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Test-driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber

Rem Zolotykh

Learn how to test-drive your Rails application from scratch. This course covers everything you need to start your TDD journey.

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Learn how to test-drive your Rails application from scratch. This course covers everything you need to start your TDD journey.

Learn how to test-drive your Rails application from scratch. This course covers everything you need to start your TDD journey: you'll learn the main principles behind test-driven development, and you'll see how to write acceptance, controller, and model specs. You'll also learn how to use Factory Girl gem to prepare data for your specs and how to test most common cases in web development. By the end of this course, you'll see how all these parts come together while we test-drive features for real Rails applications.

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What's inside


TDD 101
Acceptance Tests
Controllers Tests
Read more
Models Tests
Testing in Isolation
Testing Other Cases
Test-drive Complete Feature
Closing Thoughts

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Goes over the main principles behind test-driven development
Covers writing acceptance, controller, and model specs
Shows how to use the Factory Girl gem to prepare data for specs
Provides hands-on instruction in testing common cases in web development
Demonstrates how to bring all components together for real-world testing of Rails applications
Covers topics from basic principles to advanced techniques for test-driven development

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Career center

Learners who complete Test-driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Quality Assurance Analyst
As a Quality Assurance Analyst, you will work to ensure software quality. Taking the "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course is highly recommended. This course will help you to learn the fundamentals of TDD and how it can be used to ensure software quality. Additionally, in this role, you should have a deep understanding of software testing tools. This course fits well with your need to understand how to test Rails applications using a variety of tools and technologies.
Back-End Developer
Back End Developers are responsible for the server-side logic of a web application. The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course is a good fit if you want to specialize in testing the back ends of web applications, particularly Rails applications.
Software Test Engineer
Software Test Engineers are responsible for testing software to ensure that it meets the needs of users. As a Software Test Engineer, you should take the "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course to build upon the skills needed for this position. This course provides a good foundation for understanding how to test web applications and will complement and enhance the skills used in this role.
Software Developer
The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be taken to build upon the skills you will need to be a successful Software Developer. There is a significant amount of overlap in the tools and skills you will use daily as a Software Developer and those taught in this course specifically. Furthermore, taking this course will help you to understand the mindset of test-driven development and how to apply it to projects large and small.
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmers are responsible for designing, developing, and testing software programs. The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be useful if you want to specialize in programming and testing web applications, particularly Rails applications.
Full-Stack Developer
Full Stack Developers can work on both the front and back end of web applications. Taking the "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be helpful in supplementing your understanding of testing back end Rails applications. You will learn the specific tools used in modern development to test the back ends of applications, which could give you a unique advantage in the market.
Software Architect
Software Architects are responsible for the design and implementation of software systems. The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be useful if you specialize in designing systems that meet specific quality standards.
Web Developer
The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be helpful to prepare for a career as a Web Developer. In this course, you will learn how to use principles of test-driven development to build web applications. Specific, targeted teaching on testing controllers and models in Rails applications can help a candidate for a Web Developer position stand out as having more specialized knowledge and tooling in their arsenal.
Software Engineer
If you aspire to be a Software Engineer, taking the "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be useful. Learning the principles of test-driven development and the skills of testing acceptance, controllers, and models will help with your day-to-day as a Software Engineer. This course may prepare you to discuss TDD principles and practices in an interview for the position and may help you to answer questions related directly to the specific software testing tools and practices taught in the course.
Test Automation Engineer
Test Automation Engineers automate tests to ensure software quality and performance. The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be useful as it provides a deep understanding how to use leading tooling and practices for testing web applications.
Technical Lead
Technical Leads are responsible for leading and mentoring software development teams. The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be useful if you want to be able to lead teams in developing and implementing complex testing strategies for building web applications.
Software Development Manager
Software Development Managers are responsible for planning, organizing, and directing software development projects. The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may be useful if you want to have a deeper knowledge of how to design and implement test strategies for web applications, especially Rails applications.
Front-End Developer
Front End Developers are responsible for the design and implementation of the user interface of a web application. While the "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course may not directly apply to the daily work of a Front End Developer, it may be useful if you wish to specialize in testing web applications.
Web Designer
Web Designers are responsible for the visual design of a website or web application. The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course would be useful if you wanted to specialize in the testing of the visual and user interface aspects of web applications. Otherwise, it is not a direct fit for the day-to-day responsibilities of this role.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators (DBAs) are responsible for the maintenance and performance of databases. The "Test-Driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber" course would be useful if you wanted to specialize in testing database-related features of web applications. Otherwise, it is not a direct fit for the day-to-day responsibilities of this role.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Test-driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber.
Comprehensive guide to using RSpec, a popular testing framework for Ruby. It covers everything from writing basic specs to using advanced techniques like mocking and stubbing. This book great supplement to this course, as it provides a deeper dive into RSpec.
Guide to using Capybara, a web acceptance testing framework for Ruby. It covers everything from installing Capybara to writing complex acceptance tests. This book great supplement to this course, as it provides a deeper dive into Capybara.
Guide to using Cucumber, a BDD framework for Ruby. It covers everything from installing Cucumber to writing complex BDD tests. This book great supplement to this course, as it provides a deeper dive into Cucumber.
Comprehensive guide to Rails 5. It covers everything from the basics of Rails to advanced topics like performance tuning and security. This book great reference for anyone who is using Rails, and it can be a useful supplement to this course.
Guide to Ruby for experienced programmers. It covers everything from the basics of Ruby to advanced topics like metaprogramming. This book great way to learn more about Ruby, and it can be a useful supplement to this course.
Classic guide to refactoring, the process of improving the design of existing code. It covers everything from the basics of refactoring to advanced techniques like design patterns. This book great read for anyone who wants to improve their code, and it can be a useful supplement to this course.
Classic guide to domain-driven design, an approach to software development that focuses on the business domain. This book great read for anyone who wants to learn more about domain-driven design, and it can be a useful supplement to this course.
Classic guide to continuous delivery, a software development approach that emphasizes frequent releases and automated testing. This book great read for anyone who wants to learn more about continuous delivery, and it can be a useful supplement to this course.
Classic guide to building microservices, a software development approach that emphasizes building small, independent services. This book great read for anyone who wants to learn more about microservices, and it can be a useful supplement to this course.
Classic guide to design patterns, a set of reusable solutions to common software development problems. This book great read for anyone who wants to learn more about design patterns, and it can be a useful supplement to this course.


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