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Russ Williams

Who would of thought that simply taking a walk in certain ways could have such a positive effect on fitness, both physical and mental health.

If physical fitness is your goal , to feel better, control weight loss, have a stronger heart, stave off common complaints like high blood pressure and cholesterol levels then this course will show you exactly how to achieve all those things - and a LOT more - safely.

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Who would of thought that simply taking a walk in certain ways could have such a positive effect on fitness, both physical and mental health.

If physical fitness is your goal , to feel better, control weight loss, have a stronger heart, stave off common complaints like high blood pressure and cholesterol levels then this course will show you exactly how to achieve all those things - and a LOT more - safely.

There are so many physical fitness areas of benefit from walking regularly and this course provides the help and advice that you need plus the all important medical evidence is explained in detail. Always follow the science.

Walking is an amazing help with promoting and maintaining good mental health too, so important and to the fore in public discussions today. Stress management and anxiety management are made a lot easier and long lasting through walking for mental health.

There are 6 Modules to navigate and there is just over 5 hours of video help and advice. Also with the course comes free helpful BONUS material , to help with weight loss, mindful walking and a 'Walking Action Plan' to keep a simple weekly record of walking progress plus there is a free copy of the creators book on the subject, showing the PROVEN positive effects on the body and mind of walking exercise. It is called  'How To Walk Yourself Healthy & Happy'.

Walking can help you lose weight, sleep better ending the frustration of conditons like insomnia and walking can even help mange the symptoms of the menopause...plus so many other physical conditions that we can worry about quite a lot as we get older.

Why not try regular walking as part of your exercise regime and there is no need to worry if you are unsure about your physical limitations because this is a form of exercise that you can do alone or with family and friends AND at your own pace.

There is no stress involved, infact quite the opposite.

'Walk Yourself Healthy & Happy' is thorough, simple to understand but above all else it will increase your fitness levels and calm your mind to be less anxious, more creative and mindful within your life.

Anyone OVER 40 will really find this course inspiring and helpful as for many people the body starts to slow down and often life gets in the way of any regular sort of fitness regime. You are not too busy or too lazy to start 'walking' your way to better physical and mental health.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Walking is the 'superfood' of exercise. there are so many ways that you can do it and it has huge proven benefits for physical & mental health.
  • Practical help and the scientific evidence on the power of walking for better health.
  • From the prevention of health issues to even reversing them in a safe and responsible way.
  • A healthier body and a calmer mind are absolutely achieveable through regular walking .
  • How to walk for fitness & mental happiness, in your own time with no pressure or stress.
  • You can expect results in no more than 42 days.


By the end of this section you will have met the host, learnt about the course, been shown the free technology to help you walk healthily have an understanding of the physical benefits of walking.
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Russ Williams creator of 'How To Walk Yourself Healthy & Happy' briefly welcomes you to the course and sets a realistic challenge for your walking health objectives.

Welcome to the course and as you will discover getting results does not take long.

How much do I have to walk to start getting results is a question often asked. In this video I give you clear guidance on this important question and set you a challenge.

Technology that is readily available and often for FREE will help you monitor and achieve your health goals. I share with you what in my opinion are some of the best options for you that are avilable today.

Millions of people around the world suffer from blood pressure issues. It is not always HIGH blood pressure - but that is a condition many people are aware of and indeed suffer from.

High blood pressure is dangerous and is often referred to by doctors as 'The Silent Killer'.

Walking can really help keep blood pressure at healthy levels, even if you have had stubbornly high blood pressure for quite some time. It can also help a person stop taking blood pressure medication.

As ever, it is how you walk that will offer the best results and this lecture provides the PROVEN medical evidence for controlling blood pressure to achieve healthy levels by...walking.

Not all cholesterol is bad for you.

There is good cholesterol and there is bad cholesterol, the aim through walking is to get your GOOD cholesterol to healthy levels and reduce unhealthy levels of BAD cholesterol.

The medical evidence for walking and healthy cholesterol is considerable and it is the subject of this video lecture.

Rather like blood pressure and cholesterol issues, suffering from Diabetes (in particular Type 2) is extremely common the world over.

Once again, regular walking can come to the rescue and help control blood sugar levels.

Diabetes has come to the fore in the last year or so as a condition linked with serious complications from Covid-19. It also is a condition that is of major concern to doctors and medical professionals around the world.

This lecture explains what happens to the body and why AND how to start controlling Diabetes through exercise walking - as usual with the appropriate medical evidence and PROVEN results.

Good posture is an attribute that a lot of people don't have. Hunched shoulders and a bent back can have damaging effects on the physical body.

Walking in the right way will address posture problems and make it absolutley natural to have good posture.

Taking a regular walk is great for toning muscles and in particular core muscles and without strong bones over time a person's physical health can be affected in a negative way.

Walking will help all 3 of these areas of the body and in a comparatively short period of time too.

There is nothing worse than feeling lacklustre and unable to get the energy levels that you want to live a full and fun life.

Walking can easily help increase energy levels and help you keep them UP!

You have to expend some energy to get more.

Our BRAINS control our mental and physical state.

An unhealthy brain means we will suffer in so many different ways. A healthy brain can be cultivated through walking - the evidence proves it is of tremendous benefit.

For many people, often of a certain age, LOSING WEIGHT is the 'Holy Grail' of their dreams about their 'Future Self'. The person they want to be.

Weight is so easy to put on but often difficult to lose. We all know people who have yo yo dieted, tried to lose weight and failed or simply feel that becoming lighter and fitter is almost an impossibility.

This is absolutely NOT THE CASE!

This video shows you the indisputable medical evidence and real world examples of losing weight safely through walking exercise.

It can be done as long as you have a plan!

There is a walking and calorie burning BONUS 'help plan' attached to this lecture, that will show you what can be achieved and for what amount of walking time and effort as part of a controlled exercise regime.

Feeling unsteady on your feet or unable to confidently control your balance could be the sign of a more serious issue.

Good balance can be attained through walking and the medical profession are very specific as to why 'balance' is so important to overall health and indeed longevity.

This video lecture explains everything that you need to know.

Good sleep and the ability to sleep well regularly is one of the main foundations of good health. Sleep is the bodies 'repair time' amongst other things.

Sleep problems plague people all over the world but it is once again PROVEN that walking can help as you will discover in this lecture.

If you speak to somebody who professes to have memory problems you will get an understanding of how frustrating it can be.

Failing memory can also be an early sign of something more serious like dementia.

Walking is certain to help with memory issues and by doing it regularly it can really make a difference to confidence and ultimately quality of life.

Get a full understanding that walking as a form of exercise, can prevent serious illness as well as aid recovery from life changing conditions.

Cancer is a word that most people dread or hope will not be a part of their lives or their loved ones lives.

Worldwide cancer sufferers amount to millions of people.

Prevention is far better than the odds of a miraculous cure - walking has a big part to play in cancer prevention.

In the Western world the risk of heart attacks and strokes are a grim reality. Lifestyle is a signature contributor and a definable change in lifestyle is recommended by doctors the world over.

Exercise and diet are central to good health and the contribution of walking to heart attack and stroke prevention is considerable. The science and the medicine prove it once again. Dicover what walking can do for a person as a way of preventative exercise.

Cardiac events are traumatic and often life threatening BUT for the lucky people who survive one or more events there is help at hand.

After suffering a cardiac event a patient is nursed by to help usually with the help, long term, of a cardiac event rehabilitation team.

These teams make walking a central part of recovery from a distressing and traumatic cardiac event.

The plan is proven and very effective.

The menopause can be treated through medication and therapies.

An alternative or perhaps a complimentary treatment is to walk yourself through the menopause. It is a form of exercise that can really help women who are in the menopause and as usual in this course there is a scientific basis for this claim.

This module is all about walking to improve mental health - how to be creative and positive, relieve stress and, connect with nature for improved mental health.

Mental health issues cannot be magically 'wished' away or solved at the click of a finger.

Walking in certain ways is a surefire way to feel better about yourself, life and your surroundings.

This lecture explains the extremely positive bond between walking and better mental health.

Loneliness is quite awful.

It drags a person down, they can see no end to the spiral of feeling alone.

Walking doesn't ride to the rescue as a cure all solution, BUT it certainly will help tackle loneliness.

This is DIFFERENT but it is fascinating at the same time. If you like forests then this will excite you becuse of its enormous physical and mental benefits.

We all have stress or get stressed.

Some peple get more anxious than others. This lecture will explain how to recognise stress, treat it through walking and control your stress levels.

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing your attention to the present moment, mindful walking is the practice of becoming aware of your surroundings and recognising and interpreting how your body and mind feel while moving.

Mindful walking is not a brisk walk by any stretch of the imagination.

It has many benefits.

Not only are there physical benefits of walking in itself but mindful walking can reduce blood pressure and heart rate, create feelings of wellbeing, provide better sleep, improve mood and manage stress.

As a BONUS with this video I have included a 'Mindful Walking' plan if you would like to give it a go as part of your fitness and wellness exercises.

There are SO many types of walking that you can do. This section explains them all so you can make an informed choice on how to walk to reach your fitness goals.

Understanding which type of walking is most suited to you is crucial in your quest to get fitter and healthier.

This lecture concentrates on some of the more well know and very effective types of walking that you can do.

I have put together a Weekly Walking Progress Plan - the document is here in the 'Resource' section, for you to download and print out so that you can plan your walking week and record how you are feeling before and after your daily walk and the distance and time covered and taken.

Writing things down will only add to the speed of your progress and inspire you to carry on. A lot of commiting to a regular exercise  regimen is to do with seeing your progress in black and white in front of your eyes.

Here you have some suggestions for some more walking styles for you to try and master.

Walking exercise progress will always come naturally, as the more you do it the easier a certain style of walking will become.

The results for physical health are well documented and discussed earlier in this course.

If you want something a little more physically demanding then this lecture takes you through some of the options for you starting off with POWER walking.

It's competitive, demanding and takes a little practice but road or marathon walking is growing in poularity.

With its origins in Scandinavia I am always happy to bump into to people who do Nordic walking on my walking routes.

Having spent a lot of time in Sweden and Finland I appreciate what a great type of walking exercise 'Nordic Walking' is - and without being a little cheeky it really suits older people and is a great way of keeping co-ordinated and healthy.

This really is a type of regular walking to consider it is good for every muscle and your cardio vascular system too.

It is 'Swimming Pool Walking'. Give it a try!

This lecture is short but it is very useful and contains information about a type of walking that is easy to do and will keep you disciplined along the way...you also get a reward too! IF you want one...

If you have a dog you probably take it for a walk. If you don't...then start.

Often sneered at, dog walking is fantastic walking exercise and is perfect if you want to get fitter without the pressure of doing some of the other types of walking that I have mentioned.

As ever there is a small caveat, you have to walk your dog in a certain way to get results.

Perhaps you would find it hard to believe that walking is a great treatment for niggling and persistent back pain?

It is and in this lecture I share with everything that you need to know to have a back that is less painful and in turn does not interrupt you going about your daily life. Relief is on the way through walking.

Over the last few years wheelchair walking has become more and more popular.

Here is a brief explanation and some contacts for places where wheelchair walking is being done by many other people with great success and enjoyment.

Walking recovery is essential for regular walking exercise as the body performs more tasks it needs nurturing and preserving. Walking equipment and especially footwear is also covered in this section.

This lecture is all about the best ways to recover from your walking exercise.

As you get fitter and more ambitious your body will feel more strain - this is perfectly normal.

Your body will tell you when to increase your walking exercise for better health and I have some tips to help you recover quickly and safely.

To walk for better physical and mental health you do not need lots of equipment!

However, there are certain things that it would be worth considering  - which are significant to your ability to walk properly and get results safely and easily.

Through research and trial an error this lecture shares tips on equipment you may wish to use but don't absolutely have to. Having said that my recommendations are certainly worth looking at.

What you wear on your feet for your walking exercise is vitally important. Footwear will determine the ease with which you can walk and significantly affect your walking style, leg muscles and performance levels.

This video lecture explains why footwear is SO important and offers practical advice on what sort of footwear you should look at investing in for different seasons and terrains.

As promised at the very beginning of this course you get your own free copy of my book 'How To Walk Yourself Healthy & Happy' in electronic PDF format - this is the same version of the book that is published on Amazon Kindle and in paperback.

It will be a useful companion as well as a reminder to some of the course content.

A message from me to say thank you for taking the course and offer my sincere congratulations on completing it!

It is a long course and a thorough course but hopefully students will find it a great help for getting physically fitter and mentally happier.

Walking works, I have proved it in the course.

Good luck and remember to start slowly and build up your fitness gradually, it is the most sensible and safest way to go forward.

I will leave you with this little inspirational thought..." Think POSITIVE! A Little Progress Everyday Adds Up To BIG Results"

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Offers practical guidance and scientific evidence, empowering individuals to proactively manage and even reverse certain health issues through regular walking
Includes bonus material such as a weight loss guide, mindful walking techniques, and a 'Walking Action Plan' to track progress, enhancing the overall learning experience
Explores the connection between walking and mental well-being, covering topics like stress management, anxiety reduction, and cultivating a more creative and mindful life
Provides insights into various walking styles, enabling learners to make informed choices based on their fitness goals and preferences, promoting a personalized approach
Recommends readily available, often free, technology to monitor and achieve health goals, making the course accessible to a wide range of learners
Includes a free copy of the creator's book, 'How To Walk Yourself Healthy & Happy', providing a comprehensive resource for reinforcing course content and continued learning

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in How To Walk Yourself Healthy & Happy - A 42 Day Challenge with these activities:
Review the Benefits of Walking
Reinforce your understanding of the numerous physical and mental health benefits of walking before starting the course. This will help you appreciate the course content and stay motivated.
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  • Review the course syllabus and identify key benefits discussed.
  • Research articles or websites that discuss the benefits of walking.
  • Make a list of the benefits that resonate most with you.
Create a Walking Journal
Track your walking progress, noting physical and mental improvements. This will help you stay motivated and see the results of your efforts throughout the 42-day challenge.
Show steps
  • Purchase a notebook or create a digital document for your journal.
  • Record your walking distance, time, and route for each walk.
  • Note how you feel physically and mentally before and after each walk.
  • Reflect on any changes or improvements you notice over time.
Read 'Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain'
Understand the science behind how walking affects the brain and mental well-being. This book provides a deeper dive into the neurological benefits of exercise.
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of 'Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain'.
  • Read the book, focusing on chapters related to mood, stress, and learning.
  • Take notes on key concepts and findings.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Practice Different Walking Styles
Experiment with different walking styles discussed in the course to find what works best for you. This will help you maximize the benefits of walking and prevent boredom.
Show steps
  • Review the different walking styles covered in the course.
  • Choose a new style to try each week.
  • Practice the style for at least 30 minutes per session.
  • Note any differences in physical exertion and enjoyment.
Share Your Walking Experiences Online
Reinforce your learning by sharing your walking experiences and insights with others. This will help you solidify your understanding and inspire others to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
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  • Choose a platform to share your experiences (e.g., social media, blog).
  • Document your walks with photos or videos.
  • Write about your experiences, focusing on the benefits you've noticed.
  • Engage with others by responding to comments and questions.
Read 'The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative'
Understand the science behind how walking in nature affects the brain and mental well-being. This book provides a deeper dive into the neurological benefits of exercise.
View The Nature Fix on Amazon
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of 'The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative'.
  • Read the book, focusing on chapters related to mood, stress, and creativity.
  • Take notes on key concepts and findings.
Design a Personalized Walking Plan
Synthesize your learning by creating a personalized walking plan that incorporates different styles, goals, and recovery strategies. This will help you apply the course content to your own life and maintain a healthy walking routine.
Show steps
  • Review the course materials and identify your personal goals.
  • Choose a variety of walking styles that you enjoy and that meet your needs.
  • Create a weekly schedule that includes walking sessions and rest days.
  • Incorporate recovery strategies into your plan.

Career center

Learners who complete How To Walk Yourself Healthy & Happy - A 42 Day Challenge will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Wellness Coach
A Wellness Coach helps clients achieve their health goals, often focusing on fitness, nutrition, and mental wellbeing. This course helps build a foundation in understanding the profound impact of walking on both physical and mental health, which is a key component of a holistic approach to wellness. A wellness coach might use the course's insights on walking to create custom plans for clients, addressing concerns from blood pressure to stress management. Those seeking to become wellness coaches should consider this course due to its practical advice and scientific evidence on how walking can improve health.
Lifestyle Coach
Lifestyle Coaches guide clients towards healthier habits that support overall well-being. This course's focus on the wide-ranging benefits of walking helps lifestyle coaches address various aspects of a client's health. Because the course covers stress management, weight control, and improved sleep, this is a useful tool for lifestyle coaches. The course material supports the creation of effective walking plans for lifestyle changes. This is a great course for someone curious about how to leverage exercise, and specifically walking, to improve their client's lives.
Corporate Wellness Specialist
Corporate Wellness Specialists develop and implement programs to improve employee health. This course's comprehensive approach to the benefits of walking is particularly relevant for a corporate wellness specialist. The course provides insights into how walking can address stress, improve sleep, and help manage weight, all vital aspects of employee health. By understanding these benefits, a corporate wellness specialist can implement walking programs that benefit their organization. This course is beneficial to those who want to bring health programs into the workplace, and specifically, those who want to use walking as a core component of their strategy.
Wellness Program Coordinator
Wellness Program Coordinators develop and organize health-related programs. A wellness program coordinator can leverage this course's teachings about the benefits of walking to create impactful programs. The course provides a solid understanding of how walking can improve both physical and mental health, which enhances the effectiveness of these programs. A wellness program coordinator would find it beneficial to understand various walking styles and recovery techniques. This would be a helpful course for someone who plans to implement walking programs in their community or organization.
Personal Trainer
Personal Trainers design and guide clients through exercise programs to improve fitness. This course's emphasis on the benefits of walking can be highly beneficial when personal trainers are creating a fitness regime for their clients. The course explains how to use walking to address various health concerns. A personal trainer will use this knowledge to help clients control weight loss, strengthen their heart, and improve their mental health. This course highlights the science of walking and can give personal trainers solid ground for their recommendations.
Health and Wellness Blogger
A Health and Wellness Blogger creates content that educates and motivates people to improve their health. This course offers deep insights into the benefits of walking, which can be the basis for blog posts, articles, and social media content. The course provides medical evidence to support the benefits, helping the blogger to create content with authority. This is a course for health and wellness bloggers who want to expand their knowledge of exercise and, specifically, its role in fitness and mental health.
Holistic Health Practitioner
Holistic Health Practitioners take a whole-person approach to wellness, considering physical, mental, and emotional health. This course aligns with the holistic approach by demonstrating how walking improves both physical and mental wellbeing. A holistic health practitioner might integrate this course's insights into their practice when creating wellness plans for clients. Given the course covers a wide range of benefits from heart health to memory improvement and stress management, this is particularly beneficial to holistic health practitioners. This course may be useful for someone planning on entering the field of holistic health, and particularly those who want to use walking as one method of helping their clients.
Health Educator
Health Educators teach people about behaviors that promote wellness, and this course provides specific knowledge on the role walking plays in health. A health educator can use the information in this course to promote walking as an effective method to improve physical and mental health, and the material covered in this course can help educators create impactful content. As the course provides medical evidence for the benefits of walking and demonstrates links to improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and even prevention of serious illnesses, this course may be useful for an individual interested in becoming a health educator.
Geriatric Care Manager
Geriatric Care Managers help older adults and their families with health and wellness needs. This course helps build a foundational understanding of the importance of walking for older adults which aligns with geriatric care. The course material emphasizes walking as a means to improve balance, prevent falls, and manage conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. Geriatric care managers will gain insights into how walking can help older people maintain their health and independence. This course is particularly helpful for those looking to emphasize fitness as part of their support strategy.
Public Health Consultant
Public Health Consultants focus on health promotion and disease prevention. This course shows how walking is a cost-effective and accessible way to improve public health. It explains the science behind walking's effect on a number of health concerns, allowing a consultant to confidently advocate its benefits to communities. Public health consultants can use the ideas in this course to create health campaigns that encourage walking as a form of preventative medicine. This course may be particularly relevant to an individual looking to focus on exercise as part of their public health strategies.
Fitness Instructor
Fitness Instructors lead group fitness classes and provide guidance on exercise techniques. This course would help a fitness instructor gain a deeper understanding of how walking can be a foundational exercise for their students. The course provides information on various walking styles, from power walking to mindful walking, allowing instructors to create varied and effective classes. A fitness instructor could use the course's insights to help clients improve their physical and mental fitness through walking. This course is for those looking to maximize their understanding of walking and how it benefits a fitness routine.
Community Health Worker
Community Health Workers serve as a connection between community members and health and social services. The course content demonstrates how walking is an accessible activity for all ages and fitness levels, which is a great message for these workers to share. Community health workers can use the course's practical advice on walking techniques to promote better health. This course teaches how to use walking to improve physical and mental health, as well as how to prevent disease. This may be useful for someone who plans on promoting walking as a key part of their community health strategy.
Rehabilitation Therapist
Rehabilitation Therapists help patients recover from injuries and illnesses, and this course shows you the important role that walking has in recovery. This course explains how walking can be a central part of recovery, especially after cardiac events or for improving balance. The course also touches on walking as a treatment for back pain, which is often part of the rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation therapists can use this course to create effective walking programs tailored to a patient's needs. This training would be beneficial for someone looking for an evidence-based approach to exercise as part of their therapy process.
Mindfulness Instructor
Mindfulness instructors teach practices that promote present moment awareness. This course introduces mindful walking techniques and discusses the links between walking and relaxation. Mindfulness instructors can use the concepts shared in this course to teach students how to be more present and reflective during physical activity. This course explains the psychological benefits of walking and explores how it can improve mood and reduce stress. It may be useful for those who want to teach mindfulness concepts in conjunction with exercise.
Exercise Physiologist
Exercise Physiologists design and implement exercise programs for people with health conditions. This course's in-depth study of how walking can address a range of conditions - from high blood pressure to diabetes- is relevant for an exercise physiologist. This course will help an exercise physiologist understand how to design safe and effective walking plans for their patients. The syllabus also touches on the ways that walking can be used as part of cardiac rehabilitation. This course may be helpful for new exercise physiologists looking to expand their knowledge base.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in How To Walk Yourself Healthy & Happy - A 42 Day Challenge.
Explores the profound impact of exercise on brain function, including mood, learning, and stress management. It provides a scientific basis for the mental health benefits of walking discussed in the course. While not a prerequisite, it offers valuable insights into the neurological mechanisms behind the positive effects of walking. This book adds depth to the course by providing a deeper understanding of the science behind the mind-body connection.
Explores the science behind the benefits of spending time in nature, which is closely related to mindful walking and connecting with nature for improved mental health. It provides a deeper understanding of how nature impacts our well-being. While not required, it offers valuable insights into the positive effects of nature on our minds and bodies. This book adds breadth to the course by expanding on the connection between walking and the natural world.


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