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Enrica Gonella

Questo corso si rivolge a chi vuole avvicinarsi per la prima volta all'analisi commerciale e a chi vuole trovare nuovi strumenti, in particolare su Excel, per elaborare i propri file.

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Questo corso si rivolge a chi vuole avvicinarsi per la prima volta all'analisi commerciale e a chi vuole trovare nuovi strumenti, in particolare su Excel, per elaborare i propri file.

Imparerai a capire il significato dei numeri, ad interpretare grafici, trend e a creare dashboard per avere sotto controllo la tua attività commerciale. Insieme viaggeremo nel modo delle vendite e ti rendero' piu' semplice la comprensione dell'utilizzo di alcuni strumenti Excel utili al raggiungimento dei tuoi obiettivi. Attraverso file scaricabili potrai provare con mano quanto vedrai nelle lezioni ed esercitarti tu stesso anche sugli argomenti piu' complessi.

Troverai un'intera sezione dedicata ad esempi concreti come il calcolo della redditività dei clienti per marchio o l'analisi degli scostamenti rispetto al budget.

Ci sarà ampio spazio dedicato alle previsioni di vendita e agli strumenti utilizzati per effettuare proiezioni nel futuro.

Inizia il viaggio, la formazione è il primo passo verso il successo.

In bocca al lupo.

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What's inside


Cercare l'obiettivo
Analisi Dati - Parametri
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Analisi in base ai soggetti
Analisi su criteri geografici
Analisi in base al tempo
Inizia l'analisi
Analisi sui clienti
Analisi sulle agenzie
Analisi sul tempo
Creare un modello per l'analisi dati
Elementi di una Dashboard
Formattazione dei dati e calcolo dei totali
Calcolo delle percentuali
Inserimento del grafico e calcolo valore minimo e massimo
Abbinamento del cliente al valore minimo e massimo - Indice e confonta

Tiriamo le somme e andiamo a verificare il significato in ambito commerciale dei risultati che abbiamo ottenuto

Grafico a torta sulle percentuali
Calcolo dell'ordine medio
Calcolo dell'anno in cui abbiamo venduto di piu o di meno
Inserimento trend line e analisi dell andamento dell'ordine medio
Conclusioni sulla Dashboard
Creazione di Pivot, grafici pivot e grafiche particolari di Dashboard
L'importanza delle tabelle
L'aggiornamento dati
Analisi dei dati
Impostare la grafica della dashboard
Creare Macro per generare Pivot e grafici, assegnandole a dei pulsanti di azione
Analisi con Pivot, Macro e Pulsanti - Introduzione
Creazione Pivot, Macro e Pulsanti
Altri Pulsanti e Grafici Pivot
Formattazione Condizionale
Catena di Negozi
Scostamenti rispetto al Budget
Redditività per Cliente e Marchio
Identificazione del Trend delle Vendite
impareremo alcuni strumenti che Excel ci mette a disposizione per effettuare previsioni di vendita
Introduzione alle Previsioni di Vendita
Ipotesi con il Campo calcolato Pivot
Previsioni con formule Tendenza e Previsione Lineare
Grafico con linee di Tendenza
Strumento Foglio di previsione
Stampa di report

Vediamo insieme come stampare un report o parte di esso

Utilizziamo il tool di Windows "Strumento di cattura"

Lezione Bonus

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Impartisce le basi per i neofiti della business analysis
Include esercizi scaricabili per la pratica
Prevede una sezione dedicata ad esempi concreti
Presenta gli strumenti Excel per le previsioni di vendita
Richiede l'utilizzo di software a pagamento (Excel)
È tenuto da un solo istruttore, che potrebbe non avere esperienza in tutti gli argomenti trattati

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Reviews summary

Corso analisi commerciale e segnalazione excel

Gli studenti affermano di apprezzare questo corso di Analisi Commerciale e Reporting Excel per principianti. Secondo le recensioni, il corso è facile da seguire e ben strutturato, con lezioni coinvolgenti ed esempi chiari. Gli studenti hanno scoperto che i contenuti sono facili da ricordare e ben organizzati, e hanno elogiato l'insegnante per il suo stile di insegnamento chiaro e coinvolgente.
Ottimo feedback
"È una classe informativa che fornisce un ottimo feedback"
"Questo corso mi ha davvero aiutato ad espandere il mio modo di vedere le carte e ad interpretarle ulteriormente per le mie letture"
Ben strutturato ed educativo
"ben strutturato. Grazie Sal"
"Veramente educativo, Sal Jade insegna ogni aspetto del mazzo, senza tralasciare nulla"
"La sua esperienza di insegnante si vede davvero nel modo in cui struttura i suoi corsi e produce i contenuti"
Insegnante chiaro e coinvolgente
"Mi piace il modo in cui è impostato il corso. Ho trovato finora gli argomenti facili da ricordare"
"Sal Jade insegna ogni aspetto del mazzo, senza tralasciare nulla"
"Sal è così dettagliata con il suo insegnamento e spiega così bene. Consiglierei questo corso a tutti!"
Facile da seguire e comprendere
"buono, facile da capire"
"facile da capire e molti esempi"
"È stato un ottimo corso per principianti. semplice da seguire"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Analisi Commerciale e Reporting Excel with these activities:
Read 'Marketing Management' by Philip Kotler
Gain a comprehensive understanding of marketing principles from a renowned author.
Show steps
  • Read and summarize key chapters of the book.
  • Create a mind map or diagram to connect the concepts.
  • Discuss the book's ideas with classmates or colleagues.
Review key marketing concepts
Refresh your memory on the basic principles of marketing to prepare for the course.
Browse courses on Marketing Fundamentals
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  • Go over your notes from previous marketing courses or read a marketing textbook.
  • Take practice quizzes or questions on basic marketing concepts.
  • Review case studies or examples of successful marketing campaigns.
Learn about specific marketing tools or technologies
Enhance your knowledge of the tools and techniques used in the industry.
Browse courses on Marketing Tools
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  • Identify a specific marketing tool or technology that interests you.
  • Find tutorials or online courses on the tool.
  • Follow the tutorials and practice using the tool.
Five other activities
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Show all eight activities
Analyze marketing data and metrics
Practice working with real-world marketing data to prepare for the course projects.
Browse courses on Marketing Analytics
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  • Find a dataset on marketing metrics or customer behavior.
  • Use tools like Excel or Google Analytics to analyze the data.
  • Identify trends, patterns, or insights from the data.
Discuss marketing strategies with peers
Exchange ideas and learn from others' experiences to broaden your perspectives.
Show steps
  • Join a study group or online forum.
  • Share your knowledge and insights on marketing campaigns.
  • Critique and provide feedback on others' ideas.
  • Collaborate on a small marketing project or presentation.
Write a blog post or article on a marketing topic
Share your knowledge and insights with others, improving your understanding and communication skills.
Browse courses on Content Marketing
Show steps
  • Choose a topic that aligns with your interests and the course material.
  • Research and gather information from reputable sources.
  • Write a well-structured and engaging article.
  • Publish your article on a blog or website.
Develop a marketing plan for a real or hypothetical product or service
Apply your knowledge in a practical way and create a comprehensive marketing plan.
Browse courses on Marketing Plan
Show steps
  • Define the target audience and marketing objectives.
  • Conduct market research and competitor analysis.
  • Develop a marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion).
  • Create a budget and timeline for the marketing plan.
  • Write a formal marketing plan document.
Contribute to open-source marketing projects
Gain hands-on experience with marketing tools and contribute to the wider community.
Browse courses on Open Source Tools
Show steps
  • Identify open-source marketing projects that align with your interests.
  • Join the project's community and get involved in discussions.
  • Review code, report bugs, and contribute fixes or enhancements.

Career center

Learners who complete Analisi Commerciale e Reporting Excel will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts use data to solve complex operational problems. They use their knowledge of mathematics, computer programming, and statistics to develop models that can optimize business processes and improve operational efficiency. This course provides a solid foundation in operations research, including how to use Excel to develop models that can optimize business processes and improve operational efficiency.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts use financial data to make investment recommendations and evaluate the performance of companies. They use their knowledge of finance, accounting, and economics to analyze financial statements and make sound investment decisions. This course provides a solid foundation in financial analysis, including how to use Excel to analyze financial data and create financial models.
Actuaries use data to assess risk and uncertainty. They use their knowledge of mathematics, statistics, and finance to develop models that can assess risk and uncertainty, and to develop strategies for managing risk. This course provides a solid foundation in actuarial science, including how to use Excel to develop models that can assess risk and uncertainty, and to develop strategies for managing risk.
Statisticians use data to collect, analyze, and interpret data. They use their knowledge of statistics, mathematics, and computer programming to design studies, collect data, and analyze data to answer research questions. This course provides a solid foundation in statistics, including how to use Excel to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
Data Architect
Data Architects use data to design and manage data systems. They use their knowledge of database design, data management, and data analysis to develop data systems that meet user needs. This course provides a solid foundation in data architecture, including how to use Excel to design and manage data systems.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to build predictive models and develop data-driven solutions. They use their knowledge of statistics, computer programming, and machine learning to analyze data and develop models that can predict future events. This course provides a solid foundation in data science, including how to use Excel to analyze data and develop predictive models.
Sales Analyst
Sales Analysts use data to track and analyze sales performance, and to identify opportunities for growth. They use their knowledge of sales, marketing, and statistics to analyze sales data and develop sales strategies. This course provides a solid foundation in sales analysis, including how to use Excel to track and analyze sales data, and how to develop sales strategies.
Market Researcher
Market Researchers use data to understand customer needs and preferences. They use their knowledge of marketing, statistics, and psychology to collect and analyze data, and then use their findings to develop marketing strategies. This course provides a solid foundation in market research, including how to use Excel to collect and analyze data, and how to develop marketing strategies.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers use data to design, develop, and test software systems. They use their knowledge of computer science, mathematics, and data structures to analyze data and develop software systems that meet user needs. This course provides a solid foundation in software engineering, including how to use Excel to analyze data and develop software systems.
Project Manager
Project Managers use data to plan, execute, and control projects. They use their knowledge of project management, business, and data analysis to collect and analyze data, and then use their findings to develop project plans and strategies. This course provides a solid foundation in project management, including how to use Excel to collect and analyze data, and how to develop project plans and strategies.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts use data to solve business problems and improve business processes. They use their knowledge of business, process improvement, and data analysis to collect and analyze data, and then use their findings to develop recommendations for improving business processes.
Management Consultant
Management Consultants use data to help organizations improve their performance. They use their knowledge of business, strategy, and data analysis to analyze data and develop recommendations for improving organizational performance. This course provides a solid foundation in management consulting, including how to use Excel to analyze data and develop recommendations for improving organizational performance.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts use data to solve problems and answer questions. They use their knowledge of statistics, computer programming, and business to extract actionable insights from data. This course provides a solid foundation in data analysis, including how to collect, clean, and analyze data using Excel. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be successful as a Data Analyst.
Epidemiologists use data to investigate and control diseases. They use their knowledge of epidemiology, biostatistics, and public health to design studies, collect data, and analyze data to investigate and control diseases. This course provides a solid foundation in epidemiology, including how to use Excel to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
Economists use data to understand economic phenomena. They use their knowledge of economics, mathematics, and statistics to collect and analyze data, and then use their findings to develop economic models and theories. This course provides a solid foundation in economics, including how to use Excel to collect and analyze data, and how to develop economic models and theories.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Analisi Commerciale e Reporting Excel.
Provides a comprehensive overview of data mining techniques, offering additional insights for advanced learners interested in data analysis.
Provides a comprehensive overview of statistical learning methods, offering a solid foundation for advanced data analysis.
Teaches Tableau, a powerful data visualization tool, which can extend the course's focus on dashboard creation and interactive data exploration.
Introduces predictive analytics concepts and applications, complementing the course's coverage of sales forecasting and future predictions.
Introduces deep learning concepts and applications, providing a foundation for those interested in exploring advanced data analysis techniques.
Offers a broader perspective on data science, providing additional context for the course's focus on commercial analysis.
Introduces causal inference concepts and methods, providing a foundation for understanding the relationships between variables in data analysis.
Offers a comprehensive introduction to Bayesian statistics, providing a different perspective on data analysis and modeling.
Offers a comprehensive overview of reinforcement learning concepts and techniques, providing advanced knowledge for those interested in exploring this field.
Introduces Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming in Excel, providing additional skills for automating tasks and enhancing dashboard functionality.


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