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Gregory Caremans - Brain Academy

This course is N°1 in its category, here on Udemy. It used to be unique. It was the first of its kind. It has been copied many times since, on this platform and elsewhere.

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This course is N°1 in its category, here on Udemy. It used to be unique. It was the first of its kind. It has been copied many times since, on this platform and elsewhere.

But this is the real deal. My expertise is in Brain Science. This is what I do for a living: sharing my passion for the brain with you. And with this course, you're in for a treat...

This course was selected as ‘one of the coolest online courses’ by 'mentalfloss' (a website with 15 million visitors in the USA)

What it will do, is let you experience neuroplasticity for yourself, from a whole set of exercises, over changing habits and even altering memories.

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.

Not that long ago, scientists believed the brain could only create new connections during childhood and once we reached adulthood, we wouldbasically be stuck with whatever got wired up there. You know, the good old ‘you can’t learn an old dog new tricks’.

Well, turns out you can. And it’s all about Neuroplasticity

Our brain continues to create new neurons throughout our life and the ability to reorganize our wiring is called neuroplasticity. And thishas tremendous consequences. It means that, whoever we are, whatever we’ve become, it is never too late to change. We can learn new skills, we can change old habits and create new ones. We can learn, we can grow, wecan improve our lives.

Still, even though we all have this capacity, most of us stay stuck in a seamless dead-end street. Habits are hard to break. Change requirestoo much effort. It’s too painful. And we end up settling for not even second best, but rather some average ranking down there. Our life as it could be remains a distant dream, because we gave up.

So with this course, I want to change that. I want to harness the power of neuroplasticity and give people the opportunity to take lifeback into their own hands. This course has a hands on approach. It's about how you can take action to use this Neuroplasticity to your advantage. How to concretely take action in your own life. More than anything else, this course is about empowerment. About how to reconnect with your dream life and start making that change.

What you'll find in the course:

This little gem will bring you cutting edge brain research, from enriched environments to implanting memories, over the anatomy of habits. It's packed with concrete tools, so you can apply this immediately in your own life:

  • Over 30 exercises to stimulate brain activity,

  • A detailed blueprint to form new habits or change existing ones

  • A full chapter on how to overcome procrastination

  • A step by step approach to neutralize painful memories

(Disclaimer: This course will not make you a superhuman, nor will it be helpful in treating brain injuries. I just wanted to make that clear)

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Understand the concept of neuroplasticity and how to use it.
  • Practice a full range of exercises in order to stimulate new neuronal connections
  • Create new habits and change existing ones
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Alter memories in order to neutralize their emotional charge



Overall description and overview of this course

The limits of neuroplasticity and of this course.

Cognitive Flexibility
Read more
What is Neuroplasticity?

Find out the surprising research which led us to understand how Neuroplasticity works.

Introduction to the exercises

Over 10 sensiorial/ Motoric exercises to create cognitive flexibility

Over 10 social exercises to create cognitive flexibility

Over 10 cognitive exercises to create cognitive flexibility

Enrich Your Environment
A word of caution

Conclusion to this chapter on Cognitive Flexibility

Cognitive Flexibility Quiz
The Neuroscience of Habits
Competitive Neuroplasticity
Structural Changes Exercises

An introduction to this section on habits. Find out the reason why we have them

The secret to creating new habits that stick.

The formula to changing existing habits

Self Control
Let's break a habit

Have you ever asked yourself what the power of words are?

Habits Quiz
How to overcome procrastination
Confessions of an ex-procrastinator
Why we procrastinate
Types of procrastination
About willpower and motivation
Strategies to beat procrastination
Dopamine driven strategies
Contextual strategies
Brain Hacks
Conclusion to procrastination
How to change a memory

Find out the amazing research about how our brain and our memories can be fooled

Find out exactly how to change a memory in this lecture

How to change a memory (2)
How to change a memory (3)
Memory Quiz

Overall summary and conclusion to this course

A little bit of history
Session about Enriched Environments

Thank You

Certificate of Completion

Some goodies

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches skills highly relevant to personal growth and development such as neuroplasticity
Taught by Gregory Caremans - Brain Academy, who are recognized for their work in neuroplasticity
Provides exercises that can be implemented into everyday life
Offers a hands-on approach to learning
Includes exercises to alter memories and neutralize their emotional charge
Offers an introduction to the fundamentals of neuroplasticity

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Reviews summary

Neuroplasticity: rewire your brain

learners say this course is filled with invaluable information that provides insightful changes in brain's behavior.
Learners appreciate the instructor's engaging and accessible teaching style. Gregory Caremans presents the material in a clear and concise manner, using real-world examples and personal anecdotes to make the concepts relatable. The course is well-paced and allows learners to progress at their own speed.
"The entire course is going to be completely worthless for you if you haven't developed a PROACTIVE mentality yet."
"PROACTIVITY is when you take responsibility for your actions, when you take responsibility for your mind and body! When you really have a desire to improve yourself."
"I really think that you are PROACTIVE because if you weren't you wouldn't have even stumbled upon this course!"
This course provides detailed insights into the functioning of the brain and the formation of habits. Through a combination of scientific explanations and practical exercises, learners gain a deeper understanding of how their brains work and how they can rewire them to improve their lives. The course is particularly helpful for those who struggle with procrastination and want to develop more positive habits.
"I really enjoyed this course. I was wanting a look at how habits are formed, the why behind procrastination, and a look at the brain and how it is wired."
"Gregory gives a very good view of all of these things, as well as explaining HOW our unconscious self drives our every day behaviors and habits."
"It was an enlightening look into the potential reasons why I do what I do, and more importantly, how to re-wire my brain to overcome the negative patterns and emotions that have been repeating themselves in my life."
The course offers a range of practical exercises and strategies that learners can apply to their daily lives. These exercises are designed to challenge the brain and encourage the formation of new neural pathways. Learners report that the exercises are effective and help them to make lasting changes in their behavior.
"I hope to refer back to the strategies given and implement them as to re-wire my responses."
"I also enjoyed Gregory's teaching style. Simple and easy to follow, but deep enough and entertaining enough to keep interest."
"I would definitely recommend this course for those that want practical tools to change habits and memories that are holding them back from their full potential."
While the information provided in the course is valuable, some learners report that it does not offer much new knowledge for those who have previously studied neuroplasticity. Additionally, the course could benefit from more in-depth coverage of certain topics and a broader range of exercises.
"As someone with a basic background in this topic already, this course was perfect for my level."
"I understood the jargon of the course, but it still added to my knowledge about the topic."
"However, I also would like even more practical examples as a supplementary material (a .pdf maybe?) so as to get more ideas of especific applications."
Learners report occasional issues with sound quality and video production. Additionally, the live session about enriched environments is criticized for being too long and lacking in valuable content.
"However, the structure of the assignments can be improved. It looks like there is a mismatch in # items in section 2 (video vs sheet) and some of the assignments are also included in section 3."
"In addition I think all the details in the items for the assignment are mostly left to the student."
"I think there could be at least a few exercises with more structure and detailed."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Neuroplasticity: How To Rewire Your Brain with these activities:
Review basic anatomy of the brain
Review the basic structures and functions of the brain to strengthen foundational knowledge and enhance understanding of course materials.
Browse courses on Brain Anatomy
Show steps
  • Read an introductory textbook chapter or online article on brain anatomy.
  • Study labeled diagrams and illustrations of the brain to visualize its structures.
  • Use flashcards or other memory aids to reinforce your understanding of key brain regions and their functions.
Review cognitive psychology concepts
Strengthen your understanding of cognitive processes and their relationship to neuroplasticity, enhancing your ability to apply course concepts.
Browse courses on Cognitive Psychology
Show steps
  • Review textbook chapters or online materials on cognitive psychology.
  • Focus on concepts related to memory, attention, and learning.
  • Connect these concepts to the course content on neuroplasticity.
Join a study group or online community for support
Engage with fellow learners to share insights, ask questions, and support each other in applying course concepts.
Show steps
  • Find or create a study group or online community focused on neuroplasticity or related topics.
  • Attend regular meetings or participate in online discussions.
  • Share your experiences, ask for advice, and collaborate on projects or assignments.
Five other activities
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Show all eight activities
Create a mind map of neuroplasticity concepts
Develop a visual representation of the key concepts related to neuroplasticity to enhance comprehension and retention.
Show steps
  • Brainstorm and list down all the major concepts covered in the course.
  • Organize the concepts into a hierarchical structure, with main ideas branching out into subtopics.
  • Create a visual mind map using a digital or physical tool, connecting the concepts with lines and annotations.
Complete practice exercises to stimulate brain activity
Engage in regular practice exercises designed to challenge your brain and promote neuroplasticity.
Show steps
  • Find or create a collection of brain stimulation exercises, such as puzzles, games, or cognitive challenges.
  • Dedicate time each day to complete these exercises, gradually increasing the difficulty as your skills improve.
  • Track your progress and identify areas where you need additional practice.
Read The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge
Explore real-world examples of neuroplasticity and its applications in various fields to broaden your understanding of its significance.
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of the book and read it thoroughly.
  • Take notes and highlight key passages that resonate with the course concepts.
  • Discuss the book's insights with classmates or online forums to deepen your understanding.
Design a plan to overcome a personal habit or procrastination
Apply the concepts of neuroplasticity to create a personalized plan for breaking free from unhelpful habits or overcoming procrastination.
Show steps
  • Identify a specific habit or procrastination pattern you want to address.
  • Analyze the triggers and underlying reasons for the habit or procrastination.
  • Develop a step-by-step plan that incorporates neuroplasticity exercises and strategies to rewire your brain.
  • Implement the plan and monitor your progress, making adjustments as needed.
Contribute to open-source projects related to neuroplasticity research
Get involved in hands-on projects that advance the field of neuroplasticity research and contribute to the scientific community.
Show steps
  • Identify open-source projects or initiatives related to neuroplasticity research.
  • Choose a project that aligns with your interests and skills.
  • Join the project community and contribute your time and expertise.

Career center

Learners who complete Neuroplasticity: How To Rewire Your Brain will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Neuroscientists study the brain. In this course, you will learn about new research in the field and how the brain can change and adapt. This can help you succeed in a career as a Neuroscientist.
Cognitive Psychologist
Cognitive Psychologists try to understand how the brain processes information. They may also study how memory works and treat people with memory loss. This course will introduce you to memory structures and how memories can change, thus building a foundation for your studies as a Cognitive Psychologist.
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Clinical Neuropsychologists commonly use their understanding of the brain in their approach to therapy. Studying Neuroplasticity: How to Rewire Your Brain can help introduce you to the complexities of the brain's structure as well as the mechanisms for change, thus bolstering your abilities as a Clinical Neuropsychologist.
Speech-Language Pathologist
Speech-Language Pathologists work with people who have difficulties with speaking, swallowing, and language. They may also work with people who have cognitive impairments. This course can provide you with foundational knowledge about how the brain changes and adapts, which may prove helpful as a Speech-Language Pathologist.
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapists help people who have physical, mental, or developmental disabilities to improve their ability to perform everyday activities. This course will introduce you to the brain's capacity for plasticity, which will be helpful as an Occupational Therapist.
Psychotherapists help people with mental health problems. This course will help you understand how the brain changes in response to trauma and other life events. This understanding can be helpful as a Psychotherapist.
Physical Therapist
Physical Therapists help people who have physical disabilities to improve their mobility and function. This course will give you insights into the physical impacts of various brain functions, which will be helpful as a Physical Therapist.
Social Worker
Social Workers help people who are facing challenges such as poverty, homelessness, and mental illness. This course can be helpful for Social Workers because it will teach you how to help people change their negative behaviors and form new, healthier habits.
Teachers help students learn and grow. This course can help prospective Teachers understand the brain's capacity for change, which can lead to more effective teaching practices.
Salespeople help customers find and purchase products or services. This course will provide you with strategies for understanding how customers make decisions and how to change their minds, which may be helpful as a Salesperson.
Recruiters help companies find and hire qualified employees. This course will introduce you to the cognitive biases that can influence hiring decisions and provide you with strategies for overcoming these biases, which may be helpful as a Recruiter.
Event Planner
Event Planners help organizations plan and execute events. This course may be helpful for Event Planners because it will teach you how to manage your time and resources effectively.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service Representatives help customers resolve problems and answer questions. This course can help you develop the communication and problem-solving skills necessary to be an effective Customer Service Representative.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers help businesses promote their products and services. This course may be helpful for Marketing Managers as it will provide you with insights into how consumers make decisions.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts help businesses make investment decisions. This course will introduce you to the cognitive biases that can influence financial decisions. This understanding can be helpful.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Neuroplasticity: How To Rewire Your Brain.
Popular science book that explores the concept of neuroplasticity and how it can be used to overcome a variety of challenges, including brain injuries, learning disabilities, and mental illness.
Sequel to The Brain That Changes Itself, and it provides a more in-depth look at the clinical applications of neuroplasticity.
Classic work on the philosophy of mind and brain, and it provides a comprehensive overview of the scientific evidence for neuroplasticity.
Practical guide to improving your brain health and cognitive function.
Popular science book that explores the science of habit formation and how it can be used to improve our lives.
Popular science book that explores the power of introverts and how they can succeed in a world that is often dominated by extroverts.
Collection of case studies of patients with neurological disorders, and it provides a fascinating glimpse into the workings of the human brain.


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