Are you wondering how to learn Italian? looking for free courses and material online? here s there all you need : learning Italian has never been this easy and this cheap. it s insane.
You can actually learn how to speak
real, grammatically correct Italian fluently, effortlessly, and confidently today.
225 lessons + 40 audios with transcriptions (downloadable resources) ; with exercises and tests to practise what learnt.
Are you wondering how to learn Italian? looking for free courses and material online? here s there all you need : learning Italian has never been this easy and this cheap. it s insane.
You can actually learn how to speak
real, grammatically correct Italian fluently, effortlessly, and confidently today.
225 lessons + 40 audios with transcriptions (downloadable resources) ; with exercises and tests to practise what learnt.
this is the best course I can actually provide. after years of teaching, I have created some courses that can actually address your needs. I am Italian. this is my mothertongue . and over the years I have continued to refine my art which is teaching to spread knowledge. what am i going to teach you ?
by the end of this course, you will build and develop your practical communication skills in Italian speaking, talking, writing, and reading.
This course is for everyone. You would need to have some understanding of the basics and beyond. Here, we are going to expand on that knowledge and take your Italian to a different level, where you ll learn how to be conversational. we ll deal with a lot of practical situations as well as abstract thinking.
Through the audios, you are going to learn how to break down sounds and recognise words, learn new daily vocab and learn how to communicate in daily situations, for instance how to order at a restaurant, or how to ask for info, or again how to buy train tickets.
Each audio is accompanied by a transcription so you can actually check the spelling, and look up those words are that unfamiliar. keep also in mind that exposure to the language, as it is actually spoken, and rote are key to understanding but most of all speaking a new language. that is why this course contains 40 audios with transcriptions.
follow each step, play and replay the videos, complete the exercises with me. Don t get discourage and just focus on the progress and your goals. Learning is beautiful and I hope you can have fun with me, learning Italian.
Physical look
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : Possessive adjectives.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : are verbs : exercises.
Hi guys, welcome to our third lesson together. today we are going to discuss verbs . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : Possessive adjectives. - Exceptions
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about possessive adjectives + colors.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : Possessive adjectives + colors.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about possessive adjectives . exercises .
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about animals .
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about possessive adjectives + exercise.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : time.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : andare.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : prepositions.
Hi guys, welcome to our fourth lesson together. today we are going to discuss the preposition su. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : are verbs.
Hi guys, welcome to our fifth lesson together. today we are going to discuss the preposition su and we are going to make a few examples. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : prepositions- exercise.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : prepositions - exercises.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : are verbs .
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : andare
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : andare.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : fare.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : lavori .
Hi guys, welcome to our sixth lesson together. today we are going to discuss the preposition tra. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : fare + exercises.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : ere verbs.
Hi guys, welcome to our seventh lesson together. today we are going to discuss the preposition tra . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 8th lesson together. today we are going to discuss verbs . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 9th lesson together. today we are going to discuss some vocab in reference to caffè. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 10th lesson together. today we are going to discuss activities. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : ere verbs. - exercises.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : ere verbs. - bere.
Hi guys : welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to discuss about : ire verbs.
Hi guys, welcome to our 11th lesson together. today we are going to discuss some more verbs. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 12th lesson together. today we are going to discuss vocab in reference to lavoro: jobs . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 13th lesson together. today we are going to discuss some more on jobs . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our first lesson together. today we are going to discuss possessive adjectives . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our second lesson together. today we are going to discuss possessive adjectives . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 14th lesson together. today we are going to discuss . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 15th lesson together. today we are going to discuss il lavoro di Li Ping. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 16th lesson together. today we are going to discuss la scuola di Olga. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 17th lesson together. today we are going to discuss fare. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 18th lesson together. today we are going to discuss some more lavori. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 19th lesson together. today we are going to expand the vocab on work. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 20th lesson together. today we are going to review are, ere, ire verbs. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 21st lesson together. today we are going to discuss interrogativi. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 22nd lesson together. today we are going to discuss the difference between formal and informal . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 23rd lesson together. today we are going to discuss mangiare e piacere. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 24th lesson together. today we are going to review articles . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 25th lesson together. today we are going to expand vocab . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 26th lesson together. today we are going to discuss vocabulary. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 27th lesson together. today we are going to discuss la giornata di Fatima. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 28th lesson together. today we are going to discuss prepositions. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 29th lesson together. today we are going to discuss vocabulary for holidays. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 30th lesson together. today we are going to discuss .some more on verbs Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 31st lesson together. today we are going to discuss potere , dovere and volere . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 32nd lesson together. today we are going to discuss some more potere, dovere, volere . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 33rd lesson together. today we are going to discuss verbi riflessivi. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 34 th lesson together. today we are going to discuss verbi riflessivi . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 35th lesson together. today we are going to discuss our first italian story: il leone e il topo . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 36th lesson together. today we are going to expan il leone e il topo vocab . Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
Hi guys, welcome to our 37th lesson together. today we are going to discuss verbi riflessivi. Please take notes, and start recording on your phone all the greetings you can learn from this video. When recording, please take a break in between words, so that you can repeat all of those words after yourself ! this is a nice and easy exercise you can do whilst doing something else as well! keep on repeating so all of this can easily be consolidated in matter of days !
Below, you will find 1 listening. Please transcribe the words as you hear them, and later check with me. after each audio, i have uploaded the correct transcription. Make sure to understand the meanings of all the unknown words you encounter, write those nouns down and then record them. use recordings to improve your own pronunciation. record on your phone, taking a break in between nouns. then listen and repeat after yourself. this simple trick will allow you to memorize quickly new words.
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