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Intro to Analyzing Rental Income Properties

Symon He

Instructor Symon He hosts near daily LIVE office hours on TikTok 10:30PM PDT. Find him @SymonHe.

Jason Mora - 5 Stars

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Instructor Symon He hosts near daily LIVE office hours on TikTok 10:30PM PDT. Find him @SymonHe.

Jason Mora - 5 Stars

“I'm loving it so far. The content is top notch. The instruction is clear and concise. The pace is perfect and the extra resources are enormously helpful. Well done. ”


Dimitris Provatas - 5 Stars

“Really enjoyed learning from Symon. Can't wait for more courses on real estate topics, especial financial modeling and evaluating investment proposals”


Eric Chaussé - 5 Stars

“Very practical. Love the lesson plans and the step-by-step instructions.”


If you've EVER wanted to…


            •           Invest in a rental income property

            •           Do a fix & flip for profit

            •           Have professional investment analysis tools that you could use immediately to evaluate your own investment opportunities

…then this course is definitely for you.


If you’re still unsure, here are a few questions that I often get from prospective students:


I don't live in the US, is the material still useful for me?


Yes.   The examples I use are primarily US properties because the vast majority of my students are from the US. However, ALL of the concepts taught and tools provided are just as useful for any market around the world. 

In fact, I have students from over 190 countries who are using the tools and knowledge provided in this course to help them invest wherever they are located.

The only difference is that it's harder to gather the initial information in some markets and will require different tactics to get that data.


How is this different from your other courses?


This course only covers the foundational topics and only has two case studies with the fix & flip and the rental income property.

If you only intend to invest in fix & flips and rental income properties, this course has everything you need for investment analysis.


If you intend to invest with business partners, in apartments, in commercial, etc...then you should look into taking my other courses, which can be found at the bottom of this page.


What if I don't have any real estate background?


This is the perfect course to get your feet wet.  I'll cover all the important foundational topics for you and then show you how to apply those same concepts to evaluating a fix & flip as well as a rental income property.


I have some real estate background already, what could I learn from your course?


If you have some background, I'd recommend you check out my other more advanced courses.


I can learn all of this elsewhere, why should I learn from you?


No, you can't. Go Google how to use the waterfall structure and try to find someone that not only covers the waterfall framework in great detail but also gives you numerous examples on how it’s used. I've looked and it's not there.


The same goes for all the other material in this course. You can find the descriptions and commentary, but you won't find the detailed examples and the investment models that I give to you here. 


In theory you could do this on your own by searching all over the internet, buying tons of books, interviewing lots of experts, getting an MBA,  performing all your own research, getting a job in real estate private equity, and doing $400M+ in real estate deals and get the same level of knowledge I have.


OR….you could just take advantage of my experience. I've done everything I listed above and I put the best of what I learned into this course. Trust me, it’s worth it.


Can you make me rich by taking your course?

No way. Not just from taking the course, anyway. Anyone who promises you that is selling snake oil.


If you take my course AND apply what you’ve learned to make smarter investments in the future, then you have a chance at making some real profits.


What I can guarantee is that you will leave with some serious real estate investing knowledge, techniques, and tools. 


What else does this course cover besides real estate investing?


This course is ALL about and ONLY about professional real estate investment analysis concepts and techniques. Nothing else. But as you can see, just this topic alone requires I cover quite a bit already.


Actually, I do cover one more thing: I will also give you daily affirmations that help you build a "winning" mindset and I'll have lots of sales videos that push you to sign up for my top-secret real estate system for only 12 monthly low payments of just $999. Just kidding.


James Cochrane - 5 Stars

“Great class. You will learn a lot from this instructor and the subject material is good.”


Jerry Mastren - 5 Stars

“Easy to understand, step by step instructions.”

Glenn Levine - 5 Stars

“The instructor is very informative and is a real estate expert. I will definitely purchase more of his video tutorials in the future. GL”


What will I be able to do after I take your course?


After taking my course, you will be:


•           Able to confidently use professional real estate investment techniques.

•           Able to evaluate both fix & flips as well as rental income properties.

What WON'T I get from this course?


•           You will not get a Real Estate License from taking this course. You can only get licensed by taking the appropriate test with the testing agency of your state and country. But what is taught in this course has nothing to with getting a license, which focuses on how to legally transact real estate deals between buyers and sellers. This course is about investment analysis.

•           I will not be evaluating your personal investment deals for you for this course. This is about you learning how to do it on your own using the lessons and the tools here. If you really want me to consult, you can reach out to me. My hourly rate is $350/hr.

What’s holding you back?


Are you afraid this course won’t work?  I promise you it will.


Are you afraid this course will work and you’ll actually have to start investing? I think that’s a pretty good problem to have.


Are you afraid it will take time and effort? It will. Real estate isn’t an easy business, if it was everyone would do it. But if you put in the work I promise you’ll see results.


Best of all, there is absolutely ZERO risk. Udemy gives you a 30-day money back guarantee to ensure you get what you pay for.


So go ahead, sign up, and let's get to work.

I hope to see you inside,



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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Understand key metrics for evaluating rental income properties
  • Confidently evaluate rental income property investment opportunities
  • Use professional-grade investment models to evaluate their own flip or rental deals
  • Understand the core concepts of real estate investing
  • Understand professional real estate investment strategies and techniques
  • Confidently evaluate fix & flip investment opportunities


How to Take This Course
A few reminders before we begin

Before you dive right in, here are few quick notes on how to take the rest of the course depending on whether you're looking to speed through it or do a deep dive on the topics.

Read more
Learn to do market research and evaluate a rental income property right away!

A quick overview of how this Jumpstart section will work and what you'll get out of it!

You can download this model for free here and follow along in the Jumpstart section. Try before you buy!


Learn and understand the key reasons of why we do investment analysis and how it will help you become a better investor.

Using the attached Excel model and Zillow.com listings, we do some quick market research on rental income properties.

Zillow Alternatives

Demonstrating how to interpret the results from the quick market research exercise. 

Using the attached back of the envelope model, we evaluate a rental income property that you've just found.

Whoa, you've already learned how to evaluate a rental income property (at a high level).  Here's what to expect in the rest of the course.

For those of you who want to explore what the BOE model would look like on an interest only (rather than an amortized) loan.

Updated BOE Model (Up to 50 Years)
Check out my latest articles
Learn and understand the many steps in the investment process

The first stage in the Investment Process - Originations.
The who, what and where of deal sourcing.
Who will bring you deals, what are you looking to invest in and where are you looking to invest?

This Analysis phase of the Investment Process is the emphasis of the course. It is detailed further in the examples in the latter part of the course.

This lecture will tell you why analysis is so important and how it could save you precious time and money.

After you have completed the analysis and modeled out the return potential for your investment, you must take the time and care to validate and verify all the key assumptions that could impact your investment.

Financing and Closing is the stage where you assure all the necessary funds are in place to make your deal happen.

In this lecture you will learn about the main sources of funding involved in real estate investments.

The project doesn't end after closing, now it's time to increase the value of your asset.

In this lecture you will learn the key considerations for construction and rehab and how to work with contractors.

After construction is complete, you then want to stabilize the asset (aka get it to the point where it would be most marketable for a sale).  

Learn the various types of stabilization depending on the nature of the type of investment. 

In the final stage of the investment process, this is where you sell (or exit) from the asset and actually realize your returns (or losses).  

Too Long Didn't Watch (TLDW) Summary of the Investment Process Section.

Quiz your understanding of the investment process.

How to calculate and when to use the different measures of returns.

Quick summary of the many topics covered in this section

In this lecture you what is discounted cash flow analysis and why investors use this technique

What is the discount rate and how do you determine the right one to use for your NPV calculation?

Demonstration of the Net Present Value calculations through examples using Excel

Understand what the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is and how to use it

Demonstration of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) calculations by comparing sample investment cash flows that appear very similar but give different IRR results

Learn what the Cash Multiple is and why it's often used alongside the IRR

So which measure should you use?  Learn why you need to use at least two measures in order to properly measure both the efficiency and magnitude of investment returns

Demonstration of why you should use multiple measures of returns using examples in Excel

How to calculate the Terminal Value of an income property that you plan to hold onto indefinitely

Learn what yields and cap rates mean and how they apply to income producing properties

Too Long Didn't Watch (TLDW) Summary of the Measures of Return section

Test your understanding of the topics covered in the Measures of Return section

Explore how taking on debt affects your investment analysis

Overview of the topics to be covered in this section around how debt impacts your measures of return

Learn the difference between interest only vs fully amortized loans

A look at the amortization calculator built into every investment model in this course

This is a new revised Amortization calculator that shows what happens if you made extra monthly payments towards principal each month.  

Understand how taking on debt could impact your investment

Too Long Didn't Watch (TLDW) summary of the Impact from Debt section

Test your understanding of debt as it relates to investment analysis.

Understand key external, property, and deal specific considerations that impact investment analysis

Overview of the topics to be covered in this section

In this lecture we'll explore market and external considerations that could affect your investment analysis

In this lecture, we'll discuss property specific considerations that could affect your investment analysis

In this lecture, we'll discuss deal specific considerations that could affect your investment analysis

In this lecture, we'll discuss other considerations that could affect your investment analysis

Too Long Didn't Watch (TLDW) summary of all the investment considerations discussed in this section.

Test your knowledge of the investment considerations covered in this section

Understand the three broad investment strategies and determine which is better for you

Overview of the three broad investment strategies to be covered in this section

In this lecture, we explore the characteristics of the core investment strategy

In this lecture, we explore the characteristics of the opportunistic investment strategy

In this lecture, we look at how the value added investment strategy falls somewhere in between core and opportunistic strategies

Too Long Didn't Watch (TLDW) summary of the topics in this section reviewing the key points on the investment strategies

Test your understanding of our discussion on investment strategies

Whew, you've learned quite a bit. This is a breather before the deep dive into case studies.

You've learned a lot of real estate investment analysis foundations.  Are you ready to apply those to real world examples?

Too Long Didn't Watch Summary for Case Studies

Apply investment concepts you've just learned to evaluating a fix and flip investment

Overview of the topics to be covered in this section on Fix & Flip investment analysis

When flipping a property you have many variables to conside

In this lecture,we'll review the detailed financial analysis model and how each assumption works.

In this lecture, we identify a specific fix and flip opportunity to evaluate

In this lecture, we go through the full analysis using the investment model included

If you want to dive deep into the formulas, you can look at the unlocked file here (note, some worksheets are still locked but those are not relevant to the calculations).

Apply investment concepts you've just learned to evaluating a rental income property investment

Overview of the topics to be covered in this section on rental income property investment analysis

When renting out a property you have many variables to consider.

In this lecture, we'll review the detailed financial analysis model and how each assumption works.

In this lecture, we identify a specific rental income property opportunity to evaluate

UNLOCKED Formulas - Rental Income Model
You've completed this introductory course. What's next?

Congrats on finishing this introductory course.  Listen in for more advanced topics that are covered in my other course.

Appendix: Extra Topics
Lease to Own Rental Example

Follow along and see how I build the Back of the Envelope model from scratch.  Part 1 of 2

Follow along and see how I build the Back of the Envelope model from scratch.  Part 2 of 2


This is a "BETA" Model--meaning I'm still having students test and try out.  Building robust financial models like these aren't easy. Even though I've been doing them for a long time, I can still make errors.  Use at your own risk/discretion. Only providing it here for students to try out while I work out any kinks and before I record new videos for it.

For new students of Udemy

Overview of some useful Udemy features like speeding up lectures, bookmarking, downloading files, and how to to ask questions to the Q&A forum.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores fundamental real estate investment concepts and techniques that are standard in the industry
Taught by instructors who are recognized for their work and expertise in real estate investment
Develops essential skills for evaluating and analyzing real estate investment opportunities, which are core skills for aspiring real estate investors
Provides a strong foundation for beginners looking to enter the field of real estate investment
Covers key topics such as investment strategies, financial analysis, and deal evaluation, which are all crucial considerations for real estate investors
Offers hands-on exercises and case studies that provide practical experience in real estate investment analysis

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Intro to Analyzing Rental Income Properties with these activities:
Read and analyze a book on real estate investment strategies
Gain insights from one of the classic books on investment strategies and apply them to real estate investing.
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of the book 'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham.
  • Read the book carefully, taking notes on key concepts and insights.
  • Analyze the book's principles and strategies in the context of real estate investing.
  • Identify specific strategies or techniques that you can incorporate into your own investment approach.
Join a study group or online forum for real estate investors
Connect with other real estate investors to share knowledge, ask questions, and learn from their experiences.
Browse courses on Investment Analysis
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  • Find a study group or online forum that aligns with your interests and learning goals.
  • Introduce yourself and share your experience level.
  • Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your insights.
  • Connect with other investors on a personal level to build your network.
Watch video tutorials from reputable real estate investors
Learn from the experiences and insights of successful real estate investors by watching their video tutorials.
Browse courses on Investment Analysis
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  • Identify a few reputable real estate investors who share their knowledge through video tutorials.
  • Select a tutorial that covers a topic you're interested in learning more about.
  • Watch the tutorial and take notes on the key points.
  • Apply what you've learned to your own investment analysis and decision-making.
Four other activities
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Create and solve multiple practice problems
Practice applying the investment analysis concepts and techniques you're learning in this course to various scenarios.
Browse courses on Investment Analysis
Show steps
  • Identify a specific investment opportunity to analyze.
  • Gather the necessary financial data and assumptions.
  • Apply the investment analysis techniques and models you've learned to evaluate the opportunity.
  • Interpret your results and make a decision on whether or not to invest.
  • Repeat the process for multiple different investment opportunities to gain experience and improve your skills.
Develop a real estate investment plan for a specific property
Apply your knowledge by creating a comprehensive investment plan for a real property, considering all aspects of the investment process.
Browse courses on Investment Analysis
Show steps
  • Identify a specific property that you're interested in investing in.
  • Conduct thorough due diligence on the property, including market research, financial analysis, and legal considerations.
  • Develop an investment plan that outlines your investment goals, strategies, and exit strategy.
  • Present your investment plan to potential investors or lenders.
  • Implement your investment plan and track your progress.
Contribute to open-source projects related to real estate investing
Gain hands-on experience and contribute to the real estate investing community by participating in open-source projects.
Browse courses on Investment Analysis
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  • Identify open-source projects related to real estate investing that align with your skills and interests.
  • Review the project documentation and codebase to understand the project's goals and scope.
  • Contribute to the project by submitting bug fixes, feature enhancements, or documentation improvements.
  • Collaborate with other contributors and maintain the project's quality and standards.
Participate in real estate investment competitions or hackathons
Challenge yourself and test your investment analysis skills by participating in real estate investment competitions or hackathons.
Browse courses on Investment Analysis
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  • Identify real estate investment competitions or hackathons that align with your experience level and interests.
  • Form a team or work individually to develop an investment strategy and analysis.
  • Present your investment proposal to a panel of judges and compete for prizes or recognition.
  • Reflect on your experience and identify areas for improvement in your investment analysis skills.

Career center

Learners who complete Intro to Analyzing Rental Income Properties will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Real Estate Analyst
Real Estate Analysts perform market research and prepare financial models to evaluate the potential profitability of real estate investments. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful Real Estate Analyst in today's competitive market. You will learn how to analyze market data, develop financial models, and make sound investment decisions. This course is taught by an experienced real estate professional who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Property Manager
Property Managers oversee the day-to-day operations of residential or commercial properties. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful Property Manager. You will learn how to manage tenant relationships, maintain properties, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. This course is taught by an experienced property manager who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Real Estate Broker
Real Estate Brokers assist clients in buying, selling, or renting real estate. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful Real Estate Broker. You will learn how to market properties, negotiate contracts, and close deals. This course is taught by an experienced real estate broker who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Real Estate Appraiser
Real Estate Appraisers determine the value of real property. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful Real Estate Appraiser. You will learn how to inspect properties, analyze market data, and develop appraisal reports. This course is taught by an experienced real estate appraiser who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Mortgage Loan Officer
Mortgage Loan Officers help borrowers obtain financing for the purchase of real estate. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful Mortgage Loan Officer. You will learn how to evaluate loan applications, process loan documents, and close loans. This course is taught by an experienced mortgage loan officer who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Real Estate Investor
Real Estate Investors purchase and manage real estate for profit. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful Real Estate Investor. You will learn how to identify investment opportunities, analyze properties, and develop investment strategies. This course is taught by an experienced real estate investor who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Construction Manager
Construction Managers oversee the planning, construction, and completion of construction projects. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful Construction Manager. You will learn how to manage construction projects, control costs, and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. This course is taught by an experienced construction manager who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Architects design and oversee the construction of buildings. This course may be useful for those who want to become Architects. You will learn about the principles of architectural design, how to develop construction drawings, and how to manage construction projects. This course is taught by an experienced architect who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Engineers design and develop new products, processes, and systems. This course may be useful for those who want to become Engineers. You will learn about the principles of engineering design, how to develop prototypes, and how to test and evaluate new products. This course is taught by an experienced engineer who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Urban Planner
Urban Planners plan and develop land use policies for cities and towns. This course may be useful for those who want to become Urban Planners. You will learn about the principles of urban planning, how to develop land use plans, and how to manage urban growth. This course is taught by an experienced urban planner who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Real Estate Developer
Real Estate Developers acquire, develop, and manage real estate projects. This course may be useful for those who want to become Real Estate Developers. You will learn about the principles of real estate development, how to acquire land, and how to finance and manage real estate projects. This course is taught by an experienced real estate developer who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Investment Banker
Investment Bankers provide financial advice to corporations and governments. This course may be useful for those who want to become Investment Bankers. You will learn about the principles of investment banking, how to evaluate investment opportunities, and how to develop financial models. This course is taught by an experienced investment banker who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts evaluate the financial performance of companies and make recommendations to investors. This course may be useful for those who want to become Financial Analysts. You will learn about the principles of financial analysis, how to interpret financial statements, and how to develop financial models. This course is taught by an experienced financial analyst who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Portfolio Manager
Portfolio Managers manage investment portfolios for individuals and institutions. This course may be useful for those who want to become Portfolio Managers. You will learn about the principles of portfolio management, how to construct investment portfolios, and how to manage investment risk. This course is taught by an experienced portfolio manager who will share his insights and expertise with you.
Economists study the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. This course may be useful for those who want to become Economists. You will learn about the principles of economics, how to analyze economic data, and how to develop economic models. This course is taught by an experienced economist who will share his insights and expertise with you.

Reading list

We've selected 15 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Intro to Analyzing Rental Income Properties.
This classic book on investing provides a timeless framework for making sound investment decisions. It is essential reading for anyone serious about investing, regardless of their level of experience.
This comprehensive guide to security analysis must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to value stocks. It valuable reference for both experienced and novice investors.
This concise guide to investing provides a clear and simple explanation of the principles of value investing. It great starting point for anyone who wants to learn more about investing.
This personal finance classic provides a unique perspective on wealth creation and financial independence. It great read for anyone who wants to learn more about how to manage their money wisely.
This simple and practical guide to wealth creation provides a step-by-step plan for building wealth through automatic savings and investing. It great read for anyone who wants to get started on the path to financial independence.
Challenges traditional notions of wealth and success and provides a framework for living a more fulfilling life. It valuable read for anyone who wants to learn how to align their money with their values.
This popular personal finance book provides a step-by-step plan for getting out of debt and building wealth. It great read for anyone who is struggling with debt or who wants to learn how to manage their money more effectively.
This classic book on personal finance provides timeless advice on how to save money, invest wisely, and build wealth. It great read for anyone who wants to learn more about the basics of personal finance.
This bestselling book on real estate investing provides a step-by-step guide to building wealth through real estate. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to invest in real estate.
This practical guide to rental property investing provides everything you need to know to get started in this lucrative field. It valuable resource for both experienced and novice investors.
This beginner-friendly guide to real estate investing provides a clear and concise overview of the basics of this exciting field. It great starting point for anyone who wants to learn more about real estate investing.
This comprehensive guide to real estate investing provides everything you need to know to get started in this exciting field. It valuable resource for both experienced and novice investors.
This comprehensive guide to real estate investing provides everything you need to know to get started in this exciting field. It valuable resource for both experienced and novice investors.


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