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Image representing The World of Web Development

The World of Web Development

Denton Zhou

Web development is about more than building a website. It's about creating experiences for a vast audience of people on the Internet. Today's developers help people connect, create, learn, and play, shaping the way the world works.

This Course Explorer segment introduces popular online courses that focus on building modern web applications. The first section includes ones that teach HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These three technologies combined form the foundation to the web that we experience everyday.

You could think of these technologies through a simple theater metaphor. HTML is the script that the actors memorize, CSS is the costume and stage design that gives the script color and form, and JavaScript is the director.

The text you're reading now, for example, is all HTML. HTML contains the content and defines the structure for where each piece of content should go on a page. The styling—how much padding wraps around the text, what font the text takes on, the color and shape of the buttons on this page—is all CSS. JavaScript, meanwhile, enables all of the other complexities that make the modern web what it is.

When you click or tap the "save" button (the one with the little heart icon next to it) next to any of the courses you see here, JavaScript is behind most of what happens immediately after. It updates some data stored in your browser, modifies the styling of the button so it turns pinkish-red, and pings our server, which in turn makes a note that you've saved this course. When you pull up your saved courses, it's again JavaScript that does the work of retrieving the list and it to you.

The sections following "HTML, CSS, and JavaScript" cover popular frameworks and tools that many developers use today to create powerful, modern, apps. These are the same technologies that underlie a lot of popular apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

React and Vue are two popular frontend frameworks that make it easier to build rich and interactive user interfaces. Node, Flask, and Ruby on Rails on the other hand provide the structure that apps need to handle user requests, store and retrieve data off a server, perform computations, and return responses. SQL and MongoDB, on the other hand, are popular databases that make it possible for apps to quickly store and retrieve huge amounts of data.

In the course of learning web development, you'll find that some tools are better than others for any given project. In fact, this Course Explorer captures only a small slice of the web development universe. You'll discover more along the way. When you do, be sure to search for courses on those at OpenCourser.

Happy coding!

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS

$79 | A 5-week course from Duke University & Coursera

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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Intro to HTML and CSS

Free | A Approx. 3 weeks course from Udacity

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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Introduction to HTML5

$49 | A 4-week course from University of Michigan & Coursera

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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Introduction to HTML, CSS & JavaScript Programming

| A Ten Weeks (3-hour per week)30-hour, 3.0 Continuing Education Units course from Independent

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Free (with limitations) or $79 for a Verified Certificate | A 3 weeks of study, 3-4-hour/week course from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology & Coursera

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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HTML for Educators

29.99 | A 3h 9m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript Programming

$650 (+ $60 registration fee) | A Plan for 3-8-hour of work per week course from Independent

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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Learning HTML5 Game Development

29.99 | A 2h 51m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Advanced HTML5 Game Development

29.99 | A 2h 19m course from LinkedIn Learning

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HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals

$99 | A 6-week course from The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), W3Cx & edX

Last started January 2019; next session TBD

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React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)

10.99 | A 40.5-hour course from Udemy

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Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development: MongoDB, Node, and React

29.99 | A 3h 12m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Building Applications with React and Redux

35.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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React Native

| A course from Udacity

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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React & Redux

| A course from Udacity

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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React Router and Redux

$99 | A 4-week course from Microsoft & edX

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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React and Flux for Angular Developers

29.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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React VR: Interactive Multimedia

29.99 | A 1h 23m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Practice React Component Rendering

25.0 | A 10-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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React Router Basics

$$25/month, Free Trial Available | A 84-minute JavaScript Course course from Treehouse

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Vue.js: Getting Started

35.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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Practice Vue.js List Rendering

25.0 | A 9-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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Practice Vue.js Templating

25.0 | A 5-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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Vue.js Basics

25.0 | A 141-minute JavaScript Course course from Treehouse

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Animating a Landscape with VUE

$25/month, Free Trial Available | A 2h 3m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Business Analyst Nanodegree

Free | A course from Udacity

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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NodeJS - The Complete Guide (incl. MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL)

10.99 | A 36-hour course from Udemy

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Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development: MongoDB, Node, and React

29.99 | A 3h 12m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree

Free | A course from Udacity

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree

Free | A course from Udacity

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree

$800 USD / term* (*Each term is 12 weeks long.) | A course from Udacity

Last started date unknown; next session TBD

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Smarter Chatbots with Node-RED and Watson AI

$99 | A 3-week course from IBM & edX

Last started August 2018; next session TBD

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Advanced Node.js

35.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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Node.js Essential Training

29.99 | A 6h 22m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Introduction to NodeJS

$99 | A 4-week course from Microsoft & edX

Last started October 2018; next session TBD

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Python Flask

Flask Basics

25.0 | A 189-minute Python Course course from Treehouse

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Build a Social Network with Flask

25.0 | A 270-minute Python Course course from Treehouse

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Python Flask for Beginners: Build a CRUD web app using Flask

10.99 | A 3-hour course from Udemy

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Learning Flask

$25/month, Free Trial Available | A 1h 37m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Building Web APIs with Flask

$25/month, Free Trial Available | A 1h 39m course from LinkedIn Learning

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25.0 | A 146-minute Python Course course from Treehouse

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Ruby on Rails

Practice Input and Output in Ruby

25.0 | A 7-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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Installing a Rails 5 Development Environment on Mac

25.0 | A 4-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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Ruby on Rails 5 Basics

25.0 | A 128-minute Ruby Course course from Treehouse

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Practice Ruby Numeric Types

25.0 | A 6-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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Behavior-Driven Development with Cucumber

25.0 | A 57-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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Installing a Ruby on Rails Development Environment in OS X

25.0 | A 11-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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Building Ruby Web Apps with Rack

29.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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Active Record Associations in Rails

25.0 | A 100-minute Ruby Course course from Treehouse

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Test-driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber

29.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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Creating Static Pages in Rails

25.0 | A 13-minute workshop course from Treehouse

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SQL Databases

Oracle Database 12c SQL Certified Associate 1Z0-071

10.99 | A 20-hour course from Udemy

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SQL Server 2012: Designing Database Solutions

$25/month, Free Trial Available | A 1h 58m course from LinkedIn Learning

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MySQL Indexing for Performance

35.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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Managing Big Data with MySQL

$79 | A 6-week course from Duke University & Coursera

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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SQL Server Integration Services

$25/month, Free Trial Available | A 4h 9m course from LinkedIn Learning

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NoSQL systems

$49 | A 7-week course from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México & Coursera

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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MySQL Fundamentals Part 2

35.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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Practical SQL Server Security, Compliance, and Auditing

29.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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SQL Server: Developer and DBA Collaboration

29.99 | A 1h 2m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Big Data Analysis: Hive, Spark SQL, DataFrames and GraphFrames

$49 | A 7-week course from Yandex & Coursera

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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Oracle Database 12c SQL Certified Associate 1Z0-071

10.99 | A 20-hour course from Udemy

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SQL Server 2012: Designing Database Solutions

$25/month, Free Trial Available | A 1h 58m course from LinkedIn Learning

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MySQL Indexing for Performance

35.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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Managing Big Data with MySQL

$79 | A 6-week course from Duke University & Coursera

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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SQL Server Integration Services

$25/month, Free Trial Available | A 4h 9m course from LinkedIn Learning

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NoSQL systems

$49 | A 7-week course from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México & Coursera

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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MySQL Fundamentals Part 2

35.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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Practical SQL Server Security, Compliance, and Auditing

29.0 | A course from Pluralsight

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SQL Server: Developer and DBA Collaboration

29.99 | A 1h 2m course from LinkedIn Learning

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Big Data Analysis: Hive, Spark SQL, DataFrames and GraphFrames

$49 | A 7-week course from Yandex & Coursera

Last started April 2019; next session TBD

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