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Ruby on Rails Web Development

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Become a Rails Developer

This Specialization covers the fundamentals of web development with Ruby on Rails. You’ll learn everything you need to develop your own web application using Ruby on Rails, SQL and NoSQL databases, and HTML/CSS, and Javascript. We will also touch on advanced topics such as security, services using HTTP/RESTful access patterns, and user access and user experience from multiple device platforms. In the final Capstone Project, you’ll apply your skills to develop a web application that hosts uploaded photos and displays them using a map.

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From Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan via Coursera
Hours 141
Instructors Kalman Hazins, Margo Schlanger, Yaakov Chaikin, Jim Stafford, Kiran Chittargi
Language English
Subjects Programming Social Sciences Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Web Application Engineer 4 $65k

Web Application Coordinator $73k

Web Application Programmer 3 4 $83k

C# .Net Web Application Developer $85k

Web Application Designer, IT $86k

Web Application testing $87k

R&D - Web Application Developer $91k

Web Application Integrator $97k

IT Web/Application Developer $98k

Windows and Web Application Developer $112k

Web Application Programmer 3 $113k

Application and Web Developer Consultant $122k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Ruby on Rails: An Introduction

Did you ever want to build a web application? Perhaps you even started down that path in a language like Java or C#, when you realized that there was so much “climbing the...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



Rails with Active Record and Action Pack

You already know how to build a basic web application with the Ruby on Rails framework. Perhaps, you have even taken Course 1, "Ruby on Rails: An Introduction" (we highly...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan



Ruby on Rails Web Services and Integration with MongoDB

In this course, we will explore MongoDB, a very popular NoSQL database and Web Services concepts and integrate them both with Ruby on Rails. MongoDB is a used to handle documents...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers (You were viewing this course)

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS

Do you want to write powerful, maintainable, and testable front end applications faster and with less code? Then consider joining this course to gain skills in one of the most...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



Capstone: Photo Tourist Web Application

In this Capstone project for the Photo Tourist you will implement a Ruby on Rails web application that makes use of both a relational and NoSQL database for the backend and expose...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University




Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan

From Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan via Coursera
Hours 141
Instructors Kalman Hazins, Margo Schlanger, Yaakov Chaikin, Jim Stafford, Kiran Chittargi
Language English
Subjects Programming Social Sciences Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Web Application Engineer 4 $65k

Web Application Coordinator $73k

Web Application Programmer 3 4 $83k

C# .Net Web Application Developer $85k

Web Application Designer, IT $86k

Web Application testing $87k

R&D - Web Application Developer $91k

Web Application Integrator $97k

IT Web/Application Developer $98k

Windows and Web Application Developer $112k

Web Application Programmer 3 $113k

Application and Web Developer Consultant $122k

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