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Italian Language and Culture

Advanced (2023-2024)

Daniela Bartalesi-Graf

Benvenuti e Benvenute! (Welcome!)

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Benvenuti e Benvenute! (Welcome!)

Learn how to perfect your skills in Italian (speaking, listening, reading and writing), and by the end of this course you will be able to express opinions and hypotheses, and sustain an argument using a variety of registers. You will also expand your vocabulary to include topics beyond everyday conversation.

This language course offers a variety of tools that will help you learn in different ways:

  • Situational videos (called Ciak! , which means “clapperboard” in Italian): you will follow eight Italian students in their daily lives and interactions on our campus. What a great way to learn authentic conversational Italian!
  • Downloadable Podcasts: become a participant in each Ciak! video and practice Italian when and where you want on your portable device!
  • Grammar charts, with or without audio files: study and review grammar through concise, clear and downloadable pdf files, and practice pronunciation with our embedded audio files.
  • Short video lessons: as if in a real classroom, learn each new topic with the teacher’s direct guidance.
  • Video interviews: learn from various native speakers as they talk about different aspects of Italian culture.
  • Short “Letture” (readings): practice reading comprehension while learning about aspects of Italian culture.
  • Discussion board: your chance to communicate (in Italian!) with other students on a variety of suggested topics.
  • Ready to test your skills? Practice and review with a variety of self-correcting activities.

Italian culture is also an integral part of this course. Through interviews and readings you will learn about:

  • the challenges that the Italian economy is currently facing;
  • the origin and nature of the Italian Constitution;
  • Italian environmental challenges and solutions;
  • the significance of Dante’s journey in the Divine Comedy;
  • the “Commedia dell’Arte”, an Italian theatrical genre;
  • the origins of the Mafia;
  • the “Taranta” or “Pizzica”, a traditional style of music and dance from Southern Italy;
  • the recent immigration and the Italian citizenship law.

Whether you are a traditional, visual or auditory learner, you will find the tools that best fit your unique way to learn a foreign language.

Buono studio e buon divertimento!

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Express your opinions, feelings, likes and dislikes, and make hypotheses on a variety of subjects, including current issues affecting your hometown and the world.
  • Enhance your italian writing skills.
  • Understand simple texts written for native speakers, such as newspaper or magazine articles.
  • Important grammatical structures, such as the subjunctive in all its tenses, hypothetical clauses, imperatives, present and past gerunds and infinitives, and the passive voice.
  • Italian culture, including the economy, environmental challenges, theater, opera, the mafia, dance, and law.


Benvenute e Benvenuti!
With Italian Language and Culture: Advanced you will learn how to perfect your skills in Italian (speaking, listening, reading and writing): by the end of this course you will be able to express opinions and hypotheses on a variety of subjects using both formal and informal ways of communicating. You will also expand your vocabulary to include topics beyond everyday conversation. Italian culture is an integral part of this course: through interviews and readings you will learn about many aspects of Italian art, history, politics and contemporary society.
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The course will stay open from February 12, 2023 until December 31, 2024 as a self-paced course: this means that you can cover the material at your own speed within the above timeframe. Although we estimate that, studying 3-4 hours per week, it will take you about 8 weeks to complete the course, you are under no obligation to finish within this suggested time. Please see the detailed syllabus below for suggestions on how to divide the material over 8 weeks.
You may decide to study towards a Verified Certificate of Completion ($59), or to learn for your personal enrichment and pleasure.
To receive a Verified Certificate of Completion you must obtain a final score of 60% on Tests. You may drop 2 Tests.
Course organization
The course consists of six Units. Each Unit is broken down in 5-6 lessons (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, etc.).
Each lesson presents its content in multiple ways. These can be viewed and studied in any order you prefer.
Below is a quick overview of the various components of each unit.
Ciak! videos: original videos shot on our campus with native and near native speakers of Italian. Each Ciak! video is followed by two downloadable Podcasts. These will be ideal for your on-the-go practice.
Grammar charts : grammar explanations, examples, and charts are available for review with audio files of each example and verb conjugation within the course, and can be downloaded in PDF file format.
Slide Shows with animation : grammar explanations with images and animation.
Videos (Slide Shows with Narration) : narrated grammar explanations.
Esercizi : online exercises with immediate feedback.
Vocaboli nuovi : new vocabulary lists are available as PDF files, slide show presentations, and videos with narration.
Discussione : creative writing prompts.
Lettura : readings delivered as PDF files, slide show presentations, and videos with narration.
Intervista : interview with a native speaker on a variety of cultural subjects.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Introduces learners to Italian culture through interviews, discussions, and readings, providing a holistic learning experience
Emphasizes speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, offering a comprehensive approach to language learning
Develops students' ability to express ideas and opinions on various subjects, fostering critical thinking skills
Provides a solid foundation in Italian grammar, ensuring learners have a strong understanding of the language's structure
Provides ample opportunities for practice through exercises, discussions, and creative writing prompts, fostering active learning
Incorporates a wide range of learning materials, including videos, readings, audio files, and interactive exercises, to cater to different learning styles

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Career center

Learners who complete Italian Language and Culture: Advanced (2023-2024) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Interpreters help people who speak different languages to communicate with each other. They work in a variety of settings, including business, government, and healthcare. This course can help you prepare for a career as an interpreter by providing you with the skills you need to interpret spoken Italian. You will learn how to listen to Italian speakers and understand what they are saying, and you will learn how to speak Italian fluently so that you can communicate with them effectively.
Translators help to bridge the gap between different languages and cultures. They work with written text, translating it from one language to another. This course can help prepare you for a career as a translator by providing you with a strong foundation in Italian language and culture. You will learn how to read, write, and speak Italian fluently, and you will gain an understanding of Italian history, politics, and society.
Cultural Consultant
Cultural consultants help businesses and organizations to understand and navigate different cultures. They work with clients to develop strategies for cross-cultural communication and collaboration. This course can help you prepare for a career as a cultural consultant by providing you with a deep understanding of Italian culture. You will learn about Italian history, politics, society, and art, and you will gain the skills you need to communicate effectively with Italians.
Language Teacher
Language teachers help students to learn new languages. They work in a variety of settings, including schools, universities, and community colleges. This course can help you prepare for a career as a language teacher by providing you with the skills you need to teach Italian. You will learn how to create lesson plans, develop teaching materials, and assess student learning.
Diplomats represent their countries abroad. They work to build relationships with other countries and to promote their country's interests. This course can help you prepare for a career as a diplomat by providing you with a deep understanding of Italian culture and politics. You will learn about Italian history, politics, and society, and you will gain the skills you need to communicate effectively with Italians.
Journalists report on current events and issues for newspapers, magazines, and other media outlets. They interview sources, research stories, and write articles that inform the public. This course can help you prepare for a career as a journalist by providing you with the skills you need to research and write about Italian affairs. You will learn how to identify and interview sources, how to conduct research, and how to write clear and concise articles.
Foreign Service Officer
Foreign Service Officers represent the United States abroad. They work to promote American interests and to build relationships with other countries. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Foreign Service Officer by providing you with a deep understanding of Italian culture and politics. You will learn about Italian history, politics, and society, and you will gain the skills you need to communicate effectively with Italians.
International Businessperson
International businesspeople work for companies that do business in multiple countries. They are responsible for developing and implementing strategies for global expansion. This course can help you prepare for a career as an international businessperson by providing you with a deep understanding of Italian culture and business practices. You will learn about Italian history, politics, and society, and you will gain the skills you need to communicate effectively with Italians.
Teachers work with students to help them learn and grow. They work in a variety of settings, including schools, universities, and community colleges. This course can help you prepare for a career as a teacher by providing you with the skills you need to teach Italian language and culture. You will learn how to create lesson plans, develop teaching materials, and assess student learning.
Writers create written content for a variety of purposes, including fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and marketing. This course can help you prepare for a career as a writer by providing you with the skills you need to write clear and concise Italian. You will learn how to develop your writing style, how to research and organize your ideas, and how to edit and revise your work.
Nonprofit Program Manager
Nonprofit program managers plan, implement, and evaluate programs that serve the community. They work for a variety of organizations, including social service agencies, educational institutions, and healthcare providers. This course can help you prepare for a career as a nonprofit program manager by providing you with a deep understanding of Italian culture and society. You will learn about Italian history, politics, and society, and you will gain the skills you need to communicate effectively with Italians.
Social Worker
Social workers help people to cope with difficult life circumstances. They work with individuals, families, and groups to provide support and guidance. This course can help you prepare for a career as a social worker by providing you with a deep understanding of Italian culture and society. You will learn about Italian history, politics, and society, and you will gain the skills you need to communicate effectively with Italians.
Archivists preserve and manage historical records. They work in a variety of settings, including libraries, museums, and government agencies. This course can help you prepare for a career as an archivist by providing you with the skills you need to organize and manage Italian language archival materials. You will learn how to appraise, accession, and preserve Italian archival materials, and you will learn how to provide access to these materials to researchers.
Editors review, edit, and revise written content for a variety of purposes, including fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and marketing. This course can help you prepare for a career as an editor by providing you with the skills you need to edit Italian text. You will learn how to identify and correct errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and you will learn how to improve the overall clarity and flow of written text.
Librarians help people to find and access information. They work in a variety of settings, including libraries, schools, and universities. This course can help you prepare for a career as a librarian by providing you with the skills you need to organize and manage Italian language materials. You will learn how to catalog and classify Italian books and other materials, and you will learn how to assist patrons with their research.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Italian Language and Culture: Advanced (2023-2024).
Providing historical context, this book presents primary source documents and analysis on key events in Italian history, offering valuable insights into the cultural aspects explored in the course.
This grammar reference provides a clear and systematic explanation of Italian grammar, serving as a valuable resource for learners to supplement the course's grammar instruction.
This comprehensive handbook provides a detailed analysis of the Italian language, its structure, and its history, serving as a valuable reference for learners to enhance their understanding of Italian.
This guidebook provides a wide-ranging overview of Italian culture, covering topics such as history, art, literature, and society, complementing the course's exploration of Italian culture and society.
Analyzes the evolution of Italian cinema in the digital age, exploring its impact on aesthetics, production, and distribution, complementing the course's exploration of Italian cinema.
This comprehensive history provides an overview of Italian literature from its origins to the present, offering insights into the cultural and historical context of Italian literature, complementing the course's exploration of Italian culture.
This collection of short stories by Italian authors provides insights into Italian culture and society through the lens of literature, complementing the course's exploration of Italian culture and literature.


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