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Important Notice: 

Please note this course is now 6 years old.

Please keep that in mind in case you decide to enroll.

It has to be updated.

So it doesn't have the same level of professionalism as my newer courses.

I have not had time to do that because of my full time job.

Thank you for reading this note carefully.



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Important Notice: 

Please note this course is now 6 years old.

Please keep that in mind in case you decide to enroll.

It has to be updated.

So it doesn't have the same level of professionalism as my newer courses.

I have not had time to do that because of my full time job.

Thank you for reading this note carefully.



 In this course you learn how to build a calculator that can be used on the Internet. Then you explore the world of ASP.NET in more detail by looking at controls of various types, controlling page layout, connecting to databases, using validation controls, and using JQuery together with C#, and ASP.NET. There is now also a section that deals with Razor, the syntax used in MVC. This is a simplified approach to programming that will have you working with databases and tables quickly. This is a good alternative for those who find regular ASP.NET a little too overwhelming at first. Let's begin.  

                                                                                           1) This is the only udemy course with more than 35 quiz questions so you can feel confident you're truly learning. 

                                                                                           2) This course uses Visual Studio, a powerful, 100% free programming environment widely used in industry. 

                                                                                           3) This course teaches the basics of C#, Asp. 

                                                                                           4) This course also gives you an introduction to objected oriented programming 

                                                                                        5) This course also gives an intro to SQL Server and data connected web pages.

                                                                                           Once you watch the videos, and complete the quizzes, you'll have a solid  understanding of some of the most important aspects of making C#, ASP. These are skills you can put on your resume. 

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Download and install visual studio
  • Create a project and run it in a web browser
  • Understand the purpose of web.config
  • Create a project and run it in a browser, and examine the html in a browser
  • Understand the concept of a code-behind file
  • Understand the concept of an object and its properties
  • Build a simple user interface using drag and drop
  • Understand the purpose of a css file, and how to connect it to your html
  • Write an external c# class for performing arithmetic
  • Write a small amount of code to check for errors
  • Write code to convert strings to numerics
  • Learn how to create user controls and add navigation
  • Learn how to find, download and install sql server
  • Learn how to connect asp.net to sql server and view the results live
  • Learn how to use the list view with paging and sql server
  • Learn how to update, delete and update data from a web page with sql server
  • Learn how to create a website on the internet
  • Learn how to create and use user controls
  • Learn how to create and use master pages
  • Learn how to work with view state and session state
  • Learn how to use ajax with asp.net
  • Learn how to redirect pages
  • Learn how to validate fields without programming
  • Learn how to use text area, drop downs, and radio button lists
  • Learn how to generate tables dynamically
  • Learn how to interact with databases using ajax
  • Learn how to use the multiview and view controls
  • Learn how to build dynamic menus
  • Learn how to make membership websites
  • Learn how to write databases from web pages using c#
  • Learn how to use ajax and jquery, and asp together
  • Learn how to make draggable database controls
  • Learn how to make database connected controls sortable with jquery
  • Learn how to print asp.net content to printers, cloud storage, google drive
  • Build a data entry system with sql server, c#, ajax and more
  • Learn how to use razor, the syntax for mvc
  • Learn how to create conditional html with razor and jquery
  • Learn how to work with tables using razor
  • Learn how to make, alter and drop stored procedures
  • Show more
  • Show less


After participating in this course, you'll be able to build a calculator and place it on the web. During this process, you'll become familiar with the technologies required to build this calculator. Above all else, this course is designed to teach you how to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. This is a separate, but very real skill. In other words, just knowing CSS, or just HTML can take you only so far. In this course, you learn how to fit these technologies together and produce something useful. If you like, you can also join the much more complete course devoted only to C#.

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Learning Results

1) Understand how to control the layout of the panels inside visual studio

Learn the necessary foundation:

For best results, please watch in Full Screen Mode

Learning Outcomes:

1) Download and install Visual Studio Express for Web 2013

2) Create an empty website project

3) Understand the purpose of web.config

4) Add a new webform, and change the body and title elements

5) Load the page in a browser

6) View the page in source view to examine the HTML generated by the browser

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in the video as quickly and correctly as possible. This way you'll have a solid foundation for the next lesson.

Test your knowledge of the process of creating a project in Visual Studio.

Be sure to watch in Full Screen Mode.

Learning Outcomes:

1) Create an empty project

2) Add an aspx file to the project

3) Run the file to be sure it's working

4) View the code-behind C# file

5) Add an object to the aspx file

6) Set the property of the object in the code-behind file

7) Run the modified file, and examine the HTML to confirm everything works as intended

Assignment: Close visual studio, and recreate the steps in the video until you feel confident you can do them quickly and easily.

Test your comprehension of the two major file types in this project.

Be sure to view in Full Screen Mode

Learning Outcomes:

1) Create an empty project

2) Add a simple web form

3) Add an external C# class file

4) Write a method or function to perform addition

5) Call the external method from the code-behind file

6) Run the web form in a browser to confirm it works as expected

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in the video as quickly and correctly as possible. This way you'll have a solid foundation for the next lesson.

Test your understanding of how to call functionality stored in an external file

Be sure to watch the in Full Screen Mode

Learning Outcomes:

1) Create an empty project

2) Add a web form

3) Add an external Stylesheet

4) Understand why it's important to keep styling separate from the main HTML page

5) Understand the structure of a property and a value of the property

6) Understand how to set the value of a property

7) Understand how to connect the formatting in the stylesheet to the elements in the HTML page

8) Understand how to connect the style sheet to the web form by dragging and dropping its name in the head section

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in the video as quickly and correctly as possible. This way you'll have a solid foundation for the next lesson.

Test your understanding of creating and connecting a simple Cascading Style Sheet

Be sure to watch in Full Screen Mode

Learning Outcomes:

1) Create a simple project

2) Create a simple user interface

3) Add a textbook, label, and button and set some of their properties

4) Understand how to read the text from the textbox into a numeric variable after conversion

5) Understand how to return the square of a number

6) Displaying the square of a number

7) Understand the concept of a postback, and how to verify it visually

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in the video as quickly and correctly as possible. This way you'll have a solid foundation for the next lesson.

Test your understand of creating a user interface, reading a property, converting to numeric form and more.

Create the calculator step by step

Learning Outcomes:

1) Build a user interface by dragging and dropping

2) Understand what a control is in Visual Studio and how to place it in a form in design view

3) Understand how to divide a web page using

4) Understand how to change some basic control properties by using the properties window in Visual Studio

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in the video as quickly and correctly as possible. This way you'll have a solid foundation for the next lesson.

Learning Outcomes:

1) Add a style sheet

2) Connect the style sheet to the web form

3) Add property/value pairs to the style sheet

4) Connect the style sheet and the web form through the ID selector

5) Style four separate divs

Learning Outcomes:

1) Add an external C# file

2) Add code to the file for performing arithmetic operations

3) Create an instance of the class

4) Add code to the code-behind C# file to invoke the methods defined in the arithmetic class

5) Confirm that the page runs as expected with sample inputs

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in the video as quickly and correctly as possible. This way you'll have a solid foundation for the next lesson.

Learning Outcomes:

1) Modify the arithmetic class so it works with decimals

2) Use find and replace well

3) Modify the code-behind C# file so it works with decimals well

4) Confirm the behavior is as expected by using sample input, focusing especially on division

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in the video as quickly and correctly as possible. This way you'll have a solid foundation for the next lesson.

Learning Outcomes:

1) Fix division by zero as a possible source of error

2) Write code to handle division by zero

3) Write code to set error messages correctly and at the right time

4) Write a simple if-else statement to handle conditional logic

5) Confirm the code works as expected by running the page with sample inputs

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in the video as quickly and correctly as possible. This way you'll have a solid foundation for the next lesson.

During this lecture series, you should have obtained the following software, or practiced the following skills:

1) Visual Studio Express for Webs

2) Create and build a simple website project

3) Add web forms

4) Add external CSS files

5) Add external C# files

6) Write logic to perform basic arithmetic operations

7) Write some simple HTML

Assignment: At this point, shut down Visual Studio, and your browser, and reproduce the steps in ALL the videos as quickly and correctly as possible. This step is very important because it means you've proved to yourself you can build something quite complex.

Improve the existing calculator code.

Learning Results

1) Understand how to update the code to make it simpler with Func<,,,,> kind of notation

2) Understand how to use Double.TryParse to check for successful conversions


1) Complete the project by adding three more buttons, and event handling code for each button.

2) Add three more Func's to the Calculator class to handle the other operations.

3) Add a box that will round the output to a user specified number of decimal places

Miscellaneous Topics

Learning Outcomes:

1) Understand how to create a user control

2) Understand how to connect the user control to other pages

Learning Outcomes:

1) Understand how to add multiple pages

2) Understand how to add a site map

3) Understand how to use a site map path control to navigate through the site

Some ASP.NET Data Controls

Learning Results

1) Understand where to find, download and how to install SQL Server Express

Learning Results

1) Understand how to add a simple SQL connection to a page

Learning Results

1) Understand how to make the bulleted list control dynamic

Learning Results

1) Understand how to add a connection

2) Understand how to make a simple database in SQL Server

3) Understand how to connect a Chart to SQL Server to display information quickly

4) Understand how to look at the results in Chrome

Learning Results

1) Understand how to connect the Data List to Sql server

2) Understand how to quickly and easily configure the data list appearance

Learning Resources

1) Understand how to use the list view control with paging

2) Understand how to control the number of rows displayed in this control

Learning Result

1) Understand how to configure LINQ to SQL

2) Understand how to configure a Details View control

Learning Results

1) Understand the form view control

2) Understand how to style the control

3) Understand the concept of templates

4) Review the autogenerated code

Learning Results

1) Understand how to configure the grid view control

Learning Results

1) Learn how to write code to display database information in a web page

Learning Results

1) Understand how to write values to a database with C#

Learning Results

1) Understand how to make a file uploader and viewer.

Learning Results

1) Understand how to create an account on somee.com

2) Understand how to create a website on somee.com

3) Understand how to upload your site files with FileZilla so you can actually view the site on the Internet


Learning Results

1) Understand what asp.net controls become from the viewpoint of the browser

Learning Results

1) Understand how to display images and ads in a web page

Learning Results

1) Understand how to create a user control

2) Understand how to use a user control in multiple pages

Learning Results

1) Understand how to create a user control

2) Understand how to create a control with custom prefixes

Learning Results

1) Add user controls at run time

Learning Results

1) Understand how to nest controls

2) Understand how to show and hide panels

Learning Results

1) Understand the script manager control and update panels

2) Understand content templates and embedding controls

3) Understand async and sync post backs

4) Understand how to cause postbacks using controls outside the panel

Learning Results

1) Understand how to add a user control

2) Understand how to add AJAX to user controls

3) Understand how to update only a portion of a page

Learning Results

1) Learn how to combine AJAX and Database Controls

Learning Results

1) Understand how to use the update progress conrol

Learning Results

1) Understand how to use a wizard control

2) Understand how to do email validation

3) Understand how to compare fields for equality

Controlling Layout and Appearance

Learning Results

1) Understand how to create a master page

2) Understand how to connect master and content pages

Learning Results

1) Understand what happens to control id's in the context of master pages.

Learning Results

1) Create a skin file

2) Create and apply a theme

Learning Results

1) Understand how to format tables, move CSS code, and nest controls within other controls

Learning Results

1) Understand how to add styling information quickly

2) Understand that styling can be done in external sheets, in the head section, or in line

Learning Results

1) Understand how to use drop downs

2) Understand how to use radio button lists

3) Understand how to format one ASP.NET control using other controls

Learning Results

1) Understand how to add text areas as server controls

2) Understand how to use the label and literal controls

3) Understand how to generate controls dynamically

Learning Results

1) Understand how to use the table control

2) Understand how to generate rows and cells dynamically

Learning Results

1) Understand how to use the multiview and view controls

Learning Results

1) Learn how to build dynamic menus

Learning Results

1) Understand how to build menus visually

2) Understand how to add nice styling with CSS

JQuery and ASP.NET

Learning Result

1) Learn how to make a JQuery Template

Learning Results

1) Understand how to add the JQuery JavaScript library

2) Understand how to write a simple script to interact with asp controls

Learning Results

1) Understand how to chain JQuery functions

2) Understand how to handle multiple events

3) Understand how to fade in and out

Learning Results

1) Build a calc with AJAX and JQuery

Learning Result

1) Understand how to make draggable user interface elements connected to databases

Learning Results

1) Understand how to make items both draggable and sortable and connected to a database

Learning Results
1) Understanding how to read from and write to ASP.NET elements using JQuery

Learning Results

1) Understand how to incorporate if/else blocks into JQuery

2) Understand how to add an XML file and connect it to a grid view control

Learning Results

1) Understand how to print using JQuery

Build A Database Entry System

Learning Results

1) Understand how to make a table in code

2) Understand how to write a stored procedure

3) Understand the purpose of a transaction

4) Added are two pictures showing the what happens when you use and don't use brackets around the names of objects

Learning Results 1) Understand how to write C# code to run a stored procedure 2) Understand how to layout the interface 3) Understand how to use a calendar control and how to make a gridview bind to an updated dataset 4) Understand how to configure web.config
Learning Results 1) Understand how to make the calendar open and disappear with the mouse 2) Understand how to add formatting to the whole parent div 3) Understand how to add formatting to the individual boxes
Learning Result 1) Disable auto validation caused by command fields insdei the grid view
Page State

Learning Results

1) Learn how to use view state to preserve information between post backs

2) Learn how to enable view state encryption

Learning Results

1) Understand how to pass information between pages using the session object

Learning Resources

1) Understand how to perform server side transfers

2) Understand how to mask complicagted URL's

Learning Results

1) Understand how to enable caching in a simple context

Learning Results

1) Understand how to carry information from page to page using cookies

Learning Results

1) Understand how to view debugging and tracing information on web pages

Logging In and Out

Learning Results

1) Understand how to make a site in VS 2010

2) Understand how to configure security settings

3) Understand how to create and use logins

Learning Results

1) Build a simple, but realistic website registration system

Learning Results

1) Understand how to change passwords

2) Understand how to add database controls and login views


1) Learn how to add a procedure

2) Learn how to drop a procedure

3) Learn how to alter a procedure

4) Learn how to drop and create a procedure again

5) Learn how to execute a procedure

Advanced Stuff
Where To Go From Here

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Covers foundational elements, making it useful for beginners without prior knowledge or experience
Provides a complete overview of key concepts in ASP.NET development
Offers a comprehensive examination of various ASP.NET controls and their use in web applications
Emphasizes a practical, hands-on approach through the inclusion of numerous exercises and activities
Teaches essential techniques for building interactive and dynamic web applications with ASP.NET
Provides a strong foundation for further exploration and specialization within ASP.NET development

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Reviews summary

Asp.net beginner's guide with visual studio

Learners say that this beginner-friendly course is well-structured and easy-to-follow. It is well-received by students, who appreciate the engaging lessons and knowledgeable instructor. Reviewers especially highlight the course's clear explanations and practical examples. However, some students mention that the course could benefit from a more organized structure and more up-to-date content.
Suitable for beginners with no prior knowledge
"Easy to understand for beginners."
"Loved the course. It was easy to learn as Iam beginner"
"it is absolutely great! I am a total beginner"
Explanations are clear and easy to understand
"Very clearly explained 👌"
"knowledgeable and easy to understand"
"easy to understand and lots of examples"
Some content may be outdated, requiring students to do additional research
"Contents were good. However, there are some outdated codes which do not functional anymore. Needs to be updated."
"Following the lessons are difficult since some of the packages are outdated"
"The course is very informative and well-presented. However, there were many places where the examples were not consistent with the current LangChain library or where the video and the source code in the resources did not match."
Course could benefit from a more organized structure
"Very interesting - Already learned alot"
"easy to understand and lots of examples"
"I would be nice to add a chapter about LangFlow"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Learn Basic Microsoft ASP.Net Development with Visual Studio with these activities:
Review HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
This course assumes that you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you need a refresher, there are many resources available on the web.
Browse courses on HTML
Show steps
  • Find a tutorial on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Follow the tutorial and complete the exercises.
  • Create a simple web page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Review Visual Studio Web Developer Express
In this course, you will be spending a lot of time using Visual Studio Web Developer Express, so it will be worth it to review the basics before you begin.
Browse courses on Visual Studio
Show steps
  • Open Visual Studio and create a new project.
  • Add some code to the project and build it.
  • Debug the code.
Read "Fundamentals of ASP.NET" by Jesse Liberty.
Reading books can help you develop a deeper understanding of the concepts covered in this course and provide additional resources to supplement the lectures.
Show steps
  • Purchase or borrow a copy of the book.
  • Read the book thoroughly and take notes.
  • Complete the exercises at the end of each chapter.
Five other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all eight activities
Compile and review notes
Reviewing notes will help solidify your understanding of the material presented in this course and help you to prepare for upcoming lessons.
Browse courses on ASP.NET
Show steps
  • Gather your notes from each lecture.
  • Review the notes and highlight key points.
  • Summarize the main concepts of each lecture.
  • Create a study guide that includes the key points and summaries.
Join a study group or online forum
Participating in a study group or online forum can help you to learn from others and get help with problems that you're facing.
Show steps
  • Find a study group or online forum that is relevant to your course.
  • Introduce yourself and participate in the discussions.
  • Ask questions and answer questions from other participants.
Watch tutorials on ASP.NET
There are many great tutorials available online that can help you learn more about ASP.NET, in addition to the course material.
Show steps
  • Search for tutorials on YouTube or other video sharing sites.
  • Choose a tutorial that is appropriate for your skill level.
  • Watch the tutorial and take notes.
  • Practice the concepts that you learned in the tutorial.
Practice building simple calculators.
The only way to master programming is through practice, so be sure to work through all of the practice problems for this course.
Show steps
  • Create a new project in Visual Studio and add a web form.
  • Add controls to the web form, such as buttons, text boxes, and labels.
  • Write code to handle the button clicks and perform the calculations.
  • Debug the code to make sure it works correctly
Write a blog post about your experience with ASP.NET
Writing a blog post will help you to solidify your understanding of the material and share what you've learned with others.
Show steps
  • Choose a topic for your blog post.
  • Write a draft of your blog post.
  • Edit and proofread your blog post.
  • Publish your blog post.

Career center

Learners who complete Learn Basic Microsoft ASP.Net Development with Visual Studio will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
Data Analysts handle large amounts of data on a daily basis. Being able to query databases and interpret the results is a critical skill for a Data Analyst. This course provides a solid foundation in using C# to query a database and to process the results.
Web Developer
Building a portfolio is essential for Web Developers. This course will help you build a basic portfolio of projects using ASP.NET. You will become familiar with HTML, CSS, and C#, all of which are essential tools in a Web Developer's toolbox. The course also covers how to connect to databases, which can be quite useful, especially when working with larger-scale web applications.
Database Administrator
This course covers a wide variety of topics including writing stored procedures and using LINQ to SQL. Database Administrators need a solid foundation in SQL Server. This course can help you build a foundation in SQL Server. You will also learn the basics of C#, which is used to send queries to SQL Server and to process the results.
Software Engineer
The course covers the basics of ASP.NET, a popular web development framework. This course could be an excellent start towards becoming a Software Engineer. The course features many hands-on activities that could help you build a portfolio of work to showcase your skills.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts work with stakeholders to understand their business needs. They then analyze these needs and come up with solutions. Being able to develop web applications can be an excellent way for a Business Analyst to demonstrate their value. This course will teach you the basics of web development. You will learn how to create user interfaces, how to connect to databases, and how to process user input.
Product Manager
Product Managers need to understand the needs of their users. Being able to build a prototype of a web application can be an excellent way to demonstrate your understanding of user needs. This course will teach you the basics of web development. You will learn how to create user interfaces, how to connect to databases, and how to process user input.
Web Administrator
Web Administrators need to understand how web pages are built. This course provides a solid understanding of how web pages are built and how they are connected to databases. You will also learn the basics of C#, which can be used to interact with databases. You will also learn how to create user controls and master pages, which can be used to create consistent web pages across different sections of a website.
Software Developer
Software Developers need a strong knowledge of a programming language. This course is taught in C#, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. By learning C# and ASP.NET, you can start building a portfolio of C# projects to demonstrate your skills to potential employers.
Web Designer
This course places a lot of emphasis on the user interface. Web Designers need to design web pages that are visually appealing and intuitive. In this course, you will learn the basics of CSS, a language used to style web pages. You will also learn the basics of HTML, which is used to structure web pages, and C#, which is the language used to make web pages interactive.
UI/UX Designer
UI/UX Designers are responsible for the look and feel of a website. This course will teach you the basics of HTML, CSS, and C#. Having a strong understanding of these technologies will allow you to create visually appealing and intuitive web pages.
Project Manager
Project Managers need to be able to communicate with a variety of stakeholders. This course covers a wide variety of topics, including creating user interfaces, connecting to databases, and processing user input. This will help you develop the skills you need to build a web application to manage your projects.
Information Architect
Information Architects are responsible for organizing and structuring information. This course will teach you the basics of HTML and CSS. Having a strong understanding of these technologies will allow you to create web pages that are easy to navigate.
Computer Scientist
This course covers a wide variety of topics, including creating user interfaces, connecting to databases, and processing user input. While this course is not specifically designed for Computer Scientists, it does provide a solid foundation in web development. This could be helpful for Computer Scientists who want to expand their skillset.
Software Architect
This course covers a wide variety of topics, including creating user interfaces, connecting to databases, and processing user input. While this course is not specifically designed for Software Architects, it does provide a solid foundation in web development. This could be helpful for Software Architects who want to expand their skillset.
Database Engineer
This course covers a wide variety of topics, including creating user interfaces, connecting to databases, and processing user input. While this course may not be enough to prepare you for a role as a Database Engineer, it can provide a solid foundation. The course covers how to write stored procedures, how to use LINQ to SQL, and how to create a database from scratch.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Learn Basic Microsoft ASP.Net Development with Visual Studio.
Is recommended for those who want to learn more about ASP.NET Core. It provides a hands-on approach to building web applications using ASP.NET Core.
Is recommended for those who want to learn more about the C# programming language in depth. It provides a comprehensive overview of the language.
Is recommended for those who want to learn more about the Common Language Runtime (CLR). It provides a deep dive into the underlying technology of the .NET Framework.
Is recommended for those who are new to ASP.NET Core. It provides a gentle introduction to the topic.
Is recommended for those who want to learn more about the C# 7 programming language. It provides a comprehensive overview of the language's new features.
Is recommended for those who want to learn about design patterns in C#. It classic work on the subject and provides a comprehensive overview of different design patterns.


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