profitable campaign into a revenue and client generating machine. We will walk you through each of the stages of testing you'll be completing in the following week to produce highly profitable results with you campaign. You'll learn our most advanced secrets for scaling your agency to the high six and seven figures in record time using paid advertising. These are advanced strategies we've never shared before with anyone outside our most elite partner programs!

In this training you'll discover the complete process for dialing in each of the key variables of your campaign. We're going to share how to structure the testing to get real data that will move you close to incredible results. Each phase of testing will radically lower costs and improve campaign profitability. You'll start knowing with certainty exactly how much each lead, booking, and client will cost you to generate. Imagine being able to plan you growth for the month just by setting an advertising budget and then field qualified sales calls!

In the second phase of testing we're going to help you identify the ideal message to send to your audience. In the first phase you will have identified targeting that generates profitable leads and sales. Now we want to improve the results by refining our messaging to this audience. By improving the messaging we can lower costs, improve lead quality, and improve the profitability of the advertising! We'll share with you the exact methods we use to generate multiple different advertising angles that will help you crack your specific market!

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Designed to help agency owners attract clients, keep clients, and scale their agency, which are key factors for long-term success
Includes templates, systems, and scripts that the instructors used to grow their own agency, which may save learners time and effort
Covers topics from market selection to advanced client attraction, which provides a comprehensive roadmap for agency growth
Requires learners to leverage revenue from initial deals to set up paid advertising, which may pose a financial barrier for some
Teaches how to create a video sales letter, which can convert prospects on autopilot and save time on direct sales efforts
Includes a bonus Agency Quickstart Program to help learners attract clients in their first week, which can help recover the cost of the program

Save this course

Save The Agency Growth Program - Scale Your Digital Agency Fast to your list so you can find it easily later:


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in The Agency Growth Program - Scale Your Digital Agency Fast with these activities:
Review Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Strengthen your understanding of core digital marketing concepts to better grasp the agency growth strategies taught in the course.
Browse courses on Digital Marketing
Show steps
  • Review key marketing terms and definitions.
  • Summarize the main digital marketing channels.
  • Outline the steps in a typical marketing campaign.
Review 'The Lean Startup'
Learn how to apply lean startup principles to your agency to minimize risk and maximize learning.
Show steps
  • Read the book and take notes on key concepts.
  • Identify areas in your agency where you can apply lean principles.
  • Develop a plan for implementing lean practices.
Develop a Client Persona
Create a detailed client persona to better understand your target audience and tailor your marketing efforts.
Show steps
  • Research your ideal client's demographics and psychographics.
  • Identify their pain points and goals.
  • Create a detailed profile of your ideal client.
Four other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all seven activities
Write a Blog Post on a Digital Marketing Trend
Research and write a blog post on a current digital marketing trend to demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients.
Show steps
  • Research current trends in digital marketing.
  • Choose a trend that aligns with your agency's expertise.
  • Write a compelling blog post that provides valuable insights.
Cold Emailing Practice
Practice writing and sending cold emails to potential clients to improve your outreach skills.
Show steps
  • Find email addresses of potential clients.
  • Write a personalized cold email.
  • Send the email and track the results.
Review 'Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion'
Understand the psychological principles of persuasion to improve your sales and marketing effectiveness.
Show steps
  • Read the book and identify the six principles of persuasion.
  • Analyze how these principles can be applied in your agency's marketing and sales strategies.
  • Develop a plan for incorporating these principles into your communication.
Create a Case Study
Document a successful client project as a case study to showcase your agency's capabilities and attract new clients.
Show steps
  • Choose a successful client project.
  • Gather data and results from the project.
  • Write a compelling case study that highlights the value you provided.

Career center

Learners who complete The Agency Growth Program - Scale Your Digital Agency Fast will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Agency Owner
The role of an agency owner involves managing all aspects of a business that provides services to clients, and this program is designed to provide a complete roadmap to agency growth. The course directly addresses how to attract clients, which is a core tenet of running an agency. The Agency Growth Program's detailed training on selecting a profitable market, productizing services, and automating client attraction is essential. The 50 hours of content offered by this program provides detailed guides on exactly how to reach financial freedom by growing an agency. This training offers a high level understanding of how to successfully manage an agency.
Digital Marketing Consultant
A digital marketing consultant helps businesses improve their online presence and achieve their marketing goals, and this course on agency growth directly aligns with the skills needed to excel in this role. This program provides a framework for attracting clients, understanding market needs, and developing effective marketing strategies. The course's emphasis on sales, client acquisition, and scaling an agency are all crucial for a digital marketing consultant who needs to both understand marketing and win clients. Learning how to create sales funnels, develop compelling offers, and implement effective advertising as part of this course can significantly enhance a consultant's ability to deliver results for clients.
Freelance Marketer
A freelance marketer works with a variety of clients on a contract basis to help them improve their marketing, and this course has much to offer a freelancer. The Agency Growth Program provides a detailed plan for how to acquire and retain clients as well as how to scale up a marketing agency. The program teaches how to find a profitable niche market to pursue, how to close high-value deals, and how to automate client generation. All this directly pertains to the work freelance marketers do. By productizing their services, a freelance marketer can more easily sell and scale their business.
Sales Manager
A sales manager leads a team of sales professionals, focusing on strategies to meet revenue targets, and this course on agency growth offers lessons directly applicable to a sales manager. The Agency Growth Program's modules on sales mastery, client attraction, and closing high-value deals provide a detailed strategy to grow sales and manage a team of sales professionals. This course offers content on attracting clients and scaling an agency, which can help a sales manager understand all aspects of a sales process. Such a course could teach a sales manager to think about how a sales process can be better automated and streamlined.
Marketing Manager
A marketing manager is responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies for an organization, and this course can help those aspiring to grow their marketing skillset. This program contains over 50 hours of content in the core program alone and has strategies for everything from market selection to advanced client attraction. A marketing manager is responsible for a team and is often held accountable to sales metrics, both of which are addressed in this program. A marketing manager would be able to use many of the same methods taught in the program to improve the sales metrics for their current employer.
Advertising Specialist
An advertising specialist develops and implements advertising campaigns to promote products or services, and this course will help refine their skills. The program's focus on paid advertising, campaign optimization, and client attraction provides a direct link to the advertising field. The Agency Growth Program provides specific training on creating powerful video sales letters and using paid advertising to automate client attraction, which aligns perfectly with the work of an advertising specialist. The course helps teach how to create hyper competitive advertising campaigns.
Business Development Manager
A business development manager focuses on creating new opportunities and partnerships for a company, and this course provides insights for making a business development manager more effective. The course's training on market selection, client attraction, and sales helps the business development manager understand how to identify opportunities and develop strategies to win new clients. This program includes detailed training on how to turn leads into deals. The program's focus on generating and converting leads as well as its focus on developing a scalable sales process would provide a business development manager with key skills.
Digital Strategist
A digital strategist develops and implements digital strategies for businesses, and this course can help with this process. The Agency Growth Program focuses on attracting and keeping clients, which are both valuable to a digital strategist. The course offers a detailed plan for systematically building an agency and focuses on market selection and selling. The detailed modules on how best to create sales material, such as video sales letters, may be helpful for those who want to improve their ability to communicate with customers and sell products.
Client Success Manager
A client success manager is focused on maintaining strong relationships with clients, ensuring their satisfaction, and encouraging them to repeat business. The Agency Growth Program may be useful for client success managers who seek to understand the sales and marketing process. The course's training on creating valuable digital marketing clients can be helpful in understanding how to better manage clients. This program includes content on attracting clients and closing high value deals, which can help a client success manager understand the bigger picture of the work they do.
Marketing Analyst
A marketing analyst works to ensure that the marketing team implements strategies that maximize sales and profit, and this program may be useful for a marketing analyst. The program's focus on building an agency from the ground up can help a marketing analyst understand all aspects of this process. This program offers training on tracking results from marketing campaigns. The course emphasizes using data to drive decisions and that strategy can dramatically improve conversion rates.
Social Media Manager
A social media manager develops and implements strategies for a company's social media presence, and this course can help one hone their skills in this role. The Agency Growth Program includes a module on social media marketing, which offers a detailed plan for improving digital marketing efficacy. The course's emphasis on client attraction, regardless of channel, can help a social media manager better understand how they can influence sales, which is the primary metric that a company cares about. This may be helpful in the social media manager's job search and in their career.
Online Business Manager
An online business manager oversees the day to day operations of an online business, and this course on scaling a digital agency may prove to be useful. While this course is focused on agencies, the principles of scaling and growing an agency can apply to an online business manager role. The program includes modules on automation and team building, which can be essential for online business managers. The training on systemizing agency operations and removing oneself from the agency business may be useful for those seeking to systemize a business.
Sales Representative
A sales representative focuses on generating revenue using sales techniques, and this course offers lessons helpful for sales representatives. The Agency Growth Program provides training on closing high-value deals, which is a key part of this role. Its focus on sales and client attraction provides a good overview of the sales process. The training on using a video sales letter can also be helpful to those in sales roles. While this course is designed for business owners, its content on selling and closing deals can help sales representatives.
Account Manager
An account manager maintains a relationship with a client but works with other salespeople and professionals to improve sales and customer satisfaction. This course may be useful for an account manager. The program includes over 50 hours of video lessons on how to attract clients, close deals, and scale a business. The emphasis on keeping clients happy so that they continue to use an agency's services is helpful for an account manager. The program also includes strategies for automating service delivery and for building a team.
Chief Marketing Officer
A chief marketing officer develops and manages the overall marketing strategy for an organization, and the Agency Growth Program can improve their ability in this role. The course's focus on market analysis, client attraction, and implementing effective marketing campaigns can be highly beneficial for a chief marketing officer. While the program focuses on how to grow a marketing agency, much of what is taught can be applied to any company. This course's detailed analysis of how to create marketing that converts can inform the work of a chief marketing officer.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Agency Growth Program - Scale Your Digital Agency Fast.
Explores the psychology of persuasion and influence, providing valuable insights into how to effectively communicate and persuade potential clients. Understanding these principles can significantly improve your sales and marketing efforts. It commonly used reference for marketing and sales professionals. This book adds depth to the course by providing a deeper understanding of the psychological principles behind effective marketing and sales strategies.
Introduces the Lean Startup methodology, emphasizing validated learning, rapid experimentation, and iterative product releases. It's highly relevant for agency owners looking to quickly test and validate their services and marketing strategies. The book provides a framework for minimizing waste and maximizing learning, which is crucial for efficient agency growth. It commonly used reference for entrepreneurs and startups.


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